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I think this resonated with people because it's Romantic. After Star Wars, people wanted to see Romantic works.
i just liked the planes yo
I think OP is a zoomer.
Nausica licks my nuts.
God I fucking love tanuki
Romanticism wasn't exactly new when Star Wars did it either
Nausica is so blatantly miyazaki's perfect waifu who can do no wrong that I strongly suspect he shot a hot jet of cum straight down his pantsleg when he first drew her breasts. She's not even bad or unlikable or anything, she's just absolutely perfect and heroic at all times. Her only mistake in the entire thing is when she's too caring and people try to use that against her.
Can't fault the man for having the chance to make his own waifu. She's a hell of a lot better written than she would be if I was writing it.
I mean he reused her design quite a few times.
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This part always makes me tear up.
Damn I really need to read the manga.
post their next panel
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the absolute loyalty between kushana and her vassals is heart-rendingly pure
you really do
When I first read the manga after watching the movie, it rly sunk in how different things were when her men willingly acted as human shields to protect her from asbel’s gunship and were all riddled with gaping bullet wounds, bleeding to death in her arms
the movie's buggest sin is how it undercuts her. she's one of the best characters in the manga
Where else?
a lot of the ghibli leading girls are just nausicaa
lucky Pikachu
There's at least two or three in his Lupin work.
yes. you're blind
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Miyazaki's prefect waifu is Lana/Sheeta.
Source is Toshio Okada.
That makes sense. Pretty much all of Dola's kids wanted her to be their wife.
It's good when characters have flaws. I could accept everything up until the bit where she had a hidden lab/garden where she had actually worked out the secret behind the miasma all on her own. Jesus man, there's a reason why you put in a science character who does the studying. Like it's not enough to be the charming compassionate action hero with super skills and a funny pet and big tits that's also the chosen one, she also had to figure out secrets of the setting offscreen?
>science is hard
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much of the main cast have sensational, if not superhuman, aspects to their character or physical abilities
it's more of a legend than a real story. the whole thing has a framing device like you're being told some epic akin to the odyssey
>It's good when characters have flaws
{{Citation needed}}
The odyssey is pretty focused on the dudes involved being flawed people. I don't mean that she's cool and tough, that's a given. I mean more that the moral arc of the universe bends towards her. The more she likes something, the more moral it is, the more she gets mad and shouts, the more evil and wrong and punished it is. Mononoke is such a great "everyone has a pretty good reason to be doing what they're doing" example in the same genre and I watched nausicaa after, and they feel pretty disparate. There's nothing like the scene with the lepers in comparison.
Maybe the manga does it better idk
I didn't like nausicaa as much as mononoke, cite that one baby.
What cinema sins does to a mf.
Disregard that I suck cocks.
I liked mononoke over nausicaa in terms of the films.
>nooooooooooo you can't have absolutely morality because that's not mature like a mature person such as myself.
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Reminder if you are in the States Mononoke Hime starts Saturday for Ghiblifest. There are like 5 showings.
The movie was also made way before the manga was finished. 10 whole years is a long time.
I remember trying to get two animator collogues of mine to watch Nausicaa. They couldn't get through the first 15 minutes. One of them went on to work with John Lassiter, I bet he didn't shit on Miyazaki or Japanese animation in his presence.
That’s crazy, I had a professor put on Princess Mononoke for an action analysis lecture
Your luck, My animation teacher Milt Neai from Disney HATED Anime , and when i finished my 6 min student film, he pulled out his handkerchief blew into it and walked out, of course all the Disney fanboys where there to watch the occasion acting like a scene out of Fat Albert and the gang. Ken Kimmelman a famous NYC director was watching the Macross Movie and he said: "Amazing they aren't even animating anything." Yea the students hated my guts for liking Japanese animation.
What fucking douchebags.
How's this for a story. Working with a "Friend" who was supervisor on cheap stop motion project , this was right after 9/11 we were in the diamond district and could smell the burning debris. Anyway I happen to take my head phones off, was listening to heroic John Williams classical music and I was met with:
"Yea, people who like Japanese Animation don't know anything about real animation."
I had just just gotten back from Japan were I worked in their animation industry and I flipped out on her. She's suppose to be this teacher now at School of Visual Art in NYC, I hope she is bombarded by student that see the beauty and love that is put into a production from Japan. Yea I was fired and Backlisted after that.
These kind of replies only happen when you're totally correct and it's made them angry.

I feel like the anti-anime stance is probably one of the worst horse picks in generations. People doing the "well it's cute but it'll never be disney" is like seeing people saying the titanic is too big to sink.
Not an argument
Especially with how horrible Disney has become.
>This part always makes me tear up.

Me, too.

...and here is the page after that.
And here is another fanart of that scene.
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Yes, the manga had great scenes that developed Kushana into my favorite fictional character. The movie gave many of those scenes to Nausicaa, instead. Yet another reason to prefer the manga.
>The movie gave many of those scenes to Nausicaa, instead
I feel more vindicated every day that nausicaa somehow feels like she gets too much in her own movie.
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She does but that is what you get with a manga that starts in 82 and goes on until the 90s.
Funny because Miyazaki was hugely influenced Disney and Fleischer. A lot of the time I genuinely think that a lot of people do not actually understand the history of movies or how things converge or evolve. Typical mindset.
>romantic works
Can I get an explanation here
>they aren't even animating anything
>except these amazing and dynamic dogfights with transforming planes
I've seen people poo poo anime because of stock lip flaps with unmoving chins right after an incredible fight scene or highly detailed mechanical animation. They'll always do it, "their mouths aren't even really moving!".
I think some people simply don't get it, my mom used to look at DBZ and say that it was too static and that they spent most of the time standing still talking, ignoring completely how well drawn those moments looked and all the different camera angles used to create dynamic shots.
Romanticism is an artistic movement from the 1800s, which is focused on being dramatic, brooding, epic, or heroic. The composer Beethoven is an example of Romantic music.
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From the Shogouki thread.
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It gave us a good way that a distant future will look at a distant past...
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Mostly with shame, but maybe learning enough this time around.
Einstein predicted it.
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And also will see the coming savior as a dude.
For me it was the Ohmu
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For me, it's kurotowa.
This was a criticism he was throwing at Leji with Yamato.
If you have ever seen the map where this all takes place, iirc, Shuwa is Moscow.
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Sorry San. Better luck next time.

Best Lady.
Best Ghibli.
Best Everything.
I wish Miyazaki had done more manga. His films are great, but I dream of what we might have got from Laputa or Mononoke in book form.
tell me you haven't read the manga w/out telling me you haven't read the manga
Shut the fuck up. The manga is newjack nonsense. Take your gay ass imported catchphrase faggotry back to whatever social media shithole you crawled in from. Faggot.
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struck a nerve?
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I like mononoke over the nausicaa movie, but I like the nausicaa manga over mononoke. They're all quite nice.
For me it's Whisper of the Heart
That is coming up soon as well.

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