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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>22719067
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Build a mecha or vehicle that is meant for an indirect role in combat. This can concepts such as:
>Electronic Warfare And Communications & Airborne Early Warning And Control
>Minelayers and long-range weaponry spotters
>Scouting and Surveillance
>Commanding roles
>Sub-flight units to aid MS (Base Jabbers)
>Field Repairs & Supply
Basically any kind of combat role that isn't just "Robot made to shoot/punch another robot"

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 4/24/24
END: 7/31/24
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Post what you're working on!
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I am working on a display case for my gunpla. I've posted before. Due to some unfortunate circumstances I will need to cut this bottom part and re-glue it because I lacked a tool to make my job easier and running an 8 foot board through a table saw is a bit difficult. I will post results when finished.
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VSMS Daccas runners
Exterior parts are molded in clear dark green PS
Frame in brown metallic ABS
3 fucking colors. Low impact painting ass. Couldn't even seam weld it.
looks great
Seam welding is gay
Weld your seam around this dick faggot
Real, non spam, butthurt free thread here
this is just sad
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At the really ugly stage when you've done initial surfacer and are now filling the gaps that you didn't catch initially. Hopefully sanding this stuff back tomorrow or Friday, then hoping the weather holds Saturday for second primer/maybe even some of the colour coats.
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Just started work on the train gundam.
I love my station...
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it's not fucking fair
holy kino
My max is like, 3 of one grunt.
fucking hell that's like half the GN-x Strikers and GN-X IVs ever printed
>uhm actually the seams were there in the dalong picture so it's totally fine!!!
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Why come F91s are so small, to the point where a MG F91 is the size of a HG from the later parts of early UC?
i dunno google it dipshit, it's been answered literally thousands of times
One day...
>you arent allowed to have ANY discussion in this thread
fuck off retard.
you're not very smart are you
ad hominem
tomino likes smaller mechs so pitched it to bandai
they saw an opportunity to use less plastic in kits while keeping them in a scale that matches their other products and said ok
How important actually is using less plastic in kits? Like right now at least, the difference in costs is probably like less than 50 cents.
As technology progresses it miniaturizes. Also war doctrine changes whether it be due to necessity or experience.
it was the 90s, they were just coming off the economic boom of the 80s and companies needed to reduce costs (however little) because of the crashing economy
True enough, big mechs/tanks look cool but what everyone actually wants is the most compact mech/tank possible that can fulfil its battlefield role with the added bonuses of being easy to transport, harder to hit, etc.
I just found this chart thing of Gundam merchandise sale data. The Y axis represents unit sales in the tens of thousands. I guess if you sell 6 million Gundams and save 50 cents (I just got this number out of my ass but whatever) on each, you're saving 3 million bucks.
I really do want an MG Xi though. That dumb bastard Katoki better deliver. bandai without question relegated MG to him.
It's not important at all and I call bullshit because bandai proceeded to put out the most large kits in the earlier years.
this is why bandai cheaps out on everything and keeps getting worse at it. those different fixed pose hands you no longer get in HGs? even if they only cost 1 cent each, when you're producing millions of units it adds up
>it adds up
Okay? They get that money back regardless because they're selling a product.
it eats into your margins and the japanese economy is completely in the shitter and hasn't stopped tanking for like 5 years
bandai continues to report record breaking profits every year. I am pretty sure when the covid LOCKDOWNS were happening they were still reporting record breaking profits.
guess all those cost cutting measures are keeping their margins high. gotta keep making record profits every year or the investors will kick up a fuss
That's why it's pretty upsetting seeing some of pic related going on. Here you can chalk it up to underageb& trolling but on other sites these people really are cultists.
>doesn't put any love into building any of them
>just straight builds them from the box and puts them in a static pose on a shitty storage shelf
The emotion I feel here is not envy for the "builder," but pity for the Gunpla.
oh get a fucking grip
Fuck the investors bro. They’re always fucking shit up.
Reminder that the MSs around Xi's time were only so big because they had just barely miniaturized the Minovsky Craft System enough to fit in a huge MS.
publicly traded companies and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race
*tips fedora
Oh is that why the Xi and Penelope can fly around like that in atmosphere?
Wait what happened?
Yep. The Penelope is the prototype, with an external flying armor equipped onto a giant gundam to wear and power it, while the Xi "miniaturized" all of that into one integrated gundam

Crazy to think the victory does it in a tiny MS. And according to Tomino the F91 had it too
they literally say it in the movie
And so as to not post off topic images, a link to the old Dodge logo.
is this why he supported the nazis
Reminder that by the time of G-Savior, miniaturization fell out of favor because small suits were seen as fragile and it was too expensive to build them
The Freedom is still smaller than usual, at 17m, and the Bugu is 16.4m to the head. They're just not small small like the Victory. The high-end Zanscare suits in Victory were also larger, like the Zanneck which was 19m or the Rig Contio which was 16.3m, similar to the Bugu.
Is there a list of all Bandai R3 kits?
1/48 Layzner
1/100 Heavy Metal L-Gaim Mk.II
1/48 New Layzner
1/100 Walker Gallia
Reminder that G-Savior isn't canon
I was too busy raging at the CGI to notice the fine details.
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Damn Aerial is kinda bad though...
Crossbone Dust and X11 showcase the start of this decline. All those plans to end UC at Unicorn are dead
Hypothetically, if I HAD to fuck a Gundam-
gonna do a Katoki cum tribute
Reminder that he'll KyoAni Bandai HQ if they announce a new After Colony series
I have tried mr color ueno black and gaia ex gloss black, both never really come out glossy, I don't know if it's because of the primers I use (tried gaia evo black/gray and mr color 1500 black/gray) or other factors. Today I applied 3 to 4 coats of clear gloss on black parts and they look very glossy, exactly what I want. But when I see videos of people using the same paints it comes out very glossy without them applying gloss clear layers. What am I doing wrong ? And also would mixing black with clear gloss result in a glossier black or is it a bad idea ?
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Who owns G-Savior? Why can't we just get a quick couple OVAs or movie? The mobile suit designs are fine.
Yeah it's easy to get a gloss finish if you just blast 20 wet coats on a spoon
Because absolutely nobody other than contrarians on /m/ gives a single fuck about G-Saviour
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That's basically what I do, I get pretty glossy finishes on white and other colors, but with the black I just can't do it, it always ends up being more semi gloss. Oh well I'll practice more, I have a couple black parts to paint next
mine is zero
>Who owns G-Saviour
Bandai-Sunrise, who else? It's a black sheep and nothing will ever come of it, a turn of the millenium project that was ultimately a fine enough sci-fi B movie but it got no great reception, became a running joke in the burgeoning Western fandom for years afterwards that it was produced for, and so exists as just that interesting project they did 25 years ago.
thank you for this information, as an anti-bandai canadian terrorist, I will use him against bandai
>who else?
No idea. There's always fucky licensing issues with these things apparently. I was told we can't get Gaia Gear because despite banrise owning it there's something to do with licensing with one guy that works or used to work for them? I doubt bandai would have any shame against taking the mobile suites, retconning everything in GSavior and shitting out a movie or OVA to then re-sell the HGs or make modern version of them.
Don't believe anything about rights related crap unless it's in regards to Sentinel. We won't get Gaia Gear because people aren't interested in it. There are no rights issues that really impede shit. If in some universe Gaia Gear was actually an incredible story everyone loved that bookended Tomino's classical gundam era characters and themes like Hathaway's Flash, we might, but it doesn't and people didn't love it so much so it too is just an oddball project written over 30 years ago. Enjoy it for what it is.

Why would they rip suits from properties no one gives a shit about? They have no shortage of Mobile Suits people actually want to make models of. They don't need to even think of G-Saviour. Not like they really care about "canon" in the way English speakers do.
Found hidden treasure in an old box. Gonna try to rehab it with some clean up and a fresh paint job. Only problem is I’m missing one part. That’s this little nubbin in the shoulder that is a cylinder with a tab on top, that the wing binders slot onto. Any suggestions to replicate that without just cementing the damn wing into a fixed position?
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>We won't get Gaia Gear because people aren't interested in it
I don't believe that for one second when bandai is putting out a-z of f90. You're telling me there would be zero interest in a notGundam like pic related? Heavy doubt. Let's even take Heavy metal L-Gaim - there's more interest in that that bandai can put out kids? Sincerely doubt it.
>Why would they rip suits from properties no one gives a shit about?
You must work for bandai anon, you clearly have no concept of easy money. Explains why we're getting cancer Gundam and cancer Zaku out of the blue...
>like Hathaway's Flash
the novel or the movie
for gloss you do a mist coat and then a wet coat, like wet almost to the point of pooling. use leveling thinner as it lets you spray like a retard and the retarder will fix it for you.

if you aren't getting gloss, to the point you can see the filaments of the light bulb on the paint, you are doing something wrong. turn down your psi to like 15 or even lower. spray closer to the part. move across the part slower. thin the paints more. one of those things is probably fucking you up.

also don't test for gloss on spoons. they are perfectly polished and curved so that it's easier to get gloss on there than on an actual gunpla piece.
L-Gaim was a fairly popular anime 40 years ago at least with some SRW appearances, also Nagano himself is still quite popular amongst the modelling scene. Gaia Gear is an obscure LN/Audio Drama that has been out of print for 30 years and has only had 1 cameo in recent times.
And what about F90? There are loads of things these companies produce that shouldn't be popular. I'm real tired of this excuse on bandai's behalf all the time.
>it was popular 40 years ago
The entire Formula era was, indeed, much more well received and has a bigger fanbase than Gaia Gear, absolutely. That's why we are seeing those kits now, yeah, and they have had a broader push towards UC stories towards that era. It is, afterall, what happens next after HF. AoZ has been pushing Mars stuff too. So much has been, recently, focusing on how the connections from early to late UC work. Twilight Axis was perhaps the first overt work we got to do so, but it's far from alone now.

And yes, L-Gaim is more popular than Gaia Gear. Gaia Gear designs are rad. I love them. The Zorin Soul is my favourite machine in the whole franchise. Most people still don't care. The designs are also extremely complicated and would not be so simply to produce for a property, again, no one cares about really. That's the reality.
It's a dogshit movie and if you look at any aggregation thingy you'll see that most people agree. Most people agreeing isn't why it's dogshit, but it's proof that liking it is a minority opinion. 4.2/10 on IMDb. I don't think I have the resources to prove to you conclusively that people on 4chan tend to have contrarian tendencies but if you disagree with that I can only conclude you're proving my point that they do. Therefore it's not unreasonable to assert that liking G-Saviour on 4chan is an act of contrarianism.
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>gundam is basically a toy commercial
>advertise a gundam in the toy commercial
>there are no toys of it
WHAT THE FUCK I HATE THIS SHIT. Banrise is one big tease.
Nobody said the movie is good you illiterate yuppie. I said the mobile suit designs are fine. Why you're triggered about this, I don't know.
Thanks for the long answer. I get pooling often if I try going close so distance might be the issue. Also when I spray the black, it's super gloss once I'm done, but it loses its glossiness as it dries. I sprayed white the same way and got a very glossy result without having to apply more gloss clear, I'm getting that problem mainly with black paints so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. The glossiest I ever managed to spray is the alclad black base, this one doesn't lose its glossiness as it dries
my brother in christrump he's not talking about the designs. he's saying that we aren't going to get more g-savior animations because normies don't and have never gave a fuck about that trash movie even if it has cool robots. that ship has sailed.
You asked for more G-Saviour media you illiterate yuppie >>22722408 implying you like it
>doubles down on being a single digit IQ retard
I said that I want banrise to retcon the movie, shit out some cheap new stuff so they can produce more of the kits. What a fantastic combination of a person you are, mad AND stupid.
How's the Moderoid Big O? And are there any chances for other Big O kits from them? Would love a Big Duo/Duo Inferno
"Posable" hands on RGs gotta be one of the silliest ideas Bandai had. God those things are not good
I think you have actual diagnosable autism for being able to seriously assume people can read your mind and somehow divine that you meant the opposite of what you said.
Banrise has almost never gone back to a failed project and redone it. They didn't do it with F91 for example and there's a lot more people asking for crossbone animations than there are for g saviour. If they are going to start a new project they will just make new designs. They don't care if good designs are stuck in a bad show, they aren't going to recycle them just to get them more publicity.
>RGs gotta be one of the silliest ideas Bandai had
I agree, that line was a mistake
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>people can read your mind
I'll make it easier for you then, read the fucking thread.
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G-Saviour already has a kit. Honestly, these old HGs aren't even that bad. You just have to put some work into them.
>They didn't do it with F91
So F91 is a failed project, but we have modern F91 kits?
normies actually care about f91.
1.7 million voters put f91 as the 9th best Gundam. G-Saviour probably wouldn't even crack the top 100.
And MG G Self was voted as the next requested MG. Can we bring the goalposts back to the game or are you going to use them elsewhere? I think we've cycled through about 6 different arguments screeching about why these obscure failed series from 40 years ago are okay but this obscure failed series from 30 years ago isn't.
You are completely retarded. The point is that failed series can still sell merchandise. They aren't going to remake a failed show with good designs for this reason. Also, if F91 isn't getting new animations when it's much more well known than g-saviour, then g-saviour is fucked.
That post was filtered for me for some reason. I will concede. There's no fucking way that's gonna happen though.
The problem isn't the quality (which is actually rather good for its time but definitely has flaws), the problem is the availability or the lack of it. Sure, it pops up on Mandarake once in a while but paying solid MG prices for what's a mediocre HG kit isn't great.
just stop being poor. there was an anon here a while back who paid $120 for it from amazon scalpers and he doesn't even gaf because he's got fat stacks of cash.
that just makes him a giant fucking dummy
I have fat stacks and I refuse to buy marked up kits. How do you think I got my fat stacks? A penny saved is a penny earned, my friend.
That inner frame twisty bits can go fuck itself to hell.
>Find out there is a second Broly kit at the same time my hobbyshop gets a bunch of old 1/100 kits in for cheap.

I guess the Muscle Zaku is getting a buddy.
Is there an "early MG syndrome" similar to early RG syndrome but for MGs made before 2007?
cease and fucking desist
>The point is that failed series can still sell merchandise
That's great, I'm glad we agree that G-Savior can still sell merchandise.
>You are completely retarded
Not quite as retarded as you and bandai, apparently.
>Why doesn't bandai remake this and make it better so they can sell more robots
is the summary of this entire conversation.
Most early MG are worse than most modern HG. Many lacked full inner frames, bandai couldn't find a balance between making the details/proportions realistic or show accurate, engineering limitations made some of the gimmicks and transformations really finicky or fragile, and a lot of them needed screws in the joints to keep them from becoming loose too quickly.

They can be fun if you want a project to really work on and have their own charm but like HG kits the MG line has improved by leaps and bounds over the past 20+ years.
>Most early MG
Early MG consists of a few years between like 1994 or 1997. I believe the Zaku I was released in 98? I can't remember explicitly but that's when they started engineering them very well - better than some modern kits.
You clearly haven't built one if you think that.
G-Saviour is actually a surprisingly good 1/144...for its time. Most 1/114 kits from that period were like the crappy 1/144 NG Wing and X kits with exposed polycaps, polycap hands, and flimsy thin plastic.
The G-Saviour is basically the HG Tristan. Yeah, it's disappointing by modern standards. It is not an incredible kit. But it is a workable kit with a good mold.
yeah i think this guy is just a sour grapes coping bandaibabby because he's either poor or has a skill issue so needs to beg for a modern kit that will do everything for him.
that's kinda unfair and towards G-Saviour at that. At least that one is a new mold and features some quite rare features for its time, like clear beam sabers. Even if they're clear toothpicks.
shut your buzzword spilling mouth you incontinent bitch
Uh oh made ya seethe?
yeah your existence makes me angry
but in 5 minutes I won't be angry yet you'll still be retarded so
In 5 minutes you’ll still be autistic and get angry at something else. Must be tiring fighting all these battles.
Your general thread doesn't have serial number of previous thread, you fucking retard. Ofcourse people treat it as a spam.
yeah sure that's the first thing we notice
That’s the first thing I noticed because when I saw how bad the thread was I tried to go back but couldn’t.
Looks like a toy. Idk how anyone can stand reco designs
>I can't remember explicitly but that's when they started engineering them very well - better than some modern kits.
No way. The most they had was more superficial details than newer MGs, mainly in the frame department, but things like articulation, moving parts, etc. were terrible. MGs basically had bricks for torsos with no ab crunch or shoulder movement going into the 2000s.
You mean you're not a Bandai informant?
>ab crunch
I don't understand this. ecelebs constantly talk about ab crunch - who gives a shit?
>shoulder movement
The Zaku 1 had fine shoulder movement. And I just verified, it released in 1999.
I am
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2 more weeks
uploaded the wrong picture.
I saw everything
you silly little goober, don't think you can hide the mysterious black box thing from me
Missing a hand
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I just realized that it is a 3rd party Hi Nu.
Where’s the chinkspikes?
Wrong one, this is YJL.
I never realized how beautiful the GM Cannon II is, I never really see any custom builds of it, just thinking about modifying it is giving me a boner
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MGbros. We lost.
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Post z'gok
>Zegapain is 45 years ago
wtf man
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what colour scheme should i paint the gp04
angelo sauper
l gaim
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>built z'goks before I started painting
One day I will paint a glorious Z'Gok
All the Gundam Project suits look and fit Titans scheme so much to me even if it's a basic choice. At least it's the most fitting alternate choice for them in universe.
i've never been a big fan of titans, their paint scheme is weighed down by gravity
Gerbera Tetra colourswap is the next most obvious choice
but you should make it green because there aren't enough green gundams
that could be an interesting idea, like an acid green? or maybe i could paint it plaid for the autistic spaceballs joke
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Why keep it at hypotheticals? Next p-bandai rerun when. Surely the Hazel run is a good sign.
any kind of green, whatever speaks to you. I imagined Leopard and GM Spartan greens, but you know, whatever, not my kit.
Is the Dragon Ball line dead? They made the new specs last two years and then nothing this year right?
I really do not like the extra details they put on the RG.
This isn't Call of Duty anon, it's okay to not constantly pump shit out
make all your kits from now on Angelo colors cause he's a beautiful fag like you
Woundwort would be a lot sexier without the huge futa dong.
Objectively wrong, downright sickening
It's a loin cloth.
Isn’t this super rare?
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As promised, i painted Burglarydog's shoulder into red.
They're pretty nice. I didn't like the rg pre made frame, I admit I was a bit rough with it as it was among my first kits, the frame doesn't feel very smooth compared to the mg frame
He cute
Because Bandai refuses to reprint 99% of G-Reconguista line. You have more chances finding Bigfoot than a GReco HG kit.
Rare Bandai W. Fuck G-Reco honestly. Rushed piece of shit. Use that factory capacity to reprint something good.
Go away zoomer, you must be at least 30 to understand Tomino's genius
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Guys I have a question. In the animes and lineart, Gundam white is often a bluish tinted white. But in the model kits, the Gundams are pure white with no hue. Why do they do this?

I noticed this with the MG V2. The normal MG has the white injection color. But for some reason in the MG V2 Assault Buster they changed it to the anime accurate blue white.
They've never said so make your own headcanon. There are some egregious cases of getting the colours totally wrong though, like Rozen Zulu.
This, unironcially. What’s the rarest Reco kits would you say?
>over 30
>still watches children’s cartoons
Grass. Touch it.
Find it weird that they doing G-Reco compilation films but wouldn't use it opportunity to reprint the lines
>tell people to touch grass while wasting in 4chan
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pay ~$150 for it or... wait 10 more years for a reprint? hmmm..
What do you gentle/m/en think about the AGE mechanical designs? Nothing about the show itself, just the designs. I never hear anyone talk about them.
Oh shit I have that
I really like how alien they went with the Vagan MS & as much as people cry about the Level 5 aesthetic, basically all of the Build series followed in its footsteps. Legilis is also one of my favorite Gundams hands down.
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Time to re-watch Votoms
Hell yeah anon, now I've got the itch to make a red shoulder
i like when the whites are tinged beige like computers used to be
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I'm just unsure if they're going to re-release everything under the new spec line or not.
looks like it should transform into a big Mac truck
i thought a big mac was a type of sandwich
Why is it not full package,it was supposed to be full package! there are still 2-3 4/4A era weapon unit packs that none of the full packages have touched yet and the remaining ones are themed around being used by heavier armored cores.

With the way kotos been lifting weapons from the alternate versions for the full packages and if I am correct the Sunshine-E being the last 4/4A kit left to reprint, theres no hope of a full package with Weapon Units 18, 17, 16 is there?
nevermind just saw the weapon unit 18 reprint announcement lmao
Hoping they'll do RG Alex next
No. You'll get your endless RX-78-2s and Unicorns and Freedom/Strike Freedoms and you'll like it.
The next 2.0 is obviously going to be the Zaku II. For the next original kit, it's going to be more SEED shit at best.
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>And MG G Self was voted as the next requested MG.

People keep misundertanding the goal posts on that poll. That was a FOR FUN poll on Gundam.info. The only recent poll Bandai has done that literally was "vote for what should be next model kit and we'll actually make it" was the 30th Anniversary Gundam Poll where the V2, The-O, and 00 Raiser won 1st through 3rd.
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Is this new Hexagear kit?
Got me excited thinking it's Dukemon Crimson mode.
They're re-issuing Queen's Guard and the matching red Sieg Springer.
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Why people are so hype over Turn Gundams?
funny mustache
No one. Just contrarians pretend to be special.
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It's good.
Unique design compared to SEEDslop
>The next 2.0 is obviously going to be the Zaku II
Keep fucking dreaming. The MG Zaku never got a 3.0 and the RG Zaku will never get a 2.0.
Zaku II also haven't got EG
Fucking awesome.
Only thing that was kinda disappointing was the light-up gimmick for the eyes which didn't feel as impressive as it should've been - would've preferred an improved version of the spring-loaded pistons of the old Bandai kit instead.
Artifact Z'Gok fucking when
ACHTUALLY the F91 line had way more plastic per kit than the previous entries because every kit was on par with a 1/144 nu-gundam
the f90/f91 line also used stupidily over the top techniques like 3 colour molding

You can see the housing bubble pop with 0083's kits which took a leap backwards in engineering being more like the CCA kits then the Victory and Gfighter kits putting out these tiny 1/144 scale kits
it's actually a classy sci-fi design made by a white man unlike most of the slop copy-paste 90's-00's designs by Okawara
Seconding >>22723162 I absolutely love the Moderoid Big O. It's a really nice kit and looks imposing on the shelf with my 2 Moderoid Tetsujins.
Zaku II 2.0 is just THAT good.
>with 0083's kits which took a leap backwards in engineering
Guess that explains why the HG GP02 was a relative pain in the ass compared to other kits of that same year. Granted, I'm still not sure if I just got a bad molding with some of the errors it had. Like overflow that needed trimmed on some of the larger pieces.
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>another reprint
So Kotobukiya just plans on reprinting everything Armored Core before they actually make new models for AC6?
Practically yes.
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Bandai getting humiliated by other brands again
yeah right
That's the Hasegawa model, right?
>defending this slop
anon these pictures are nearly identical, do you realize how autistic you look
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Yeah, snap-fit and straight built with nothing but decals
It's weird seeing Hasegawa make these kinds of model. I mean, I know they used to do it before, so it's not really new, just never really expected to see Macross get more snap-fit models where you don't have to use paint to make it look okay.
> a classy sci-fi design made by a white man
>A repulsive basicbitch robot with a dick joke and moustache
No thanks.
No. They'll use this design aesthetic on either a MG RX-78-2 v4.0, or MGEX RX-78-2
Next one will obviously be Gundam Mk-II 2.0
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Haswega's battroids are always awkward
bro has a barrel chest
they're LITERALLY making ac6 kits as we speak
suuuure they are
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Just like the lineart then.
i posted the plamax 1/72 sister....
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let me guess, it's not accurate enough to the lineart?
holy shit it's not even close
god damn bandai's looks so much better it's ilarious
buyers remorse
I don't even have the bandai kit either, but you gotta be joking if you think Hasegawa's looks good with that chest and ESPECIALLY head sculpt, what the hell is that goofy face
Some time last year one anon in here said some convention koto booth employee said this was their plan. Seems like it's clearly true at this point. Wish I could have had him ask about Muv-Luv kits since they haven't shown off that Gekishin prototype for almost two years now.
Code Geass kits are at least good, but would prefer bigger.
Arcane and maybe Dahack
Please make a 1/144 Exia Repair 4 alraedy.
I don't care whether it's Bandai or the chinks.
seconding this, I want a full 1/144 Graham suit lineup for when I am ready to make a shrine for him
>Waits until my post to correct the narrative
Totally legitimate.
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Why it feels Bandai keep making new lines and then discontinued it like RE 1/100, Figure-rise Mechanics and etc.
it's called experimenting
The hallmark of a company that doesn't know what it is doing, is likely going bankrupt and is trying to see if anything they throw at the wall will stick. However, bandai isn't going bankrupt so it's just them not knowing what the fuck they're doing. Not the first time I have seen stories of a Japanese company going
>We don't know why this is popular so we're going to ignore it
4 varients of MG + 2 1/100 varient grades, and the only consistent ones are the ver.ka and mgsd line. Please God, just give me more 2.0's
>We don't know why this is popular so we're going to ignore it
*cough* Canon and mirrorless cameras *cough*
it looks cool. only SEAd contrarians don't like it
any tips on the knee part of the MG deathscythe? The part just doesnt want to fit and I dont want to apply too much strenght and break it.
That intent is also why he refuses to allow new Nataku kits
maybe if you're blind
how do bandai manage to have the absolute worst sculpt out of anyone who does a kit of almost any design?
you're pretty dumb huh
model name?
Psycho Geara Doga
their hg xabungle sculpt was better than gsc's but other than that i'm struggling to think of any other instance of bandai's sculpt being better
It's just Psycho Doga
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No, this is.
I wouldn't be surprised if Bandai got a window of exclusivity before koto is allowed to start selling/fully promoting their ACVI kits.

If they still are fully committed to reprinting everything even with square enix making kits of AC1-AC4A cores before touching 6 we still have

2 more NX/4A Era weapon unit sets to be reprinted
13~ more AC1-LR kits
12~ AC1-LR weapon unit packs
6 gen V part sets
3 more Gen V model kits one of which will end up being a $160+ monster before shipping

To go...
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smarru famiry company - pureasu andastandu
nah I think it's just incompetence on Koto's part, no need for exclusivity when theirs got announced earlier
It's AI. Look at the hands.
I fucking dropped my mega launcher the other day.
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too focused on keeping a model kit MSRP low in order to drive sales that they forget how to make a good product, making a lot of model kit lines fail.....

Just for example, they got the FGO license, one of the most lucrative license yet, instead of making a lot of Figurise Standard of various beloved FGO characters like Ushiwakamaru, Scathach, Merlin/Merlin (female) and compete with Figma, they instead make a new model kit line fro FGO but make them chibi and no one wants it.
This is how I want to be but with Scopedogs
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By the time Kotobukiya prints AC6 model kits, the general interest in AC will have waned significantly. But then again, not even the old AC kits are selling all that well, I can see quite a few of them in stock over on HLJ.
forget text ffs
Old HGUC contains the core fighter, but the Revive doesn't, which is annoying since there's not really any way to get the core booster in 1/144 scale now
Why skimp on like... 5 parts?
god I'd kill for a figure rise Vritra
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absolutely fucking based lizardbro
Because those 5 parts would have overflowed the runner configuration and made them print a whole extra runner, probably. Or you can just say there is literally no reason so you can continue to be upset.
that woman spooked me, twice, and within the same month shortly after I started playing and for the longest time she was the only NP2 5 star I had, I don't think I had any choice in her becoming my favorite
there is literally no reason
>And that, my dear viewers, is how it looks when a man willingly chooses ignorance
Yeah, and the older games are far more niche so they probably should have capitalized on AC6's release. Either way, I think the series as a whole is still niche enough and koto kits not as accessible outside of Japan to where anyone who was going to buy them around launch is probably still going to buy them whenever they come out. It's not like Gundam where you can have someone who is watching the new show casually stumble across a $20 HG at Target.
I look like this IRL
Must have a hell of a time with doorways.
by the time they get around to ac6 i wont have any shelf space left for them
>hg vdash 75$ and up
It's be cheaper to import from Japan, fuck scalpers.
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Lfrith Pre-production type just got here. Time to scalp them :^)
have fun wasting funds lmaooo
Sorry you couldn't afford them flipbro if I could mail you one for free I totally would
i do like that hexa red scheme
Surely Koto is not trying to play the long game repressing all of their previous armored core kits just long enough for an expansion/VI expansion sequel to be announced or released, banking on it being a smash hit and THEN start announcing all ACVI related kits at the ""height"", right?
I can't believe this anon shot himself in the back of the head, then tied himself up and threw himself into the river. What a tragedy
don't koto literally have steel haze announced
Where's the Saber kit?
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prototypes shown off at a convention, mono color, no information such as scale, when they will be available for sale, etc.

I would agree with you that it counts as being announced, on the other hand...
Anyone know if there are any face parts that are compatible with the HGCE Windam's head? I'd like to do a custom replacing the "face" of the windam with a more Gundam-like face, but nothing seems to be compatible due to the weird construction. Perhaps something like this random image i found of a windam custom.
I'll be moving to another country soon
is it worth bringing my runners for some project or should I just throw them away?
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Glue all the runners together into a grotesque idol and hide it somewhere before moving out.
I just want another goddamn RG grunt suit for fucks sake.
Sorry, you'll never get that "Real Grade" suit of anything that'd make sense in the Realistic colour/appearance style
If that ever happens they can run that entire mythical second factory only producing those and they'll get all the money
everything and nothing makes sense in realistic style just as much
>anything that'd make sense in the Realistic colour/appearance style
nothing from gundam then
Make a 1/12 Gundam with the runners
I wish I bought more Born Under Black. I didn't know it was pre-thinned. Will probably have barely enough for this model if I'm lucky.
I wish I could buy any but aliexpress doesn't have it
I think the only legal way to get it outside of Asia is GalacticToys and they're chronically missing a lot of the line.
what's the difference between born and alclad functionally? their product. ranges seem identical
Dunno, never used Alclad. Hopefully another anon can answer.
i've never used born, hopefully someone else can help
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It’s a little late for pride month but I finished my fourth painted kit!
Toxicity I guess. The paints that aren't readily available in local shops in europe aren't because they're deemed too toxic to be sold, even though you can import them if you can find them, so long as you don't import them for mass selling

>faggots ruined rainbows
>faggots ruined my favorite candies color scheme
Damn faggots
what a little bitch
You sound like a faggot yourself
now do a tranny zudah
t. faggot
I know I won't get a good answer, but why does everything you do have to revolve around sex so blatantly? I'm abnormal in that realm too but I don't even know what "my flag" looks like much less have the remotest interest in painting a model to look like it.
Tell me how you really feel.
Stormbringer is just a reskin from build divers correct?
there's some new parts but basically?
I'm just trying to understand what it's based on, if it's a new kit, etc. I have no knowledge of it.
it's based off GM Dominance
trans is about gender not sex you silly
Same ballpark, don't be obtuse. I'm not painting Mars symbols on my kits either.
that's not the same ballpark at all
I only buy one of a kit. If I allowed myself to army build I'd be like that guy but with Guncannons
Its a troll reposting faggot shit from reddit you spaz.
Answer my question before I start getting rude.
The more they put their images everywhere the better chance of children seeing them and becoming curious
fucking hell you're stupid
That actually seems plausible. I'll need to think on it more though.
no that's crosses
Anon, bitching about the church is so passé. I bet no priest even ever touched you
He's samefagging and not engaging with anyone except to hurl insults. I'm done replying to him and you should be done too.
no point engaging with people that are obviously beneath me
Id rather be stupid than a groomer kek
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Went to the Koto panel at AX. They didn't mention anything about Muv-Luv but some guy asked and they said they couldn't talk about it.

Got a picture of the prototype Steel Haze. Koto didn't say much at their panel. Just that the new kits were gonna be bigger/more detailed. They also mentioned that the reprinting of the older AC kits were going to be improved in some ways (i.e. use newer molding techniques to make the quality better.)
>Just that the new kits were gonna be bigger/more detailed
time to throw out the the bulk arm and expand v thors
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Does Bandai release sales data for their model kits? If not, then how do we know which kits shelfwarmed and which didn’t? Is it just head cannon?
Very cool
Do I pay 130 leaf dollars for the tallgeese iii?
RETVRN to Daban
Please for the love of fucking christ make an American friend to mail it to you I could probably do it for half the price + a Starbucks coffee/big mac
can't believe we still haven't gotten the cooler ZZ before we got a ZZ 2.0
Oh man, you leafs have it much worse than us seamonkies. I can that kit for like $100 dollaroos.
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I really like the colour finishing of this, anyone have any tips on how to replicate it somehow? I wanna do it to my Zaku.
Spray matte on a candy coat. Or get some of barbatos Rex’s anodized metal paints from his paint line
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il tell you how but only if you say im the best poster in /gpg/
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I built the HG GM/GM II/GM III set and I'm gonna make an OC Donut Steel of the GM II. Paint scheme is gonna be the same as the GM Ground Type
how was this announced 2 weeks ago but i just learned of it now
im the best poster in /gpg/
I didn't even know of this too until I was scouring the net for Armored core stuff.
God damn that smooth finish. What's the base kit for this kitbash?
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not a kitbash, just a rezeon barzam
Stupid sexy Zeon mobile suits.
A metal red paint of your choice, optionally with a very light coat of clear red
You're the #1 builder barzamanon, not the #1 poster. That honor belongs to me, the second best builder.
>Hobby dengeki has been down for 2 weeks
Are they retarded?
Asking again because of no answers. Does Bandai release sales data for their model kits? If not, then how do we know which kits shelfwarmed and which didn’t?
I can see cotton fuzzies and chipped paint on the verniers. Barzamanon is a fraud.
>Asking again because of no answers. Does Bandai release sales data for their model kits?
>If not, then how do we know which kits shelfwarmed and which didn’t?
We don't. It's all shitposting.
Got it, thanks
What are some good poses for the RG Epyon
the "who's that pokemon" pose
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Finally had the time to finish building gramps. Time to disassemble it :/
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How bad is your backlog?
wow, that's actually pretty cool
I wish i had this much money
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Rate my suruguya order
What compels people to buy like this
Addiction and lack of impulse control
don't think just consoom
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Which color scheme should I go with fellas
Right could definitely kick left's ass.
>whole bunch of reddit MGs
>demon slayer slop
Fucking normie tourists man
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It’s… bad
>not pictured: solomon gp02 (I didn’t get the box) >in the brown box: mg the-o
>6655: mg v2 assault buster
Of those I recommend the Sazabi because it's the only one I own
Why does that greek flag have the welsh dragon on it
Are you having the providence and freedom 2.0 mgs? I've been wanting to pick those up but at this point I think I'm having too many Gundams already. They're very nice designs though.
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Weathering takes a long fucking time.
because it's based.
Looks good
Wtf does this mean for the /gpg/ builder heirarchy
It means the best builde is now second best builder.
But I'm the second best builder
Errrm, I'M the second best builder anon. THAT was awkward
Cast your vote /gpg/
All options are me btw
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>No best of the worst builder (Rich Evans)
I'm voting for the felon.
No idea on those, I wouldn't keep getting kits though with such a huge backlog
I voted for myself, is that allowed?
are you the reddit best builder?
hi frens
ive got a lil hg kit i want to do something to
i dont really want tp aint the whole thing since its so small but i want to use weathering pencils and panel line. so im going to be spraying matte clear on it. do i do:
panel line>matte clear>pencils>matte clear
>matte clear>panel line>pencils>matte clear
panel line -> gloss -> pencils -> matte
You can't take anything back when you do it on a matte surface, or at least it's a lot harder, so don't do anything on top of matte
Wont the bottom kits crumple over time? Currently have 24 kits on the backlog.
i heard the pencils are supposed to be used on matte so they have something to bite onto
I saw a guy use pencils to weather. It was really cool.
Oh maybe, I've never used them. Whoops.
How much kits are you allowed to have in your backlog before you can't be buying any more kits?
For actual painting a couple of MGs and Anubis
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Really bad, but I came back to working on them and slowly moving forward. Just been busy a bit after finding cute gf.
Where are the pedo colors anon?
Which ones are those?
one of the darker stripes
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Snapfitted FF Sazabi RG. It was a fun build.
imagine the seethe if this was an MGSD instead
there wouldn't really be any?
SD is ugly
Anon, it's guaranteed. They just need enough other suits to justify it since the first one is already the Freedom.
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Lightning Buster box art.
god it looks like shit
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To save you guys some potential time and money, no, Avatar Fumina's armor is NOT compatible with the G-Line. Kinda had a feeling this would be the case based on pictures but oh well. Hopefully someday they make an MSV version because the propelling tank and leg armor is already 99% there.
I don't know what's a bigger shame, that these don't fit together at all or that using them is still the best basis for turning this into the M-MSV version even though it requires buying a w*man kit
hgce in a nutshell
Nah there's some cool things there. Not many, but some.
It's the movie designs in a nutshell.
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Not for much longer.
Trust the plan.
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>coolest thing ever
I'm flattered I offended you so much
Talk about cock eyed.
it's called looking at the shelves of your stores or the stock levels of your online retailers
>has penis and ball's
he's literally me. but seriously I have no clue what your problem with it is.
Im honestly surprised that not every mobile suit is armed with this. Especially the ones specialised in melee. Imagine being locked in a melee duel and your opponent busts out the cock missiles.
About 10 sounds enough to me
looks more like a crotch camera to me, same green gem looking things on the shoulders
Is there ANY way to import paint from Japan to the US?
Pay money
Ship it
>Lose money!
>japanese men talking about the age of their ideal bride
Every proxy and forwarding service I can find won't allow paint
for me its about 85 because i ran out of space under my bed
Hmm, you're right even my proxy prohibits paint.
Which version is better between the MG Sinanju Stein ver Ka and the Narrative version?
Ver Ka is a different design
other than that Narrative Ver Ka is just straight up better Narrative
Hold up. Is the Sinanju Stein Narrative ver ver Ka a new mould or is it reuising runners from the 2019 Sinanju Stein Narrative ver?
It's technically the same mold but the runners have been partially restructured
Fuck, I forgot the NT Ka existed. Thanks Anon.
If I'm painting a figure-rise or any other character with actual skin, what's the best final coat for skin and hair? Semi-gloss?
>what's the best final coat for skin and hair?
What's the best second-last coat for skin and hair
hot glue
real skin
Why does this thing always shelfwarm so hard? It's a sick gundam and it's from a popular show.
It's kinda boring besides its shield/weapon. The design is just meh.
I guess it typically gets reprinted with the rest of the GAT 5 so people go for strike, buster etc. first then have no money or energy for the 3rd/4th/5th MG in a row
even though it's the coolest of them, together with Aegis
Just replied to this post, what am I in for?
WTF BASED. Aegis and Blitz are my favorites of the GAT 5 too anon.
>what am I in for?
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Snapsisters, what have you snapped recently? Just snapped this Sinanju, and will polish it up for painting.
The lighting in this image is abysmal but somehow makes the model look cool.
Snapped Hrairoo. I'll paint up a few details and be done with it for the foreseeable future
I like his little pet birb
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can good lighting make a shit android camera take good pics? kinda too lazy right now to go buy a cheap ring light as I read that its a great tool for photography
Yes, lighting will help a lot with even junkier cameras.
Just buy a chinaphone with a decent camera, shit's pretty cheap these days
lighting will help a lot, but also learn what all the different sliders in your camera settings do
Get something, anything that can shoot in RAW and then you can mess with all the camera settings in post as much as you want
It's the only lighting in my room right now so I had to make do.
I was just looking at this guy on formerly Twitter, so cute
How's the build for it? I have it on my backlog and been meaning to start it soon.
Yes, even those old Kodak cameras can take a good picture you just have to know how. Those cheap backdrops especially the black or white ones, helps alot too.
It's alright. Couple of parts on the back skirt are a bit flimsy so you might just want to glue em right away. I'd say it's better to also glue the little part that keeps back of the rifle attached, unless you'd want to change it up from time to time.
During transformation had the shoulder bits and the part that holds v-fin in place fall off a few times, but that's mostly on me I guess. Trying to mount it on an action base in this state is also a bit awkward.
What are some good Sazabi model kits? A lot of the ones I've seen aren't really anime accurate.
Are there usually any discounts on gundams for prime day?
New image on 3rd party Nightingale.
These are the same guys who made the mg gp02 2.0 right? Looks sick.
What scale is it supposed to be?
might actually grab this one. i've always said they need to make a large version of the artifact design, it's the only nightingale i'm really partial to
But where are the chinkspikes?!
GP02 didn't have any spikes either, aside from th v-fin
The East has fallen. My chink kino has turned into generic Japanese slop. It's over.
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Disgusting.Completely killed the charm of the original design.
this looks so retarded and impractical. no way this could be an actual war machine. the solomon version actually kinda fixes it.
Not too bad. If I don't buy more I should be done within 2 years. If I could paint during winter that'd only be one year
Matte for skin, unless you want that glossy oiled skin. Same for the hair, depends on what you're going for
How do you guys bring yourselves to actually work on some of your Gundams? I have a lot of free time but I can't bring myself to do anything besides just lay in bed all day.
Finally a Nightengale that isn't hideous
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Why are you associating practicality in a setting filled with ridiculous designs especially in fiction that has literal space magic in it.
You're literally depressed. You are mentally ill. Healthy people don't stay in bed all day. Go see a shrink and if you smoke pot stop it.
By starting to exercise. Believe it or not, that rut can only be solved by being active.
By forcing myself to do things. I still am bored to tears and miserable between 2 painting sessions, waiting for it to cure. I used to have a strict schedule due to an MMO but I stopped and it's only been going downhill since then.
I went and saw a psychiatrist a while back and got on some SSRIs but it didn't stop me from laying in bed all day, it just made me more chill while I bedrot. I heard that the wellbutrin can make you want to do shit more but the psychiatrist told me it could exacerbate my ocd if I get on it so I don't know if I should.
try ketamine
Do you have a dehydrator? It makes shit cure in like an hour or two.
I don't, I'll look into it, thanks.
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>Never gonna be reprinted, never ever gonna be an MG or RE/100

Too cool for today I guess.
They still reprint old kits, It's just super rarely. Kind of surprising the Ga-Zowmn never got an HG like some of the other ZZ suits that appeared in Unicorn.
how many times do we have to tell you the same things luxemneet
every day because i cant get out of bed and actually do shit besides rot here.
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What's even more surprising is that the obscure Gunner variant was featured in Battle Operation 2.
They’ll be a new one.
Believe in a sign of ZZ
try amphetamines. nobody's lying in bed all day on speed
What are the chances of the Psycho Gundam Mk2 never seeing the light of day?
Not really surprising. GBO2 is all about squeezing out every possible MS every week
You can, you’re just not missing much
There are many medications available. Don't give up and keep working with your doctor to adjust it until you get the desired effect. Combine it with talk therapy if you feel like the problem isn't purely chemical, like if your life is shit.
I'm pretty sure the plaque next to it read "confirmed commercialization" or something of that sort, whereas for example the MG AGE-3 and -FX were just described as prototypes.
GBO2 is such a shit game but I can't stop playing it because it's one of the only few Gundam games with cool obscure MSV MS that are actually playable.
literally the only reason I play it is to get tokens to get suits I like so that I have movable, relatively high quality 3d models of them. Both to just look at and to hopefully help plan out custom builds in the future.
I can literally never find a fucking game, is non ranked dead at starting rank or some shit?
if you're on PC the game has barely any playerbase left in general, especially outside of east asian evening hours
What's the release date for RG RX-78 2.0 again?
I believe
HG Capsule and Re100 Zssa are real
>mg turn x
lucky motherfucker
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Btw to whoever posted this I'd just like to say, hello neighbor. I went and looked that afternoon and literally confirmed it.
You're literally me in every way anon.

Even on console I feel like rooms take a damn long while to fill up now. I just do A/B rooms half the time for the daily tokens.
Why are on and to the only prepositions ESLs ever learn?
not a big fan of some parts, namely the waist and the lack of armor on the binders, but it's still Nightingale so it's still Great.
veiny cock...
I didn't even have to break the bank for it. I got it during the golden age of hlj shipping for like 37 euro dollars. At the time I knew nothing about gundams and didn't even watched turn a, I just thought it looked cool. I got super lucky getting it by chance then.
Wish I could just go to a store and get Gunpla on sale in rural Canuckistan
I'd only get a Leo and maybe mg wing from this selection but still
we're back in a second golden age due to exchange rates, the yen tanking has basically wiped out the difference in shipping cost increases. if they actually reprinted that shit we'd be able to get it for a pretty similar price now
thanks anon. i'll keep trying
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I have yet to see one in the wild, and I doubt Ill ever see one in any of the hobby stores I know
I've had it on backorder forever, besides poking around other sites but when they do pop up its always for some ridiculous price
primed the rest of the HG sazabi parts today. might try and get the metallic layer done tonight. I bought some alclad metallics in hopes that I can p2w my way to a smooth finish in liue of the last batch of orange peels.
The Bandai booth at Anime Expo had some a year or two ago but I didn't get any because like a dumbass I thought it meant it'd hit retail stores soon and not limited stock
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forgor img
Atta boy.
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Desert Command QuanT is out in Japan.
Sazabi that isn’t red has me thinkin
dew it
>What are the chances of the Psycho Gundam Mk2 never seeing the light of day?
Typhoeus's Dragon Kutan has MK2's arms. I have the kit and can confirm. Bandai is totally serious with this one.
god this thind is such wondrous spare parts material
I'd love to get it for, like, 40% off
Honestly, Typhoeus looks cute as a standalone robotgirl and Dragon Kutan looks cool as a display piece to me. Assembling it is rather time consumming, though. I did my RG Sazabi faster than this one.
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Did someone say Mg Turn X
My local got a bunch of peebs in. Can someone help identify that red one on the bottom and the one next to it?
Tomino created the design concepts for all these mobile suits, which would be refined and put into lineart by Okawara. Do you like Tomino's style of mechanical designs?
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they all look the same
Not a fan of Agg honestly. And while I appreciate Zock it's not really something I want on my shelf
I like Typhoeus by itself because I love Raphael and the whole Sengoku vibe works remarkably well, even if the new face mold is kinda goopy. It has the old one as spare parts though from what I've seen so no biggie.
Big Lad meanwhile doesn't look half bad but would look even better to me reused in half a dozen custom builds.
I think Agg was supposed to be Char's final mobile suit before Gundam got cancelled.
I like the Z'Gok. Bearguy astroturfing ruined Acguy for me. The rest I don't care.
Were you raped or something?
You don't need medication at all. You're clearly looking for an easy fix since you're only replying to responses related to that. This is purely a willpower thing that you can only really sort out yourself. Listen to >>22725244 and exercise and if not that, find something interesting that you can focus on because gunpla clearly isn't doing it if you're too lazy to work on them.
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might pick up an RG sazabi for this, but I want the practice doing the candy coat because I'm going to do anodized for the next few kits.
picrel, I got the metallic coat done. alclad really is a cheat code for metallic paints. you'll notice that the leg pieces aren't painted. that's because for the last half of the painting I did, my airbrush wouldn't release the paint properly. In between the primer I did earlier today, and the metallic coat I just did, I took apart the nozzle parts to clean them in 99iso since they were getting buildup at the tip and it was making the paint spatter. after re-assembling the tip, the airbrush wouldn't let paint(or cleaner) through at all, and the air wouldn't go through either. after using my powers of deduction(eyes) I could see that the needle was clogging the nozzle, which struck me as odd, since I added back all the parts I took off, and the needle didn't just grow on it's own. so I spent the next 15 minutes fiddling with the needle until it blew normally. this worked for the first half of the pieces, until the paint flow gradually got weaker and weaker until the brush was only blowing air. strangely enough, the air itself never got cut off after this, and it could blow like normal, but no matter how I adjusted the needle, or cleaned it, the paint flow would only be 1/4 of what it should be, and would within 30 seconds, be reduced to air only until I re-adjusted the needle.
>tldr: needle keeps slipping forward, and can't be adjusted so that the paint flows properly. does any anon know what's up? do I just need to get a new brush?
Are you a Scientologist? I don't know why else someone would do something so irresponsible as tell a vulnerable person to stop taking his meds. Leave him alone.
You're not doing candy you're doing colored metallic. Candy needs mirror chrome not just any metallic.
no you dont, candy paint is just a clear paint over a metallic. you can do it over a regular gold or silver easily
well jokes on you I'm using Allclad's "silver candy base"
jokes on me I just realized alclad's candy *base* removes the need for a base coat. 10 bucks of paint and thinner down the tubes.
Then what's the difference between clear red over normal silver paint, and metallic red paint
there is a layer of paint/colour before the metal flakes, this small bit of space it the candy 3dish effect. you'd know this if you painted
You're going to topcoat it anyway.
you really dont paint do you, back to the spoon kitchen with ya
You don't know, then. You don't have an answer.
the lacquer thinner has dissolved your brain anon
Okay explain it to me then.
Left: HG Rezel Defenser b-Unit
Red: HG Try AGE Gundam
Right: HG Gaplant Tr-5 [Hrairoo]
Oh, would you look at that. I never saw them side by side before. Thanks.
metallic paint is shiny because of metal flakes in it, candy coats may or may not have metal flakes in the bottom layer and the shinyositry comes more from the gloss finish of the clear colors/top coat. The end result is candy coats having more depth, and more of a reflection to them while metallic paints have more diffuse reflections on them.
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Yeah, I just thought that these would appear to have the same finish but the video tells me apparently not. Left was a lot more glossy for some reason that I still don't quite get but I can't argue with results.
Nah, I'm good
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Finally got my hands on these. Snapsisters we’re snappin good tonight.
Oh man that Psycho Gundam collecting dust. Grab it for the love of god.
Hold up, I thought you weren’t supposed to top coat metallic paints because it doesn’t enhance the metallic effect, it just looks like you spray gloss over a metallic.
play this side by side, maybe then you can get the whole whopping 3 minutes
Thanks anon. I’ll try it out.
go paint some fucking spoons bro, see for yourself what you like and dont like
It depends on what you want. Maybe you like what it looks like. Personally I do semigloss on metallics most of the time for physical protection. Semigloss changes the look the least.
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An X-Wing I stopped painting halfway through and a Battlogue HG that just needs some touchup and a topcoat. It's been months and I just can't bring myself to do either
Sounds like you need to buy more kits
I have and I've already finished them all
>painting spoons
If you finish all of them your not buying enough
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That old kit can still be fun. I just found the original again at a hobby show. Usually when I work on an old obscure kit, Bandai will make a better version. It didn't work this time...
Flat metallics can be pretty nice. Semi gloss just to protect it as >>22725768 said, it remains pretty much the same. Gloss if you want to add some shine to it.
guaranteed that you have at least one vaporwave gundam
Thinking depression isn't a fake conspiracy makes me a fag? What's next?
I want one fuck. Now I have to scour the web for this kit.
holy crap anon, i know you probably don't care but this really works. it really helps me pay attention to shit that would normally bore the flip out of me. i think i'm going to use this for school. do you have any other good videos you'd recommend?
i read this as "i want one to fuck"
Just look up "satisfying video," it's a whole genre that should provide the same effect.
Who could blame you? Its sexy as heck.
for me it's watching earwax extraction videos. bonus if the video has forceps being used in it.
>P-Bandai randomly decides to reprint the old MG Dunbine with no announcement
but why?
Forget that, you guys buying the Captain Planet Gundam?
They made a video a few months ago basically saying they're reprinting all their old super robot stuff and making models for ones that never got kits
how many dunbines are they gonna make? there are tons of aura battlers that i want to get modern hgs. also will they reprint the rrr l-gaim mk ii which is basically a mg l-gaim mk ii?
>and if you smoke pot stop it
I just got high and started watching rick and morty. they legalized it where i live like last year.
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They made OVA version of Sirbine.
I want a drumlo
gr8 b8 m8
OVA version doesn't actually have the shield, that was only added in Aura Phantasm
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Currently in a anime sweatshop con. Those IBO kits worth picking up? I might pick up the Quant.
No idea about how good they are but the 1/100 IBO kits don't get reprinted very often.
I forgot the name of the thing it fights but I want a kit of that too
Depends on the price. The only ones there that are "rare" are the IBO 1/100's, but unless you really really want them they're probably not worth picking up.
Don't buy shit at a con it's going to be marked up to hell to snare people who don't know better
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Zwauth, would be a big boy considering HG Sirbine is already Nu Gundam sized.
Oh i usually call the protagonist mecha as "Sirbine" like a bad habit. "Sirbine" is reincarnated Dunbine and is actually a biomechanical creature. The design only exist in the OVA.
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Bandai releasing artistic modelkit feels so unreal. But i hope they will do it more.
Sand and glue.
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I wanna go fast.
Why do I have 2 ZAPs

What the hell is wrong with me
Have you even started building either of them
Yeah the recast
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>Finished Principal of Megalomaria
>Checked articulation
>The ass cheeks are articulated
Kotobukiya has reached peak.
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I made my spray booth too big. Holy shit and I forgot to buy a glue gun and had to make do with a packing tape and some painters tape.
New thread

>Playing Battle Universe
>Zeon campaign sucks, all you unlock is Zakus
>Finally get this guy
>Carry me for the rest of ZZ
I want a kit, but not "scavenge to the ends of the earth for it" level of want

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