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Why were they so much better at being more competent and compelling villains and antagonists than Zeon and its Zeek sweats during the OYW? They had the Earth Federation and Axis pushed to the curb with its sheer forces and manpower that it almost came close to conquering the universe.
Why didn't we get the exposition with this faction compared to what we did with Zeon?
They a contributing factor in getting most of the main cast killed off too
They were a contributing factor in getting most of the main cast killed off too. I definitely prefer them as antagonists than the 1st zeon.
What i liked about the titans was that they did a good job at making you feel how big of a challenge the AEUG was really up against. They also did a good job at showing how far the federation fell after 0079.
Titans MS are so groovy
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Cool color scheme evil glowies
>compelling villains and antagonists
The Titans sucked as a faction. They were incredibly one-dimensional villain's and nowhere near as compelling as Zeon.
That's false. Like completely false.
I didn't like how overtly Zeonish they were. They still should have been distinctly Federation but with a darker tint, and I don't mean that just aesthetically.
The Titans were the equivalent of a schoolyard bully in a coming-of-age movie.
Gonna level with you on this chief, you have bad taste and should get that checked out.
I find the titans compelling because they are shown to be unapologetically evil just like some people in real life (altho they have a few good ppl who question their actions like emma and that one guy during the dakar speech) I don't think there's anything wrong with having a one-dimensional villain. Some people are just horrible.
That said, I think Zeon is just as compelling. Zeon has way more soldiers who are really sympathetic and tragic characters.
I have to disagree, mam. Especially since I'm not the only one itt that clearly prefers the Titans too.
I second this
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Coolest uniforms in UC gundam by far
It looks like a mosquito, fitting for Jerid.
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The biggest mistake Jamitov ever made was retreating from his administrative role, giving Bask carte blanche for blatant war crimes and losing control of their spacenoid pawns in the process.
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I like the Titans for the fact they're like if Wagner Group had major political power over Russian government. Many seem to categorize them as some kinda fascists, but most of them lack an unifying ideology other than an authoritarian "establishment of order" within the Federation. Jamitov clearly has ideas, and wants to make the organization a major force for good (in his own way), but the rest of the leaders simply answer that with a "no" and then race to gas another colony while planning his downfall.
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>born in UC 0063 in North America
>everything is fine
>Side 3 goes insane
>they drop a colony and all of space turns into a battlefied
>well at least it isn't all spacenoids just a those from side 3
>get drafted after during one week battle
>Garma Conquers my home town
>Amuro and the Gundam show up and I get a Jim a few months later
>Reconquer north America
>fight at jaburo
>avoid the colony laser after missing solomon
>war ends finally things can get back to normal
>stay in military because why not
>3 years later zeek drop a colony on my home town
>Get scouted for titans
>Bask is nuts and never shuts up about all spacenoids being cancer, it's fine guy got tortured after all
>Civil war breaks out spacenoids and AEUG aren't exactly wrong
>Bosses try to align with the neo-zeeks what is even going on here
>Titans fall apart I rejoin regular EFSF
>Neo Zeeks drop a colony on dublin
>What is wrong with zeeks glad most spacenoids are normal like the aeug was
>Bunch of spacenoids, Join up with Char to drop asteroids and and force everyone
>it's just one colony of cult worshiping nuts not all spacenoids are like this right
>Get stationed in Australia get attacked a torrington some of these damn zeeks aren't even from side 3 what is wrong with them
>Why the fuck is this bitch zeek broadcasting about a lost article in the constitution no one will ever give a fuck about
>Mafty shows up a few years latter at least they're not zeeks
>Still spacenoids cancer complaining about earth elites and federation when earth has turned into a shit hole after 4 things being dropped on it
>federation puts it down
>retire some stupid fucks in frontier 4 form a break away state
>I thought we were done with this crap
>Nut job space aristicrat larpers release death machines
>Maybe spacenoids are cancer afterall
>See jovians do stupid shit on news in retirement
>more spacenoids being shit
>90 more stupid spacenoids, this time with guiltiness
>Bask was right
the titans are the prime example of failed potential when it comes to writing

zeon did the easy but effective balance of evil leaders but compelling soldiers, and the titans could've easily delivered the simple message of "revenge only leads to more hate"

instead we only get the "excessive power leads to corruption" message with one-dimensional characters, while AEUG gets be the unabashed good guys

tomino's initial pitch of the titans being a response to the AEUG and not viceversa would've also helped to balance the conflict as well
Bask Om was tortured?
I am curious about his pre 0083 history
>better villains than Zeon
Zeeks are so hooked on the spacenoid copium that they’ll hide look the other way when it comes to admitting war crimes. Rather, they rely on “muh Titans G-3 Gas” and forget that they were the first ones to gas colonies and drop them.

Don’t forget that they’ll hide behind “so-called” sympathetic or “sexy” characters to make themselves not look bad.
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Zeon can't help being sexy as fuck. Maybe if Scirocco wasn't such a creep who spends all day gelking and gooning from his BBW mobile suit he could join them.
>Why were they
Because it was written that way and you should pay attention to what you're watching to answer any other questions.
they were right about spacenoids being genocidal subhuman and must be ruled with an ironfist
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I can't read. I'm sorry. Filthy Spacenoids burned all the schools when they dropped their colonies. I only learned up to the letter G which all I know stands for G-3. Scirocco said he was going to teach me up to O.
if you look at the earth right now and don't think "total earthnoid death" you're a low iq midwit.
sad but true
Bask was captured and tortured repeatedly for information by Zeon. They messed with his eyes which is why he wears goggles. It's also why he hates Zeon and spacenoids. He's experienced firsthand how depraved they can get during war. He's not a random villain who suddenly hates Zeon for no reason.
it's not war crimes if it's against earthnigs it's more like pesticide.
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What exactly is Bask's relationship to Krang?
I liked the inversion from MSG how there was a faction of the Federation who were now the bad guys and they even cribbed shit from Zeon (not to mention taking Zeonic MS designs).

The one thing I wish we saw more in Zeta and ZZ was Jupiter playing a more direct role. I always believed Scirocco was deliberately exiled to the Earth because he was considered a loose cannon that pissed off the Jovians and he could be a destabilizer of Earth with his ambition and power which would help Jupiter in the long run.
>I liked the inversion from MSG how there was a faction of the Federation who were now the bad guys

>and they even cribbed shit from Zeon (not to mention taking Zeonic MS designs).
Nah. Didn't like this. I wanted to see more evil looking GMs
>Nah. Didn't like this. I wanted to see more evil looking GMs
Same, even if I know the real reason is that they had to make it clear who were the bad guys, it just seems contrived that the Earth-First, Earth supremacists wouldn't be doing everything they can to look distinctly apart from Zeon. It's one thing to take ideas from a defeated enemy and adopting it for your own use in some way, but they just flat out adopted Zaku IIs with some chest vents, some extra thrusters, and with shittier weapon selections than GMs built during the OYW.
Different anon here but I also agree. That's why I think Gundam 00 did a way better job with it. During Season 2, the A-Laws (Titans) use a new suit called the A-head. Apparently, all the A-heads were using Gundam frames built using stolen information from their enemies from Season 1. But to avoid any public backlash that hate Gundams, the A-heads were remodeled on the outside to look completely different. It's crazy to think A-heads all had Gundam skeletons while fighting the main characters.

The Federation Titans could have done the same. Bare minimum they could have changed the Hizack head and painted the suit a different color. Give it a visor, a GM head, and paint them red and white like the original GM.
Yeah I agree that the Titans should've fielded "heroic"-looking mobile suits instead of obvious monstrous designs to beat it over your head that they were the bad guys. But Paptimus' Jovian suits were pretty gnarly and I liked how out-of-this-world they were.

I just chalked it up to budget and that the EFF decided to just adopt Zeonic stuff because why waste good weapons?
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Guess I'm in the same boat as everyone else apparently. In a perfect world the Titans would have stated the series in something like the Quel. Then you would have started the series in clear feddy suits and ended in Paptimus Jovian looking ones. Kind of to mirror what obvious monsters they are by the end. Hell at the end they're flat out being led by a Jovian. Save the obvious Zeon esque designs like hizack for the end of the series when axis shows.

Its never been outright told in a single source document to pull from, but combining numerous sources of information from games and soem materials notes from across the 90's, some facts have been trudged up.

>He was an Officer serving aboard a Salamis during the battle of Loum that was crippled, leading to his capture at the hands of Zeon forces.
>While others who were questioned by Zeon ended up cracking since they were under the impression the Federation was going to agree to negotiate on Zeons term, Bask refused to say anything and was outright wasting Zeon's time with overt hostility and mockery. In retaliation they employed a devious form of torture designed to slowly burn the outer layer of the eyes while keeping him fully aware.
>Ended up being sent back to Earth as part of an exchange just before Revil reappeared and gave his "Zeon is exhausted" speech and was completely savage and genocidal towards Zeon going forward.
>Jamitov, who was already working towards his own machinations of gaining control over Earth and space, ended up seeing potential in using Bask as a mindless enforcer who was blind (literally and figuratively) to his ambitions.
>Bask rallied many groups within the Federation that were either like minded or opportunistically not the biggest supporters of Revils moderate stance on keeping the war focused against the Zabi's and less on persecuting all spacenoids.
>By 0083 he was being molded for being the new warhawk head of the Titans, something Jamitov was hopeful he could use until he could achieve his ultimate goal of disposing of Bask and turning the Titans into his own vessel for Deikunism.
>Jamitov's plan completely gets completely thrown off the rails after the Titans were told to diffuse tensions at 30th Banchi. Bask in turn was told to do so without mobile suits, and used G3 gas without approval. Jamitov from this point on tried to find a replacement, now fearing Bask in private.
The whole thing about the Titans is that they didn't give a shit about optics or what the rest of the Federation thought of them. They operated above everyone else and did whatever they want. That includes their mobile suit design. If a suit is better than everyone else's they're going to take it for themselves no matter who built it, ex-Zeon or no. And if anyone complains they get G3'd.
That's how it should have been. I was confused when I first watched Zeta as to why Zakus were flying around Federation space by Federation pilots. I wouldn't even change their rank on the performance hierarchy, they'd still be bottom-rung, and something the Titans have to fall back on when they lose official government backing and have to slap together something quickly once they're cut off from major Federation production and tech centers, hauling out Zaku IIs out of mothballs and smashing new tech in to make them viable. They'd still exist alongside newer MS like Barzams that were produced shortly before being cut off, but it would show how much the Titans have changed and how desperate they are that they're reduced to old school Zeon tech while they're threatening to gas more colonies and use the colony laser as a terror weapon.
>whole organisation motto is "might is right"
>get absolutly demolished
bunch of wusses
thats retarded te the point of completley missing the point of the Titans. The Titans were a group that usurped power from the Federation from within its own ranks to the point of getting full control of its fractrued military and even completley disreguarding the federation government. Giving them things like the Hizack perfectly, since its an obvious combo of Federation and Zeon design, showing that they take all the best stuff from the feddies and the old Zeon and everyone else gets scraps and can eat shit. Giving them old mook suits makes zero sense when they had a whole colony lazer under their own control and were in charge of the federation military even after the civilian government stopped suppourting them, since by then they'd outgrown the civilian governemnt in power. it took the combined efforts of the AEUG and Axis Zeon to put them down, but doing it this way would make you wonder why they were even a threat from the start.

if anything the Titans should have been shown with MORE Gundam Mk-IIs showing how much power theyve taken and how big of a deal it was that the AEUG was fighting them.
>Giving them things like the Hizack perfectly, since its an obvious combo of Federation and Zeon design
Let's be real here anyone who looks at the hizack is going to think its a fucking zaku.
It's almost like that was the point
>Giving them things like the Hizack perfectly, since its an obvious combo of Federation and Zeon design, showing that they take all the best stuff from the feddies and the old Zeon and everyone else gets scraps and can eat shit
Except your take's even more retarded, because everything made after the Zaku was superior, so saying "combining the best stuff from the feddies and old Zeon" is even more stupid considering that the Federation got their hands on Gelgoogs and other advanced Zeon MS prototypes after the OYW, so they would be basing newer designs off of those rather than the machine inferior to their own GMs. That's like the post WW2 US Army demanding that they jam a bunch of bullshit pulled Axis machines into their own designs that were objectively inferior in most respects to make monstrosities of dubious improvement, especially with that retarded "can only use one beam weapon at a time" Hizack when a GM could do the same thing 7 years prior.
>Giving them old mook suits makes zero sense when they had a whole colony lazer under their own control and were in charge of the federation military even after the civilian government stopped suppourting them
Not all of it, that's what Sentinel was about, there was still a sizeable chunk of the Federation military during Gryps that wasn't directly aligned with either the AEUG or Titans, and IIRC, the Titans were sent packing to space after Kilimanjaro and Dakar to reconsolidate around the Gate of Zedan and the colony laser, so either Earth is off-limits, or they have very tenuous control over the places they still operate from planetside, because all of the important events happen in space from that point forward.
It's really sad that Bask appeared so little in Zeta. He has an awesome design and would have been a terrifying villain if not for the fact he disappears for 30 episodes.
Hizack and Zaku are not the same. The Hizack's specs are already generally on-par or better than Gelgoog and Act Zaku, which were Zeon's latest OYW MP models, as well as GM C-type, GM II, and Galbaldy Beta, which formed the bulk of the EFF forces between 0079 and 0087.

>especially with that retarded "can only use one beam weapon at a time" Hizack when a GM could do the same thing 7 years prior
That's actually just Anaheim fuckery rather than the Hizack being a bad design. Prototype Hizack had none of those problems until Anaheim insisted on changing the reactor.
>and IIRC, the Titans were sent packing to space after Kilimanjaro and Dakar to reconsolidate around the Gate of Zedan and the colony laser, so either Earth is off-limits, or they have very tenuous control over the places they still operate from planetside, because all of the important events happen in space from that point forward.
you recalled wrong, since even after Dakar they Titans never relinquish their power even when the Civilian government denounces them, since they were in control of the bulk of the federation's military by then. the fact that they even had the Colony laser A Baoa Qu and all of the production facilities from Green Noa meant that by that point the federation decrying them meant nothing, as they had all of the major production facilities and most powerful military assets.
> because everything made after the Zaku was superior,
the Hizack wasnt a Zaku, the Hizack was the matured elements of a Zeon production combined with matured Fed tech. thats why they took it, they made the Zeon designers work for them, since they didnt give a rats ass about the zeon and were only in it for themselves.
>BBW mobile suit
I always called it the General Grievous mobile suit in my headcanon because of its extra arm used for beam sabers.
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It was the only way they could visually convey to the audience that they were the bad guys but it doesn't make sense otherwise.
>muh pressganged Zeonic engineers
Yeah? Then what the fuck happened to the guys that developed GM-series and subsequent Gundam-types? The Titans killed them off, too?
earthnoids are not very smart.
>Yeah? Then what the fuck happened to the guys that developed GM-series and subsequent Gundam-types?

They are Engineers. They worked on other projects, or left the Earth Forces for better work opportunities at other companies like Anaheim Electronics.

Not to mention Earth Force GM factories stayed in production throughout the life of the GM, GM II, and GM III. So that's 0079 to around mid 0090s. At least until the Jegan took over as the main MS.

While GM factories scaled down, The factories probably still made parts for the GM III well into the UC 100s. Like how the USA Abrams tank factories entered low production mode during times of peace. Making spare parts and refurbing used Abrams tanks.
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I would think that the mono-eye as a component would be the oldest and cheapest camera possible, but also, it was pretty good compared to what more advanced sensors like Gundam eyes would get you. A cost-cutting measure that didn't really cost you all that much in terms of performance.

And that doesn't explain why they'd go so Zeonic in other design aspects, but I think that can just be explained away by the Federation experimenting with Zeon design philosophies for a couple of years, before ultimately deciding to go back to their traditional aesthetics with the GM III and the Jegan.
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Jegan is just a monoeye with a visor in front
I thought was because it was a cost cutting measure. Not because of performance. Like they took 2 regular "GM eyes" and just reduced it to one eye to save money.
>WHAAAAAT? the tyranicall rouge arm of the already dysfuncionally corrupt federation is hypocritical and only cares about themselves and is willing to work with people it considered an enemy if they deem it to be in their own self interest? WHAAAAAT?
this is how you autists sound.
The Titans have to at least keep up the superficial appearance of being Anti-Zeon and righteous to the public. That's how they get new recruits.
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Because Kamille had a personal conflict with the Titans.

In 0079 Amuro didn't really give a shit about the Zabis or Zeon because he was more concerned with surviving and keeping everyone else on the White Base alive. By the end his only real antagonist was Char, but Char obviously isn't aligned with Zeon as a whole or the Zabis.

Zeta, on the other hand, is a complete grudge match. Before it even starts the Titans are responsible for Kamille shitty home life. Then, Jerid sets Kamille off by acting like a dick, literally kicking him while he's down, and has him thrown in a cell with an interrogation officer beating him and accusing him of being a terrorist. After Kamille has had enough he steals the MKII and fucks off with the AEUG, then Bask orders Kamille's family to be taken hostage, hand signs the order for Kamille's mom to killed, gets Jerid to kill his mom, who then mocks him over it, and then blackmails Kamille's dad into fake defecting which results in his dad being killed after trying to kill Kamille. He then finds out from Fa that everyone he cared about, minus her, was dead or in prison because the Titans rounded them up just for knowing him. On Earth he falls in love with Four only to find out that her life was ruined because the Titans ordered newtype research, thinks she died and then actually has her die in his arms because Jamitov ordered her to be a meatshield for his shuttle. Then, back in space, the Kamille befriends Rosamia only to have to kill her himself because someone at Titans HQ ordered her to be brainwashed in order to fuck with him specifically. Also Scirocco, the future leader of the Titans, personally causes Reccoa, Kamille's quasi mother figure to defect and be put in direct conflict with him.
They're really more of a blue arm.
>see Titans recruitment posters
>cool ass uniforms and midnight blue Gundams and GMs streaking against the backdrop of space, and standing on top of wrecked Zeon remnant MS
>sign up, thinking you'll pilot a badass Gundam or maybe even a high-end GM, but if neither of those, at least a Quel looks pretty ne-
>nope, you're handed a suckass Zaku look-a-like and issued a OYW-era machine gun, not even a fucking beam rifle, and your Hizack is painted in Zeon Zaku green instead of midnight blue like regular Federation forces Zakus, they couldn't even get that shit right, now go hunt those remnants and prepare for insanely high friendly fire incidents
I don't know, I'd feel kind of betrayed if that what I was reduced to, Emma was very likely not the first Titan to defect to the AEUG because of that.
why? the Americans or Russians never cared about stealing German shit and their propaganda worked wonders. if anyone complains about it they get gassed, simple as. thats how the Titans worked.
The American and Russians don't base their entire existence on -not- stealing German shit, though?
the titans didnt either. They said they'd kill Zeeks, they said nothing about not stealing their shit. in fact, the Russians did exactly that.
Huge fucking difference between taking some of your enemy's tech and applying it to some of and retooling your entire military from machines down to the uniforms to look just like the guy's you just beat.
>applying it to some of your own concepts
literally one MS looked like a Zaku you fucking sperg. the Uniforms were just a color change of the Feddie suit. do you even hear yourself?
>WHAT? the enemy faction who only cares about usurping power was... LYING? In their propaganda no less? WHATS GOING ON HERE? TOMINO EXPLAIN!!!!
Don't be a fucking idiot, the Hizack is the most prominent case because it's literally just a Zaku II shell with a few outward features swapped out, it was by far the most common mobile suit used by EF/Titans forces in Zeta, not even getting into the Marine Zakus, Act Zakus, and the Galbaldy Betas, which were either holdovers from the OYW or developed directly from previous Zeon designs.
>the Uniforms were just a color change of the Feddie suit. do you even hear yourself?
Rewatch the series, dumbass. Only in the beginning were the uniforms just palette swaps, then not long into the series, they started to incorporate Zeonish crests on the upper half of the top and some even had the short capes used on various Zeonic uniforms, it wasn't fucking subtle, because that's the whole point, they kept smashing viewers over the head that they took up Zeon's mantle.
>why? the Americans or Russians never cared about stealing German shit

Operation Paperclip
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>the Uniforms were just a color change of the Feddie suit
Wrong they adopted a new ranking system
Next you're going to tell me the Soviet union hired ex-SS members or something bizarre like that

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