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Still loved it tho
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Yes, in the same way the original New Voyage was a teaser for Be Forever. Found this series more enjoyable than 2202 as well.
Are any of these newer adaptations of Yamato streaming anywhere?
I have nowhere to save anything
I know most people found 2202 to be an inferior work than 2199 (and I agree with it), but I honestly don't quite understand the hate it got. Did it deviate too much from Yamato II or what?
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goddamn the asuka and hyuga are sexy ships. hope the series introduces more hybrids in the future
External storage is cheap.
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I worry more about the fate of Gamilus than about the earthlings
Nah Yamato 2 is just not that good compared to the original. If anything people wish it deviates more
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What are the chances we're going to get a remake of Yamato media post-Final? (Dai Zero, 2520, Resurrection)
The thing is even in the original Yamato kind of never really needed a sequel. It was a very well done self contained sci fi adventure. Go to place to get the thing. Struggle on the way. Make it back. The end. It's all just very complete in every regard.
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Yeah, I had that feeling with 2199 when watching 2202. Still though, I don't think any entry in the reboot had been outright terrible so far so more Yamato is always nice. I'll watch the original shows once I'm done with Harlock.
I'm just really hungry for any space opera where I can get it, man.
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Learn to diet anon, lean times ahead.
>The thing is even in the original Yamato kind of never really needed a sequel.
That might explain why 2199 had Izubuchi leading the project while 2202 and onwards was helmed by Fukui.
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Haven't watched 2199 or it's followups, but I really liked The New Voyage, which this one is based upon.
It closed the book on Iscandar in a fun way, and the setups for future stories were completely unintrusive.
On the flipside, the new Yamato crewmen completely fade from relevance by the time of Starsha's epic sacrifice (never appearing in any future installments) and the animation ends up being significantly worse than the TV episodes due to a lack of quality control: though that kind of stuff is considering that the franchise was pumping out new stuff on a yearly basis.
>Yamato 2 is just not that good compared to the original
The movie works well enough as a reunion story, but the TV series doesn't add much besides giving Dessler, Teresa and the soldiers more screentime.
Most of the new material just feels like a ploy to bulk the show out to a full 26 episodes - I personally think it's funny that this is considered the best Yamato sequel while III, Final and (to a lesser extent) New Voyage are commonly brushed off as hokey cashgrabs, though I'll concede that Be Forever has the weakest story.
>the original Yamato kind of never really needed a sequel
>It's all just very complete in every regard
I get your sentiment, but it's not like the story had no room for expansion.
The New Voyage is pretty good for trying to dredge up a storyline that was already complete, and Yamato III has a lot going for it despite getting scuttled due to the franchise's declining popularity.
[look at https://ourstarblazers.com/vault/373/ if you want to see some of the things we missed out on]
0079 and eventually Macross obviously had a hand, but the franchise could've fared better if Nishizaki didn't insist on churning out a new entry every year.
>Dai Zero, 2520
Very unlikely. Those two exist in a weird place as the two vision of yamato. One as part of the leijiverse and the other as its own entity.
This one might actually have a chance, since its still technically part of the 'main' saga with Kodai as its main character. I wouldn't mind them doing ressurrection, if it means Kodai being reunited with Yuki after the movie left that ambiguous. But it would be weird to do a remake of movie that is already a revival.
Why are they still making ships of that middle class? We saw in episode 1 that they couldn't even win battles in their home star system.
Honestly I'd be content to just see them get subs for completion sake.
It literally gets answered in the show, you dumb speedwatcher.

Izubuchi didn't want to do Yamato sequels, to my knowledge. If I'm not mistaken, he even had his own reservations about working on Celestial Ark.
The hate it got is in large due to sidelining or retconning a lot of the original 2199 stuff. Most people complaining likely didn't even watch Yamato II since if they did you'd ALSO get complaints about the huge deviations, which, aside from additional Gatlantis lore, often just ended up overcomplicating the story.

>I get your sentiment, but it's not like the story had no room for expansion.

The original Yamato's basic premise kind of involved Earth-like planets being extremely rare with only 3 known ones being Earth, Gamillas and Iscandar which was the whole basis of the conflict. Yamato's sequels had to immediately retcon that in order to work without just rehashing Earth-Gamillas war again.

2199's modified premise set up sequels much better, but then they ended up still heavily retconning it anyway...
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Wake up kids, new REBEL 3199 PV just dropped.
Shit I didn't realize it was already on us

>that freeze frame at the title drop

Burroughs can't just catch a break can he? First he had to deal with motherfucking Desler, now this shit.
It in the 1980 movie. I hope this series is good. So in this preview, were the Bolar checking out the Earth Defense Fleet? It wasn't clear and the youtube translate was pretty bad.

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