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new /m/onsters
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Rate this archetype.
the rank 4 lock is not cool
I won't care about Yugioh until they bring back Tag Force with all the dating sim aspects to it.
megaton musashi archetype?
>Hole Thruster
Aside from the R4 lock being kind of dumb as was pointed out, they look okay I guess
Speed Duel banlist.
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>If you control no cards (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; apply these effects this turn.
>● Each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s) from their Deck or Extra Deck, immediately draw 1 card.
>● Once, during the End Phase, if the number of cards in your hand is more than the number of cards your opponent controls +6, you must randomly shuffle cards from your hand into the Deck so the number in your hand equals the number your opponent controls +6.
>You can only activate 1 other "Mulcharmy" monster effect, the turn you activate this effect.
Another roach replacement
What's the point if Maxx Sheesh is at 3?
I'd understand if this was a TCG exclusive where Roach is banned, but it's not. Why does this exist?
so japs can win at World because they're absolute shitters without Maxx "C" unlike TCG players who are used to not having it
Mulcharmy Purulia only activates from monsters special summoned from the hand, Mulcharmy Fuwaross only works from monsters summoned from the deck.

So my guess is Maxx C will eventually get banned from the OCG and then you have to decide between having one or both Mulcharmy cards.
oh I'm dumb. Purulia also works on normal summons.

So Fire or Earth will do the Graveyard and Banishment?
>the deck.
and extra deck as well
With how much extra deck summon these days, you can easily go 5+
Rush Mudballman.
>they're absolute shitters without Maxx "C"
No wonder why OCG refuses to ban the cockroach.
Elemental Circulation?
>Set comes from CROSSOVER breakers
>it's also the one containing ALICE in wonderland
Now to just figure out wtf this is supposed to be
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How are your hopes and expectations for Crossover Breakers' non-Raizeol archetypes?
If I can't limiter removal on them, they're shit. Not true mecha.
pls no synchro and link
Alice is Cyberse so it'll definitely use the tools available. The other is using same source material as a previous deck which had a link
Blue-Eyes Structure Deck cards.
Next banlist will be released in late August.
Translated effects.
>placing True Light from Deck
Gotta how more and more cards do this placing thing just to spit on Ash Blossom
4 new cards remaining for the Blue-Eyes SD.
>Double Tuning
Blue Eyes wishes it was RDA.
And Kaiba wishes he was Jack Atlas.
Master Duel update.
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Satellite Cannon support doko?
Trap merch.
Mimighoul video.
Infinite Forbidden's imports.
They are interesting
need more backrow though
Haven't really paid much attention to the recent TCG exclusive archetypes, what's the track record on them? I know Spyrals were a heinous threat with Double Helix and Firewall during the early Vrains era.
Don't bump this thread again. Go back to /vg/.
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They haven't had any kind of relevance to such a level since that spyral time. This is probably the first time in a while that the first wave has a decent chance to be hopeful in keeping it going.
Not that such a thing matters w/ Snake-Smiths.
>You can only activate 1 card with this card's name per turn.
>If your opponent has a card on their field, you can also activate this card from your hand.
>(1): When the effect of a Spell, Trap, or monster is activated, including the effect that would Special Summon a monster, you can activate this effect. Negate that effect.
>If there is a Trap Card in your Graveyard, also destroy the negated card.
>If you activate this card from your hand, after activation,
>you cannot activate the effects of LIGHT, EARTH, or WIND monsters during this duel.
Ash Blossom at home
Can dodge Called by the Grave AND the TTTs
Nice XYZ faggot would be a shame if I were to
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>not a proper flip
Sorry pal, but you don't get to join the new crew.
Cool cover card.
Rush HEROs.
Lore content.
>Performage Ball Rider
>EARTH / Level 4 / Spellcaster / Pendulum / Effect Monster
>ATK 1000 / DEF 1800
>Scale 3
>Pendulum Effect
>You can only use the Pendulum Effect of cards with this card's name once per turn.
>(1) During your Main Phase: You can send 1 "Performage" Pendulum Monster from your face-up Extra Deck to the GY, then you can increase this card's Pendulum Scale by the Scale of the monster sent to the GY.
>Monster Effect
>You can only use the (1), (2) and (3) effects of cards with this card's name once per turn.
>(1) If you control a "Performage" monster: You can Special Summon this card from your hand.
>(2) If this card is Normal/Special Summoned: You can apply 1 of these effects.
>- Add 1 "Performage" Pendulum Monster from your Deck to your Extra Deck face-up.
>- Destroy 1 "Performage" Monster Card you control.
>(3) When your opponent's Special Summoned monster declares an attack: You can Special Summon this card from your GY.
Very nice card
Extremely so in TCG because a certain link-2 got banned
The rank 4 lock still let's them do dumb shit like Droll lock people or just end with Dweller+Raff+3-mat Deadner+the quickplay, which is enough to make basically any deck miserable.
the cover, is that a new form of No 32 Shark Drake?
Not really the best in Shark deck though since its extra deck space is really tight

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