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What exactly is the purpose of Regild era?
Gundam Reconguista in G/First episode date
October 2, 2014
am i completely off base or did you cook two meals instead of making one meal irregularly
To finish the Turn A story. It's the cancelled Turn A sequel wearing a trenchcoat to get approved by sunrise. It makes sense when you realize it's a recap of Turn A plus the larger conflict the sequel was going to cover.
>this bs again
To put it far enough into UC's future that nothing in UC could possibly become a sequel to it. So if Bandai decided to make Mad Wang canon, set in UC 1100 or so, with technology so advanced it technically makes G-Reco's tech primitive, it still implies a massive downfall/regression at some point in UC.
fuck everything about Turn-Ass and fuck Turn-Ass fans
Literally confirmed in tomino's book about g-reco.
Straightest /m/ user.
Is this book anywhere to actually source your claims?
It's called a toothbrush, and it's still living
Can you confirm?
Crossbone shows this regression and chronologically it lasts from UC169 up to about UC218
You can say that about Turn A already. Tomino's novel that G-Reco is loosely based on wasn't a gundam story, just set in a universe with references to space wars and minovsky technology.
And yeah, Jupiter /Empire/ being the real bad guy is most of the reason I made this thread. Since something obviously lasted 1000 or did nothing really last that long, making >>22717315
>To put it far enough into UC's future that nothing in UC could possibly become a sequel to it.
this post more likely, imo
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His book is not approved by Bandai. The director's wishes not always correspond to the IP owners. Pre-release curiosities don't not matter for the final product that was released.
G-Reco evolved from Turn A sequel plans. It wasn't a Gundam. But it was released as one and it will always be one. And so far, all the few officially released material only says RC is a timeline after UC, not after CC. It doesn't matter what you or anyone else want, like or prefer to imagine in your headcanons. For Bandai, that's the correct answer. For now, anyway. They can always retcon it later because they have that power.
Bandai made EX A the sequel to Turn A, so technically speaking the Turn A was developed into the Extreme Gundam
Stop spamming.
same as any AU
Sunrise literally confirmed that Turn A gundam is an AU where alternate versions of the previous series happenned in one same world and with some differences.
Reconguista was also recently confirmed to be an AU.
literally no one has read this or cares to read it

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