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>G-Reco = incest themes
>IBO = Yaoi themes
>G-Witch = Yuri themes
>Freedom = NTR themes
what is Banrise doing?
>OP = faggot
>first reply = marketing pajeet
>Furuya = abortion themes
Who's gonna bet that the upcoming cgi show gonna be woke too?
Beltorchika's Children gets animated, but since Amuro made her get an abortion, the Eath is fucked.
each of these are either straight up wrong readings or extremely ambitious
00 had the yaoi themes. IBO had mormon/harem themes.
>Wing = wife beating themes
Setsuna was Gundamophile
Allaujah had a girlfriend
Lockon loved one of those space aliens

only Tiera erde was gay
Alejandro and Ribbons
Tieria lusted for Lockon
Ali was a gay rapist
>G-Witch = Yuri themes
Bro where.
>Zeta= schizoautist themes
Zeta is a show about respecting women
My guy Mika banged Atra, Naze gad a goddamn Harem, Guts had his side plot with Lafter, the one homo was into a guy who spent most his paychecks on brothels. IBO despite having a cast of buff shirtless dudes did not carry Yaoi themes unless you were a Fujo who can't see close male friendship without sexual tension. Also Kira flat out kills the guy trying to cuck him make of that what you will
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Ali was Gauron?
Kek. Neither one of you are wrong. That's the irony.
>G-Reco = incest themes
In what way?
Bellri wants to bone his sister in the worst way possible and has to pretend otherwise.
Can you blame him?
Yeah that's not incest that's just being a red blooded male. He'd have to be gay to not want to bang Aida
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Just watch Brain Powerd, it's has zero sexual themes.
Sometimes a flower is just a flower.
Something something, a mother's son is virtually her lover.
Or something like that, i lost the screen cap.
Is it bad that I want to see it happen?
Everyone wanted it to happen. That it didn't is the greatest misstep of Tomino's career
Tieria started off as a female who'd end up being knocked up by Lockon Mk1 in early drafts and go through the entirety of the latter half pregnant. Then changed to a guy. Then changed into a biological gynoid that may or may not actually have a dick, but still ID's as male.

We were so close to having the second pregnant pilot in Gundam ever, after Marbet.
>Freedom = NTR themes
>X = hetero themes
>Gundam fans didn't like it
I liked X. Though honestly that reaction makes sense, at its core Gundam is a little gay. Not extremely gay like the yaoi enthusiasts would have you believe, but a little gay
The only thing X was missing to please the "core" fans is a male character that is attached to Garrod
>Amuro and Char
>Kamille and Char
>Bernie and Alfred
>Kou and Layzner
>Usso and Odelo
>Domon and Master Asia
>Wing Boys
>Loran and that black dude
>Kira and Athrun
>Setsuna and Lockon
>Banagher and the Banshee cuck
>Mika and the black man
Garrod was only attached to Tiffa
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>Freedom = NTR themes
Only if you're Kira.
>Gundam = Shit
you don't need to tell me thrice.
Frost bros were kinda fruity.
Truly no one has ever suggested romantic tension between siblings.
Maybe that's why they cancelled it.
Yeah but they had earrings and frilled shirts
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Was IBO not that right winged?
No wonder, Suletta and Garrod are literally bros in the crossover.
which Crossover?
Super Robot Wars: Your Mom's Wide Vagina Gamma
SD Gundam Battle Alliance where Suletta is a DLC.
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Freedom- anti-woke theme. Destiny plan is metaphor for Wokism for hating natural love and forcing the agenda with violent way.
The /m/ Wikia should do a navbox for LGBTQ articles in mecha and toku.
Please no, even if it makes Duelrager cope, seethe, and dilate that is dumb as fuck.
It would have been the better outcome
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Forgot pic
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Uh anon...
I see you're coping with your current collection of three day bans about as well as can be expected, you ban-evading avatarfaggot
Do you ever not lie?
Only one of these is bad.
You guys bash me when we let some of those freaks here now pay the consequences
Gundam's always been a little gay dude
stop ban evading
Even seed was progressive? Fukuda is netouyo.
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G-woke. While IBO is right winged for glorifying war.
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It ends with a lesbians happily married with a kid and most of the men died, heck if Mika would have it lived it would have been a thrupple as the youth call it, this is also the part of IBO which shatters any believability the series had because how the fuck did a plank of wood like Mika land two women and don't say it's because he's buff all of the Mars guys were.
Atra is easy Mika saved her life when they we're younger and in his own autistic way does show her care like when she's kidnapped in S1 he tracks her scent like a bloodhound and murders the fuck out of her captors. In S2 when she talks about having a kid he goes for it cause it's what she wants and she's arguably the 2nd most portrait person to him after Orga.

Kudelia is weird it seems in her case Mika was ore a curiosity abd a symbol of the system she wanted gone the two acknowledged each other as friends but Atra pushed the couple angle more out of a sense of low self-esteem not feeling good enough for Mika, I never really saw point where it felt like Mika and Kudelua were more than an.odd couple friendship than a romantic pair
Being the hero who pilots the big knight in shining armor and is the vanguard of your side's forces is probably very attractive
Suspension bridge effect. in fact Im surprised he didnt "steal" one or two of Naze's """wives""" *cough* Lafter you cheating whore *cough*
An having a gay name like Camille
It's a nice name though
Cool CG sequence.
I’ve seen this said a lot but never with any sources. Even the extremely feminine early Tieria art is tagged as male. It’s the same thing with people saying Sayla was meant to be in Zeta and fuck Amuro before getting replaced with Bel. Where do these claims even come from?

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