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So which copy of the 0083 dvd/ blu ray has the original sound effects (that are apparently so much better than the newer release)?
iirc most of the newer blu-ray's have the old audio mixes and the new ones as options on the disk. Maybe torrent some to check before you buy. The one in your pic definitely has the original mix, as i've got the same set.
Thanks d00d
>that are apparently so much better than the newer release
I went and looked up the sounds to compare for myself, and its not hyperbole. Holy hell, is it just lame now. I compared an old laser disc rip of the Solomon nuking laying around the internet archive vs. some jap version of the same plot beat on youtube, There's just no comparison. Whatever this other version I'm looking at really did just use the most generic sounds they could find.

Why would they even do this?

It wasnt just the sound effects, they redubbed the whole spoken audio on those later releases and it sounds jarringly offputting.
the 08th MS team blu-ray's "remastered" audio is also fucking terrible. There's like a whole bunch of royalty free added sfx to a bunch of scenes. And some scenes are just missing the music score.
If you want BD only the newest Japanese release (U.C. Library) contain the original audio, fixed the corrupted frame/compression issues of previous releases such as our Nozomi one, and contain English subtitles:

Did they get all the original voice actors back for the dub? I've never heard of this before.

Here is 2 different clips of the same scene.



Here is same clip from the LD


And here is same clip from the movie, which is a bit different than the episode since it came before it.

>Why would they even do this?
Because they wanted to give it a surround sound mix. The original assets weren't in a condition where they could be easily reused and it wasn't given the kind of resources that a proper restoration would need. Same kind of thing happened to certain versions of 0079, or the films I forgot which.

Basically every other gundam kept its trademark sound effects despite multiple updated releases, some im sure included surround mixing, yet this one couldnt?

Has there ever been a release of the music track they use in that scene?

I know 0083 (among some other shows) have music lifted from films from the 80s (Solar System 2 is in The Thing as the Despair track) so I've always wanted to know where everything came from.

Solar System 2 https://youtu.be/9wJGh1C8zaE?si=Yw35zN3U3joQrQ5e


Despair https://youtu.be/QYkm2NwQT5I?si=TokMWf5ppxG7bSya

There is a whole ost album of songs that came after the first but but before the red 2 disc one ive never seen uploaded anywhere that probably contains them.
Ive been trying to hunt down songs from this myself and likely the only way im going to get them is to actually buy it but id like to know if it did have them before i go that way.
Ask Sunrise, man. Maybe they took it as a chance to experiment with 'modernising' the soundscape.

If I'm looking at vgmdb correctly, it looks like it might be AMBUSH (伏兵) from the March 21st 1992 release.

A bit of looking led to this https://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/flyingdog/-/Discography/-/VICL-271.html

It might be from something called SPACE LINKUP but I have no idea if it's a movie or whatever else it could be.
Jesus effing Christ, Look at what they did to my boy.


Murder is a felony.
Shit, I can get Zeta with the original op/ed?!
Yes, the U.C. Library lineup all include English subtitles too.

I have the album coming so ill see whats up when it gets here.
As far as the space linkup/stardust memory orchestra thing i think its just the name of the original song and the stardust orchestra is the inhouse band doing the "cover" for it.


Space Linkup

Ooh, neat stuff

From wikipedia:

> In 2006, a "5.1 ch DVD Box" was released in Japan. Along with remastered footage, this release featured a brand new audio track featuring completely re-recorded dialogue, altered sound effects and music and a new surround sound experience

So yeah, but if you watched it before that youll notice it immediately.

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