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not sure if a random question thread is allowed and i'm sure i'm 99.9% misremembering but i vaguely remember reading somewhere (JPWiki?) that shows like Daiouja, Trider G7, Daitarn 3 (?), Zambot 3 (?) +/- make up a loose series together akin to the Robot Romance Trilogy

i've checked all their JPWikis but can't find any info. i remember it being called "Invincible"/"Muteki" series or something?
the robots look kinda the same and the titles are similar too. though this could be a coincidence since they're generic. also i seriously doubt Tomino's Daitarn 3 and Zambot 3 would belong to a random, irrelevant series but i still can't get it out of my head.

any info or general trivia on these shows would be appreciated if anyone would happen to know, since they seem to be non-existent among people in whatever place i check or frequent but have received subs already in one form or another (ARR)
(aimed mainly torwards Daiouja and Trider G7 since Daitarn 3 and Zambot 3 are popular in comparison)
Trider G7 has the same brand as Zambot and Daitarn (the former being Muteki Robo Trider G7 while the latter two are Muteki Chojin Zambot 3 and Muteki Kojin Daitarn 3). The difference is that Yoshiyuki Tomino stopped being involved with the Muteki series AFTER Daitarn.

Daioja was made by most of the people who made Trider G7 so you can see it as a Muteki show in spirit.
thanks for the quick confirmation and welp, excuse my sloppy research.
it turns out there is a source talking about these works. the first entry when searching "Muteki ShiRiーZu" in JP
like Daitarn and Zambot, apparently Trider G7 and Daiouja share the same director too. and for some reason the first entry in the Eldran series, Raijin-Oh, is also grouped with the Muteki series on that link? lol.
also the Muteki series is apparently an 100% unofficial grouping? strange, since there is obvious consistency
>there is obvious consistency
Such as?
So, Daiouja is the Daltanious of Muteki?
>Director (either Tomino or Katsutoshi Sasaki)
>Trider G7 and Daiouja share the same writer
>Mecha design
>Even more staff overlap like character designer, animators, etc. between Trider G7 and Daiouja
>apparently all aired back to back with the exception of First Gundam coming between Daitarn 3 and Trider G7, imaginably on the same timeslot

More or less. Amusingly enough, I discovered Trider, Daioja, and Daltanious have the same director (Katsutoshi Sasaki).
Sasaki was also the director of Transformers Headmasters hilariously
And Toshio Furukawa voices both main characters in the latter two.

And Super Robot Wars GC would have BOTH Daltanious and Daioja.
I believed them being a trilogy is common knowledge?
Damn, Furukawa was on a roll during that era.

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