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Official Sites:

>YouTube OFFICIAL Channel:

>Official Ultraman Connection Discord

>Ultra Pastebin:

>Ultraman Arc now streaming on ULTRAMAN official Channel
>Ultraman Arc english dub now streaming on ULTRAMAN Official English Channel
>Ultraman Blazar The Movie: Tokyo Kaiju Showdown
>Premium Bandai/Ultra Replica News: Mebius Brace -ULTRA BROTHERS EDITION-, Evolthruster 20th Anniversary, Ultra Dimension Card Prop Design Edition 02 Set, Geed Riser, Gun Phoenix, Blazar Strone EX Selection, Ultra Capsule & Capsule Holder Set, X Devizer Compatible Cyber Card Set 02, Die-Cast Blazar Stone PROP EDITION, Earth Garon COMPLETE EDITION
>Figure-Rise Standard Ultraman Suit Jack -ACTION- and Geed Primitive has been announced
>Ultraman Blazar Comicalize manga being serialized in Televi-Kun.
>Ultraman: Rising released

Previous Thread: >>22701936
Why the last thread got deleted so early?
same reason as always
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Reposting Ultraman Arc second half toylisting
>DX Arc Galaxy
A sword that can hold 3 cubes?
With pendulum sensor
>DX Arc Cube Galaxy Armor Cube
>Ultraman Arc Galaxy Armor DX Saikyou Narikiri Set
>DX Arc Cube Ultraman Blazar Cube & Arc Cube Holder
To be released
Panel-type holder item that can store 6 cubes

>Ultra Action Figure
>Rution & Galaxy Armor Set
Barrier effect included
Can recreate the armor change in the movie

>Ultra Hero Series
>Ultraman Arc Galaxy Armor

>Ultra Monster Series
Silhouette with big horns
Scheduled to appear on Arc.
>Earth Garon
Scheduled to appear on Arc.
Silhouette with horns like Earth Gomora
>King of Mons

>Sound & Action
Shout! Ultraman Arc
>Gigantic Universe
30cm large movable figure Ultraman Arc
>Sound & Action
Shout! Ultraman Z
>Sound & Action
Shout! Ultraman Zero
>Gigantic Universe
Ultraman Zero Ultra Zero Cloak Set
Cloth-like cloak included
Ultraman Blazar

>Super DX Ultraman Zero
Approx. 30 sounds
Eyes and color timer light up
Neck and arms moveable

>Ultra Action Figure
Alien Metron
>Return of Ultra Egg
Tiga Multi Type

>Ultra Hero Series
Ultraman Gaia Supreme Version
Tector Gear Zero
Ultraman Ribut

>Ultra Monster Series
Translated the first arc of Kazuo Umezu's Ultraman.
So no proper final form, just another normal armor add-on, but this time for the Not-Lipiah form
welcome back jobbergaron

So now that the dust has settled, what is /m/en's take on Arc?
i like the part where he breaks his shield in half and brutally stabs a kaiju that was very cool
I watched both Arc and Grendizer U on Friday
I expected Grendizer U to have the better opening, but Arc easily surpassed it
Knowing other Ultras will appear in Arc has already curbed my enthusiasm though
It's only Blazar.
Jannies don't like all the negative posts on Arc

Also those /pol/ posts.
So how was Blazar? I just finished it, and I think it let on a pretty empty note. What's next? Did Gento quit? Blazar is still around.
Still waiting on the movie subs here
I actually said the Galaxy Armor weapon is the Arc Galaxer, and with how it's also a bladed weapon, it could be an axe this time.
it was a decent first episode
Are they not announcing anything special for the Ultraman Day (July 10th)?
Suddenly thinking about those projects announced on TsubuCon 2023.
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Ultraman Arc August stuff

>UMS 219 Rivijira (3rd August)
>UMS 220 Homgar (24th August)
>UMS 221 Youpi (31st August)

>Ultra Action Figure Kanegon (31st August)

>Ultra Hero Series 99 ultraman arc luna armor (24th August)
>DX Arc Cube ultraman arc luna armor (24th August)

Guess we will get nother recap ep aftee episode 5 like usual (10th August), wonder whats the episode 6 kaiju gonna be tho

The ultratoy website doesnt tag any of the previous seriws UMS figure into arc's category yet
P-Bandai Generation Set 01...
Hollyhock seems interesting
Is YouPi not getting a DX mecha toy? Or are there something else coming later?
>So how was Blazar?
I thought it was good. It had some stellar episodes, liked most of the new kaiju introduced during its run, main cast wasn’t half bad, and I also liked how fast Blazar’s transformation was. But I felt the overarching plot stumbled at the end. It really needed an extended final episode because everything felt rushed as fuck. Especially with the V99 finally showing up only for them to immediately piss off. But even though I found the ending lukewarm it didn’t ruin my overall enjoyment of the show.
looks like they're doing something for the TCG
Revizilla and Homgar look showa as FUCK
>Yuma, stab a nigga!
Older cast and the dynamic with the non-speaking Ultra was fresh. Dry office humor reminds me of the 2000s.

>it let on a pretty empty note
It felt like they were trying to do some kind of political conspiracy like Patlabor 2 but dialled it back to a simple misfire since it's still a kids show. It is what it is.
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That's so fucking cool.
TsuPro's trying to make Shin Jack before Anno can do it?
So now we're just going to say Zilla is 'western' for Jira now?
Cause people started talking about /pol/ boogiemen and child porn.
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Grade Arc's opening song.
same vibe as Decker OP
newgen baby, orb's and geed's openings are just so catchy.
worst reiwa op, it's such a downgrade from blazar
So weird hearing Hiroyuki Takami do classic access music after he's been doing so many collabs and covers of different songs for toku in the past few years. Kinda refreshing.
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>Ultraman USA will be screened on upcoming G-Fest at July 12-14
>Blu-ray possibly will be released next year, 2025.
Did Millcreek confirm they're doing more then just a Taiga bluray release?
I liked how they kept Blazar self-contained from all the New Gen autism. shame they're gonna break it
You would think they should have picked Z or Decker, but I guess Blazar is the last hot new things
The Ultraman Card Game's official teaser.
>Takami is vibing and having a good time
>Asakura looks profoundly uncomfortable
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Blazar still reuse kaiju so the New Gen autism never really gone.
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Also would’ve preferred if Arc was self-contained. But if Blazar is the only Ultra showing up in Arc then I don’t really mind. I just hope they don’t end up going overboard with it.
Not Takami's best toku work if I'm being honest
doubt blazar is the only one showing up. Z had geed zero ace, trigger had tiga ribut z, decker had z dyna trigger. there's probably 2 more
Didn't like Rising. Not even a quality thing, I guess it just wasn't my vibe. I prefer Kaiju to be given a lot of threat factor and therefore make their presence an apparent problem, but I guess that wasn't there in Rising.
Not that I want a bunch of Kaiju murder, no, I just like it when the Kaiju are part of the issue and will very clearly cause a ton of shit if not dealt with in any capacity. But it felt like civilians in Rising didn't really bother with the monsters and just kinda treated them in the same way you'd treat a blackout.
Overall, it's a good movie but it kinda flubs on making the Kaiju feel threatening in my opinion.
>decker had z

Also, I think the Blazar toys are slated for 2nd half release, so unless we're getting a surprise appearance during the 1st half two parter, Blazar might just be the only one

I definitely think we'll see Zero at some point. Maybe the movie
i probably got it messed up when typing it out. no z in decker
Zero toys will be P Bandai, that's why we heard nothing
Kinda surprised their going with Bazanga as the returning kaiju from Blazar instead of Taganular or Gebalga. Sine those two were the most used new kaiju in Blazar. Though even ignoring that I feel like Mogusion would be a better fit for Arc considering what it's whole shtick was.
I got a day off work so I decided to watch the Blazar movie at theaters.
I'm tired of looking at silver-faced ultras, they should make black or gold faced ultras as mains.
Pitch an Ultraman series
>Main Ultra is a delinquent and an asshole, resulting in exile
>Ends up on Earth, bonds to some defense force member, blah blah blah, I didn't think this through
>t. ultraman zero
I guess
That's literally just Zero, but we can change it a bit
>Problematic/Wimpy classmate of Z
>Assigned on an earth, initially wanted to bond with a strong defense force member, accidentally bonded with a civilian
>civilian taught him other ways to be strong
Kanata showing up at Blazar to Arc baton passing may hint to Decker appearing
I want jack to show up just to complete the homage
i believe he will appear. theres no way theres so many homage just for him to no show...right guys?
Remember the Ultra Star episode in Tiga, they need to do that but with Jack.

Don't underestimate TsuPro's blueballing
Doubly so since Arc production note mentioned how the whole imagination theme is to celebrate TsuPro's 60th
I cant tell if I liked the first episode of Arc or not. Its tone is really weird in a way I can't place. I really disliked the opening song.
here is my idea
its a woman
An ultra combines with an alien that is disguised as a human so there are two layers of secret identity.
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>Arc is getting trashed by the kaiju, I dunno, Kingsaurus V.
>Arc and Jack battle Kingsaurus.
>Kingsaurus V's barrier actually encompasses him and his horns.
>Double Meteor Kick to break the barrier and whatever Arc does with imagination. Fuck it, Double Cinerama Shot to finish off Kingsaurus V.
>Jack leaves but not before gifting Arc a ultra bracelet or a similar item
Why not just take that to the absolute extreme?
>Main ultra is complete psycho on the run from his brothers for crimes
>Ends up fleeing to earth where a battle with Kaiju allows him to escape as his pursuers are distracted
>But the psycho ultra ends up bonding with a very meek person who only wants to do the right thing
>Entire series revolves around the strife between these too as the Ultra sees his partner we pathetic and weak, while the human sees the Ultra as just as bad as the monsters they frequently battle
>But as the series goes on the Ultra learns what it means to care for and protect others. Especially those weaker than yourself, earning his redemption.
>While the human he's bonded to learns to stand up for himself, to be confident, and that against true evil you have to be absolutely ruthless
>The earth of this series would either be infested with Kaiju or under an active alien invasion so fights would be frequent and brutal
>There's also the matter of the ultra's the main character shook off in the first episode showing up to apprehend him. And maybe even other ultras showing up as back up.
That's what the original idea I had was but I thought it sounded too edgy
Who cares of it's edgy, what matters is if a good story can be made from it. And an Ultraman constantly having to fight to earn his redemption as he learns to care sounds like it'd be a good one.
TsuPro needs a show to fuck up as badly as Zi-O to stop blueballing
There hasn't been a true anniversary series since Orb. Every series since was either standalone or tried to replace past shows
I suppose
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>Ultraman fights cancel culture
With script by Konaka
>Ultra is positive meat head like Titas and his host is a whimpy emo kid like Takeshi Todo but less evil, older and with more justifications for his bad attitude.
>The lead is part of the defence force but not the actual team, maybe something like one of the people who clean up the mess the defence force leaves behind.
>Story arc is Lead learns to be more of man and the Ultra learns he can't punch all his problems or something.
This is Darkness Heels Lili
This autism, please take it away
Titas should've been white instead of silver.
For added effect, the Ultra should look more organic than his predecessors. Kinda like the Next Anphans
Joneus bluray announced, a shame the series still isn't subbed.
His should've also looked more like a u40 ultra, instead of looking m78
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80 is also getting a bluray.
>Zi-O fuck up
>highest toy sales in both Heisei and Reiwa
just because you don't like it, doesn't always mean they fucked up
It will clash with Taiga.
The Tri-Squad are meant to have different dominant colors of each other.
just because it has high toy sales doesnt mean its not utter garbage
Trigger comes to mind
Just started watching Nexus. Real shame it got sent out to die back in the day. The show deserved so much more
Trigger got a huge boost from Tiga that year tho
Same with Zi-O. It got a boost from them rereleasing past Rider belts under the 20 Rider Kicks branding iirc. Keep in mind though I liked Zi-O.
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Animage cast interview, 1 of 2.
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2 of 2.
Both Zi-O and Trigger bungled their plots because they couldn't decide between being full-nostalgia or standalone, and instead tried poorly at being both
At least Zi-O actually had past riders and presented erasing them as bad. Trigger screams of an attempt at flat-out replacing Tiga and wants to ensure you never remember Tiga, only Trigger
And Johnny will revive and buy Tiga again.
I don’t think you even watched Trigger. Trigger was completely standalone with the only connection to Tiga being a side character. The main problem is that it’s takes almost everything from Final Odyessy (a retcon movie) instead of the original TV show.
Zi-O is bad because Shirakura doesn’t care about the quality of writing. The man thinks that giving Ohma backstory in production blogs instead of the show is a good thing
>Trigger was completely standalone
Yet it used Tiga's aesthetics and copied the plot of its movie.
Somehow that doesn't count as half-assed nostalgia or Shirakura-tier writing
You're not giving it a free pass solely because it's Ultra and not Rider, are you?
Reusing kaiju has been around since the OG days....At least Blazar and now Arc spend more budget on making more new kaijus than before.
absolution hands typed this
because it develops and expands on the concepts in Final Odyessy that’s even continued in Decker. Hell, GUTS-Select being shit is just a victim of the short episode count.
Trigger presents itself as a Tiga for New Gen and does just that.
at that point it just depends on what you count as half-assed.

> Shirakura-tier writing
It isn’t
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>Trigger presents itself as a Tiga for New Gen and does just that.
Presuming new generations are not interested in the original or cannot access it
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Not to the level we get it now.
>it took two series for Baltan to come back
>took until fucking ultraman 80 for red king to come back
>red king shows up in x
>red king shows up in orb
>red king shows up in arc
>red king shows up in blazar
best thing from Trigger
you're a shitposter
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Anyone want a fucking slugger
better be a solid piece of metal
It's plastic but it's got a button to play Ultraseven BGM with.
is ultraman zero still popular
>Is the second most popular Ultraman still popular?
Zi-O tried to be like Gokaiger but did poorly at trying to be slightly different than Gokaiger in terms on how to remove the past heroes in action.
I'm willing to bet that other than UGF, Zero will get a new movie for his 15th anniversary (pretty weird that they chose to celebrate his anniversary early).
who is the most popular
OG Ultraman and Ultraman frens, how did our Ultras let this happen?
one word. China. TsuPro's actual favs are Man and Seven
theres no way tiga is still the most popular
In Nipland it's Zero's father.
If we're talking overall, Tiga wins thanks to China landslide. Japan are generally probably split between him and Seven, although the NHK vote might point to Tiga being bigger
im pretty sure that vote was open to everyone so even people outside of Japan could vote because i have a vague memory of voting for Seven. chinese fans wouldve voted on it too
>"Kaiju Specialist" Yuuma's doing the navi this time
>1st episode is about the gun
>pretty weird that they chose to celebrate his anniversary early
His very first movie appearance was December 12th 2009, so most of the celebration still can go into 2025, that's why Z was part of Zero's 10th anniversary back then.
I'm honestly surprised Zero isn't the most popular. Is it just with SEAs? I always see SEA-sourced snacks like chips at my local Asian market with Zero plastered on them.
No full series of his own
That doesn't stop a character from being popular (or being overly shilled, but that's a different story). Also arguably Geed was just as much about Zero as it was Geed himself.
Well, is he as popular as Tiga or Seven with their own full series? No he isn't
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Shu's diary from episode 1

Page 1
>Starting today, I will be permanently stationed at SKIP Hoshimoto City Branch Office. Team Leader Nibutani's instructions are always urgent, but this time they were more out of the blue than usual. However, that is the fate of those who serve in the special investigation team. As for me, I'll just do my best to accomplish my mission as always.

>For this mission, I decided to keep a diary for the first time in my life. Not only as a memorandum regarding the monster case, but also to record the state of the organization SKIP and the inner workings of Hoshimoto City, where I will be living for a while. I don't know how long this mission will last, but this diary will be an important record for me.

Page 2
>A lot of things happened today after I took over, but I would like to start by writing about my first visit to Hoshimoto City.

>That's right, due to the influence of the Space Parasite Oo-ze, the armored shell kaiju Shagon ghas grown rapidly.

>It was about that day when I went wild. This is the first case of an oo-ze appearing in Japan, and the worst situation is that it is parasitic to Shagong, which has a bad temper to begin with. Thanks to SKIP's quick response and the efforts Giant of Light, Ultraman Arc, the damage was kept to a minimum, but if we made one mistake, what kind of terrible situation could it have turned into? By now, they may have been engaged in an endless battle with the oozes that have proliferated and spread throughout the world. Just thinking about it sends chills down my spine.
>However, perhaps as a reaction to that fear, the unparalleled beauty of the arc of light drawn in the sky by Ultraman Arc, which took off after the situation had subsided, is unforgettable. The fact that he saved my life may also have an effect on my impression.

>Since then, every night when I go to bed and close my eyes, a sparkling arc reappears behind my eyelids. Of course, due to my position, I can't carelessly said such feelings to others (although I did speak a little to Yuuma-kun). Especially since I was the one who suggested to the upper management that the name of the giant should be Ultraman Arc. That's why Team Leader Nibutani will be criticized and wonder if he came up with such an important idea based on his personal preference. But here, I can write honestly about my feelings. I see, the medium of a diary is an interesting one.
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Page 3
>Back to the topic.

>That day, when I visited SKIP Hoshimotoshi Branch for the first time, I was surprised by a series of things. What shocked me most was (scratch out text: no coffee) the difference inequipment between them and our defense force.

>For example, the only thing that can be called a weapon is an ultrasonic intimidation device or sonitter that does not have the ability to kill.

>With that power, depending on the type and size of the monster, it can intimidate and drive it away. Alternatively, it may be possible to stun someone, but it is highly questionable how effective it would be overall.

>In fact, when I rushed in about the time Shagong appeared for the second time, Yuuma-kun was unable to deal with the countless oozes. No matter how much SKIP claims to specialize in research, it is a workplace that is always in danger. There may be unavoidable reasons such as legal rules, but the range of weapons that can be used is likely to be subject to much debate in the future.

>In addition, the various research equipment and computers installed in the facility were noticeably outdated or second-hand, making me acutely aware of the difference between our own defense forces, which always have the latest equipment. However, this is also a strange feeling as with the Arc incident, but to be honest, even in an environment that requires improvement as mentioned above, I am honestly moved by the way the SKIP members always do their best and positively carry out their duties. was there. In the future, when I will be permanently stationed at that branch, one of my important roles may be to support them with the electromagnetic handgun, electromagnetic gun, and various investigation equipment that I carry.
Page 4
>Of course, we must not forget the original purpose of coming to SKIP Hoshimoto City Branch. Over the past year, monster disasters have been rapidly increasing in Hoshimoto City.

>My mission is to investigate and find out the cause. We must thoroughly investigate the relationship with cosmic phenomena such as Monohorn.

>By the way, the other day, a laboratory at the Space Science Agency sent me a test report on the oo-ze cells I had collected. As Yuuma-kun had predicted, there is no doubt that the oo-ze that was parasitic on Monohorn has spent the past 16 years since K-DAY in a state of suspended animation. And regarding the external influence that exceeds expectations, which seems to be the cause, The laboratory is currently continuing tests.

>“External influences beyond expectations” is an interesting expression.

>According to the hypothesis I made based on the attached documents, oops, it's almost time. This is my first time writing a diary, Let's enjoy the last coffee of the day.
Definitely not my favourite when compared to some of the other recent shows like Blazar and Z. But it’s perfectly serviceable overall.
Ishido is true heroine of Arc.
So gay
Remember Musashi and Fubuki?
We are gonna do that again, but zoomer-ized and faggy
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i really dont like arcs opening song
I like the instruments
It's a little too preppy but I dig having episode previews in the middle of ti
Oh fuck, Elefun the Elephant's pissed.
>POV shot
cool, ain't seen that since what, X?
>Ishido doing something shade
Oh boy I wonder if he is going to turn on SKIP later only to go back to them because of the power of friendship
so, the GDF are gonna be bad guys right?
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How was Arc's 2nd episode?
Very Showa. I dig it
Episode 3 preview.
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I still wanna beat up YouPi.
Is this the debut for the solis armor?
someone post the "x was so good this week" meme but with ARC
I thought it's going to be your usual "let's put the rampaging kaiju back to sleep and not disturb its habitat" episode. Instead Arc got fed up with its bs and just blasted it point blank lmfao
I thought the same until I realize how big the hole was, then arc got pulled in too and just beamed the guy lmao. Pretty good episode-I’m getting invested in SKIP’s characters, and ishido as per usual with government agents is suspect as hell.
The GDF are making their own kaijus to fight the kaijus. Probably. Maybe.
I liked it. 8/10 from me. The POV shots were neat
Liked the POV shots between Arc and Leodo while they were fighting. Just wish it would've lasted for a bit longer. Other than that though I thought it was a decent enough follow up to the first episode. A solid 7/10 if I had to give it a score.
Hope someone can make webm for the pov shots. Totally rad moment. I guess Leodo was using his imagination too?
I've been watching Ultraman Mebius and the Ultraman 80 episode might be peak toku. It's the perfect episode. I love it.
>I guess Leodo was using his imagination too?
I assumed it was because they wanted to do that shot with Leodo as well. If it was in fact due to Leodo using its imagination. I hope we get more moments like that with the other kaiju down the line. It make things a bit more interesting if the kaiju can also do that and use it to their advantage.
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I don't have Photoshop with me.
Leaks say the armors won't start appearing until episode 6.
So that's what happened to the black king suit, huh?
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Just for you.
why is ultraman zero in that one promo poster for ultraman arc
did arc materialize the pot?!
What if it's not a happy go lucky season and the kaiju are also from imagination power?
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BIG step up over the first.
Not that anon, but very nice.
I'm that anon. Thanks anon!
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I never noticed but his head is very Tiga like in shape, just with holes for less wind resistance.
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Honestly with how Shagong, Leodo and some of the upcoming early kaiju in this show looks cute in some way, I can see them turns out to be made from someone's imagination or drawing.
Like what if Leodo is indeed just a tale and the kid materialized it, kinda like the Minus Energy kaijin in 80?
That would explain why the pot of medicine was there and the store owner was surprised about it being there
Wouldn’t mind if that ends up happening.
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It's probably Rudion (is that the name of the horn?) doing it. Yuma imagined a hero and the kid imagined a monster. Basically the same plot as Battle in HyperSpace, which would explain King of Mons returning too
We see in the POV shot >>22725859
the kaiju has a similar energy inside it.
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>Ultraman Blazar the Movie: Tokyo Kaiju Showdown (2024)
is it out yet?
I wonder: what if it's like zyuoh eagle? Like when he gain that rumored for change and the top pulls backwards, making him sleeker looking?
i liked the music and vibe of the arc mirror scene in the antique shop
Watching Arc transformed in today's episode, it felt like what if Jack has an actual transformation item situation. Considering the Arc ariser manifested when Yuma wills it (willpower) and I assume the same with the cubes.
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Kinkuri is still doing his weekly kaijugirl, what a lad.
An improvement from the pilot. I can actually see some characters in Yuuma. Yuki Totsuka's acting seemed potential
How many have they drawn? And have they gone back and done kaijugirls of the older series?
I would image the ultra bracelet would be jacks transformation item.
Why does Arc bobble his head so much? Is he the Ultra equivalent of an Indian?
this again?

he is bobbling more like someone who got a 'brain blast' moment
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Why didn't you guys tell me Jumborg 9 was piloted with a steering wheel this is awesome.
>Ultraman Connection tweet about the screening describes it as a New Dub like they fucking Doogal'd it or something.

What the fuck?

now this is cool
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Just rewatch an old favorite Shin Chan movie of mine; Adult Empire Strikes Back, and I strongly feel how the plot of the movie can work for Ultraman as well

Basically this movie's plot revolved around the adults around Shin Chan being brainwashed to behave like children, back to the 'good old day' and the villain was plotting to expand this to the entire world

Now, I thought this can work well with Ultraman
>Children around the world go missing and technologies are reversing in development
>Adults around the world begin to find themselves lulled to the good old day
>Ultraman finds the villain and learns that he wishes to bring the world back to the time where they can still dream of a wonderful future, with fantastical technologies, world peace and such
>Ultraman fights and teaches the villain and everyone in the world that they can still dream even if today's world seem hopeless
Anyone have Geed Creditless Opening?
I found the BD torrent but it has no seeders.
>[DBD-Raws][捷德奥特曼/Ultraman Geed/ウルトラマンジード][01-25TV全集+导演剪辑版+剧场+特典][1080P][BDRip][HEVC-10bit][FLAC][MKV]
His head movement is making an arc shape.
Probably rights issue with original english dub considering Hanna-Barbera is owned by Warner Bros.
Ultraman Ginga poster in the back
Always had an idea where a grizzled ultra joins with a non defense team member that's purely defensive. He basically sets up a ring and tries to throw kaiju back into space or into the ocean after kicking their asses. But then that Ultra's younger brother shows up and bonds with a defense team member and has has to keep the younger ultra from just wrecking kaiju and the city.
So I wasn't the only one who saw a similarity.
Most of my experience in Ultraman is the Showa period. When I watch most of these shows, I get the feeling that the Ultraman of each season isn't super powerful. They seem like giant Olympian athletes wrestling with wild animals and other athletes. With this in mind, do later Ultraman series, and especially Showa Ultramans, seem more powerful in comparison?
They generally show much higher level stuff during the end-game of their series and some movies, but the standard monster fighting is the same as the old days.

That said, even Showa Era Ultra had some pretty high end stuff, randomly. Ultraman Jack defeated Vacuumon, an insanely big monster that ate planets and stars.
Well, I'm not the one who posted Kyle's picture. I'm just the one who answered that anon's question.
Was Victory's ability name supposed to be Ultlance or Ultrans?
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You think we'll ever see more of the Ancient Giants of light? (Excluding Trigger)
would want an older ultra, grampa style.
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Happy 10th anniversary to Ginga S.
I see Hikaru was kept on the ShinkenRed diet.
If a Toku actor is "too big" then they get shipped off to become a wrestler for New Japan
Isn't Shou's actor a bit muscular these days?
/pol/'s a few boards down, man.
Also has Sentai and Rider posters too, but you won't post it in their threads, will you?
OP already posted it in krg and ssg.
Wrong thread bro.
Gomen, wrong thread.
Holy shit we are still waiting? I thought for sure they would be up somewhere by now.
>blazar movie so ass that no one bothered to upload a raw and sub it
I forgive you.
Ultraman on SDCC 2024
>Panel: Marvel’s Ultraman x Avengers – Ultraman Connection Live!
>Friday, July 26 at 6:30-7:30pm – Room 5AB

>Screening: Ultraman Blazar The Movie: Tokyo Kaiju Showdown
>Friday, July 26 at 9:15-11:00pm – 6DE

>Panel: Ultraman: Rising & The New Ultraman Universe
>Sunday, July 28 at 1:30-2:30pm – Room 6A
>Ultra Hero Character Meet And Greets
>Ultraman Artist Autograph Sessions
>Ultraman Trading Card Game
>that dark energy in Leodo
Gavv episode previews aren't the only thing leaked. ARC's episode 5 to 7 as well.
I wonder why they never gave super taro a visual change like all the other super and fusion ultras?
Not enough budget
Even Charge Up Stronger was just a slight palette swap

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