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Can giant robots redeem isekai shit?
Aside from pic and knights and magic, what are some other instances of isekai shit mecha?
Escaflowne, Orguss
Fuck off.
Is this not an Isekai?
There's that ongoing Isekai Sentai Red manga where the Sentai mecha that is used from time to time and a female Egypt-themed Kamen Rider expy who later joins the party. Unfortunately, the non fan-translated chapters are behind a soft pay wall.
Unlikely for anything written post 2010, where isekai is essentially just a prefab of a premise that automatically esablishes a generic setting with a protagonist that talks and acts like a modern japanese dude so the writer doesn't need to excert any thought at all
You see, those are isekai but they are not isekai shit.
There's also a fairly new isekai with a tokufag being reincarnated into a galge setting as one of the villains.
>modern japanese dude
And by that, don't forget that in 90% of the cases, it's a person whose life absolutely SUCKS and as such, when said person gets isekai'd and gets super special powers, the thought of even coming back is rarely touched upon, his home world can fuck off.

And that's what differentiate those older isekais from the usual saturated 'slop' nowadays: it's a adventure but the MC has his original world in mind, either to save it or return to it.
I Became an Evil Overlord
I Was Sold at the Lowest Price in My Class
Cool and Quiet Hero Will Reluctantly Get Swept Away
Isekai Yuusha G-Shine
Assault Colossus

I recall a few obscure 1-offs/3-offs made some years ago, where a group of friends end up being ported over to parallel worlds and one of said worlds was a mecha war.
Whatever happened to Knight's & Magic? Did it already end?
No, no quality writer would touch isekai in this day and age.
LN is still ongoing; the WN is still ahead of it by a few volumes, and it's slowly being translated into English.

The anime killed its momentum though; what with the large number of changes made to the story to make it fit 12 episodes. Same for the manga, where the only memorable bits are lewd narcoleptic Elf queen, Helvi's large breasts, and ending right after defeating the Empire and returning with airship tech.
I got visibly angry that the manga ended.
And there won't be any continuation sadly. Unless something somewhere happens...
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Yeah, it sucked that the manga just basically turned into an ad for the first two volumes and then died there.
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The artist carried K&N on his back, a shame his Brave-like Isekai never got turned into a full project.
Also Mashin Hero Wataru, God Mazinger and NG Knight Ramune & 40
>Yeah, it sucked that the manga just basically turned into an ad
A number of such cases.
I'm getting Vanadis flashbacks.
>The artist carried K&N on his back, a shame his Brave-like Isekai never got turned into a full project.
This is as painful as K&M manga ending as an ad for the LN.
This was the first isekai anime. I fucking love Dunbine. I actually watched a video on yt where some faggot was saying that the first isekai was Sword Art Online. I promptly left a message telling him to kill himself.
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The artist, Takuji, does have his own serialized manga now and still posts plenty of /m/ art on his twitter.
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There's this series called Eirun Last Code, but nobody that translate the LN and the manga adaptation is on hiatus after running for a single volume.
>And that's what differentiate those older isekais from the usual saturated 'slop' nowadays: it's a adventure but the MC has his original world in mind, either to save it or return to it.
I've seen isekai explosion being explained as "stories for tired people".
It's complete and pure escapism fantasy. Which is fine I guess, but it's really just throwaway writing with little redeeming qualities.
I enjoyed few modern isekai stories as robot but that's about it. Read and forget. No lasting appeal outside of memes and shit
Even tho I did rewatch/read for example Knight and Magic, but at least in case of that one - it's just pure mecha fanservice for sake of mecha fanservice first, just wrapped in whatever sells atm.
Other than Luxion, he is pretty normal all things considered. Honestly felt his relationship with his mech was probably more of the highlight than any of his harem.
Isekai feels like kids self insert fantasy novels for depressed adults. It's like harry potter or something, "secretly you might actually be super special and important and travel to a wonderful world where everything revolves around you and you're powerful and destined for greatness" but they're so depressed and hopeless that there's this weird suicidal aspect to it as well lol
Like the common theme of this big popular fantasy is that you die and nothing in the real world ever really mattered. It's dire. It's probably also why so many of them are grimderp subversion party betrayal nonsense too, where they can't even fantasize about being reborn anywhere better lmao
And they forget about isekai part quite often too.
Let's take faraway paladin. Honestly great manga, but it works as fantasy adventure story way better than isekai, and isekai part almost not mentioned the longer you read.
Whenever reference pops up you go "oh right", and that's it.
So I feel like overall popularity gimped works of others. Since it feels they had to make thing they wanted to make as isekai to sell to those depressed adults.
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Did Escaflowne kill the concept of isekai protagonists whose quest is to find a way to return to Earth? Everybody who watches the end of the series agrees that Hitomi was crazy for leaving Van and going back to Earth. Ever since then, people get isekaied permanently, or the fantasy world becomes their afterlife. Historically, there are precedents for that too: in the Oz and Narnia series, the protagonists repeatedly travel between Earth and the fantasy world several times before it becomes their afterlife.

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