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TR-S [Hazel Flare] got a decal-girl before full art and I wouldn't have it any other way

--useful links--
>official Reboot illustration list, missing first few entries

>scans of some of the earlier entires

>samples of the ongoing manga

>weibo page of Watership 4.5, a fan circle that makes 3d models of many AoZ designs. Good insight into how they function.

>another page with their stuff

>internet archive has scans of The Flag of Titans compiled in 6 volumes, this is the first one

>proof of concept for a translation project of the Reboot volumes

>last thread
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the not (less) girly version of the decal in question, now confirmed to belong to Hazel Flare
That's still a confirmed kill on a Kadokawa website! It's a complete victory for the good guys!

Anyway, checking out the usual place. As usual everything looks very nice, but they sure seem to be underfeeding their Hazels, damn. Does this look more lineart accurate?
I dunno these legs seem way too thin for me. They could be twice as thick and feel closer to lineart and other depictions. I think this is just using """modern""" proportions to """""enhance""""" it
Christ those legs need to be scaled like 1.3x wider. Just the legs, which is incredibly fucking weird. I feel like there was a random piece of art that had proportions kind of close to this at one point.
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The front vents seem a little thin, but the design is still amazing
Just call it the "Late" ver. and start another "a million designs with the same name but actually different MS" thing the Barzams have going on
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well, picrel has the same kind of thinner vents. Don't think it's supposed to be using the same legs though
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The kits that we got do have some extra chonk that aren't present in the lineart. The Metal Robots are more accurate and that's a fact.

It's a matter of how lineart accurate you want it to be, I suppose. Still, I will never deny some more chonk to my favorite designs.
It may be more accurate but looks fucking awful and downright gross
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The Hazel beam rifle doesn't get enough respect. I love how it looks small and compact without looking dinky like a beam spray gun or the Jegan's beam rifle.

Incidentally, does anyone recognize the bottommost colored rifle here? Almost looks like a shotgun configuration.
Man those bigger shoulders, torso, (slightly) longer legs look great. It really balances the bulk better than the kit offerings. Little bit of a wasp waist going on though, but not nearly as bad as some other kit designs have lately.
It’s called advance of zeta because it advances zeta’s slop into kino.
off yourself
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Zeta is also kino your dumb whore
Early version of the rifle used by Jegan A type in F91. It also showed up in Return of Johnny Ridden and cameo'd in Unicorn so there's background for it beginning development around then.
This is the predecessor version though, as the Jegan rifle wasn't built around Hazel's but the overall function and shape are inherited from this form.
Also its not a Titans design but a post-war prototype tested at SSD by AEUG, we see the SSD Barzam carrying it.
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Personally I never cared for Hazel's rifle. Just a worse Mark II rifle for me, honestly, and the double e-pac gimmick is a miss for me too.

That's a late era Jegan rifle, originally in F91 era but they had it show up in some Unicorn Jegan loadouts and other stuff around the era.
>F91 Jegan rifle
I'm familiar with it. The designer did some impressive sleight of hand here, I didn't even notice that was it.

StarShip Down
Asteroid base intended to serve as HQ fir Inle deployments. That did not work out. After the war it was taken over by AEUG and Anaheim and turned into the center of their research on remaining TR Plan machines and data as the primary archive was destroyed. It's where TR-S was found and refitted into ZZZ Gundam, also known as AoZ Gundam or Lambda Gundam.
Little disappointed to hear it's taking this title too. I always wanted to see the theoretical Nero-inspired one from Gundam Wars III, but the TR-S is quite a long ways from a Psycommu Nero.
We only have a rough draft of ZZZ, but it appears to change quite a lot from TR-S (which is also a draft) and the description states it was refitted with Anaheim Gundam-type parts, iirc explicitly mentioning the face for example.
Besides, Fujioka is a huge Katoki fan. He will do Lambda justice for himself as much as for anyone else.
>Besides, Fujioka is a huge Katoki fan
yikes guess no one can be perfect
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Isn't that F91-era Jegan rifle also apparently just a somewhat modified mass production version of the Mark II beam rifle?
>Psycommu Nero.
Isn't that just the S gundam? Just replace ALICE with Psycommu
>Lambda Gundam, the Pyscommu Nero
Here's one artist's interpretation of it
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And here's another artist's interpretation of it
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I colored it for fun
Are the bif knee and shoulder attachments some type of funnel? Looks pretty unwieldy
Yep, they're prototype Fin Funnels. The unwieldiness certainly does evoke their not-yet-ironed-out nature.

I believe they have their own built-in generators, which technically means they're Bits. The same is definitely true for the Nu Gundam's Fin Funnels. (shrug)
Neat. The wing-shaped skirt armor suggests a transformation, but not the rest of the body so I think the artist goofed a bit there
It's derived from it but it's still its own thing, you can see all the shapes are a bit different
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Odds are we wouldn't have AoZ if it wasn't for Sentinel so it's fine I think. Plus, it makes sense given how often 0083 designs are used as basis, particularly with Hazel and how there's Sentinel references all over the place.
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I like this idea, kinda Baund Doc II
Why are you posting a Japanese tweet translated to Korean?
because that's the pic I had on hand
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Do you ever stop to think that, if it weren't for AoZ, the only UC content we would get on a somewhat regular basis would be the lazy designs of Engage and Gyoubu's discarded G-Reco designs from Moon? I shudder to even imagine that timeline.
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I like both of these (even if Engage's in-game renders are fucking awful) so it wouldn't be the end of the world for me. Besides, it's not like these are the only major UC things in recent years.
Regardless, it'd definitely be a lot worse off without AoZ around.
Do you get off on always trying to sound reasonable?
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It makes me feel better about myself ;_;
I mean, Engage got some interesting ideas sometimes and even Moon got a few neat suits, but it sure sucks that MSV-R is dead.
At least F90 stuff is still ongoing
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we get constant UC releases! Besides, careful what you wish for, the monkey paw might hear you
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I actually really like most of Engage's new designs, the laziest thing about them is how they basically quit showing off the full lineart for the new stuff.
Makes me wonder if they intend to do an art book for the game at some point, but they used to print "U.C. Engage MS Analyze" articles for them in Gundam Ace as ads for the game basically.
I wouldn't be surprised, really. There's no way they begin and end the design process at slapping together a 3d model and that's it. Hell, IIRC when someone made a fan version of how Mushika's armor would look in SFS form Engage's mecha designer said that's pretty close to the actual design but he's not allowed to show it.
If that's true then there might be some contract clause where he can't display some of his work for some time but it will be eventually published in one way or another.
MSV-R isn't dead tho.
The manga ended, but MSV-R itself has begun the "Season 2". For now it's been pretty much only color variations but Okawara is bound to cook up a new variant or two down the line.
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I like how El-Ahrairah's transformation is so simplistic. Just put the gigantic arms forward and slap them together, cover the core section with the booster pod and you're good. No need to overcomplicate it for something like that.
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On the one hand it's pretty cool, on the other this type of lazy transformation looks like ass 90% of the time, especially on Wing or SEED suits.
in this case at least it's creative since if you just saw something like that boosting around you wouldn't know it's a humanoid MS at first glance, plus using beeg arms like that is rather unusual.
Meanwhile typical PLANK transformations just feel like a running joke at this point.
Naw, I think it probably CAN transform, but it's like one of those classic Gundam transformations where it's basically "lie down on your face, spread your wings, something hides your head." That, or all the wings and nosecone/tail stabilitizer thing are part of a detachable core fighter.
>classic Gundam transformations where it's basically "lie down on your face, spread your wings, something hides your head."

Exactly like >>22719681
looks like the arms go on top of each other instead of side by side so I think it's a little more complex than you might think
at least in the torso area
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That's a good point actually, and if TR-6 is anything to go by TR-S's transformation also involves a lot of rotating in weird places. I wonder if Gloria's TR-6 that was seen with two sets of Hrududu Hrair/Gigantic Arms could also transform and if that would look similar.
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>this, too, is TR Plan
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She's so graceful
Wonder how the entire arm setup is connected. Can they move individually or are they just two massive units? Seems like the Wundy arms are in their folded up position. And did she purge the Hazel legs at some point? Surprised the itty bitty toes can hold the weight.
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It started off as a whole-ass Queenly form with the Hrududu Hrairs attached on top and as the battle went on parts were damaged and purged. Also it's in space so weight isn't as much of an issue, especially against the power of dramatic posing.
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Also Hrududu Hrair for the record, as depicted at some event around the time the manga began I believe. The black silhouette of Woundwort + 4 sets matches up with Gloria's unit.
>parts were damaged and purged
what was she fighting that she couldn't instagib with a setup like that
Can't post pics now but it was the combined Mars Zeon and Neo Zeon fleet returning to Mars. The real highlights were:
>Big Zamuru, the complete form of the MA that Jamru Fin was meant to serve as the core for
>Fenris Wolf squadron, which afaik did by far the most damage. Think lovechild of Doven Wolf and Geymalk but there's a bunch of them and they all have cyber newtypes in the cockpits
Meanwhile Gloria AFAIK only really had Barzams and Hizack's for support, though the latter were turned into artillery units equipped with the ballistic gigantic arm. In the end she still won and the Mars Zeon fleet mostly burned up in the atmosphere trying to escape and break through while Axis forces surrendered. But ultimately the point is that even the really crazy TR shit can only go so far and won't insta-win your war if everything else goes to hell. They're still just machines.
uh right
and where do the Titan remnant forces fit into all this again?
ReBoot is about a Zeon civil war on Mars right?
Titan remnants escaped to Mars and allied with ReZeon, sharing the TR tech and machines including Fiver II or as ReZeon calls it Wings of Inle.
This allowed them to defeat Mars Zeon which ruled the planet until then and establish their nation around late UC 0088.
Before Mars Zeon was defeated they sent a fleet to assist Haman, but by the time they arrived in the Earthsphere Glemy started his shit. So instead of trying to figure out which side to back in this mess they let some unaligned Axis soldiers join them and returned home. By the time they came back it was UC 0089 and Mars Zeon was reduced to guerilla warfare against ReZeon. Cue the events previously described.
The bulk of the story happens two years later in late UC 0091, where the Titan remnants after years of discrimination join forces with Mars Zeon to steal (or take back) Inle and defeat ReZeon.
At the point before the hiatus Inle's pilot was convinced to join them and ReZeon was falling apart but the climax is still ahead of us. For this arc anyway, as there's still a lot of other stuff to cover back at the Earthsphere.
Also a side note, but Mars Zeon was founded by Kycilia loyalists after the One Year War while ReZeon began with Gihren followers escaping after the Delaz Conflict though now it's led by Purus.
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>as the battle went on parts were damaged and purged
>Starts as a bigass MA and ends up as bnuy
makes sense
thanks for the QRD
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it's hard to say for sure with this resolution but isn't it holding the CSB in a strange way?
Yes, it can't actually mount the CSB if it's wearing the little bucklers. The gunpla actually come with a little foot on the back of the CSBs tp achieve these kinds of poses, similar to Hazen'thley II's iconic one, in which the CSB is basically just leaning against the MS, no real attachment point
That's not really the problem I think, CSB's arm latches onto the shoulder and since it's Bellows Frame it can probably connect in other places if that's not available. The weird thing is that we're seeing the "underside" of the CSB with the arm collapsed inside, which means Kehaar II is holding it by the "top" part.
...except that there are no handles or anything else there.
Seems to be holding it by the scope, or some other pop-up carrying handle in that general area. Then again, don't most MS have magnetic locks on their palms? I imagjne it could just be using those, TR-6's are probablybmore universal since they're intended to interface with pretty much everything
The thing about hands is they can just hold shit. It could just be pinching the scope, or otherwise grasping some area of it in that vicinity with its fingertips.
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Is it true the average /aoz/ poster looks like this?
Too much chest and not enough bulge, but yes.
the laziest thing is actually how they are presented in game
cool designs wasted on a shit mobage, at least some of them get to look cool in Battle Operation 2
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me on the right
>three purus in one trenchcoat trying to sneak into a PG13 movie
Missing the sub-arm
Yes, bunny suit and proportions included
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It's really cool to see the big sensor option for Mk-II's rifle, Xeku Eins rifle (which is a refined version of Mk-II's) is sometimes depicted with it.
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My memory's a little rusty but iirc thats one of the TR program scientists.

God I wish for a HG Xeku Eins revive
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On one hand that'd be really damn cool as while the kit we have is quite nice, it also definitely shows its age in some ways that are a bit difficult to fix. Ideally it could get the other equipment options too since they kinda half-assed it with the kit. Plus, logically we'd also get S and Mk-V kits to match it, perhaps even Nero.
On the other hand there's no chance in hell any of these except maybe S would be retail so that kinda sucks.
It's gonna be P-ban, and all the weapon addons are sold as a regular release 30MM adon kit
no chance they'd be regular release, it'd be the first p-bandai kit in the new option set line
and I'd still buy them by the dozensbootlegs, that is
I love how the missile pods and the sturm fausts- excuse me, "clubs" are here too even though none of the 3 loadouts use them. Just a little something to fuel custom builds and also help reinforce Xeku Zwei uses all existing weapons.
For example what kinda Xeku loadout could be carrying the humongous club and what could it be used for? Designated fortification breacher? Anti-MA combat?
There's lots of other stuff like that in AoZ too, with every other listing of optional equipment stating it's just some of the possible choices. Not to mention mystery suits in other works like the original plan RX-80 and RX-81.
I think Sturmfausts are meant to be anti-ship weapons, you fly next a big dumb Musai and fire off a bigass rocket. Or you can just be Amuro who is HIM and oneshots three Cruisers with one beam rifle shot
I'm perplexed they never did Mk V considering how many HG Doven Wolf variants there are. Then again the MG set the bar pretty high...
MKV can't actually share almost anything from the existing Doven and Silver Bullet molds. Even the legs, which should be pretty close, can't share a lot of parts you think it could. They'd really only get to use parts of like, two runners, and everything else would be new.
still you'd figure it'd be done by now
the S got one of the first HGs and MGs ever made and even the Xeku got something
and the Doven Wolf frame seems to be one of the more popular design languages given how often they reused it
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Their sub-arms are touching...
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hold on now... I get that it's Haze'n-thley II with Mk-V legs, but why are the feet suddenly high heels
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Haze'n-thley looks so good in Titan colors
I have no idea why it's like that but it leads credence to the idea that Mk-V is modular. Well, more than officially established that is.
Space type
but... the idea is to use bigger legs for gravity...
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>why are the feet suddenly high heels
Mecha design has drifted more and more towards high heels being the new normal. Not sure why, exactly, but probably because it looks more glamorous.

Notably, an awful lot of the redesigns done by Fujioka, Naoki, and others have added high heels to designs that didn't originally have them before.

I agree that it looks cool, but it's one of the things that seriously tests my already-strained suspension of disbelief. Giant robots weigh dozens and dozens of tons -- walking around on high heels is a great way to drive a hole right into the ground. Or asphalt. Or tarmac. Etc.
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Lower surface area means they'd stab into the ground under gravity. Pointy feet lets them "kick off" surfaces more easily, while using less material. Land-based MS need to spread out the weight over a larger surface and likely need to stick some thrusters in there too.
Also to give (You) a boner
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Thing is, I don't know if that's a redesign. It'd be kinda random if so because Fujioka doesn't really add high heels where they weren't before, he would sooner make a new variant that has them. Or like for Barzam, where they're just more embellished but still clearly present in the original design.
Fair reasoning all around, but I am pretty sure it's still typically space use suits that go for high heels. Reben Wolf might be na exception though, it's kind of all purpose and the feet are like the one area that isn't modular.

Regardless, it's not unreasonable for that to be an alternate set for Mk-V. There's the S-type, after all. Yes, it's just a one-off magazine drawing with absolutely zero background whatsoever, but it was also drawn by Akitaka and has an established divergent model number. Definitely never ever gonna show up anywhere but it's fun to speculate.
Mk-V is already established to have modular construction but that seems to limited to easier maintenance and such. But what if it took after TR Plan a bit more?
Isn't that the Mk IV?
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Doesn't look anything like it, really. Plus, it's explicitly model number ORX-013S - same as Mk-V with "S" tacked on which stands for... something, maybe.
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You're right, MkIV is so unknown I forgot what it actually looked like. It's not that similar to the MkV either to be fair, if it didn't have the model number I'd believe you if you told me it's from Gaia Gear
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in fairness that is VASTLY different from the "main" version of Mk-V, to the point it's easier to point out similarities (head, thighs, possibly backpack structure) than the differences. Yet at the same time a lot of them seem the kind that can be explained as different outer armor and equipment and might indeed fit on the same frame.
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all of this just highlights how criminally underutilized the MkV is. Imagine if instead of crappy Silver bullet rehashes, Unicorn and Narrative gave us special custom MkV variants?
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I mean, I like Silver Bullet so I don't really mind that. Anaheim getting their grubby little paws on the design after Axis got their own grubby little paws on the design is funny.
Plus, Mk-V was meant to be like a small Psycho Gundam and most of the development happened under Titans control and funding before AEUG-led Federation took over.
Frankly, I would not be surprised if quite a few higher ups were rather happy the only (confirmed) unit was stolen by separatists as that made it easier to bury the project afterwards. Bad PR to have a supposed inheritor of the legendary Gundam not only look so completely different but also be closely associated with Newtype Labs. Especially now that the Titans are gone and Federation has to try and pretend they're completely changed and better now.
And on another note, I just noticed that the S-types backpack has fuel tanks on the backpack in a way that might not be dissimilar to Engage Zero's.
But that's exactly what makes it so great! Imagine it as a sort of Black Unit Gundam, meant to do all the off the record cleanup the Federation is ashamed to do publicly. Politics aside, the MS' performance cannot be ignored, an oldtype pilot caused to much havoc on it it took the Ex-S using a super AI to match it (And IIRC it was a mutual kill?). Imagine a MkV in ECOAS color scheme with some of their doodads like a more tacticool gun, some sort of NVG modification for the head, maybe a sheathed knife if they want to go full westaboo
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Mk-V was defeated in a 1v1 against Ex-S's ALICE and it wasn't even the climax fight so nah, it got its ass kicked. Though granted, it was a menace until then.
I feel like it's just a smidge big for ECOAS, but I can't deny I kinda like this idea. Just go full mall ninja and give it a visor and all that jazz. Hell, Mk-IV was designed for base infiltration so give Mk-V these funky head jammers / sensors too maybe.
For the gun another variant of the alternative rifle could work, since it already has a rapid fire variant. Some kind of sniper option would be neat.
But ALICE is a bullshit OP tech that's never been replicated, I wouldn't count a "conventional" MS losing against it as a flaw. It'd be liek saying The O or Qubeley are bad MS because they lose to the Zeta with the Biosensor dialed up to 11
>Too big for ECOAS
I mean, it's a mobile suit. It's bigger than most houses. You're not hiding that shit even if you try to make them "small" like the Loto. Besides, it wouldn't necessarily be ECOAS, I was thinking more of a "we publicly condemn the Titans, but we can't deny that they had a lot of good shit going so our glowies are going to hide away some of their techs and best pilots, give them a new name and send them out to the dirty jobs we want to cover up". Colony getting uppity, leader pushing anti-federation ideas? Black MS with no markings shows up, blasts the politician's shuttle and zooms away faster than the escort can keep up. Official sources say he died in a fuel explosion, some Zeon remnant did it.
>MkIV's head doodads
Oh god please no, that's the ugliest head in all of UC.
Fair enough, she's pretty nuts. Still, Brave Cod was a veteran pilot that served since the OYW while Ryu Roots was... not. And I didn't mean to say Mk-V was bad, sorry for the misunderstanding. It's definitely a great MS but it didn't really get to shine for long.
>MS stealth
That kind isn't really expected to, say, sneak between streets and nobody walking there knows there's a giant robot. It's more about stuff like muffled joints, reduced heat signatures, paints and textures that are difficult for cameras to recognize as well as mobility and own sensors for information gathering. MSV-R manga had a great description of that with the Acguy as an example, too long to post here:
This is also proven with something like Loto since 10 meters tall or not, they were shown infiltrating a colony at high alert with nobody the wiser till it was too late, and also supporting the assault on Palau with sneaky shit.
But another top secret squad for dirty work would also totally work. Feddies have no shortage of black ops teams and a shortage of qualms against using them, after all. Black Hares are a great example and that's just Jamitov's own kill-squad.

And screw you, Mk-IV is amazing and Ishigaki is God's most favored child for designing it.
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I imagine instead of going for the Stealth Fighter approach, our "Spook MkV" could instead use the SR-71 approach: Just fly higher and faster than everything else to get in and get out before the local garrison have even left the hangar. Well, in this case it'd have to be sneak in and rocket out since you can see things coming from very far away in space. I'm thinking lots of fuel tanks, think picrel but smaller
That could work but one has to wonder why not use a transformable suit for that since they're all about this sort of thing. Plus, if it's in MA mode and nobody got a good look and/or it was disguised it's easier to say that was some Zeon Remnant MA nobody has seen before.
Maybe if it's instead used in situations that take advantage of MS agility and flexibility. Have it stow away in some shipping container on a "civilian" ship, burst out of it, kill the people that need killing and escape the colony to it's mother ship waiting nearby which is officially just on a scheduled patrol in the area.
>Well, how about that? Lucky we were here, eh? We'll handle chasing down the bastard, you garrison forces maintain perimeter and assist recovery efforts. Okthxbye!
I like it a lot. Doesn't MkV have insane paper specs though? Sure, catalog stats are nonsense when taken at face value, but what matters is that it has "more than every other MS listed". So it COULD in theory rocket through just fine without a transformation. What modifications would be needed to the actual armaments of the MS? The big beam sabers have to stay since half of this thing's jobs would involve slicing ships in half, dicing some Zeon MA or cutting open a hole in the side of a colony. I think the Incoms could go, and the rifle would either need to become a super long range sniper or an indiscriminate rapid-fire beam machine gun, the better to rake across the side of a fleeing ship or random station. Now that I think about it, are there any "continuous beam" weapons in Gundam? I think some funnels use them, but I don't recall any MS-sized ones
>Thing is, I don't know if that's a redesign.
Oh yes, >>22725403 is a redesign, by NAOKI. It's a Gundamized Bawoo.
That's a weird variant of the Gundam Mk-V that has only ever appeared on the cover of issue #7 of Cyber Comix. There's no story or lore or context or info about it at all, it's just something Mika Akitaka drew.
>It'd be kinda random if so because Fujioka doesn't really add high heels where they weren't before, he would sooner make a new variant that has them.
Well, I was using the word 'redesign' with the implied intent of also including 'variant,' but your distinction is indeed significant.
Kind of, but Sentinel specs are particularly ludicrous when compared against anything else, and the way it approaches MS combat is also rather different IIRC, with mobile suits feeling more like high speed space fighters thst occasionally clash in melee.
As for weaponry, I reckon hyper beam savers for absolute certainty confirmed kills plus sniper rifle (smart gun?) for alternative methods is a good matchup. Plus, the beam savers are cannons too in case shit goes down and it needs more firepower.
I might throw in some missile launchers but mostly for staff like smoke, chaff and mines for general confusion and to delay pursuers after the attack.
Maybe a minovsky particle warhead for large scale jamming to sow more chaos. Funnily enough, Sentinel itself mentions these are a war crime post-OYW because spreading so many Minovsky particles over a large area really fucks things up. Which also explains why beam curtains went out of favour as they're the same principle.
Anyway, launch one of these in or near a colony and you won't have to worry about most sensors. And really, collateral damage is just a bonus.
There are some continuous beams, yeah. First thing that comes to mind is GM Sniper in 08 Ms Team but IIRC something like ReZEL's rifle can maintain one for a second too.
I was referring to the high-heeled Mk-V legs, not Lindwurm, sorry if it wasn't clear
Yes, but it's still fun to speculate, right? And we've had mobile suits that were just one obscure drawing show up again in modern times, though maybe not quite so obscure.
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I like how Hazel Flare's head is like a more angular version of Woundwort's
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my little gerwalk cant be this cute
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Stutzers are cool
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damn, that Goog hit the gym
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It's neat how Hazel's subarms can be used to stabilize it when mounted in Dandelion
Isn't it upside-down?
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yeah that's how it works
the "normal" form is like a MA for space combat, especially before atmospheric entry, and for descent it flips around. After entry it can still function as a subflight system if combat continues.
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God I love Black Hares
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>all that geometry
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>Not sure why, exactly
Just following the leader
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I love AOZ asshimar so much, it’s unreal
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They tread that fine line between looking spec-ops and being a le tacticool design with no personality like the Jesta.
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I feel like they go pretty heavy on tacticool mall ninja shit, but it's goofy in a good way so i like it.
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Apparently there's a 1/100 Woundwort resin kit with Hrududu II by Stickler Studi, and as far as I can tell the guns mounted in the claw units are an original idea, can anyone confirm? They are fairly similar to heat blade rifles in the compact form minus the "rifle" part but I feel like there's still too many differences. Could be just that though.
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Assuming they are just the heat blade parts, then I would suppose the hand-held rifles are the Beam Spray Gun II with these attached, like the Gaplant Hrairoo kit.
I ship it
You mean the top parts? I think Bandai kits also have the option to mount them like this, pretty sure I've seen it before. Definitely looks a lot better than the LONG LONG MAAAAN cannons
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Can the TTT muster up any squad that could beat a squad of MP Qubeleys? Obviously no Inle or Ridiculous Queenly setup, I'm talking roughly equal force deployment from both sides
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Hard to say, to be honest. Queen Mansa itself is expected to be evenly matched by Full Armor Queenly, but I don't think any other form is explicitly described as anti-NT machine. However a part of BUNNyS is the ability to adapt and design new tactics and forms to counter unexpected threats, and so long as it can survive the first encounter it can be much better prepared next time. But what exactly it would create is hard to say.
MP Qubeley is characterized by a very large amount of funnels and additionally mega particle cannons, however it's less mobile than the original and Puru clones are sufficiently effective plus easy to procure but not on par with Newtypes like Haman.
I could imagine something based on the Advanced Kehaar, using the Weapon Containers for micro missiles to saturate the field and take out as many funnels as possible. Then purge the Container and charge into close range, perhaps a form similar to Hrairoo II's MA mode.
It's not a perfect tactic but logically a dozen TR-6 in that form would output a shit ton more missiles than a dozen MP Qubeleys could, and inevitably thin their numbers as well as score some hits on the actual machines.
The Mk-V is just so beautiful. Really unique and cool face.
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Agreed, which makes it all the cooler AoZ incorporated it as basically chin guard option for the Hazel face and TR-6 meaning you can stick it on virtually anything and it's an accounted for modification.
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Wasn't there a chinless Mk-V variant for Amuro's use or something?
Allegedly but I'm not even sure if there's color art of it
The whole "Amuro's Mk-V" seems to be basically hearsay, with the closest thing to primary source being design sketches for G-V (draft for Doven Wolf and Mk-V proper) suggesting that it could be used by Amuro. The idea was that it would be an abandoned Titans prototype that Karaba recovered and since it's a Gundam it goes to Amuro. However this suggestion never went anywhere further than a design sketch.
The lineart the wiki uses and attributes as "Amuro Ray Custom" appears to be that very G-V sketch, which is also chinless.
Now granted, there is a little bit more to it because as far as we know there were 3 Mk-V units built:
>1; deployed to Aeno fleet, defected to New Desides
>2; stolen from Murasame Lab by Loren Nakamoto, defected to Axis
>3; unknown
The last one would presumably remain with Federation and retain its original, white coloring that was posted here on several occasions. So in theory Amuro could have used that one, or could have been *said* to have used it.
Pic is another G-V sketch which also appears to have a chinless head. I believe the chin spike idea came about when it was revived as Mk-V for Sentinel to give it a more villainous feel.
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Well, I didn't mean for the Queen MAnsa to be considered, it's just that there aren't many good pics of the MP Qubeleys around.
>Missile saturation strats
I don't know, space is big. You can't really really on area saturation. I think the best way to tackle it would be some kind of machine bristling with gun barrels (so like a Hazen'thley 2) and hope Bunnys can aimbot enough funnels down. Even then the Qubeleys themselves have quite a few beam guns on the MS itself, and the pilots are (cyber) newtypes.
>MP Qubeley vs Original
Is it less mobile? Makes sense given the extra equipment, but this machine in particular always felt weird to me because the MP faceless version is seemingly superior in every other way to the named ace unit
>abandoned Titans prototype that Karaba recovered
Wonder if there's potential to merge this idea with the "Advance of Zeta Gundam". Isn't that a TR-S prototype abandoned by the Titans that Karaba recovered too?
>White MkV
Never seen that before, can you post it?
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It IS a pretty similar situation, isn't it? Though TR-S was recovered by AEUG which isn't exactly the same thing. Then again, post-Gryps Federation reusing some Titan machines due to pressure from Acid is not unheard of, that's how BR-GM was born after all.
And here's the white Mk-V in it's probably most prominent role as a robot damashii figure.
That's pretty sexual. It's amazing how much better that rifle looks compared to the "standard" one. Wonder what it would look like dual wielding them...
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Is this a scratchbuild? 3D print? I wish to know more
That looks sick. White and red is cool. One hobby magazine had a test flight version of the RGZ-91 that looked really great. I just can't find it anymore, it was in one of those Model Graphix style magazines. Spent hours looking for it and I just feel like I imagined it. I swear an image of it used to be on the Gundam Wiki too.
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I believe the new parts are all scratch built
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Best I can give ya is dual wielding it with the other gun. And strictly speaking, this is the "standard" one, supposedly. The one used in Sentinel was provided by New Desides, though that's also a bit of an enigma because we have no other info about it and no Xeku or anything else was ever depicted with it. Meanwhile Mk-IV's beam rifle is clearly a predecessor of it so...
Closest thing I can think of is Zeta Plus R type as that tested out the BWS but all the pics of it are pretty much just grey with at most a little blue, like most Z Plus models
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Yeah, I can't be thinking of the Zeta Plus because I clearly remember the RGZ-91 head and shots of it in the Waverider mode. Nothing has a head like it. I swear there was a scan of a couple of pages of it in red and white on the wiki but it's gone there.
One thing that makes it a little bit more confusing is that the only other unit from that time period in white and purple colors was... a Zeta Gundam (allegedly) piloted by Amuro Ray.
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Thank you, man. I thought I was going crazy, that I imagined the whole thing. That's just as I remembered it.
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The F91 looks good with the color swap, too.
>"white" and "red"
...that is white and red, yes? Arguably orange rather than red, but close enough
>achsually it's TAN and ORANGE hahah fucking IDIOTS who believe in shades
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so beautiful
Wonder if Hrududus are usually stored in ship form or attached to MS? The latter would save hangar space, but I dln't think most MS gantries could even fit a Rah MS given all the protruding bits
I honestly don't get people who enjoy Engage's designs. They look so fucking uninspired. That is quite literally just a Jegan with the Hyaku Shiki Kai backpack and the Zeta's mega beam launcher.

It looks like they made thing using fucking Gundam Breaker.
There are a few designs I like in it, I especially like the design of the basic Engage and Zero and a few of their variants (FA Engage is rad) but there are certainly also a lot of lazy kitbash tier designs. I really like the High Mo Kampfer but it is absolutely exactly that.
>literally just a Jegan with the Hyaku Shiki Kai backpack and the Zeta's mega beam launcher.
You're saying it like that's not the coolest shit ever. I love it when mobile suits use weapons and equipment from other suits. It's just that the renders are fugly
I both agree and disagree. Some designs aren't very inspired, but also it is cool to see basic MS using equipment from other MS, which we don't normally see to often but makes a ton of sense that it should happen a lot more in universe. With all of this equipment laying around or being produced, it doesn't make sense that we don't see more crazy combos way more often as common configurations
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Hazel Kai? Is that just another name for Hazel Custom?
Yeah, 改 is typically translated as "custom" or left as "kai" and it's a bit of a crapshoot which one is chosen for specific cases. So when someone else is translating it (either because there is no official english name or because it's a japanese person that doesn't know them) you can end up with stuff like this.
And then there's Rick Dijeh 改 which to the best of my knowledge is the only time it was translated as "modified". Strictly speaking more accurate, but damn is it weird to see after some 40 years of "custom".
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Advance of ZAKU

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