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I know Grendizer is popular in the Middle East, but they didn't have to set the new series in Saudi Arabia, right?
It's funded by Arabian oil money. Get with the times chud.
I asked them to do so.
Those arabs are literally getting scammed out of their money, there's no way such low quality animation like this is getting a pass if it was funded by the japanese committee instea-
> Studio: Gaina
Oh I see, I guess they've learnt under Yamaga on how to swindle the gullible investors.
QUALITY is to be expected with Fukuda at the helm.

I'm half expecting Z to magically turn into Great for a few frames.
What's with the racism against Arabs?
File deleted.
>low quality animation
Yeah, no, the animation is pretty solid.
The animation is decent but the timing is atrocious in some of the scenes
I honestly hope they don't get to Japan until the last episode and visit multiple countries instead since i saw Paris being attacked in the trailer
So it's just going to show arab countries and colonies?
Paris, Rome, Saudi Arabia. All the countries that love Grendizer.
Invoking his name will get you deleted, genius!
I hope every French NPC has a béret and a baguette, it would be so funny
That's honestly a nice homage imo
that's contradictory, timing is part of the animation
I'd imagine all the extras in Paris will look exactly the same as the ones in Saudi Arabia. It'd help combat the Japanese's penchant for Paris Syndrome.

Yeah, it's pretty cute. Like that Lupin series that's all about Italy.
I find it funny how the people who killed the petrodollar a few weeks ago keep old anime properties and videogames on life support.
Saudi Arabia will no longer exclusively use the US dollar when trading oil. That'll gimp the USD's value long term.
Dizer coin when?
Don't underestimate how self-important arabs are
It's the oil
Could be worse. The old cast are still the leads rather than including a bland local guy to "introduce" the audience to Grendizer. Americans would totally do that if they were in charge
Are we really still in the era of whichever Godzilla movie did that?
Americans would have grendizer have to wrestle with the feds every other episode for no reason.
at this point the idea of a blatant oil shiekh self insert being best friends with Koji and Duke sounds hilarious
Yes, but now it'll be a black trans bisexual woman
What if you'd turn Boss into a blatant oil sheikh self insert?
Isn’t that just Baron Ashura
Italianx are a different kind of POC.
If Kouji was white, people would call it Mighty Whitey because it's a foreigner protecting poor little saudis. Maybe Gaina knew what was doing. The prince just put the money and old Gainax was infamous for being full of Japanese nationalists. Just change Saudi Arabia for Taiwan and Mazinger/Grendizer for the JSDF
says the amerimutt
Grendizer should have effel tower too.
It starts.
Is this the episode thread?
Anyway, ep2 non-robot scenes are much better quality than ep1. And it has actual plot now.
Koji giving Duke a ring is sure an interesting choice.
I can't believe Koji just proposed to Duke.
This isn't halal at all
The funniest part is how it basically mirrors what Hikaru said.
Just two episodes and already gayer than Gwitch
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How was Grendizer U's 2nd episode?
sure is on the nose with the arab pandering lmao
I also learned recently that Street Fighter 5's Rashid was suppoesdly the main character of the story cause the game was also sponsored/partnered with some arab company, so they made a brand new arab character for them
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Two bros mirin their gains.
Better than first one.
Koji/Duke is gonna come back in a big way. Fukuda knew.
Subs onegai.
Fujos won big time.
Where is the episode?
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SayakaxKoji pals, your response to this?
Feels less rushed and we basically learn what's the deal with most of the characters, leaving just a handful of mysteries left, meaning we can actually focus on the main plot and hopefully have slower moments to compliment that.
So pretty good, I'd say.
Koji is going to take both of the Fleed siblings to pound town. Sayaka can watch.
In the darkest depths of Mordor with a copy of the shelved Batgirl movie.
Koji is a slut that wanted to pilot Grendizer just because Z got trashed a little bit. You can't expect him to be loyal.
>Neither Koji or Duke have nipples
Literally 1984
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>Koji is a slut that wanted to pilot Grendizer just because Z got trashed a little bit.
So much for him claiming Mazinger is invincible.
Every Nagai character is bi by default. There's a reason why Clamp love Nagai so much
It's more that Nagai understands humans are fluctuating beings driven by their libido and not tied to labels like americans.
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>Arab->En subs, again
Please... I just want regular subs...
Be the change you want to see.
>don't like subs that feel like it was made by a person familiar with zero of the languages they were working with
>unfamiliar with Japanese and Arabic, the only relevant thing I have going for me is English
Anon I cannot aid
Animation was a bit nicer this episode. I wasn't expecting them to go into Duke's backstory so soon. I figured they'd save the meat of it for further on down the road. Glad they got it out of the way though. I'm still so glad they kept so many of the sillier elements, like Lady Gandal, from the original. Fun enough so far. If things so wind up turning into a shitshow, I know it'll at least be an entertaining one thanks to Fukuda and Okouchi.

The subs seem slightly better this episode. But, they're really nothing to bitch about. I've seen way, way worse subs. At least they're not weird dubtitles or strange gag subs like Enma-Kun Burning Up or something.
It is by far easier for an average person to learn a language today than it has ever been.
Then you do it
You're the one complaining about subs.
seconding this, it's just the "harsh truth". that's why i've calmed down on being desperate for subs - i've seen people get good at JP in just 3-6 months of dedicated, daily studying, and some youtuber (this is legit) went from 0 to passing N1 in 9 months O.o

Anyway i hope the fight will be good. OG had kino fights.
Funny how it's taking place in France now. Shouldn't they have waited for the olympic games to start for that to have the tie in?
I'll be honest and say the pacing seems a bit rushed... but maybe that's just the beginning. They crammed so much stuff into a single episode too, maybe there won't be that many? Do we already know if it's single or double cour?
>Funny how it's taking place in France now.
Italy. They are in Rome now.
I'll just wait for le meme
Yamaga did nothing wrong. Anno's demands were tantamount to "kill yourself for me".
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the eternal war between creative-types and business-types...
Yamaga was a creative though that's why it's so sad what he's devolved into.
Episode 2 ending.
By the time I learn Japanese, the show will already have been over and Twitter have will completely spoiled the entire thing. I don't get what's wrong with wanting subs for this.
oh for fuck's sake
Cassado is cute.
>the Double, Marine and Drill Spazer are engraved on the stone in the temple
interesting, so they're not a total Umon's creation
that's perfectly fair and valid, i just meant more in general and was being self-reflective. don't mind me.
did they replace the episode 1 footage in the OP?
>strange gag subs like Enma-Kun Burning Up
Assuming you're referring to the official subs, it's not that strange when you realize it was subbed by NISA of all companies. They butchered it the exact same way they butcher their games.
What's truly sad is that they made gg look like the sane and reasonable ones by comparison - in a show where gg translated Dokuro as "Bonedaddy" and Nekomu as "Incupuss," among others, so it's not like the bar was even very high to begin with.
Where can I watch the second episode?
the software I use is KaZaa...the K++ edition. I like KaZaa Lite, why? Because it is ad free and no spyware
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Pretty good 2nd episode, Fukuda really knows how to ham things up.
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The context remind me to Evangelion 3.0, that was already extremely homoerotic, even if I seriously doubt a beloved hero like Duke Fleed will have Kaworu's fate
[le meme] where are you...
Did I time travel back 22 years?
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I can't believe Paris is destroyed
dizer lightly tapping Rubina's ship made me laugh
Is Grendizer messing with Duke's mind? This is the first i've heard of it having any sort of devil form. Maybe U is taking the concept of Grendizer being avatar of the Fleedian war god more literally
>He doesn't know about Ota dizer

They killed everyone on earth lol
Based ethnic cleansing Vegans
>What if you'd turn Boss into a blatant oil sheikh self insert?

>Spoiled son of an oil sheikh
>Initially acts like a bully and delinquent thanks to his father's power and money allowing him to buy off whatever local authorities he wants
>Always hangs around with his two goons, not-Nuke and not-Mucha
>Gets into a heated, albeit one-sided rivalry with Koji when his father loans out some of their land to the Kabuto family to build their Middle East facility at, making them neighbors
>Constantly tries to one-up Koji but fails at every turn
>Duke/Daisuke arriving enrages Boss even more since now Koji won't even give pretend to be his rival anymore.
>Once it's revealed that Koji is the pilot of the Mazinger Z and Daisuke pilots the Grendizer, Boss uses his father's money to build him a giant robot of his own, the Boss Borat
>Unfortunately, the scientists and engineers he contracted to do the actual building skimped out and the Boss Borat is basically a giant theme park animatronic fitted with a mixture of military surplus weapons and gimmick items, like giant exploding soccer balls and fireworks.
>Boss is disappointed but rolls with it.
>As per tradition, Boss Borat gets destroyed on numerous occasions but manages to intervene at a critical moment during the final battle when both Koji and Daisuke are down for the count.
>At the end of the show, Boss decides to he's not cut out for the hero business so instead he starts selling Boss Borat toys and produces an anime tie-in series for the toyline, with cameo appearances by Mazinger and Grendizer of course, both of which are insanely popular with kids around the world.
Why must americans always make everything about faggots?
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Bikini Schizo, get banned.
Yamaga literally told Anno he needed 100 million yen from him within 3 days or the company would go under, which Anno gave him with no further condition or interest besides the Eva merchandising right transferring to Khara 1 year earlier.
While Gainax hadn't even been paying Anno the royalties for his shows they owed him and he still gave them the money on the sole basis of helping his old company and college buddies.
And then they also never paid back that loan either and instead created a dozen shell company subsidiaries to swindle their way out of paying taxes and repaying loans, while also shuffling and shifting the rights to anything they owned between companies.
The mess they left was so big that even after Khara and the others took over the company, they couldn't make sense of all the bullshit and had to file for bankruptcy.
God, I hate this fucking faggot. And it's not even love to hate kind of thing, he's just awful.
>generic japanese male with dark hair
>light haired female interest
He's a hack.
I report his spam all the time and nothing happens.
Bunch of Grendizer stuff at japan expo this year. More than usual. Funny to see it revive
So Koji is relegated to dizer pilot position?
I wonder why he doesn’t have his yellow saucer
Too soon to say. In the immediate episodes, yeah probably. For the purposes of tradition we could see him return to piloting Mazinger Z near the end much like in Great Mazinger.
In the original Grendizer he got an original mecha by the end after his saucer is destroyed
How do you think Maria will be introduced?


The Pilder will be his temporary Dizer I'm guessing
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He got the Double Spazer which is going to Sayaka here.

Still expecting some kind of upgraded/new Mazinger they're hiding, especially with the episode 1 scenes in the opening which seem like placeholder for some later reveal.
I feel like they’re trying to make Grendizer more menacing looking in U. Like the original was supposed to look inoffensive and unambiguously good, while the new one kind of looks like it could turn against and threaten humanity at any moment
>especially with the episode 1 scenes in the opening which seem like placeholder for some later reveal.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this.
Well, not that the scenes were exactly from the episode 1, but how placehold-ery they looked.
Seems to take some inspiration from Mazinkaiser's ova debut if I'm not mistaken. We'll see if it even happens again. The bomb might only be utilized as a bait-and-switch later in the show.
>sadistic general that hate women and have an obsession with MC
He was created entirely for the female audience
Enma-kun Meeramera subs are so bad they made me read the manga
>A young girl and her grandma sharing Koji/Duke doujins
Unironically wholesome
The pacing and other original anime tell me it's just 1 cour
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Either elaborate or go pollute another thread dipshit.
I floated the idea of picking up Grendizer U for a US release to a contact at Sentai. I doubt it'll come to anything, but still. One can hope.
In only 2 episodes:
>Slaps his fiancee Rubina's ship like a fly
>Meets Hikaru, within five minutes she want to either marry him or kill him
>Gets a gay cereal toy ring from Koji that will kill him
The Fleed royal bloodline is doomed. Planet Fleed has fallen, billions must be killed by saucer beasts.
Probably worth a shot.
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almost 50 years and they still don't have nipples
Struck a nerve, retard?
You're starting the story in the middle. The beginning of the story was Yamaga is largely responsible for Khara being allowed to make and profit off of Shin at all.
Gainax could have very easily said: It's our IP make more Eva here at Gainax or not at all.
The gentlemen's agreement that set up the disaster was Yamaga's call. And when Gainax was ready to actually fail you saw Anno's true colors come out, the vulture that wanted the IPs from the corpse. Anno's only real frustration is that he was stymied in his attempted total takeover.

It was never magnanimity on Anno's part. It was never money for nothing. It was always about wresting IPs from Gainax from the very first moment he left to make Khara.
>It was always about wresting IPs from Gainax from the very first moment he left to make Khara.
Thank god Gainax is now down the shitter.
Holy shit Yamaga posts here?!?! Go make Uru in Blue you fat oaf.
>Duke gives Kouji a blood transfusion
So Kouji's getting to pilot Grendizer or a similar unit eventually.
Grendizer only recognizing Duke isn't new, and i don't think it's related to blood, more like facial and body recognition
I know that Grendizer only recognized Duke in the original. The Starker Knights plotline is new and I think that's what they're going to leverage later on.
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Duke straight-up said that it was some genetic factor called the GN Factor. So, him giving Koji a blood transfusion is significant there.
>Abuses women
>Jokes around with his coworkers
>Institutes total frog death
I don't get it, am i supposed to think he's evil?
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He'd be alright if he actually publically owned the massacre of a Fleed family and wasn't motivated by his boner for Duke.
He gave Hikaru a blood transfusion in the original series.
Hikaru doesn't matter
maybe okouchi and fukuda will make her matter
Do you think Boss will show up? He was in a couple episodes of the original series.
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So this boring one dimensional villain won't get a sob origin story? Maybe Vega blackmailed him or lied to him and was raised as an orphan.
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The cast is too bloated already and the original series had 74 episodes while this only has a single cour
He was obviously created for the female audience so I would be surprised if he doesn't get a sob story. Bitches love that
He could be just a complete psychopath. Fukuda has done lots of those in Cross Ange and SEED Freedom. Even back in SEED you had the druggies.
Hikaru doesn't stand a chance this time.

I fully expect Wufei and him to join up in Grendizer U's inevitable SRW appearance. Wufei will say "Gandal is Justice" or some shit and be best pals with Kasado.
People who defend someone like Anno after the things he did at Khara against the poor people at Gainax deserve no respect
Finish the matsumoto trilogy you cuck! At least fucking start it!!!
They turned Goro into a horse, so chances are any other sillier characters like Boss or Banta might only "cameo" that way too.
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The "poor people at Gainax" in question:
Why does Duke in remake look emasculated? Original duke had masculine face frame.
Fujo? I thought Fukuda would be conservative... was Fukuda into gay too?
>was Fukuda into gay too?
Have you just missed Athruns entire character through Seed and Destiny? Yeah I don't give a shit about his Cagali jizz projection in Freedom. That shit came out like 20 years too little too late.
I thought it was Morosawa's affection.
Everyone at Gainax and Anno are scumbags. It's like rooting for politicians. Both sides are evil.
You are projecting.
the japanese subtitle had just came out so i and my friend will try to work on it for now
it is still wip
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first time doing this
found a few spelling error. should be fixed with this sub
updated ver if people haven't download that yet
No one believes Athrun is straight.
Meyrin did and that was her biggest mistake. Cagalli can just bind her chest and wear a brown wig to practically become Kira
Thank you, Anon, but could you just upload .ass file?
Thank you, may we count on you for this in the future? Better subs are always great to have.
use this ass file
it depends if I still have the time to do so
It's hard to take him seriously when his name sounds like "married" in spanish.
say, you think we may get official English subs once it airs on Animax on July 27, given that we had gotten English subs of the trailers before?
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His mascara bugs me
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Make your own thread for posting your bikini theories, schizo.
He is alien, just like Zaft people in gundam seed, and Zeeks in UC gundam.
This is a Grendizer thread, something that you never watch or read
Post Duke's wife.
It's a homage to the original manga design
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Why does original anime Duke look like he is from classic Western cartoon?
He doesn't.
So where exactly are Tetsuya and Hiroshi during all of this Vegan nonsense? I don't expect Saotome and the boys to give much of a fuck about anything not dinosaur or oni related but there's nothing holding up Great or Jeeg.
Some people speculate that Great Mazinger didn't happen in this continuity
> this only has a single cour
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Koji is understandable, but Duke had no reason to strip and show his lecherous nippleless form
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Here's hoping you'll have time, thank you!
>Maybe Vega blackmailed him or lied to him and was raised as an orphan.
Nah. Definitively a psycho douchebag with a superiority complex.
Not to mention that he probably is going to be responsible for everything bad happening in the show. He already seems to be the one responsible for everything that happened on Fleed and Duke's current life situation.
Think like Olban from Daimos.
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I’m gonna sound heretical but I prefered the French alternate sequel that released a few years ago
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It'll be entertaining to see what he'll get up to with Naida since she seems to be taking up a big role too. There will probably more scenes of Kasado torturing her and he might be the one to brainwash her into attacking Duke this time around. Given who's making this show it might turn into a weird cuck fetish thing though
For me it's Giga.
will they play piano together?
Surprised nobody else noticed Naida's cameo in this episode.
I mean, what is there to talk about aside from her being stabbed with thrown knifes and her just taking it.
I wonder if she hates Duke in U, because initially she was serving as Rubina's maid. Dunno if she got a brother though.
I'm hoping we get a remake of her getting electroshock therapy, I have confidence in Fukuda's ability to show characters getting roughhoused. Ryona appreciators stay winning.
He will never turn his back on a friend
he is always there to defend
he is the one on whom we can depend
He is the one called Mazinger.....
Al-Fleed is just one step away from having 4 wives, mashallah.
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Why does the opening and credits have more women than the mechs as well as more time on screen than Duke and Koji?
The show seems to be focusing on women and marriage. you can tell from the extremely subtle although provoking symbolism of the Vegan base being a giant diamond ring. I assume that's Okouchi's genius at work
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I'd prefer if they ride together
This gayish alien boi looks haram.
>Treats Naida the way every self respecting mosquegoer should
>Levels Paris
>Wears the Crescent and Star proudly
>An eager martyr, laughs when someone points a fun at his face
>Declared jihad upon the possibly homosexual infidel Duke Flees
>Was very close to hijacking UFO Grendizer and flying it into the Fleed towers
Kasado is 100% halal
>Giant Ring
>Kouji gives Duke a ring
>A guy is named Casado (married in spanish), so he might unironically be gay for Duke
>Duke was going to marry Rubina
>Hikaru practically proposed to Duke

Man, this is shaping up into a love octagon. Who doesn't want to fuck Duke? Will King Vega be revealed to be a busty milf who wanted to fuck Duke?
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Maida is 100% going to ask to marry Duke before she does too. This show is made by the two guys that made gundam SEED and Witch from mercury, the romance and betrothal in this show is going to be a complete clusterfuck
Will this be gayish like G-woke and Bravern?
Just baiting between Duke and Kouji, both are straight.
He doesn't, and western cartoons that looked like that were mostly animated by Toei or other japanese studios anyway
I'm kinda expecting Naida to fall in love with Casado because he's actually kind despite being a psychopath that treat her like shit. That will bring the female audience
Don't reply to bikini schitzo.
Do you believe the Arabs would allow woke agenda in their shows? They're just teasing fujos for money
So, wait. Fleedians don't have nipples or just the guys?
How long do you think we'll get Koji back in Mazinger? Also, Maria. Waiting to see how long until she's introduced.
After they figure how to build at least one of the Spazers, whatever knowledge they gain from the stones will probably be used to upgrade Z.
If the show does have 12 episodes, probably around ep 8-9.
>Only 12 episodes
Why only 12?
People are too used or accepting of modern anime being only a single cour.
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That's not Sayaka, it's that girl detective who always fucks up solving the mystery and then gets gang raped by cultists.
pattern recognition
After the first two episodes, impressions are rather negative.

Muslims and a lot of sand - what could be worse as a decoration for the start of a show not related to anti-American partisanship?

Mazinger is clearly superfluous and takes up Grendizer's screen time, minimizing the uniqueness of the main mecha.

The new graphics are good, but the combat is too rushed and empty, and the redesign is not always successful.

Duke's amnesia and glitches, as well as the instability of Grendizer's control, are extremely unsuccessful plot ideas.

The constant hysterics of the characters and the hyper-emotionality of the heroes + outright psychopathic maniacs in Vega are simply caricatured and frivolous.

Some kind of Japanese megaliths and the family of priestesses guarding them on God knows what unimportant Japanese island? Ugh.

Well, at least Paris will be destroyed by a bunch of alien robots - that’s at least something.
>Muslims and a lot of sand - what could be worse as a decoration for the start of a show not related to anti-American partisanship?
Stopped reading right there. You people are mentally ill.
>Modern Nagai
>Better than anything
Movies are not canon
Another person who can’t grasp the concept of media mix
Move have different Canon.
One move great mazinger and getter robo help grendizer. In another movie, both great mazinger and mazinger z in museum.
There's no canon at all.
Fuck off xpearse
>He missed it
Great appears for a second near the end in one of the trailers, you can see it catching the great boomerang.
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This is a fan video using trailer footage with a spliced image of Infinity Great. How gullible are you?
More like great fans are so insecure that they need to cope at every turn.
>More like great fans are so insecure that they need to cope at every turn.
Just like their hero Tsurugi Tetsuya lmao
The pacing + the general treatment of mecha anime recently makes me doubt we're getting more than 1 cour
Do people actually believe Nagai has lost touch? Stuff like Devilman Saga shows he still got it imo
Grendizer powers deleted Tetsuya from the timeline.

Tetsuyabros.....when will we return to greatness. I'm starting to believe that Great Mazinger is a GM from Gundam...
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But anon, Ichinana is a GM from Gundam. Are you saying Great Mazinger is below even that?
It's already gayer than GWitch but that's a very low bar. Bravern is stil gayer though
Nagai is fairly multifaceted, so I wouldn't be surprised if someone who liked, let's say, Shutendoji wouldn't like Enma-kun or Iron Virgin Jun.
So I wouldn't be surprised if someone who isn't particularly knowledgeable about his work read something like Cutey Honey vs Devilman Lady and thought that it's shit instead of going with the flow and having fun, because their expectations were ruined.
>Stuff like Devilman Saga shows he still got it imo
Fucking how? It looks and it's written like shit. None of the Devilman sequels or spin-offs worked. I'm still seething we were forced to get Shin alongside the original.
Lady was the peak though.
>Stuff like Devilman Saga shows he still got it imo
Of course, Devilman is his passion.
I don't want to dislike Devilman but I really really wish Go Nagai cared more about Mazinger
>Mazinsaga or other gets dropped but Go Nagai swears he will resume it one day
He obviously cares about his original Mazinger Z (plus cherrypicked ideas he lent to Toei adaptation) a lot though. It's just that there is only so much you can do with it before it turns into something else and that is not as appealing to him, at least as what he considers a Mazinger to be.
>He obviously cares about his original Mazinger Z
I want to believe you, please convince me
>cherrypicked ideas he lent to Toei adaptation
Which, I only know he delayed the flight upgrade so you could feel the weight of things
>It's just that there is only so much you can do with it before it turns into something else and that is not as appealing to him, at least as what he considers a Mazinger to be.
What does he consider Mazinger to be? I haven't really read about anything he's said, just only admired him from afar.
>What does he consider Mazinger to be? I haven't really read about anything he's said, just only admired him from afar.
A carefree action superhero fantasy flight of his. It's probably his most surface level work out of popular ones that aren't straight comedy.
It might get edgy and tragic at times, but what really matters is if it is fun.
Mazinsaga is his attempt at making Mazinger serious. At some point, he had to stop because it became too draining and rather than a Mazinger manga, it more like an amalgam of his other works.
Zeta could be called a rehash of Z, but it was made more like a vehicle for Nagai to explore Greek mythology, rather than a proper Mazinger story and basically it ended when he got bored of the theme.
In a way, Mazinger USA is the most Mazinger-esque work of his after Z, despite barely having anything in common with the original.
As a sidenote, you should read his Gekiman Mazinger chapters recompilation (Mazinger Z 2022). It's not a proper remake, but I think it serves as a good illustration of what generally he likes in the original manga.
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Carefree... I don't know, I sort of liked the feeling of higher stakes-
>It might get edgy and tragic at times, but what really matters is if it is fun.
Yeah!! I enjoyed the bit of Mazinsaga I could read (and finally found where Zero got the chakra stuff from), but yeah, it did feel like Devilman quite a bit. Forgot about Zeta, where the Greek gods showed up, haven't read that yet, same with USA. I'll try to find Geki-
>Mazinger Z 2022 is fully translated
Oh, the sheer catharsis of finding something Mazinger-related that's actually fully fucking translated, thank you.
>the Great and Cutie Honey ones remain untranslated
>Carefree... I don't know, I sort of liked the feeling of higher stakes-
Stakes were always high. People died, atrocities were commited, sacrifices were made. Timeline and multiverse shenanigans in fiction is just a smoke and mirrors to make everything seem grander than it is, when in reality you're reading a simple story where the villian is destined to lose and any other outcome is unthinkable for what essentially is a power fantasy (regardless how loose the definition of a power in this case).
That's fair enough, it comes down to a simple but enjoyable story as old as time. Mazinger is truly a timeless work.
Funny that Cygames had Drag queen in their own gacha before Blackrock.
peak garbage
Sex with Duke in the missionary position for the purpose of reproduction with the lights off
You said that out loud Koji.

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