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It’s G-Over
How many times are we going to have this thread?
Where is Gaia Gear and G saviour?
Imagine thinking Gaia Gear is in any way part of the franchise
Every time Bandai waffles on where G-Reco falls in the UC timeline.
Gaia Gear has always been a separate thing, because it's part of the "Man-Machine" universe that also includes Mad Wang
But Bandai never has
Is Look For Avenir a part of this setting too?
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>he doesn't know
I'd rather listen to Tomino than Bandai.
Go back to twitter you fucking himbo
MAD WANG doesn't include man-machines, though.

No, that's not even Gundam.

Amuro is dead and nothing else happened.
Kill yourself groomer.
>Turn A taking place in CE
>Turn A movie takes place after Turn A
Turn A operates on Ryuki Logic
Amuro will get a Full Frontal equivalent in UC2 and you know they'd do it
Rear Retreat
Where is Crossbone

isn't G-Savior after Victory, but before they started breeding people to eat them
>Literally advertised this way in the promotional booklet for G-reco.
>Further shown to be this way in Light of Life Chronicle UC.
>Retards continued to act like this was still up in the air because Tomino explained what he personally wanted in some off-the-cuff interview, as if the anime interpretations of his work haven't gone against his intention in the past
Foregone conclusion.
What's this from?
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Why does this timeline imply the Turn A Gundam TV series and it's first compilation movie take place on the same timeline?
It's not a contraction thing, it's a redundancy thing. Like, by that logic the G-reco movies should be there too. But you wouldn't include them on a timeline because they cover the same events as the TV series.
Turn an and geco got cut off (literally) guess their Alternate UC because of turn a using g, wing, footage and x as g reco contradict Jaburo being nuked.
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That's just common notation to indicate that the line isn't proportional. Which makes sense, the gaps would be gigantic otherwise.
>C.E. 2345
Officially, Bandai has only referenced it three times, and it's always been before Turn A.
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Not here to debate ether stance, but both of these details are very strange.
Except they are stil Alternate UC because you keep denying Wing G and x footage as well Jaburo being Nukes.
I keep denying what?
Ask Bandai not me.
According to Light of Light Chronicle UC, everything did happen.
And yet G wing and X are in the Alternative category and again you Jaburo being nuked alternate UC for sure
Watch Light of Light Chronicle UC.
I'm not here to defend Bandai's stance. I think it's dumb too.
Watch this video to it was released this year Greco and turn a are Alternate UC.
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The F90FF manga.
is this a language barrier thing or something?
>Turn A movie takes place after Turn A
Only the first one though!
Nah you are just being ignorant of not realizing wing, g and X footage and Jaburo not nuke making Turn a and Greco alt UC.
I thought Tomino said reconquista came after Turn-A?
Four times now you have spoken as if I am the one you are trying to convince to not believe OP's timeline.
I don't like it in the first place. Talk to Bandai about it.
Yeah, well Tomino said Hathaway killed Quess too.
Yes. G-Saviour still was in the Universal Century, about 70 years after Victory.

Fucking ESL retards don’t even geography or realizewhere they were. The Highlands are so far fuck off into the corners of Jaburos footprint the nuke from Zeta and Crossbone could easily not cover it. We were looking at an edge entrance. Which is hilarious because those Zgoks probably age shit thinking they found the main base
Bandai decides what comes first, not Tomino. Just like how they decide every pairing in Gundam. Their word has more weight than that senile old fool.
He was wrong.
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>canon UC
Bandai doesn't like it when you remind them that G-Saviour existed.
>Ryuki Logic
the heck is that
Tomino is so wrong and senile that explain G, wing and x footage as well Jaburo didn’t get nuke which is why Turn a and G reco got cut off as Alt UC.
Now say it in english.
Non canon, cry harder about it you ESL assclown.
>It's G-Edgar Hoover
everything starts to calm down when you realize gundam is just multiple lines of toy advertisements and actual plotlines and chronological order doesn't really matter
turn-shit dark history implies g-gundam and UC and the other wacky toy commercials are in the same universe. turn-shit is dumb
Doesn’t make any sense. Bandai can eat a dick.
G-Lucifer has the Moonlight Butterfly, which was carried forward from Turn A.
It’s ok for Turn A not to be the be-all end-all.
No answer makes any sense. Because it's fake, it's all make believe fairy tales. Tomino accepted he isn't in charge of the settings alone. You all should too.
Wait, wait, wait. I haven't caught up in the series yet, but I thought Tomino said G-Reco takes place AFTER Turn-a. As in, the world has returned to high technological prosperity and G-Reco takes place hundreds of years after this rebirth of advanced civilization as started in TurnA.
Why would any fan take Bandai's word over Tomino?
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You got a real bad attitude there.
If fans took Tomino's word they would accept he didn't care and said that Bandai has the final word on organizing this mess.
/m/ is like a fucking broken clock
Feels good to be correct at least twice a day though.
What is it with the Jaburo issue? There's thousands of years for the area to recover.
Did you like CCA? Then you're already going against Tomino's original intent.
In an interview once he said that’s what he wanted.
Baby piss baby is yelling about Bellri and Mask stumbling upon a part of Jaburo with rusted out Zgoks. Like the Jaburo highway ruins present and stuff. He doesn’t seem to want to accept that is fuck off far north from there either Nuke went off. Like most of South America’s worth of distance. They specifically state where they are in that last fight.
Why is the nuke a bigger concern than the opposite? The moonlight butterfly would have ether destroyed the ruins or preserved them like other mountain cycles if it took place after Turn A. Instead it looks like it's been a eusthng heap since the OYW.
Because the cope from these people is massive. Absolutely crushing. I agree with you that Open-To-Air Jaburo and rusting Zgoks more than proves it’s pre turn A
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Look at the picture and watch the video G reco IS in the Alternative category that’s what it say in the Kanji.
This. I can read a bit of japanese and the video definitely says they are AUs.
Of course it is, any timeline outside of UC is defined as alternative, even if they reference UC as a distant past, which only Turn A and G-Reco does.
That’s they called Alt UC in fact Turn a reference g, wing and X which doesn’t make sense that’s why the video put Turn a in the AU category.
Turn A was always called an AU together with the other different timelines. I don't understand what are you trying to prove with this "Alt UC" bullshit.
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>Turn A is AU
Is that why Zaku is called Borjarnon and Capule is called Kapool?
High Streamers was the original. Beltorchika's Children is a rewrite based on stuff he wanted to change during the production
>Turn A was always called an AU together with the other different timelines
What the fuck is Turn A: Earth-Light?
>Turn A compilation movie
Huh. Why the fuck have I never heard of this before?
It's not really worth talking about outside some reworked visuals.
Prove its not
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i hate gundumb and gundumb fans
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Reading Crisis Zone daily is an experience I’ll never get back fuck you
Then EX A became the actual Turn A sequel
Hi-Streamer wasn't the original. The novel wasn't even related to the movie when it first came out, the magazine just made a connection and eventually Tomino agreed to tie it into the film.
>Fukui written slop
I’d sooner trust Wackymodder on how to fix Seed than I would Fukui on literally anything regarding Gundam
They're legit not actually Zakus and Capules. They're reproductions with some slight differences and not actually OYW-era Zaku IIs or Capules fron 0088.
The only tie-in is that when it was originally published in the magazine they called it Mobile Suit Gundam Char's Counterattack instead of Tomino's original title Mobile Suit Gundam High Streamer. High Steamer was added back on for the later light novel release. It is literally the original version of the story that Tomino wrote intending for it to be a brand new story only for Sunrise to decide they should just adapt it for a movie project that was still in pre-planning and hadn't landed on a final concept yet. The film itself was greenlit before Tomino joined the production.
Why are you even here then?

So in all of this, when was Tomino told that he couldn't make Beltorchika Irma the girl Amuro Ray planned to settle down by Sunrise/Bandai executives?
whatever year was before the film release.

Production started in 1987, so that answers my question. My next question is: was the mention of Amuro claiming he and Beltorchika broke up in the original novel version also called Char's Counterattack or was it only after it was renamed Hi-Streamer?
Idk, you'd have to ask Zeonic that, he's translating all that. It was just MSG: Hi Streamer I think.
Have you tried looking in the actual magazine? None of what you said is correct. It was serialized as HI-STREAMER. The first compilation dropped the moniker before it was readded for the re-released by Tokuma or whatever with the new artwork. And no, Sunrise didn't greenlight this before Tomino was on the project. He was literally already doing the planning when ZZ was being worked on. Zeonic translated the CCA draft with dates in it, so that also doesn't match your perception of events.
Ok someone needs to do a QRD on how the fuck CCA came to be because there’s so much conflicting information going on. My understanding is this
>Tomino began writing Hi-Streamer (as in, it was literally just called Hi-Streamer and nothing else) during Zeta’s run. ZZ is greenlit during this time
>Hi-Streamer begins publishing. ZZ is intended to feature the final confrontation between Amuro and Char. A Gundam movie project is also in the works at this time, though nothing is confirmed
>Sunrise (Or Tomino?) push for Hi-Streamer to be adapted into movie format. Char is written out of ZZ early on and Glemy takes his place.
>Tomino submits a rewritten draft which becomes Beltorchika’s Children, it gets rejected
>He writes a new script that more or less follows on from Hi-Streamer but with a several changes to designs and at the cost of removing elements of the setting like the Sweetwater anti-Federation guerrillas
>Hi-Streamer is finished following the setting Tomino drew up for the movie
>Beltorchika’s Children becomes a novel
Is that more or less correct?

To me, that's the gist of it. Thank you.

Back on topic, having heard what was done with where Gundam Reconguista in G takes place in the shared Universal Century-Reguild Century-Correct Century timeline, I'll watch G-Reco BEFORE Turn A Gundam (still waiting on the first two volumes of Hi-Streamer is translated.
>Turn A
Yep, this is misinformation by some EOP.
Turn a and G reco are alt UC the 45 anniversary video confirmed it especially the g, wing and x footage which doesn’t make sense.

Hi-Streamer was serialized when ZZ was already over at this point. It's hard to say when he started writing. From what I could gather from asking, he was writing Gaia Gear monthly, so it could've been the same for HS. Storyboarding for CCA started in March of 87 and by May they were already advertising the film coming the following year. Amuro x Char's ending was aborted when ZZ first started, the movie was the reason for it, so this was confirmed. Beltorchika was the original draft, mainly because she's mentioned in the storyboarding he was doing at the time. As I said, Hi-S was totally unrelated to Char's Counterattack entirely, as Tomino said in an interview that he was just dicking around with something different. 12 chapters of Hi-S serve as a prequel for CCA, but that was never the intention. It became that unofficially (much to his dismay, from what some have said).

Someone should ask Zeonic about it. He has all the details from the interview in the third volume.

Much misinformation. Bandai shaft consumer hardcore!
So with Hi-Streamer I assume he was just fucking around with some concepts and then someone pointed out that the first 12 chapters sort of act as a prequel to CCA so he wrote the rest of the novel to be an adaption of that instead of what he originally had planned? I suppose that explains why he dumps Cunningham’s ass and then moves onto to Chan immediately after
And now Bandai are being forced to reset most of their executive meddling because Unicorn's 3deep5u ending essentially cut Mid-UC and Late-UC off from each other entirely
I bet the Hathaway's Flash movies were originally intended to hard-reboot Universal Century given the lack of any Unicorn connections or references, but now that UC2 is being developed and Banrise want a linear progression, it can't be the reboot anymore and is getting delayed
Tomino was right.
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>And now Bandai are being forced to reset most of their executive meddling because Unicorn's 3deep5u ending essentially cut Mid-UC and Late-UC off from each other entirely
This is far from the first time I've seen someone claim this, but nobody ever seems to have a reason to actually come to that conclusion, and that's bothersome considering how commonly the claim gets thrown around.

Unicorn did *******NOTHING******* to change the context of events that lead to Late UC as we know it. If anything, the ending added to the pile of problems that sped up the Federation's decline, resulting in the even-lazier-than-usual shitbags we see by F91. Unicorn wasn't supposed to be some groundbreaking event that shakes the Federation to it's core. In fact, the whole point of the ending is that the status quo is successfully maintained, only with Anaheim walking away considerably less influential (Hey! That tracks with Late UC perfectly!) and with the Federation being forced into letting go of their ridiculous fear of newtypes, ensuring a better future for them (also mostly tracks with Late UC, given that newtypes seem far less involved in war on average for at least a few decades).

It feels like the opposite side of the coin that says the main cast of Unicorn "failed" because wars still happen in Late UC, completely missing that Unicorn was mostly about dealing with the drama behind the newtype myth and made no mention, implied or otherwise, of some Peacecraftian effort to stop all conflict. Both positions belong to mental midgets that failed to interpret what might be the most politically and thematically simplistic and unsubtle gundam stories to date.

One of my favorite things about the F90FF manga is it's in the perfect position to completely ignore the dissonance between Mid and Late UC, incorporating just about anything the artist felt looked cool from any era. That's some world-building I can get behind, and I'm glad we're getting more with the sequel manga.
Why does the video not include f91, victory or any of the UC ovas (08ms team, 0080, 0083)?
Does this mean they were removed from the timeline?
But Zeonic says otherwise
>Director Tomino initially conceived the film version of Char’s Counterattack as part of the story in Hi-Streamer
So does Mark Simmons, who's the origin of the BC is a rewrite narrative.
The problem with Unicorn comes from the narrative that the Unicorn trilogy, Unicorn, NT, and UC2, will explain why psycho-frame tech disappeared and why newtype tech became subdued in late UC. Which obviously isn't the case, especially with Sunrise doubling down on it in the F91 prequel and F90FF, which adds psycho-frame to units that didn't have it previously. Now that UC2 has apparently been stuck in development hell, maybe they're walking that narrative back but fans still parrot it as being part of Unicorn's narrative

I'm more invested with will happen to the characters introduced in Unicorn and Narrative as they were invented AFTER F91 and Victory.
I guess we'll find out if they ever actually make UC2
Anaheim would never make something as big and weird looking as that suit.

That looks like something Neo Zeon would make.
Only Tomino works are canon.
So, ZZ is canon then.
Sunrise didn't double down on the F91 prequel. Where do you get your shit? F90FF is part of UC NexT. Prequel is just Ohno doing his thing.
Char mentions Haman's rebellion directly in CCA
Shut the fuck up and stop confusing people
>hrrr I don’t get it and it doesn’t align with my cope so it must be just wrong hrr
>F90FF is part of UC NexT
NTA, but the rewrite narrative doesn't match what Tomino says in his afterword in the novel, though (even the essay in Denpa's BC manga doesn't match Simmons rewrite claim).

I asked Zeonic and he says there's an afterword in the final volume of the original run that sorta contradicts what he says in the re-release with new artwork.

In the Animage one, Tomino acknowledges that readers might be confused how it was serialized as Hi-Streamer and then rebranded as CCA. Tomino was bugged by it, but ultimately it came down to editorial meddling. Animage was fine with him working on Hi-Streamer as a way to separate himself from the TV avenue. His goal was to continue the story as Hi-Streamer while incorporating elements of the movie into it. For whatever reason he felt as though this version should connect to Hathaway, but it sounds like he's goofing that up with Beltorchika. Ultimately he fell into wanting to escape Gundam but failing.
Only the original 0079 anime (the tv series) is canon. Everything else is alternate U.C following the movie trilogy.
Why wouldn’t it be
Gundam Ace when the project began? AnimeJapan 2019 event panel.
Name dropping an event isn't proof. Just show the interview or pictures or something instead of being vague
Amuro was single (and a womanizer) in the original run, yes.
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>The problem with Unicorn comes from the narrative that the Unicorn trilogy, Unicorn, NT, and UC2, will explain why psycho-frame tech disappeared and why newtype tech became subdued in late UC. Which obviously isn't the case, especially with Sunrise doubling down on it in the F91 prequel and F90FF, which adds psycho-frame to units that didn't have it previously.
Again, this is a interpretation that exists entirely outside of Sunrise's ambition.

Psycoframe tech became less prevalent because, as Unicorn itself states "there are just too many unknowns," but I think this gets misinterpreted as a reference to the tech itself and not the very human, unpredictable component that drives it. It has a pastime of behaving in ways entirely foreign to it's design because it interacts with the mind of something currently a bit beyond their understanding of human limitation, to the point of not only adding tangible effects to supernatural phenomena, but is capable of weaponizing it. From a military perspective, this is not only unreliable, but dangerous and entirely opposite to reason, and the military *only* operates on (or at least what it sees as) reason, given that all militaries have a budget to consider.

That does not mean they entirely stopped efforts to understand those effects, and it certainly did not put an end to people that felt they could weaponize it, especially for the SNRI, who seem to approach things from a more scientific perspective than a commercial or practical one, like Anaheim or the Federation at large. Unicorn and the resulting spinoffs did not establish this; it's something that could be extrapolated by anyone paying attention; they merely contextualized it in words and canon for people that haven't been.
You wouldn't believe me if that were the case anyway. Someone translated the manga, go fucking check it yourself. That and it's on the damn Bandai UC 0100 website too.
>From a military perspective, this is not only unreliable, but dangerous and entirely opposite to reason, and the military *only* operates on (or at least what it sees as) reason, given that all militaries have a budget to consider.
This is the entire starting point of Gundam Narrative's plot, even; the Federation lost a particularly expensive investment to circumstances it can't quantify or relate to, but they DO understand that those circumstances came from the human being they played god with and not the tech they built around them. Psycoframe tech will never be reliable until it's effects, and more importantly, the human element, can be quantified and reliably replicated.
OG only (original 0079 anime) Amuro got both Sayla and Fraw Bow.
To bitch and whine.
Literally Novel only no matter how many times waifu fags keeps saying this.
Only Tomino.
>Literally Novel only
It would be if not for what Char says to Sayla at the end of the series. He clearly knew she loved him.
How will you ever recover, /m/?
Does it even matter to most people? It's fiction, it's not real.
Nobody really cares. Certainly not most. It's just two sides thinking they're trolling the other.
what would the blue turn a gundam title be?
some sort of spin off?
The original series. With the red one being the first compilation movie.
He was right.
I was vindicated, so nothing really changed. The G-Lucifer's Moonlight Butterfly function was clearly the prototype for the Moonlight Butterfly, not an incomplete replica.
It is more likely that it is based off of Turn X, that being said there's no development timeframe for any of the moonlight butterfly suits, just that the labs in G Reco is just using the blueprints that already existed
Shut the fuck up you lost
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NTA but at least Hanselmann is still around. That's something.
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Hey, remember when Turn A had a mobile suit museum and its cast remember the events of UC before calling it the Black History or when Moonlight Butterfly was a pretty little light show and not a planet ending wings of light?
That's not possible. The Turn X doesn't have the moonlight butterfly until it steals the data from the Turn A during the series. This is confirmed by Newtype 100% Turn A Gundam vol 2. The Turn X doesn't have the moonlight butterfly by default, it has a copy ability.
Remember how everyone learned about UC in episode 43 of Turn A Gundam, and found out that the Moon Palace had a full on video archive of EVERYTHING from Black History from the start of UC up to Armageddon, the end of the UC civilization that was destroyed by the Turn A, including direct footage from Earth as the Turn A Gundam was destroying the planet, with close ups of the Turn A from the ground? I remember.
Find something more passionate and positive to do.

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