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>KimiNozo Kickstarter Server
https://twitter.com/age_soft/status/1640550456203300864 (embed)

>Teito Moyu on Steam


>Muv-Luv Alternative Manga
1-16: https://desuarchive.org/m/thread/20911206/#q20938263
17: https://desuarchive.org/m/thread/21869980/#q21894915

>Strike Frontiers assets

Previous: >>22645482
in muv luv alternative, why the fuck does yuuko release a whole bunch of captured beta in the middle of a TSF training session that takeru is participating in? if i recall it was to send a message or some bullshit to the higher ups, but i find this whole seqence of events to be implausible. takeru has been the single most important person in helping her reach her goals and she was happy to risk his life, along with her entire squadron (who were practicing with beanbag rounds) for no good reason? it feels like the writer just wanted to write a scene where you see the BETA for the first time very suddenly so that you as the reader are taken by surprise
Fuck off faggot, go back to /vn/. If you think anyone here is going to give you a different answer you're sorely mistaken.
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Fuck off.
You need to take your meds, freak.
Why? So that I take the time of day to answer this completely vapid question posted by a retard and/or parroted by another? Really interesting how the person who posted that stopped trying to make counterarguments.
Because you're a loser sperging out over nothing.
Go validate your retardation elsewhere.
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kill yourself faggot
why are you so angry?
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Alright, first time Alternative reader here, that was just great. I thought my tears had dried up at the end.

Then all of the final episode happened.


This song is so much more important now.
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It's been years and the chorus drop still makes me tear up a little. I know I should probably reread extra for the routes I skipped or those other the Extraverse side story VNs, but I'm still not sure if I'd be able to handle it.
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And congratulations, by the way. Welcome to the club. Nothing new is ever going to happen ever again, but that's okay.
What was your favorite part?
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Not sure specifically on a part, there was just lots of good moments and chapters throughout.

Playing Extra already had me sad because there wasn't a single world where everyone could be happy, carrying the themes of needing to make tough decisions.

Unlimited then carries that forward with the military aspect and Takeru being so out of his depth (though I think Unlimited, whilst setting up good stuff is on the weaker side compared to Extra and especially Alternative)

Alternative just did so much right, even if I felt the primary focus on Sumika felt drawn especially near the end with how long chapters were getting. But they balanced it out near the end with the other heroines, even if only for a short while.

Really I'd say it's Takeru's growth, where he's a punk but I give him the benefit of the doubt because "he's young and still in school" as well as each route of Extra developing him into more straight individual. Alternative just takes that mold and creates one of my favorite characters in a VN (and maybe even mecha).

Loved Alternative's moments with the 12-5 incident, the training grounds incident (and all of Episode 7 just breaking me), Operation 21st. All the little touches at the ending, like them using Takeru's VA more, Asu e no Houkou playing during the dive.

Just loved all of it, haven't been touched by a story like this in awhile. I think it's strengthened by the need to read Extra, because without it, it's a mess but Extra is just so important. I went from minding the SoL to get to the mecha, enjoyed when it took itself seriously and like Takeru, I wanted to go back away from all the madness.
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>Playing Extra already had me sad because there wasn't a single world where everyone could be happy, carrying the themes of needing to make tough decisions.
I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling like this. In the routes for Tama, Sakaki or Ayamine the main duo was at least supportive of you, but when it came down to choosing between Meiya and Sumika, you just made the one you didn't choose completely miserable and I couldn't think of the endings as being happy with that hanging over my head
Of course, all the endings in Extra and Unlimited are wrong, aren't they?
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>I went from minding the SoL to get to the mecha, enjoyed when it took itself seriously and like Takeru, I wanted to go back away from all the madness.
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You have the correct opinions all around. I am pleased.
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Binland and Japan are frens :D:D
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What the actual fuck am I even reading at this point
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Just a reminder that ML is hopelessly behind in converting fighters to TSF
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There's also the ATD-X Shinshin, but there's no better picture of that particular TSF.
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I don't know how they did it but I am fucking crying for real hahaha you stupid bitch you gave me hope that things were going to be okay and what happened then you fucking idiot
I just finished episode 7 and needed to vent
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Was this drawn by who I think it is?
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Maybe. Not sure if it's the same Bou though.
Why do you guys like Meiya so much?
I just think it's funny how Extra Meiya is sharp enough to feel out Alternative Takeru's demeanor as a warrior but clueless enough that she has no idea how to get a public bus ticket.
Is something wrong, Shirogane-kun?
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She smells good.
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It's Bou. Read the tweet, dork.
The Akane is Baka Ouji Persia
What's not to love?
she combines the top tier character archetypes of rich girl, sword autist, and forgotten childhood promise
It's very understated but, if you ask me, she's also much smarter than the typical sword autist.
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>10/10 body
>feminine but strong and dependable
>intelligent but also dorky and out of touch with normal people
>extremely loyal
>nationalist and cares deeply for her people
Literally the ideal woman.
Because she has a pure heart and a noble soul. I admire her.
If Takeru Shirogane has 1 million fans, I'm one of them.

If Takeru Shirogane has 1 thousand fans, I'm one of them.

If Takeru Shirogane has 1 fan, I'm that fan.

If Takeru Shirogane has no fans, I'm dead.

If the world is against Takeru Shirogane, I'm against the world.

Takeru Shirogane is the TOP G.
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yeah but like Sumika is better man
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Sumika and Takeru are two halves of one whole, so it's impossible to compare her with the other girls while experiencing things from his perspective.
Ayamine is still best girl for me. And the superior CQC fighter.
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I perfer her rival.
She's a breath too slow.
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Most people talk about Muv Luv's characters in retrospect, but I feel like the VN doesn't get enough credit for creating a world that you care about and become emotionally invested in saving.

The "saving the world" template is a recycled story that has been used ad nauseum across hundreds of thousands of films, TV shows, books, comics, games and whatever, yet very rarely do any of these stories touch on what the world actually is, or why we should care about saving it. The "world" is always just a plot device: if someone or something wants to destroy or take over it, we just assume that's bad and immediately perceive it as an obstacle or adversary for pur main characters, setting the structure for a basic good vs bad story, nothing more.

Takeru starts off Muv Luv Unlimited feeling disconnected, lonely and disillusioned; he is startled when his squad tells him they wouldn't hesitate to obey an order guaranteed to kill them, highlighting just how alien he is here. By the end of Alternative, he now understands so deeply that he doesn't even want to return, and so do we, having seen everything through his eyes.

Throughout Unlimited and Alternative there are so many moments that emphasize the significance of the world to the people living in it, and how deeply invested everyone is in fighting protect it. Sometimes its so subtle you might not even notice it. One example is when Takeru's squad are trailing the new TSF OS against veterans using the old OS. They end up beating the veterans easily, and he thinks they will beat him up afterwards to salvage their pride. Instead, they are all ecstatic and full of praise for him, because anything that helps them save the world is so deeply meaningful that they can't help feeling a sense of jubilation. Moments like this give a sense of importance to the world everybody is trying so desperately hard to protect, and we feel those emotions as we're reading.
The secret ingredient of that other world is Chop-kun and the other crappy entertainments. Television only being able to afford a cheap, worn-over-the-years doll, because why would a world fighting a losing battle against aliens put money on that? Actual adults playing cat's cradle, marbles and kendama because there's nothing better, Meiya instantly becoming addicted to the dopamine rush from a fucking Gameboy of all things. Most writers probably wouldn't think of that.
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Everytime that i thought about ML:The Day After, and their UTTER retardation of dropping G-bombs knowing (or having the notion) the potential risk of fucking the planet (like the scientist IRL that the atomic bomb could set the entire atmosphere on fire), why just Drop an Asteroid/s?

seriously, in the ML verses, Space Tecnology is high enough to search in the Asteroid Belt (hell, even some errand asteroid nearby big enough would suffice) to hit and destroy ANY hive on Earth (or even if the hive is strong enough, make go under, where volcanic and lava could appear from below

Asteroids are better to predict than some "Ultra-dimensional bullshit AKIRA explosion"

also, if BETA did not shoot down satellites, why they would target something "inorganic" and "inert" (no computer aboard)?

even if BETA try to shoot down something so big (or fast) , one asteroid big enough splitting on land fall would do more surface damage than ANYTHING humanity would done ever.

sometimes, i try to understand humanity in those universes. But they need to think more "outside of the box".

for some reason, your comment reminds me of Gunparade March... that "sense of tranquility" before the impending doom...
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>Ideal woman
Wrong. Tama exists.
Are you retarded?
>Why didn't they chose option A which is cheaper and readily available or option B which is more expensive, not readily available, and extremely variable?
I don't know man.
Tama talking shit about everyone in her letters to her dad revealed the low content of her character.
>Takeru-san... helupu meee
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i just like flat chests
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peak female body
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Imagine waking up next to this.
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The Santa suit STAYS ON
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I'm scared to keep going, bros.
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Hope you're playing steam version without patches right now
don't worry anon, you got this...maybe worry
Wish Muv-Luv had more prominent flat characters than nonstop titcows
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Kouki just loves boobs too much.
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>Are you retarded?
>Why didn't they chose option A which is cheaper and readily available or option B which is more expensive, not readily available, and extremely variable?
are you implying that G-Bombs are cheaper than asteroids?
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shizuku is so sexy
Yes, retard, the bombs that have probably been stockpiled over several years and whose delivery system already exists is cheaper than diverting Alt V efforts to fuck off and grab asteroids. Maybe if you also ignore the impracticality of using asteroids when, as per your previous post, they do more damage than G-Bombs in conjunction with the fact that G-Bombs seem to be a TARGETED delete bomb that also shut down BETA then yeah, maybe it is better. I could also be missing something, though.
was the version of this cg with her tits showing a shoop?
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>I could also be missing something, though.
The fact that Half of the planet got FUBAR in gravitational anomalies, oceans are gone, only salt flats kept, and most of the life is gone
oh, and BETA still survived your massive planet blasting. what comes cheap never gets quality , heh.

>Yes, retard, the bombs that have probably been stockpiled over several years and whose delivery system already exists is cheaper than diverting Alt V efforts to fuck off and grab asteroids.
Nope. Asteroids are abundant in this solar system. "the only complicated" stuff is to retrieve it, the rest (put on course to Earth and select the hive to destroy) its easy enough.
you dont need that G-Shit to blow up BETA. just the ol´ "rocks and sticks".
maybe asking on /sci/ what those faggots would do...

>Maybe if you also ignore the impracticality of using asteroids when, as per your previous post, they do more damage than G-Bombs

maybe i misspelled or something, but my post was in favor of using asteroid bombardment.
how big or fast has to be? depends... too big can fuck up worse than the dinosaurs had to handle...
Maybe a little but fast asteroid would be destructive enough without damaging anything else.

>in conjunction with the fact that G-Bombs seem to be a TARGETED delete bomb that also shut down BETA then yeah, maybe it is better.
"TARGETED" sounds too "tactical, when instead in TDA, they launched MASSIVELY, AT THE SAME TIME.
Gee, why not, you know, lauch some G-bombs on some more "suitable" sites, and watch over what can happen? that is the most sensible aproach...
Holy shit you're an embarrassment
Why are you like this?
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Why? ML is a good VN , but not flawless.
One of the big reasons they are losing , its because they can´t hold ground, AND "not enough" firepower.
Tactically, its understandable, but they keep insisting on using only TSF as a "main force", but the rest of the armed forces was kept the same, without adapting to the new type of warfare.
And strategically, oh BOIII...

/m/ got their dense faggots, albeit less worse than other boards m8.
I can't believe we're in the Switch port timeline.
And that it's the same week as Ace Combat 7's port.
I wonder if the switch version shows chomp
See, I was wondering more if Twizzlers is still a thing.
I haven't touched ML since the pre-captcha dark ages, I dunno what constitutes all ages baseline acceptable anymore.
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>And that it's the same week as Ace Combat 7's port.
So? not even in the same game genre.
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According to people who've got it, it has all the same censoring as the Vita release. So it has this version of CHOMP.
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Where can I find Alternative Chronicles 04?
the first archive in the OP in the age 20th box
Oh nice, thanks
i'm a sumikafag and i take great pleasure in reminding noble confidants of their place
does the steam version of mla check for unlimited saves? i know it's a minor thing but i want my takeru to be able to keep the gun and the rope but i only want to replay mla.
That's awful.
Similarly, I like pointing out that Sumika needed to mash together an Unlimited number of Takerus to get one that would choose her over the other girls.
I have a much better alternative than G-bombs or asteroids, it's cheaper to do and easier to deliver with small payloads but massive effects.
ANTIMATTER! Annihilation is literally the most effective means of converting mass into energy and it's something humans could make without needing to go far into space or capturing hives. Betcha they never tried that.
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Yeah, well Meiya never got two Takerus
So I was asking for this so I could read War Ensemble but then I found this Jap guy narrating what is apparently the whole thing for nine hours straight
Looks like it's written like a normal prose novel which is an interesting approach but holy shit it's a lot of text
Yes, I got jumpscared by class prez when I started Alt and had to go back to redo Meiya's route
if you mash 6 million takerus and he chooses sumika could that mean she would have won on average across all of them if she wasn't brained?
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That implies that Takeru, regardless of version, would pick Sumika as a destined choice. Sure his dialogue sets him up as that, but that's only because of the situations he finds himself in.

It's alot less romantic than loving someone throughout every universe though. The only reason that Takeru fell in love was because he spent the most amount of time with that specific heroine. It's why the Alternative timeline exists, because the then one sided love of Sumika being amplified through alien technology and quantum computing with a fixation on a single person.

A better argument for Sumika supporters is that Meiya would uphold tradition over her own wishes, as shown at the end of her Extra route where she would marry someone to adhere to Mitsurugi traditions if not interrupted, and none of the other girls were romantically interested in Takeru without rapid extended time together and helping them through their problems.

Meanwhile Sumika is the only heroine that we know has had her love powered through multiple dimensions (though subconsciously). Though again the parallel worlds arguement could still be used to say there's definitely a world where Sumika doesn't like Takeru at all but that's getting into a stupid discussion.
that just means she wins the best takeru

i think i'll just live with an imperfect takeru in my case since i was planning to read it using the steam deck. cause of linux, unless i jump through hoops and move the unlimited saves over to alternative's directory manually which feels like too much work.
its what they do when they run out of budget/dev time. The TE demo was also like that.
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The Kashgar hive is 100 km in diameter and 4 km deep. To destroy it with asteroid bombardment would require an impact directly comparable to the Chicxulub impact, which killed the dinosaurs by making the Earth unlivable for decades, and that's just to take out one of the hives. The author wrote in something like the G-bomb as a stand-in for any "just bomb them a lot" approach by abstracting the science behind it to prevent the story from being undermined, and he definitely erred on the side of making the G-bombs too effective and too environmentally friendly. I think The Day After did a good job of showing how even small changes to the Earth's global climate are catastrophic to humanity; asteroid bombardment for the same efficacy would result in farming becoming impossible outside of a lab, a neverending winter, extreme acid rain, and the air being difficult and extremely unhealthy to breathe at best and weather conditions making it deadly to breathe at times.
There's also the fact that accelerating an asteroid to impact will have underwhelming results -humanity could absolutely do it with the Alternative V fleet, but the strike won't have nearly as much momentum due to so much less delta-v being involved -for comparison the Chicxulub asteroid weighed 2 quadrillion pounds and hit going twenty kilometers per second.
Now what about how we're forgetting the objective? The BETA can live in space, and their hives are just the hub of mining activity which has little to do with a direct war effort against humanity. Destroying their hives mostly just pisses them off, an they can easily rebuild them, though destroying the Superordinate and a large number of reactors at once is an effective strategy -but there's no way to pull off a simultaneous attack against the hives with asteroid bombardment, that's technologically unfeasible. The point of the depicted G-bomb strategy is the BETA are more prepared to thrive in the aftermath of any scorched earth plan.
The BETA avoid volcanic regions, therefore the key to defeating them is sacrificing virgins to the volcano gods
Besides that, it's easy to say humanity isn't doing enough to modernize their forces, but I don't see you putting forth an alternative. The main guns on their tanks were switched out for optimized BETA-slaying with cannons for killing destroyers and grapplers at range, and autocannons for everything else. I always thought the VNs depicted humanity using MLRS a lot for their expense, so it doesn't seem like they're neglecting artillery at least.
*pushes you into a volcano*
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I think that would just alert the superordinate to see humanity as a threat. The BETA have far more virgins to sacrifice than humanity, so they'd win through attrition.
>A better argument for Sumika supporters is that Meiya would uphold tradition over her own wishes
Demonstrably false, e.g. your own example, 12/5, Yokohama, Ouka, maybe others.
>Meanwhile Sumika is the only heroine that we know has had her love powered through multiple dimensions (though subconsciously)
Through a G-Bomb.
Post hoc rationalizing the use of fucking asteroids over G-Bombs and completely missing the point elsewhere is as embarrassing as people who like Schwarzesmarken.
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BOI, imagine if humanity could do that... (and frying the atmosphere lol)
IRL the closest to that stuff is the Great Collider... but dunno, ML-verse seems advanced in some tech areas, while in others lacks notoriously...

now, you got me thinking...
Instead of an Anti-matter Bomb, would be feasible to make an "Antimatter Cannon", ala X-99 Railgun?

>The Kashgar hive is 100 km in diameter and 4 km deep.
Yes, but using an asteroid THAT big not only would destroy a hive, it would fuck up nearby hives too...
>when an asteroid(Chicxulub), about ten kilometers (six miles) in diameter, struck Earth.

>The crater is estimated to be 200 kilometers (120 miles) in diameter and 20 kilometers (12 miles) in depth.
Yup, tremendous OVERKILL case m8...

>All that blues you wrote about muh enviromentalism.
Ok-ok, lets just use smaller asteroids, you only need to blow up the Monument and Core. and then, let those fuckers rot without energy, and THEN, deal with the rest ... EZ PZ.

>There's also the fact that accelerating an asteroid to impact will have underwhelming results -humanity could absolutely do it with the Alternative V fleet
You dont need that fleet to move away an asteroid. we are talking about a fraction of the dimensions and speed compared with your example (Chicxulub).

>There's also the fact that accelerating an asteroid
Use a few smaller asteroids, with the benefit to do more damage per area, and less probability to tremble the planet...

>The point of the depicted G-bomb strategy is the BETA are more prepared to thrive in the aftermath of any scorched earth plan.
The G-Bomb had more questions than answers about secondary effects, compared to the Nuclear Bomb, which it had its theorical stuff well known decades before.

(Part 1)
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(Part 2)

>but there's no way to pull off a simultaneous attack against the hives with asteroid bombardment, that's technologically unfeasible
I Disagree, Humanity spent 30 YEARS FAFO with fancy Robots, ESPers lolis, and trying to use UNDERSTANDING and FRIENDSHIP signs like a hippie trying to welcoming the mining alien factory, LMAO.

Use smallers asteroids (more feasible to move, control and do less enviromental damage) to TACTICALLY destroy the hives, let the rest of the show continue with TSFs and land forces.

>The main guns on their tanks were switched out for optimized BETA-slaying with cannons for killing destroyers and grapplers at range, and autocannons for everything else
yup, they forgot that those tanks (or any armor) its USELESS against BETA.
you need SPEED (at least to out-run the Tank Class, The Destroyer Class and the rest can be out gunned if you aim to the legs).
IMHO, Main Battle Tanks would be used as base defenses (they lack speed, and were designed to fight other tanks), and instead using some "souped up IFV" or the like, with increased speed, would engage directly in front...
There, my 5 cents
Eh, I wouldn't use reddit spacing to type such a long post, it's a bit rude. Anyways, the author didn't want to leave the bombardment approach unsatisfying examined so they gave humanity a literal magic best-case scenario, but instead of reading this as such you took it as a worst-case and are arguing this different best-case you imagine but don't understand would actually work. I'm sorry there isn't such an abundance of extinction events as reference to find exactly how unlivable earth would become, but if you want to argue your point so extensively I'd ask you to do some research and present some numbers and real-world references.
Tanks have issues with firing a main gun too large for their weight class, so your imagined vehicle would not work, and humanity has already built up a system to produce and support tanks in eye watering numbers.
I think you're prepared to argue for a long time but not back up your points, so I'm ducking out now.
I'll bite, thinking back on Meiya, she really likes upholding tradition, but not at too much of a cost. It's why in Extra she took her loss reluctantly but gracefully, meanwhile the combat through Unlimited and Alternative showed that if she had the power she would do whatever she could to give her body for the Japanese people.

Sumika only managing to do the interdimensional Takeru wish because the Americans bombarded Yokohama is true, but I think a better arguement against that is Sumika being lucky to be the last human alive on in that brain stem. Personally I don't think that diminishes what she did, but it sure made it easier.
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>Eh, I wouldn't use reddit spacing to type such a long post, it's a bit rude.
I do it for a better reading for a long post, IDGAF about "reddit".

>I'm sorry there isn't such an abundance of extinction events as reference to find exactly how unlivable earth would become


>but if you want to argue your point so extensively I'd ask you to do some research and present some numbers and real-world references.
we are talking about a fictional universe, and speculating A LOT, btw.

My main critique to that universe, is that they were tinkering around with one element (TSFs), in a long time developing, like if its Post Cold-War . in a "Hot-War" Scenario, things get on a "high gear" and experimental stuff

I Know the "Rule Of Cool" and Kouki being /m/an, but using the same time lapse for the planes IRL, does not make sense.
Maybe some parts of military got too big for him.
Three of the examples I give are from Alternative. Your characterization of Meiya is oversimplified and not true.
What do you think the TSF equivalents to 6th gen fighters would look like? Would they be powered by G elements like the Susanoo?
>Yokohama G-bomb creates one causality conductor
>Alt V G-bombs create...
none. sumika is special.
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This was, and always will be, Takeru's best choice.
So why did Mr. Tamase call his daughter Tama?
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Relatively speaking. the future of TSF is known from the artbook associated with the last chapter of the manga and in the 2040s + mecha in Muv-Luv are armed with ray guns and are capable of space flights, and then even limited spatial jumps. However, this is subject to a unified (LoL) humanity after a series of civil wars and the reconquest of the Moon from BETA.

The problem of the author and the franchise at the moment is that they are stuck in 2000-2005 in a world where the United States certainly dominates (Russia, China and India were devoured by BETA, Europe has never been a rival of Washington after World War II, and Brazil and South America fell under the Yankees), so before we somehow develop For example, the Chinese Jay-20 TSF, Kouki and Co. will have to explain where Communist China got the knowledge and resources, production and economic capacities to create such advanced combat vehicles and why the United States could not prevent this.
Brother what? Go read TE again.
??? In TE, the fucking Yankees, in addition to nuclear mining of the Alaska border zone with Russia, were engaged in the destruction of Soviet G-element research laboratories under the guise of a terrorist attack and the appearance of BETA, which the Muricans certainly knew and were not surprised at anything.
Deadwrong and, if you didn't notice, many nations are still developing TSFs. Tard.
>are still developing TSFs
Did you misspell "technology stolen from the Yankees is being adapted"?
This is why we shouldn't have made the story mainstream. People used to actually look up facts and do their research instead of putting their opinions as the truth.
So reveal this Great Truth to us, O Prophet Muv-Luv
First: Learn proper English grammar.
Second: Fuck off and do your own research fool.
So, there are no arguments and there won't be any? Okay, so let's put it down that you're a worthless liar.
What the fuck? Is your English so bad you don't even understand what you write or are you a speedreader? So what if it's derivative or the tech was confidential? TE tells us China still makes TSFs (J-10). The USSR also still makes TSFs in conjunction with managing Alt III, and the US obviously doesn't even care that much. They even give Russians land.
Jesus fucking Christ man.
KimiNozo reboot news?
>TE tells us China still makes TSFs (J-10)
"The UFC thus lent a helping hand to the Israelis to complete the Lavi, and at the same time, develop their own next-generation TSF, resulting in the J-10.
The J-10's modifications are mostly carried over from the Lavi, and likewise are geared towards the optimization of its performance in melee combat."

So, this is a joint development between China and Israel based on the US model.

>The USSR also still makes TSF
In fact, every Soviet TSF has a postscript, “made through the use of technology stolen from the West.”

It's funny ;) But seriously, Commie China in Muv-Luv does not have the opportunity to create his own advanced TSF with stealth.
The J-20 doesn't even exist in universe what are you fucking talking about
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Yeah, but some fans would like to see new fighters in the form of TSF, as evidenced by the illustrations above. Moreover, conceptually they seem to be able to exist, but the geopolitical conditions built by the authors reduce the likelihood of such advanced models appearing in China and Russia, which have fallen into insignificance, to almost zero.


And yes, the Yankees love to jerk off to attackers and in particular the A-12 mentioned somewhere, well, here’s its concept from the same series of illustrations.
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NTA, but every TSF fielded is based on the F-4 , with some bells and whizzles...

also, Tanks > TSFs
Bros they said spring 2024...
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Learn japanese.
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In the first place Russia irl can't produce any new aircraft like the so called checkmate.
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The Su-57 and some kind of drone paired with it are already flying, as far as I know. Except that quite a few of them were produced.

Chinese J-20s are already being made in dozens and, as far as I remember, they are developing/testing some kind of stealth weapon (like a bomber).

So they completely coped with the task of creating a new generation of aircraft, although there are questions about timing and quantity.

But the fact is that in the world of Muv-Luv, the Chinese and Russians simply do not have the opportunity to create something truly breakthrough in TSF (Soviet esper-mecha look extremely unreliable) due to the lack of territories, resources and people.
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Your secretary btw
not that anon, but there is any source of how many TSFs goit build?
I have not seen such data, but it is known how many units there are, on average, in combat formations, and if we can find a more or less complete list of existing squadrons, then we could estimate the total number of TSFs involved at the time the data was specified.

Good luck with that.
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He kneels to Shirogane's love nucleus powers
Is TDA the only time they actually properly destroy a Hive that doesnt involve G-Bombs? I know its a different writer but it wasnt THAT hard, but I guess we know from the mainline that nobody ever wanted to work together, and TDA forced everyone to actually work together or ELSE.
I want to rape Tama so much.
That's only because the main plot was written before 6th gen fighter concepts (and the J-20 and Su-57) existed. Hypothetically if the main plot wasn't finished until the 2020s they might have been included in some way.

The UFC still has Taiwan which is a major manufacturing country. South Korea is a similarly sized country that can develop its own 5th gen fighters (KF-21) so the UFC could probably do the same.
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Punish me Office Lise
Yokohama seemed fairly successful even before the G-Bombs but maybe I could be pulling that out of my ass. In the trilogy, people understandably want to avoid using nukes whereas TDA's apocalyptic setting along with the dire circumstances make nukes and complete collaboration requirements. TDA also might as well be shounenshit.
I didn't see you say anything about it in /vn/ or if you're actually finished yet but did you notice Yuuhi wasn't actually Yuuhi?
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Calm down Shovel-kun
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Wait, are we the baddies? Are humanity just varmints trying to jump the BETA's claim?
>but did you notice Yuuhi wasn't actually Yuuhi?
I didnt mention it because other people were spoiling it during my blog run and also someone spoiled it for me a while ago I did pick up on the context clues though.

Also you are right that nuking hives, even with non g-bombs-, isnt something they want to do in Alternative since they fucked up Canada which ironically led to the main TDA plot conlict.
no we were here first
Was it just a hypothesis that Humanity is actually biological mining drones or is that a fact?
If we are we're not doing a very good job of it
No I just mean that no one is willing to give up land like that when land is precious and reclaiming it is the goal.
well thats because we've lost contact with our creators
When a hooman kills a beta, it's like when a miner is doing his job and a rock falls on his head from the ceiling and cracks it.
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Why was Unlimited's ending so kino? Lowkey almost liked it more than Alternative's end.
and the rocks also pilot giant robots
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I thought it was beautiful to see your gf with your kid looking back on the world they came from, but let's be real the BETA will eventually find that planet and that'll be that.
>Hypothetically if the main plot wasn't finished until the 2020s they might have been included in some way.
But how? Commi-China is deprived of continental territories, and the Soviet Union managed to hold only the lousiest Far Eastern regions. Both countries have lost a huge amount of population and are unable to ensure their own food and resource security. Even the fucking UN decided to add new members to the Security Council - Japan and Australia - due to the obvious decline in power of China and Russia.
In fact, these countries are forced to cooperate with their immediate Cold War enemies, which significantly limit their ability to try to develop something innovative themselves.
1) Beijing is part of the Third United Front and is bound by a joint high-low mix program with Taipei, so any attempt to develop the J-20 without relying on the IRL industrial and technical capabilities of “our” China will be met with a logical question from the Kuomintang type “A” What will we get from this project?" In addition, no one will allow the Chinese commies to liberate mainland China alone, which means they will not even have the opportunity to obtain an independent territorial and resource base for such a project, and a new civil war with the nationalists is hardly possible due to BETA and Washington.
2) Moscow dared to keep part of its own land and partially lease Alaska, but this puts the Soviets in danger of exploding a line of nuclear mines on the US-Alaska border (which means the loss of the capital region due to a “technical failure” or “terrorism” and actual hostage) and makes them vulnerable to espionage and sabotage (the stealth "Infinity" destroyed Russian laboratories for the research of G-elements under the guise of a terrorist attack). In addition, the authors of Total Eclipse and Schwarzesmarken clearly hate everything Soviet and directly state the actual inability of the Russians to develop TSF without stealing Western technologies.
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In general, in order for Red Russia and Commie China to be able to create a new generation of stealth TSF, they must somehow restore their power and potential, but the United States will never allow this and will sabotage the reconquista of Eurasia in every possible way. Remember the CIA's attempts to return Japan to Yankee control after their betrayal and defection in 1998, through the unauthorized use of G-bombs and provoking a palace coup.
If we were, would it matter?
I don't even want to begin with this one, the amount of self victimization and lying is palpable.
It would because then that means Yuuko was wrong, twice. Changing the context of the Core/Administrator-chan and Takeru's exchange. I mean really being a singularity, and the BETA likely knows he is because they already NOMMed his ass, he is a live demonstration that humans are gearing up to 4D asskicking to exterminate the BETA as competitors.

From this hypothetical the admin is desperately trying to prevent humanity from essentially shedding their mimmickry of "being alive" and embracing their machine-like nature. You going all brain in full body cyborg vehicle shenanigans.
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I spent most of my free time in the last couple weeks going through Muv-Luv and Alternative and what the fuck am I even supposed to do with my life now
1. Mull over the events to get some closure
2. Read the supplementary material
3. Seek help
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get into model kits
Would that imply that when we set off the XG-70 in Kashgar, it's the BETA equivalent of "rocks fall, everyone dies" then?
humble bundle is doing a big sale on muv luv for the whole collection and the manga as well. You can get the whole collection with the imperial city burns for less then that one alone costs on steam. Good deal for anyone that wants to get into the franchise.

eagerly look forward to your next playthrough in a year or two.
how good are mub rub kits?
Because part of the popular appeal of the franchise is how there are mecha versions of IRL fighter jets. The J-20 and Su-57 would've been written into the lore somehow. It's possible the worldbuilding would've been altered to support this.
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Hearing Harukanaru Furusato no Uta play in the background as you watch your lover fly off to another galaxy, knowing that you'll most likely die and never see her again is what really gets me. I nearly choked up when they said that little internal goodbye to each other right before the launch (my pic before basically).

>the BETA will eventually find that planet
based off of what the superordinate says in alternative, that's true unfortunately. why can't i canonically marry tama and live in peace baka
That was the exact moment I stopped reading Muv-Luv before work in the morning. After that I only read it at night because I didn't want to show up with the red eyes and sniffles.
tfw nobody in the world will ever have the feeling of playing ML and MLA completely blind. god damn going into ML 4:3 aspect ratio and it's all just lol xD romance drama comedy stuff and the moment you boot up MLA and it's widescreen JAM PROJECT TACHIAGRE is some wild shit
Why is it that every fucking fanfic author has to shit on Russia? All this faggotry without a passing remark to Muhrica is the cherry on top of all the bullshit in the plot. I used to enjoy the guy's story and the short with Sandek was kino but this was horrendous.

Retard even managed to turn the absolute chad Kurogane into a cuck with a gay butler. Also another fucking flashback again. I think I'm done hoping for decent fics, muvbros.
As always, be the change you want to see. Make your own. Surely you can't do any worse.
>One off comment about Russia's treatment of Espers
>First person perspective?
I don't see the issue.
>Why is it that every fucking fanfic author has to shit on Russia?
You know what you did and continue to do.
I might try my hand at it, I've never written anything. Better than let the same lies spread.

It's all in third person PoV, that faggot keeps throwing shade like that disguising it as "the narrator".

The Soviets weren't even on TDA but he makes them appear only to demonize them, not only Inia. The author also admitted to not reading TE or caring about the lore, just put the Soviets there to be massacred as if the disrepair of their craft or the lack of medicine for espers post alternative v was indicative of their character and values. I already left two comments explaining this in the fic but the author doesn't allow them for some reason...

Of course, Russia is the one and only evil and every single Russian should be persecuted for the actions of past and present. There's nuance to have, that ML handles masterfully, but I suppose a Muhrican retard won't see anything that isn't Russia = Bad as correct. Walken isn't a faggot just because America threw the G-Bombs, for example.
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Apparently the answer was just jumping right into photonflowers
So did more Russians survive initially? Still, the Reds had more chances to carry out a successful full-scale evacuation to Canada than refugees from the Pacific Ocean...

Or was cloning used to increase numbers? The Russians from TDA have technology, but there are problems with genetic diversity and scientific ethics in Russians relations with the allies...

Still, there was a space-time distortion due to the interaction of esper forces and distortions from G-bombs, and the Soviet Expeditionary Force "returned" to the TDA world several years after the failure of Operation Babylon?
New Muv-Luv fanfiction with good Russians? I'd love to read it.)

Although there may be a problem with the TDA setting, since the Soviet Union is not represented at all among the active “countries” there, but the author put nuked Canada there.
good question actually, what's the read order for the supplementary material, because I know one of the collections has a pseudo sequel to Alternative.

Also TDA can be read whenever and Total Eclipse I don't know.
My plan is to go
>Total Eclipse
Makes sense to me. The sequel to Alternative you're thinking of is in photonmelodies.
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KINO H scene
Mediocre poseability, lots of color correction required
Better poseability but varies kit-by-kit (you'll probably want to cement some parts), lots of weapons so you can create any loadout you want, extra features (moveable weapon pylons, knife sheathes, the under the arm gun sling), still need some color correction but far less than 1/144. They also usually come with waterslides
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Sumika's inner animal?!
Is Project Mikhail worth it?
absolutely not.
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why is this general so dead
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Everybody died trying to get a high from a lack of oxygen
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Kei looks like THAT?
We're in the denial phase where we pretend muv luv was never good
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Is using the wrong kind of sauce really such a big deal?
No, this whole side story is manufactured drama.
Sumika is still shit, though.
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Is actually not about that
Onions sauce.
I assume that you haven't finished this yet because it beats you over the head with what it's trying to convey at the end of it. It's... a bit heavy handed along the way and imho didn't age very well.
Is there any "definitive" version of the series to go through? I'll be reading it in JP so eng patches don't matter. Are the all ages versions a fate realta nua situation where they intend to mostly replace the H versions?
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Best version with no censorship is the 20th anniversary box version, which is just steam version but with porn. but I heard switch is solid, it censors gore tho
I... don't understand what exactly you're looking for but for the English fanbase you play Muv-Luv -> Muv-Luv Alternative -> anything else. All-ages versions are, of course, all ages. It's your preference. If you ask me the H-scenes are kind of whatever and there are some other reasons you might want to avoid the uncensored version. Additionally, you might want to consider playing Kimi ga Nozomu Eien and Kimi ga Ita Kisetsu since Muv-Luv Alternative will borrow some cast members from these games, but it is far from necessary.
Alright thanks I'll check those versions out.
what are the other reasons to avoid the uncensored versions? Unless they are spoilers of course.
The Switch version uses the new engine, which isn't exactly to everyone's taste.
Beawife when?
They're spoilers. For some, one scene in particular is deserving of derision but the censorship might not make much of a difference anyways. You seem like you'll be fine without it, though.
Sounds good, thanks for the info. I'll probably go with the vita or switch and just see what I missed later.
Are there 3d models for the main girls anywhere? I have plans
I miss my Vita
There are Koikatsu cards. There are some AMV type things on Niconico
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Is it really so easy to steal the secret of stealth technology from the Yankees?
Dead series, dead general. It happens.
stop cross posting your dogshit opinions between here and reddit
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Ah! A snowbunny!
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It's pretty wild they made me feel emotional over graduation day when in real life I didn't give two shits about it
Maybe I lived my youth incorrectly
maybe try to live your next youth as a harem protagonist
Or at least try to make friends
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You know what today is, right? It's Caturday.
Im still looking for the betas 3d models so i can print (in scale of my revoltech collection) and paint them
It took me like 5 months to get over Alternative. It's almost embarassing how much this game fucked me up.
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How fucking bad is Dimensions that not a single person in this thread gives a shit about it?
I've never witnessed this for any other tie-in gacha
keifags come get your girl
I don't like gacha games at all so I was never going to play it anyways
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Keifags? More like... Kei DYKES
My IQ is too high to play gacha and everyone else is here is an EOP
>don't play gacha games generally
>don't have time to play nowadays anyway
>don't read jap
>don't like the "plot" as a far as it has been explained to me
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I would've tried it if there was an EN release, can't say how long I would've played though
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Happy birthday Tatsunami Hibiki
The best hero in Muv-Luv. Shirogane is a whiner, Bridges is an asshole, Eberbach is a loser and only Tatsunami is a warrior.
It's not actually bad at all by gacha standards. People just shat on it for so long it got tiring to try to have a discussion about it. The general was extra dead for 4-5 months because of a few people making discussing literally every part of the series miserable, or at least it felt like it.
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I hate birthdayfags desu
good character though, was refreshing reading somerthing from a leader's pov
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Beatrix needs correction.
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Next presidential candidate?
>my cat is the president
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>cat president
I will gladly be the first gentleman
I thought they did a good job on the voice casting but I missed the crazy hair
the age of the chizuru and keiniggers is over!!! flat supremacy!!!
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I ended up really liking both designs. Still miss the crazy hair, but I like how the anime made it look more natural while still keeping it cute and cat like. Hard to say which one I like more now lol.
Still waiting for my Tama scale figure.
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How exactly were the consequences of the release of information about Redshift in TE smoothed out?
I mean, this is actually a nuclear threat to the capital region of the USSR, moreover, with a huge risk of self-detonation...

I believe that after the publication of such information, all remaining Russian nuclear weapons should have been brought into full combat readiness and again (?) redirected to the United States.

In the end, the Soviets vitally need a safe rear and such a setup from the Yankees can bring the situation to the hypothetical "We don't need a world without Russia". So, how exactly did they hush up the situation with these nuclear mines and what did the United States do to prevent Moscow from being hit with a nuclear bomb as a preventive measure, just in case?
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...is Marimo's greatest secret?
>It's not actually bad at all by gacha standards
if it released in 2015 maybe
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Hey guys, I'm the anon who was blogposting his playthrough of the original trilogy with 3 of his friends. I don't know if anyone cares enough, but sorry for not posting in a while. A lot has happened since the last time I came here. We somehow managed to finish Alternative about 3 months ago. I'd have posted here earlier, but to be honest the whole experience left me kinda depressed and disillusioned. I'll get to the details later, but tldr for anyone who wants to share your autistic hobbies with your friends: be ready to reevaluate your friendships and your own tastes
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I'm not sure exactly where we left off last time I posted, and I cba looking through the archives, but I think it was around the Sumika=00 unit reveal, so I'll just start off there. It's beginning to be a while ago, so forgive me if some parts are more detailed than others.
I remember the squad being pretty blunt about their hatred for the valkyries at first, which irritated me profusely, as I think they're one of the best parts of the whole vn. It also seemed to me that they weren't as invested in the Sumika parts at this point as they ideally should've been. There were of course comments lamenting the state she was in, and they all supported her vocally, but I could tell they were eager to get the whole "suffering" part of the plot over with. As I've said before, I think this could be a side-effect of them being more disconnected from the emotional parts of the VN because of the fact they were not experiencing it alone. But I've been beginning to think otherwise, since I was getting pretty invested despite it being my 2nd reread of the games..
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They pretty quickly surmised that the valkyrie squad probably were gonna be BETA fodder to turn up the stakes, and heading into Sadogashima they were extremely hyped to finally get some shonenlike shit they're used to.
I was pretty surprised that none of them called out Munakata and Isumi in particular for the EXTREME death flags they were raising the night before the operation, but I remember being extremely relieved that the heart to hearts on the ship with those two stirred the emotions of my friends. They were finally starting to like the valkyries.
The whole operation itself was a blur, as it's one of the few parts where we just COULDNT stop reading. I think we had like a 7-hour session or something, which is kinda crazy considering there is 4 of us. I was honestly expecting a much crazier reaction to the Takeru 1v100000, but these guys are used to over the top shonenshit, so I can understand that to some degree. It seems they liked the combat though. Some even took to fangirling Tsukuyomi's cameo on the beachhead early on. My perhaps favorite part of this entire project was the part where Isumi Isumi is calling up the valkyries and Takeru. The entire call went completely silent, and one friend in particular called out "I have tears in my fucking eyes man". This part cemented Yuuko as their favorite character, based on how "complexly layered" they could tell she was given her deeply emotional reaction to the captain's death.
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I don't really remember any particular comments about the aftermath of the sadogashima arc, all I remember is their reactions to Sumika's "betrayal". At first they could genuinely not tell why she would reject him at that point, and it made for some good drama for them.
I was pretty worried for the rape flashback, and how it'd affect their views of the author's integrity. And when the time was finally there for the big reveal, it was honestly not that bad. They were all pretty weirded out, dont get me wrong, but when shit gets weird in our friendgroup we just meme it out. A pretty long conversation was had after it about how weird of a tonal shift they thought it was, but one of my friends actually defended it as a plot point in and of itself(not the execution though). So it turns out his girlfriend(he's a massive normie) is a rape victim, and Sumika's behavior genuinely reminded him of her.
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The base defense arc was the first time my friends pointed something out in the story that was new to me. I never considered the fact that this is the first part of the story where Yuuko isn't completely in control, in fact she is very much out of her element here.
Haruka's death is one of the first notes of true discord we had during our playthrough. I don't think any of them had basically any reaction to her death, which soured everything immediately around it for me. As a consolation price they were sad about hayase's death, but that didn't do much for me.
One thing I haven't mentioned this far is their everlooming criticism of Takeru's voice actor. I know a lot of people don't like it either, so I wasn't up in arms about it. But anyways, the rage Takeru displays in the shaft down to the reactor is the first time they've praised the VA's performance
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I think at some point during this next "aftermath" arc they start enjoying the romance and interpersonal drama slice of lifey stuff a lot less, which is sad, because that's what this series hinges on to get you invested in the battles and geopolitics. They for example started mocking Sumika's crying, which I kinda get because it stretches on a lot(and sounds kinda weird), but them just memeing it while some of the most earthrending parts of the story were playing out just took a bit of the gravitas out of it. There is also a paradigm shift here, where I think all 3 of my friends started to prefer Meiya's story to Sumika's. We had a long conversation about Meiya's characterization again(much like during the coup arc) during Tsukuyomi's many plights with Takeru to take care of her. Where we analyzed her down to her core. And that was a pretty great experience, and it's basically all I've wanted from something like this. Someone to discuss the finer parts of one of my favorite works, and in real time nonetheless.
Speaking as someone who doesn't really like the whole "takeru has to abandon his TSF to go pilot Susano-o with Sumika as one" shtick I was quite surprised that they liked having them saving the world in the same machine, even though Sumika's stocks were definitely tanking.
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I think one of the odd things about muvluv being a very niche, almost otaku/neet only fanbase series today is that you actually have to have some level of emotional awareness to appreciate the characters and storytelling. I'd guess if your friends were invested on some level yet still didn't care about these things it's related to them not fully empathizing with others. I think that's something that a lot of autists struggle with.
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The final arc is where my annoyance turned into actual anger towards some of their opinions on the novel.
The "carry on scene" is what one of my friends thinks is the best scene in the whole series. The most absentminded of the three of them broke my immersion completely when he asked "who is that" as Yuuko is pictured holding marimo's photograph.
The friend I'd mentioned before who I thought was spoiling himself had been really hype about getting the opening song during the final battle, as he'd been listening to it a lot on spotify. He'd even go as far as to list it in his top 5 anime openings of all time. Sadly I think he was ultimately disappointed in the fact that it wasnt as "epic" as he'd imagined. So it took me really out of the scene not hearing him hyped at all during what he'd said would most likely be his favorite moment.
One thing I'd failed to mentioned earlier is the fact that we'd talked about their predictions for the ending of the series. They were quite staunch in their opinion that none of the original main cast would die by the end except Takeru. So I was really hyped up to see their despaired reactions to what was about to unfold.
While I think class rep and Ayamine's deaths delivered(as they were still unsure if they really would kill them off or not), they went so far as calling the finale "dragging", and "slow" when it came to the deaths of Tama and Mikoto.
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In my boy's defense they did think that the plan to keep Takeru from finding out about the squad's deaths was really good, and a really good use of Takeru's character flaws narratively. So they atleast didn't think the entirety of the final arc was shit.
When we finally get to the superordinate, and it starts unveiling the mystery of the BETA I think my friends once again didn't enjoy it even as much as a fraction of what I did originally. In fact it didn't seem they really cared much about the details of te BETA much at all.
Luckily the gravitas gets to them again when Meiya, who is their favorite takes center stage of the final fight. Takeru's voice actor also gets praise here for his final "MEIYAAAA", and I'm quite sure their souls were atleast kind of stirred.
Now we get to the part where I can remember completely bawling my eyes out during my original readhtrough. And I was expecting the same energy out of my bois. But they honestly just seem kinda relieved it will soon be over? There is no, "oh my gods" to Sumika sacrificing herself, no "damn, that's a cool twist" to the multidimensional stuff. Just weird silence, with no input. I may have misenterpreted them a little bit here, as I of course can't read their minds while they're stock silent. But I feel like I'd elaborate a little if I were in their positions.
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Now we get to my crux with this whole experience.
So we're at the point right before Takeru returns to the extraverse. And I ask the boys "well, what do you think about the ending so far". Of course they answer like you might think. "It was good". "Im gonna be sad for a while". The usual stuff.
So we get to my favorite part in the whole series. A replay of the first day in the series. After like maybe 5 minutes into realizing we'll just kind of have to replay something we've been through like a month ago, my friend goes "do we really have to sit through this entire thing again?".
I mentioned before that they didn't really resonate with the first return to the extraverse arc, when takeru runs away. But I never expected they'd ruin one of the most beautiful moments in the entire series like this. You're supposed to feel nostalgic and heartbroken at this point. Not fucking tired of the repetitiveness. And to top it all off, after the credits roll, they all agree "it'd be better if they cut the last part". Hell no.
Well I manage to hide my anger pretty well, I cant police their opinions of course. So I try to pry them for their thoughts overall. But they all kind of just go "yeah, i gotta go now". And we're talking lifelong friends here, so I know they can stick around if they want to. And I also know they would be raring to discuss it if they really liked it. To be honest I felt really insulted by the fact that they didn't want to put their feelings out there. But then again it's really hard to not feel like they've kind of conceeded a lot of time just for me to do this stuff. So I'm kind of conflicted on the entire thing. We also played Fata Morgana together after this, and I think they liked that a whole lot more, which really just leads to me feeling even worse about the whole thing
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Sorry it got so longwinded and undetailed. I really derailed the whole blogposting stuff by waiting so long to start again. I probably missed a lot of their most interesting opinions due to my memory. Feel free to ask if you want to know what they thought about a particular topic. I may just blogpost our playthrough of Fata Morgana on /vn/ or something sometime. It has some interesting stuff happening. Like our one retarded hotheaded friend obviously spoiling himself and then projecting that onto me when I successfully predicted some plot relevations.
Sorry for shitting up the thread with my horrible writing
I'm sorry, anon. This whole experience is exactly why I'm heistant to share these things with people. It's like when you go to show someone something you think is funny and they don't care at all except a million times heavier.
I think people generally need a bit of experience with VNs to appreciate ML, and this is where your friends might have been lacking, but I'm unsure.
Thanks anon. It's not that serious, to be honest, it was just foolish of me to put so much of my happiness down to someone else's reactions in the first place.
On the topic of them not having enough VN experience to fully apreciate ML, I kinda agree. But I think their biggest enemy in all of this was their own expectations. Maybe I overhyped it or whatever, but I think they had expected far more production value in the fight scenes and stuff. Perhaps the length of it all also wore them out. One friend has ADHD, while 1 other hasn't really read a lot of long book series or anything, so it makes sense.
My friends are far more socially aware than me. If anything im more autistic than them
kimi nozo english releasing soon
>But I think their biggest enemy in all of this was their own expectations.
This is definitely something to be avoided. A lot of people hype up their favorite things, or VNs, and a lot of people do end up buying into it but it also creates some downsides, especially in the context of in-groups and out-groups.
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>not giving a shit when tama died
bwo... how could they
A censored MTL translation? No thanks.
File deleted.
ban evading again loser?
Don't worry. Differences in taste between different people inevitably affect their perceptions and can cause disagreements even about a universe that all friends like.

Using Muv-Luv as an example, one of my friends is delighted with Schwarzesmarken (because “not in Japan” mostly), but for me this ML-product is simply a mockery of the Germans of East Germany.
When tho
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What does Mr. Yoroi do for a living in the Extra timeline? I'm having a hard time imagining him as anything other than an international man of mystery.
From the sounds of things they liked it overall but wanted it to stay super serious even to the end. Just cut out that final part and leave it.
member when the franchise wasnt dead?
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I only got into it this summer so no
>tfw missed the bundle
how much porn is in the game? if its half porn i dont really regret missing it
i got Baldr Sky to play anyway
Hardly any. Couple scenes per route per game.
I always assumed he was a psycho explorer/adventurer with a penchant for mischief and ruining his son/daughters daily life.
You get 0 porn for each 100 hours of VN because the Steam release removed those scenes.
It's probably better this way. at least you don't have to deal with the hope being taken away.
meiya sitting on my face
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You sure love accusing others of non-existent evasion.
Holy shit thanks anon!
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I'm the kind of person that thinks Alternative is the greatest thing ever and I think you do need to be a specific type of person to think that, you gotta be the type of person that can feel a lot of sympathy for fictional characters because the whole final act falls flat if you are unable to feel for Takeru when it's time for him to say goodbye to all his friends.

That's something I love about Alternative, instead of the MC doing the heroic badass sacrifice, it's the friends you've made that sacrifice everything for Takeru and become the unsung heroes of their world. It's enough to make a grown man cry.

Your friends probably expected something different or more action packed. Honestly I think Alternative is a horrible pick to experience along with friends, it's just too sappy, it would have to be a group of friends that's really comfortable with each other and their own emotions which is rare. Don't hold it against them too much, but maybe consider finding people that are more like you in that sense.
I love, LOVE these ladies.
Whats the context for this image lol? US /m/ guy in Syria?
Thanks. They look really good but there wasn't a good Tama model. I'm trying to port them to Source or GMod.
All I see is cute Tama

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