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How's Gundam Thunderbolt going so far?
Would have been perfect if it stayed the three volumes like it was originally planned. It's dragged on far too long at this point and the artist has no idea what the hell he's doing anymore.
So, why not just pretend the series ends at volume 3?
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what happened to that one anon who believed Io and daryl was going to team up
Its timeline is accelerated compared to mainline UC
>MK2s already
>zeta somehow without kamille
and that's before even hitting like 0083
Did Io finally defeat his bull?
>Official manga translations
>OVA Dubs
>HGTB in Target stores
Why the fuck did this get pushed so hard in the west?
>HGTB in Target
What the fuck, when?
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They're at the "last shot" moment, the gundam has lost the head and left arm, and only the head section remains of the Zeong.
They've just entered the Solar Laser array, and looking at the dead colony used to build it
Idek what the story is about anymore. Are you rooting for someone?
It was fan-service, the boss of Anaheim specifically says that they're test models and none will see any active service in 6~7 years
For this bitch to enter every "the worst deaths in anime" list, Jesus fucking Christ, and you guys complain about Nina Pendelton

>has massive daddy issues
>falls in love with her guinea pigs to compensate
>self potatoes because "war bad when I lose"
>newtype Buddah heals her
>betrays him because daddy issues
>puts his whole operation at risk
>mindwipes 16 psycho zaku pilots to kill the civilians of Zeon because "Zabis bad"
>gets startled by the laser firing ¿? and the newtype Buddah regains control
>kills him while crying like a bitch because she can't genocide
>"our Soho passed away, I shall carry his will"
Fuck Karla Mitchum, I rooted for Daryl all the time (I fucking love the psycho Zaku) but now I hope Io and his new cute sis blow them all
Where do I find translated volumes? Any mega for that?

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