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Which version of the Crusher Joe movie is the best one? The 16:9 version or the 4:3 version?
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>16:9 or 4:3
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One of the best /m/ movies. This was yas as a director at his best in my opinion. Outside maybe giant gorg (which i haven't finished)
The 4:3. The 16:9 is just a cropped version I believe.
Also gonna risk sounding like a newfag, but who?
Ah, alright. Thanks a lot.
Just say "he".
The whole thing is a larp, is there even any proof of such individual existing besides that ban evading schizoid claiming he or she is literally in every thread and then crying when his shit gets deleted/banned?
...why does /m/ seem to attract a disproportionate amount of these lunatics?
>he or she is literally in every thread
That's quite the exaggeration. No need to pretend they don't exist. That's suspicious.
Bait out the ass.
The burden of proof is on you.
And stop replying twice, it makes you look even worse.
Wow this might be one of the best anime movies I've ever watched
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You want full screen for these films, as this is how they were originally animated, and then later cropped for movie screenings. It gives a fuller image and more information.

This was the cheaper and faster method of making films, as they would have a tv studio produciton, and just have the tv animation studio do what they normally do then crop it later. Related: Beautiful Dreamer is only available in widescreen rather than its original full screen crop. Project A-Ko got a proper release with either theatrical crop or original widescreen format like these film sshould have.
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You’re not losing anything important in the widescreen version. Project A-ko was storyboarded for widescreen. Every shot was designed with the widescreen version in mind. The 4:3 open matte version is just superfluous shit on the top and bottom.
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Open Matte is generally the better format, even if it was intended for widescreen. At the very least, both versions should be available on home release.

>is just superfluous shit on the top and bottom.

TITTIES! Seriously, the widescreen version of Beautiful Dreamer crops out some titties. I think there's enough of a case that the film should get a proper re-elease: restored deleted scenes, open matte format, color correction (it's the only Urusei Yatsura film with oddly dull washed out colors).
>Open Matte is generally the better format, even if it was intended for widescreen.

I cannot agree. Yes, the open matte is worth viewing, and it’s great to see more of the cels and background paintings, but when the film is storyboarded for widescreen, you end up with a widescreen movie where the shots look composed for the wide frame, and an open matte movie where, although the entire screen is filled, characters awkwardly occupy a smaller rectangle in the middle of the screen.

Unless you’re watching on a 4:3 monitor, the open matte version should not be the first version you watch.

>At the very least, both versions should be available on home release.

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