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Are there any model sheets that show how Zeta Gundam's transformation works in universe? How many liberties does do the model kits take to make it feasible?
>How many liberties does do the model kits take to make it feasible?
None, the Ver Ka and 2.0 worked out the Zeta's transformation.
There are also metal figures which have done the same like the Ka.Sig and upcoming Metal Build.
None of the kits or toys work exactly as it does on paper because not a single one has the head retract into the white torso block. Just watch where it comes out in the second opening. And even the Zeta Pluses don’t match Katoki’s original plan of the head and torso sides hinging down 90 degrees to make the Wave Rider body as flat as possible.
>Are there any model sheets that show how Zeta Gundam's transformation works in universe?
do americans really worry about shit like this?
The first question you need to ask yourself is, how does the shield magically shift from the left forearm into the latching position to connect to the body to form the nose?
you're not american if you don't know how autistic they get about it

not a model sheet but it's probably as close as it gets
>kamille designed this on his own
Such a talented autistic girl
This is the final transformation process by Fujita
My guess is that when the arms start to tuck in, it also brings the shield around to the front of the body to let it latch on to the underside of the chest. Once a solid latch-on is confirmed, the shield unhooks from the left forearm. The movement is a bit odd, but far less weird than the Wing Gundam just having its shield float in midair while parts almost magnetically attach to it.
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2.12 MB GIF
File: zeta transform.webm (3.97 MB, 960x720)
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