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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/

For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews
Post snap and paint kinos
Go fuck yourself you fucking faggot.
Did the thread just jump from active to archived on page 3? What the fuck caused that?
>July 8th
>Still no delivery notification for this
>The one who cried about Okawara's design is a Gwitch faggot
Heh. Life immitates memes.
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SEA anons, post your latest Pbandai /m/ purchases.
>thread title in trannycase
>OP body still has capital letters
should have gone the extra mile. 4/10 effort
Also, trying to make a new general thread without linking previous thread is an offense and will be nuked.
Actual new thread
This has got to be the new thread
At least this thread has less faggots in it than the other one.
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Yep, I probably bought one chinese bootleg( it was half the price so i can't complain.
I will build to see the quality.
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I got myself a nice prismatic decals from Delpi, problem is when I use finishing mat varnish all that prismatic effect disappears. The only thing I can came up with is just glossy finishing varnish, but I would really prefer flat/mat.
Is there a way to have it nice and shiny and model in mat/flat?
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Scribing and painting the assault buster. Adding plaplate on other pieces.
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I'll be starting my first weathered build soon with an Ez8. I'm trying to recreate the condition from the Gouf battle where it rips off his arm. Does anyone have any weathering tips?

If it can help me at all, I have a soldering iron for burn marks from when I used to mod GC controllers
I've got a clear plastic kit coming in a month or two, and I'm looking for ways to display it.
My first thought is to find a light up base like used to be popular for those laser etched prisms, but I can't find one that doesn't seem like trash.
mfw no hexagear news
too busy working on pawn and parapawn 2.0
Found buried treasure in an old box
Anyone have experience with airbrushing lacquers with regards to needing or not needing primer? Does the lacquer adhere well enough to plastic that a real dedicated "primer" doesn't make much difference other than you wanted to really dramatically change the color and needed a really opaque solid basecoat under a poor coverage color or something like that?
lacquer (tamiya ts) adheres to bare plastic pretty well. i would assume airbrushed actual lacquer paint would be the same too, i always prime when airbrushing.
How are the stickers for the inside of the buster sword? On the official kit they're these super nice, thick, plastic ones that I don't think have really been used for much before. Curious if they would or even could clone them yet.
Less is always more with weathering. If you're unsure, underdo it. You can always give it another pass later if you feel the need.
Try to keep scale and position in mind too. It's unlikely that say, the back of the knee will have had as much physical contact as the front of the knee, so it should be much closer to stock. An even level of wear across all points with no regard for how something might be protected when settling on a surface or avoid direct contact outright will make it look more like a damage state texture in a game and less like a carefully detailed kit. Having a 'story' in mind for how it's weathered is good too. You're going with a specific scene from the show, which is good, but try to envision how and how much the EZ-8 was probably used before that. A Londo Bell Jeagan involved in a scrap or two of high intensity space combat is going to look very different to a GM III that's just getting rotated off 12 months of counterinsurgency in a desert.
is this gonna be a good recast? that ally shop has always been good with the 3D printed add-ons and shit i got from aliexpress.
I miss the Mafia poster who posted the funny things to say in /gpg/ if I'm being real with you guys.
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How the fuck is this possible? It wasnt even listed yet and within 30 seconds its scalped to fuck all.
How what the shit. I literally had it in my cart and was about to checkout.
It's amazing to me that gunpla has grown so much and Bandai are insisting on shitting away that growth the same way Nike did and are currently paying the price for.
What p-bandai is that? P-bandai US hasn't even started the open order period, it's later tonight.
Gunpla is so beloved in SEA that they refuse to acknowledge it. Hell I see girls go buy kits and are gunpla enthusiasts. They could have a satellite store and they could be raking in profits.
PBandai Asia listed it earlier.
They acknowledge it, you guys are just poor and don't have that much purchasing power
I'll buy 2 just to honor your loss
Oh you underestimate seafags.
I had to order it to some connections that I have so Im good.
fake thread
It's WonFes this month, Koto are probably gonna be there showing stuff off.
You could just fucking wait until tonight, retard.
He's a SEAchad
This is an American site. Euroniggers, seaniggers, kangarooniggers and everyone else can get the FUCK out.
Americans don't even like mecha.
Keep seething fag.
Is pre-thinning lacquer paints a bad idea? I thought that was what everybody does, but I'm seeing people talk about how it reduces the shelf-life extremely.
Is it more likely what I'm seeing is people buying paint to use for 1 specific kit and they're just prethinning a large amount to use for that 1 project and then the paint is toast?
I'm not sure if any of you guys do 3D printing, but do you know where I would find 3mm detail plugs? I know that Bandai makes some for their 30mm models but I like the look of these 3D printed ones.
Just finished up my Full Armor Atlas
Leaf bros .. not like this .
just pretend that "americans" refer to continental """americans"""
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>Leo's for $10 at Hobby Lobby
I might buy a dozen
cool concept but wee bit top heavy for my tastes

last time I went to Hobby Lobby this twink at the register tried to gaslight me into thinking gunpla wasn't covered by sales. Fuck you, Carl.
How do you guys paint ABS parts with lacquers? From what I can tell you're supposed to prime it with Gaia multi primer, but I can't seem to get my hands on that in europe.
Just prime it with lacquer based primer.
isn't the solvent in both lacquers and enamels supposed to be what breaks the ABS or am I missing something? Sounds counter intuitive to protect the ABS from lacquer by priming it with laqcuer. Or is the formula in primer not as bad? I use mr surfacer
Lacquer solvent melts all plastic, but it's not an issue when it evaporates quickly during airbrushing.
Enamel solvent has a freak reaction with ABS and turns it brittle.
every time I buy from hobby lobby the old lady at the checkout has to take 10 minutes to find the manager and ask if the kit I'm buying is a "build able kit". the one time it didn't happen was when I was rung up by some 18yo guy who got me through the checkout process in sub 1 minute.
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I just cant with those chicken legs.
Just don't lay it on super wet, at least not at first. layer on a few coats. That way the solvent will evaporate off quickly and not damage the plastic. If you need a specific finish from the primer, you can do a wet coat after you have some coverage
Ah okay cool ty, basically spray it on in a way where it doesn't get to lay wet on the bare plastic for long, got it.
Do you prime the parts assembled or disassmbled? Saw a tip that the stress of tight fits contributes to breakages, but I'm kind of in a situation where I want to cement some parts together over others
I would only worry about the joints desu. But if you want to cement parts first you can prime and paint subassemblies. Or you can use modeling putty to fill the parts in after priming and assembly, and do a light prime again for consistency
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>this in warehouse
>am gunner in warehouse
>gawain in warehouse
I can motherfucking feel the shipping charge raping me already
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I bought a compressor with an air tank, but this one part came slightly bent, likely due to shipping damage. Should I return it? Other than that, everything seems and looks perfect. I believe that part isn't even attached to the air tank and seems to house electrical wires. Any thoughts?
That looks like a cover, but you can never be too sure. If the tank itself is damaged that's pretty serious
Decided to try my hand at painting finally. Going to be painting my Omegamon X in the style of Alter-S. These are some of things I bought and I'm wondering if I'm missing anything. Like, does the thinner I bought only apply the metallic series of colors, or do I need a standard color thinner as well? I think I'm also missing a primer and a tool cleanser.
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Forgot pic
anyone have a method for a mirror-like gold on ABS?

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