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Now neither of us will be virgins!
BARONИOЯAᗺ has strangely wide shoulders, i can't trust that.
Fuck BARONИOЯAᗺ, kill ASHURAAЯUHƧA and marry Baron Ashura.
BARONИOЯAᗺ duel wields the Staff of Bardos
Left for having she/her pronoun.
Baron Ashura is one of the most disturbing characters Nagai has ever created and I can't seem to articulate why.
They weren't virgins before, they were married.
No it's not.
But ASHURAAЯUHƧA has more muscle mass, so surely he could defeat BARONИOЯAᗺ in a grapple and disarm her.
Fucking Celts
Your right it’s when they’re naked that’s most disturbing
The female one.
Full shaft or only half of one?
Full, uncle go thought it was a good idea to show it
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