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--------------***READ THE OP***--------------


Previous Thread:

Destiny Gundam - Palma Fiocina
Lunamaria Hawke - Force Impulse Gundam
Ken Taiga - Jushin Thunder Liger (with Yui Kamishiro & Mai Kamishiro Support)
Az Sainklaus - Huckebein 30th
X-Omega and DD's wikis will be taken down at the end of July
A Portable Plus - rebalance hack v1.1 update:

For discussion on SRC (SRW fangame program), please join the dedicated Discord

If you need help with any game try checking Akurasu for help (links for other resources also here):
(add ?action=purge to the end of the url in case of a blank page)

SRW Japanese Wiki


Game Availability in English:

Music Pastebin:

Bring Stabity's Quick Guide to Katakana:

Game Modification Pastebin:

Translated Plot Pastebin:

Art Pastebin:

SRC Pastebin V2:

Make your own SRW character Pastebin:

If you wish to help with the SRW fan game they are always in need of more musicians and artists
Please contact the following e-mail: suparoboeternity@gmail.com
You get two spins. First spin allows you return/debut one Sunrise series of pic related for a mainline SRW game. Second spin makes the spun series unable to return/debut on it. Spinning the same series twice makes it post plot.
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ded game. gacha lives
why not have it with en translation?

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Japan remember Big-O?
What's a very short real robot series that's not Gundam?
Where the hell is Metal Jack?
Innocent Venus
Sakugan. I know the board wikia has a navbox on just real robot titles.
Big O has its fans in Japan.
>the board wikia
I checked that and it looks like some weirdos blog, there id nothing /m/ about it besides the shows.
Please share it I'm curious just how many real robot titles are out there that aren't Gundam or Macross. Not that anon btw.
>first spin Dragonar
>second spin Ideon
Yeah it's very mediocre and unrelated to the board.
>unrelated to the board.
It uses the board name and is filled with board related content.
There was some annoying retard on twitter who kept saying he was from /m/ and had the shittiest takes, probably the same guy trying to force this.
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Thanks anon.
>Giving a fuck about Twitter
You have to go back.
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Lain in srw when?
Easily the best /m/ show.
At least you can admit that it's a mediocre site, in that case stop posting it and let it die off.
This is pretty interesting and organized.
Needs a robot, warship, power armor, fighter jet, etc. Stratos 4 has a higher chance.
Try not being obsessed with a wikia only you are bothered by.
Anon, Fantasia went under a decade ago and nobody can get rights to anything from them.
>Try not being obsessed with a wikia only you are bothered by.
Seconding this, if someone wants to inform other anons on obscure robot cartoons and Japanese superheroes and nobody is hurt it's not worth getting your underpants in a twist.
I don't care what you do just stop associating it with this board. It only has to do with you. Call it the duel wiki or the yapool wiki or whatever
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when will you quit samefagging about your gay personal website already
easy money you are the same loser who shits up every thread with wojak spam and avatarfagging too the second it hits page 10
>Samefag pretends he's two people for the same of attacking knowledge
Very sad.
I assume it's been discussed to death, so what's the concensus on what Transformers would be? Real, Super, or hybrid?
Smaller ones like Bumblebee = reals
Mid sized ones like Optimus = hybrids
Titans like Fort Max = supers
kek, I never bothered clicking the links to that autistic wiki but it really is just a bunch of nothingburgers.
>putting this much effort into replying to D*el
after all these years you have to know that this is a complete waste of time
he will continue spamming links in this thread and on this board and he will continue samefagging and he will never change. Not unless he gets permabanned.
we will not raid your gay website. quit begging.
Mostly Reals and Hybrids. You need to remember that most Transformers are VERY small. The Titans are the obvious outliers, but most of them would end up either S or SS sized units, with Combiners being L sized tops (G1 Devastator is roughly equal to the height of Mazinger Z, and G1 Prime is a third of that.)
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Are you stupid?
the hatches above Shinn's lip make it seem like he has a little Hitler mustache
This, when dealing with "people" like duel, arr or bikinischizo just apply RSI.
How to fix SRW difficulty
>more debuffs from enemy attacks
>more enemy MAP attacks
>enemies can use weaker versions of SP skills (such as Focus being a 10% modifier), with a very small pool of SP and only 1~3 skills
Honestly I don't want SRW games to be "difficult" with the current systems. The series is luck-based at its core since so much relies on accuracy/evasion. The game is easy because you can rig the slot machine, but going to an unrigged slot machine doesn't sound any better

The problems are, and have always been, tedium and uninteresting mission design. Honestly I wish they'd just remove ace bonuses and top aces because I do not like micromanaging who gets kills. Pads out the gameplay way longer than is necessary. Same with every stage having tons of enemy waves that only exists as money pinatas to feed into the upgrade system. Honestly the series would probably be much more fun if they just removed the RPG aspects entirely
Why do you want them to "improve" SRW by removing features that could be fun instead of just making a good SRPG
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These features can't be fun
Having to grind kills for every character will never be fun
The RPG shit ultimately just makes mecha less distinct by locking their unique features (custom bonuses) behind upgrades instead of granting them upfront, and on the higher end with max upgrades everything just turns into an unga unit that can solo maps based purely on overwhelming statistical advantage

Both of these things justify high enemy counts per stage which take objectives that should take 5 minutes or so and turns them into affairs that last 30 minutes to 2 hours

If every unit you got had completely fixed stats, the devs would probably have to actually try with map and mission design. If you can't just upgrade past your problems, enemy placement and number requires more serious thought
Granted they could still make it easy, but even that would be an improvement since it would nonetheless remove a lot of the micromanagement spreadsheet simulation and just let us get on with the game
>First spin Layzner
Eh ok sure
>Scond spin Layzner
Eh ok sure
>Having to grind kills for every character
So don't grind?
And stop at 5 upgrades instead of maxing shit out
>First spin
King Gainer
>Second spin
Big O
Honestly, I'd be down if they made a global server for DD. The plot's interesting enough at points that I want to keep up with it.
>Zegapain 1st
I know nothing about Zegapain other than that it's about computers or something

>Ideon 2nd
Wasn't really expecting it to come back regardless
Grinding/Micromanaging kills is a personal problem. As long as you make an effort to use a unit regularly, they'll get aced by the end of the game even in games like AP which can be stingy with unit counts.
Think about it.
It's kind of a circular system, isn't it? You need to kill a large number of units to get an ace bonus that you don't need because you've already proved you can kill a bunch of units by getting it. The ace itself is redundant at that point.
But also without their aces a lot of units just aren't very distinct or interesting to use. Shinji in V for example. Good fucking luck getting to that awakened mode without the ace.

So why do need the ace system? To me it just seems like it takes away more than it adds
Based Planetman
Because it's cool. Though if you wanted to make the unique ace bonus something the character inherently has and just tie the kill count to some extra starting Will, that would also be fine.
There's the one on all the SEED threads who keeps insisting that Coordinators are aliens who don't poop. Even made up his own language for them.
I wished T had the Shining Gundam.
I’ve always preferred it over God.
Ace Bonuses exist to give a sense of progression throughout the game. Quite frankly, some bonuses would be legitimately too strong if the characters had them by default or in other instances, if they were story gated, you might not get access to them until when the game was functionally over making the balance discrepancy worse.
There's no point to having a "sense of progression" for its own sake
Generally the point of RPG elements is to allow the player to experiment and do different things in each playthrough, but that's not really how SRW operates, especially in games prior to 30 since your control over what units are available to you is extremely minimal in most games.

Anyway, I think the opposite problem is more salient, where many seemingly bad units actually do have an ace bonus that makes them worth using, but what ace they have is hidden to you unless you look it up on a wiki, so you'll probably just pass them over without knowing they could be good. And then even if you know they can be good, you have to suffer using the gimped version until you get the ace. I honestly don't see what we'd lose by removing the ace system and just having these abilities be unlocked by default. Even if you think some of them are too good, that's a balance question and not a question about the validity of the progression. That these abilities are gated behind something doesn't balance them when you can GoT grind to get them immediately anyway
Duel always tries to pull this shit, ignore him.
Assuming that every player uses the game over trick to brute force ace bonuses is absurd. Not only that, some games dont let you retain kills on game over.

This idea that you HAVE to get all of the abilities at once is not really practiced in the SRPG genre. FE, TO, FFT, Triangle Strategy etc. all gate character features/functions behind use. Resource management through kills/money/exp is all part of the gameplay paradigm in the genre and while juggernauting is something that eventually creeps up, deleting ace bonuses and handing everything at once is not going to fix it. You're merely going to make the strongest units obvious and then players will turn those into juggernauts.
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I just realized the VA for Judau is the same VA for Shinobu
Sounds like an autism problem
You are allowed to experiment in different playthroughs. No one is forcing you to always use Daimos/God Gundam/Vysaga in A Portable. Nor are they forcing you to deploy Gridman in 30 (who's actually a bit overrated but whatever).
Fire Emblem forces you to make do with a fixed roster of units to draw from as the game goes along but you dont have to use the best ones.
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He also voices this lovely individual
Demonbane fucking sucks.
I'm not assuming that but I am saying that because you can do it, there's no real sense in which the progression actually contributes to the game's "balance." If the devs intentionally give you an easy way to bypass having to wait until a more appropriate time to unlock the ace, they might as well just give you the ace upfront without making you need to waste your time managing kills. I mean they already do shit like the suborder systems where you don't even need to actually use the unit to get kills for it, not to mention that a lot of aces are just some bullshit like "SP+30" that doesn't actually help anyone keep up with endgame powercreep. I also don't know of any game that does have ace bonuses but does not retain kill counts on stage loss.

>Resource management through kills/money/exp is all part of the gameplay paradigm
Yes and the greater extent to which these matter, the less extent to which actual strategy matters. I'm asking for more S, less RPG

>You're merely going to make the strongest units obvious and then players
yeah newsflash, the game already does this in so many other different ways. Have you even played SRW and do you know anything about mecha? It doesn't take an ace bonus for you to know that Mazinger Z is better than a Gunblaster. But it might take an ace bonus for you know that a Gunblaster might not be complete shit

I know. But I think it's difficult to make things feel different in SRW (and in SRPGs in general) since you have so many deployment slots. On repeat playthroughs you're probably gonna have a lot of overlap with what you used the first time because of it.
I think every unit should have at least one MAP attack. Including enemies.
>Demonbane fucking rules.
ftfy, no need to thank me
Resource management is part of your strategy. It's an extremely big one as its the difference between someone who game over grinds everything/tries to win with brute force and a person who can do NURs.

>The best units are always obvious
Conventially speaking, a MC unit will be better than a side unit but that is not always the case. Some MC units might only get deployed because of utility and not their own merits as a combat unit. For example, Zambot in A Portable.
Some games have variable upgrade numbers, weird upgrade tiers or V/W Ups that can skew the balance. For example Bat Shus in GC or Botune in Impact.
Or a side unit is more reliable for certain things due to quirks. For example Hyaku Shiki is an excellent ALL attacker in Setsuko's side of Z1.
There's really no meaningful way in which SRW is a strategy game, at least not currently where we now have infinitely replayable stages where you can farm infinite resources, but arguably this has been the case ever since the GoT became a thing, with 30 merely formalizing it. If you have to do a self-imposed challenge like a NUR, for there to be actual strategy we're no longer talking about game design.

Anyway, I don't think it has ever been the case where a top tier unit is only top tier because of its ace (hell, even with the Mazinger example I gave, all three Mazinger pilots in 30 have okay aces, not super great ones). The only thing I can think of that comes close is Daimos in AP, but regardless, as I said. there have been quite a few units that do have an actual niche given their ace that salvage them from pointlessness. AP has many more examples of this with units like the Ra Calium, the Galva, Aestivalis Akatsuki, etc
>Game over trick
That's fundamentally saying that you're bad at the game if you have to resort to it. The only time where people might give you a pass for it is in UX due to absurd kill count requirements on secrets and that's IF you decide to collect as many of them as possible in a run.
Furthermore, its ridiculous that you're discrediting NURs when some games have Hard modes that ban upgrades. Are you going to pretend that FE isnt a strategy game because some of them allow to grind infinitely?
>Ace Bonus
Galva doesnt need an ace to be relevant. I have never aced Kyoshiro in any playthrough and he is still useful by virtue of having two pilots and being a resupply unit in a game with high en costs/low ammo counts. Bright is still a massive wall of HP that enemies cannot kill and has ship utility for healing/transport without his ace bonus. Daimos does not need an ace to be relevant. He's the most consistent boss killer in the early game and gets high levels of infight and parry naturally. His damage ceiling is also very good.
>Brain Powerd is back
>Cross Ange is banned banned banned banned, gone, forever
Nice, I did everyone a favor.
>That's fundamentally saying that you're bad at the game if you have to resort to it.
Even if you don't resort to it there's fundamentally no strategy and every stage amounts to mashing two blobs of units together until your side wins like a child banging together action figures. GoT is simply the mechanic that indisputably clarifies that this is the case. Even if you somehow manage to struggle with the already barely present strategy elements, the devs made absolutely sure you never have to deal with any kind of strategy whatsoever if you don't want to. And no one gives a fuck how you play SRW. I remember there used to be this guy who'd do a NUR tier list for each new game and post it here. Practically no one ever replied to him and even he admitted it was still easy. These games are far too casual to get competitive over them, this isn't exactly the FGC. If you want to play NUR, whatever, do your thing, but obviously the game is not intended to be played that way and it should therefore have absolutely no relevance when we're talking about the validity of mechanics like ace bonus.

Anyway, I won't argue about unit balance too much even though I could, you're practically making my point for me regardless, but to clarify what I meant with Daimos, of course it's a good unit without the ace, but I wouldn't say a top tier one. But once he gets the ace and becomes able to reliably stonewall about half of all enemies in the game, that's where it becomes truly OP. But most SRW units aren't like that. Even stuff like Ryoma in the newer games. Yeah his ace is powerful, but it's basically overkill. You don't need it for him to be oneshotting the average grunt.
Games with Battle Masteries/Skill Points void the mastery if you GoT, and from the PS3 era every SRW has an achievement for getting every Skill Point in a single playthrough. GoT is not the intended way to play, it' just a way to get people who don't want any challenge at all to still be able to finish the game. Even in the classic series before BM first appeared they rewarded good players by locking things like secrets or the true final battle behind low turn counts
As for the whole Ace Bonus discussion, I feel you're putting too much importance on this element. Ace Bonuses are just a way to give your most used units an extra boost (not that different from Custom Bonuses, or picking your 3 favorite series in J and W), it's not something you are supposed to intentionally grind (just as how you're not supposed to master every job on every character in FFT), which is why:
1) in most NG+ you can inherit unit kills, so nothing stops you from using different units on a second playthrough. Why do you think V, X, T and 30 have so many secrets with an alternate kill requirement outside of the intended way? You aren't supposed to feed Daba 150 kills to get Nei and Olibee, it's just an extra option for the 2nd playthrough so the player can skip most L-Gaim stages and still get the secrets, just how in V Black Might Gaine becomes impossible to miss if you aced one of the MG units in the first playthrough
2) the further you go in the game, the higher a new pilot score is, so it's easier to Ace them. The age of a late game pilot starting at 0 kills is long gone

This last part is especially true in 30 since it's very easy to manipulate score by simply feeding as many kills as you can to the starters. By the time you reach the middle point (or even earlier) most new pilots will come pre-aced (even on Super Expert+ which removes grinding stages and the GoT)
Yes, its true that you can game over grind if you so please, but much like every other game that involves grinding in this genre, no one ever seriously considers that as part of a discussion.
This is doubly true for SRW where most of the games are easy and so, its pointless outside of some neurotic obsession over having everything right away. Not to mention that some games will straight up ban you from the true ending/final stage for doing it too much. Deathballing is powerful in many srpgs yes, but some games do put in incentives to discourage that. For example, timed battle masteries might require you to spread your units across maps to clear it within reasonable time. This idea is also seen in FE where rout maps take much less time when you know how to distribute your units properly.

For example, SRWT casually allows you to ace 80% or so of the cast in a single playthrough just from playing the game without ever seeing a single game over. Quite frankly, you're harping over nonsense (ace bonuses) when the games have more relevant issues affecting their design. For example, Tag Tension in Z3 and ExC in V onwards.
Gensou Shoujo Taisen is there if you want a difficult SRW:
>danmaku auras that slow down player movement and inflict dodge/defense penalties to curb invincible units
>bosses get auras with unique effects that start out simple but get increasingly complex and powerful over the course of the game, as well as changing each time they change phase
>multiple life bars of varying sizes per boss, including occasional phases where they leave the field and you have to avoid their attacks without being able to fight back

But Bandai Namco of all companies isn't going to make a game with the kind of mechanical rigor and polish that's required for a game that's difficult in a fair way. It's a miracle the games they make even work at all.
You can still brute force past generic danmaku via raw stats/spirits or just focusing on the enemy that spawns it. Also, a lot of bosses can still go down in a single turn as long as you know how to utilize support attacks properly to really squeeze out damage (which is what vanilla SRW does anyway). Its really the existence of stuff like Yukari disappearing off the map and respawning that stops her from being a one turn affair.
If Ernie finds out about New Order... Nah, he's too into robots to care about other women besides Addy. Just when are we getting future seasons? THE GATTAI even planned on making the Ikaruga just for it to combine with the Kasasagi.
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Depends on how cancer the auras can get. I've played some games where boss stats can skyrocket.
I expressed the opinion, you wanted the elaboration. Nowhere did I say I thought this was the main problem with SRW, although it creates tedium and has no purpose beyond creating tedium, hence my problem with it.
To the contrary you are the ones emphasizing the GoT too much; I brought it up simply because it's proof of intention upon the part of the devs. I think it's silly it's not an intended way to play the game when if it wasn't, they wouldn't have programmed it in to every single game. Skill Points/Battle Masteries are little more than pointless cheevos in most games so I would hardly say they're adequate discouragement.
The larger point here is that turn-based strategy is complicated to implement. It requires far more effort and design than SRW devs are willing to put into a game. Stages have to be constructed with carefully placed terrain walls and enemy spawns have to be calculated in such a way that they provide a challenge to the player but cannot overwhelm him if he positions himself correctly. Far easier to just slap a bunch of RPG stats on everything and let the player grind infinitely to win if he wants to. Instead of nuanced design it just becomes about tweaking the numbers to be a little higher.

Anyway I don't really play SRPGs other than SRW as you might be able to tell. I only play SRW because I like robot anime. The whole idea behind the genre is fundamentally flawed.
There are more things that you lose from using the GoT than what you gain. Its obvious that its not the intended way to play.
Have you considered not grinding like a fucking retard past all of your problems?
Have you considered that I never actually do use GoT, even in UX and that I'm bringing it up simply to make points about how SRW is designed?
I already said I don't like tedium and wastes of time, you think I would waste time using the GoT?
>To the contrary you are the ones emphasizing the GoT too much; I brought it up simply because it's proof of intention upon the part of the devs. I think it's silly it's not an intended way to play the game when if it wasn't, they wouldn't have programmed it in to every single game. Skill Points/Battle Masteries are little more than pointless cheevos in most games so I would hardly say they're adequate discouragement.

Not to continue this discussion even further, but if "you think it's silly GoT is not an intended way to play the game when if it wasn't, they wouldn't have programmed it in to every single game", then how can Battle Masteries be "a little more than pointless cheevos"? They did program them into the game, aka they intended players to get them during their runs, maybe specifically to discourage GoT
The accurate way to describe the trick would be a crutch - it's there so less skilled players who don't know how to fully use the toolkits they have don't end up softlocked by being unable to clear stages, as the trick would allow them to eventually bruteforce stages.
I'd say there's not really a contradiction here in that both are trying to accommodate various skill levels, which in theory would be a good thing. The problem is that the entire rest of the game design is catered far more towards beginners and casuals and GoT's existence is a symptom of this, which makes skill points feel a bit out of place. More games should've worked like the early Alpha games where they tried to make things a bit harder if you collected skill points instead of now where they just give you (marginal) benefits to make an already frustratingly easy game even easier
>the early Alpha games where they tried to make things a bit harder if you collected skill points
You do know that getting battle masteries has been the difficulty slider in the vast majority of games?
I mean they're difficult optional objectives but most games don't hand out weaker units or make you play harder stages if you earn them. That's what I'd like to see.
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I only played SRW 30 and half of V (At the part where Ange got kidnapped by Embryo and is making Marina and Cagali his wives).
Who is this supposed to be? Evil version of Masaki?
What are you talking about? Pretty much every game with BMs locks the hard version of the final stage behind getting them.
what are you talking about? What games? AFAIK the only games that do that are the GBA OG games
Nobody, it's just a badly planned plot thread. Though they're teasing it again in OG with how Cybuster is running through evil spirit now.
Not every game with BM locks the hard version of the final stage behind them, but it's not just the OG games who did it. Goddamn this general is a mess.
>Series finally starts getting English releases so I don't have to play every game only understanding the plot through vague summary guides by a guy who clearly doesn't give a shit about any series other than a handful
> Series fucking dies because of modern gaming development problems.

It's not fucking fair, these were supposed to be the good times
Alpha 1
Alpha Gaiden
Alpha 3's true ending is locked behind Hard
Impact's true ending is locked behind getting enough BMs
2nd OG skips a number of stages unless you have enough BMs
VTX all have things that require a number of aces and battle masteries
And IIRC the same applies to many other games.
I honestly have an easier time naming the games where you DON'T get some sort of benefit from missing out on BMs
From not missing out on BMs that is.
VXT doesn't require skill points at all for the IF route. And the IF route isn't really even harder it's just a weird alternate scenario
Their final stages are technically harder on paper but in practice its not really. For example if you actually allowed all 30 Nevanlinnas to fight you it would be pretty damn annoying.
>Though they're teasing it again in OG
A lot of the games with battle masteries scale enemy upgrade throughout the game if you stay on Normal or Hard mode, or increase enemy spawns in general
IIRC in most of the squad games there's way less units with squadmates if you stay on Easy
its mentioned on the stage when Masaki joins late into Moon Dwellers.
Was there ever a moment in SRW where in middle of fight or something of a boss from another series, OG villain who has never been seen before comes outta nowhere, kicks the ass of the boss you were fighting, forces boss to retreat, and new villain becomes boss?
The funny thing is, Bamco HAS done the aura debuff thing...In DD. Pretty much every new boss has some sort of debuff aura nowadays.
AI recreation of Masaki, created by a corrupted Cybuster who misses his husbando
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Or possibly the AI creation of an even older Cybuster pilot, who then becomes Masaki in the later cycles. It's weird like that.
>MAP V-Max
Man, I should really work on my Layzner desu
Man, how new are you?
>Adventure Time randomly thrown in as if it's normal to have seen the Japanese dub of it
The only thing I know about Adventure Time's Japanese dub is that Romi Park voices Finn in it.
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Man I need to rewatch OVA Arslan
Yao videos
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>Play V
>Have to decide with going to Earth
>Stopping the Colony Lazer in Space
>Or go into the AD Dimension to stop Embryo
>Go to AD Dimension because I didn't do that last time
>Salia and Hilda get new units
>Get everyone back
>Unicorn has rockets attached to it
>I unlocked Joe
>Tetsuya is back
>Got the Banshee
>Crossbone finally got an upgraded form
I shouldn't have fucking went into the AD Dimension when everyone else got cooler upgrades while all I got was Villkiss but black.
What's it called when you suspend and leave the game and the VAs for characters show up to say something like thank you for playing or some shit? Is there a video on YouTube for it?
Interruption Messages, or Save-Quit Skits
Trying to look for messages in X with 2 characters from different series but I don't see any. In V, all I saw was that mascot Linken and Bonta kun as well as Ryoma giving relationship advice to Koji.
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Besides Akito getting together with one of the girls from Gundam Age, are there any other moments like this where 2 characters from different series altogether fall in love or something?
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not a true SRW per say but in Super Heroine Chronicles, like 3/5ths of the harem members from that garbage anime Infinite Stratos (and others) fall for Tachibana Hibiki from Symphogear
>TFW I missed the preorder
Aria thinking girls can get pregnant with a kiss is where everything went wrong in Super Heroine Chronicle. For Miku's sakes, you nuked the male MCs just so that the one girl who only became a lesbian in later seasons of her show gets a harem she's not meant to have!
>you nuked the male MCs

sounds based
Is SRW F a remake of 4 or alternative events/timeline?
wiki says it's a remake but both have different roster
Stop ban evading spammer.
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Jesus, those thighs look like they're gonna make her outfit burst.
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Replace your oxygen with helium.
I really have to build my MK-III
they removed Daimos, Grendizer and Reideen to put Gaynax trash (Eva and Gunbuster) and G Gundam
Was the picture necessary? It has nothing to do with anything.
ignore and report avatarfaggots
IIRC, the only male characters in the game are Claude, male OG, and the villain from Dream Hunter Rem.
>male OG
What is his purpose if he's not even the one who get fanservice scenes with the girls.
Joke Character like how Jean was in the Queen's Blade/Gate games albeit worse since Jean actually became somewhat of a Lethal Joke Character in Gate, unlike Claude.
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This is enough for the Huckebein secret in Ryusei's route right?
I wish Reiji was secretly a mecha otaku and only Xiaomu knows the secret
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PxZ2 more or less confirmed he was at least a closet otaku of sorts, guess because of Xiamou's influence, that said I think also makes sense for Urashima to also be into mecha, she would be the kind of person to add a mech upgrade to the Dragonturtle.
Well in this case she was an og but the whole thing between Shinn and Setsuko Z series.
Sometimes with Amuro and Misato flirting with each other, mostly because of VA jokes of course.

Also unrelated but since it was mentioned, the PxZ games also have a lot of ship bait now that I remember.
Aside from Strider x Valkyrie what else was there?
Every time Majima was on screen with Aty, Ichiro's romance MC perks working with some female characters, some solo interactions with certain pairs like Lindow actually flirting working on T-elos, similar thing with Flynn and Cyrille.

I remember Frank and Hsien-ko being popular with the Japanese during the first game hype as far I remember. They also liked Dante x Alisa, got along well in both games.
>Skill Points/Battle Masteries

Just say "SR point", don't make it an unnecessary mouthful.
I'm finally going to play @3
Kusuha or Cobray?
Do you want ancient chinese magic or space jew magic?
Kusuha if you want more Garden of Baral plot, Cobray if you want more Ingram and Euzeth-adjacent plot
Who'd you play Alpha 2 with?

Each of the Alpha 3 protags follow up on an Alpha 2 protag (minus Touma's route but Touma's route is weird in general)
Factors man isn't playable in any other mainline entry, whereas Kusuha not only has two prior Alpha games but also every main OG game and 30, if that matters
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Cobray because Dis is fun to rocket into a wall of enemies and watch them all melt on the counterattack
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Majima is always fun.
I thought Touma's route followed Sanger's Alpha 2 route
Sanger shows up before the end in every route but Touma gets him sooner
It's all loose no matter who you're playing anyways so I don't think its worth thinking about it more than the writers did
so i'm thinking up a roster, i think
>zoids CC
>gurren lagann
>gundam X
all work together pretty well as a core set of like wasteland-y series that could work together in one setting, but aside from like maybe g gundam i can't think of many other good fits, especially since that setting will make it hard to have a big stupid final space level
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Why is the fit girl patch of V and X ran like shit, Yet 30's is good?
They are consistent about it in that Touma's route everyone knows who Sanger is while on the others he's only just been awakened from the Cradle and everyone's initial reaction is "Isn't that the sword guy from the bad future?" before Ratsel brings everyone up to speed. He doesn't join permanently until near endgame even on Touma's route though so there's a notable gap in the roster as far as OGs go on that route, although that's par the course for Sanger's route in Alpha 2 as well.
Kusuha has always fucking sucked and the Japanese as usual have shit taste in women to want to vote her the top Alpha protag. Go with Cobray.
Cobray fucking sucks too, though that's true of 95% of OGs to be fair
Ask the group? How should we know that?
Only acceptable alpha protagonist choice is Real robot -> Arado -> Cobray
How do I get the DLC for V on the Switch?
Maybe should redownload everything.
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Ishida, Sakaguchi, and Sugita.
Come to OGverse Majima, they have hot babes
How could Tytti even compete?
Kusuha is arguably the stronger one in the long run if you manipulate birthdays and pick a strong one with Zeal since she can still use Bullet's spirits for bossing. Cobray's no slouch either and gets to use Arado/Seolla by the first real route split which is a nice boon.
Touma truly is the Jennetty of Alpha 3
Is the reason T and 30 has Amuro, Ryoma, and Koji know each other due to Infinity having the cast of Mazinger be 10 years older?
I'd assume next SRW, they're likely gonna use the Grendizier U version of Koji and shit with all 3 knowing each other stopping.
Most likely. It's the first incarnation to feature an adult Koji since he's a teenager in everything else.
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>the one girl who only became a lesbian in later seasons
>only in later seasons
Anon, Hibiki and Miku were already sharing a bed since before the first season. And in one of the scenes where they're sleeping together, Hibiki refers to Miku as her ray of sunshine that gives meaning to her life.
I feel like Majima were being flirt with multiple girls and not just fixated on Aty back in PXZ 2 though i could see Aty getting a similar crossover ship treatment from the fans like Valkyrie
Touma you stupid fucking alien lover
All the DLC for Switch's version of V comes bundled with the game due to the late release. Unless you mean the early buy DLC for the early Huckebein/Grungust. There's no way to get that one anymore.
I'm still mad that they did it like that
Of course it's not a problem to me because I pirated the PC version but it's the principle of the thing
Yeah, it's really annoying, especially because most story scenes with them are locked to the early buy version, they barely appear in the story after joining later on (since they come from an entirely different world for the late join version so most of their dialogue would need to be different, so they just went with cutting basically all of their dialogue when they join late).
Man, I need to get my head de-scattered and get back to cataloguing SRW30's map conditions and workings. Was working on it years ago, but my head's not exactly in a focused mood 24/7...or even 365, for that matter.
Aren't 95% of the maps in that game just kill all enemies
That tracks with what I've seen, if I'm being honest. But some maps do have special conditions to meet for other characters, scenarios, etc. Plus, it can also help if you want to build a new mission off of an existing one.
Ryusei, you are drunk, go back to your game.
Why is Ryusei trying to steal Kusuha from Bullet? Aren't Mai and Lataco enough for him?
So to get Huckebein Mk. III-R in OG2 it says "Ratsel must gain 15 more kills (in addition to what he starts out with) during scenarios 17 and 18". Does that mean 15 additional kills a stage or 15 total kills between the stages?
Which version of MX is better, PS2 or PSP?
Thanks sempai.
Is that the same for T?
Playing Super Robot Wars A on GBA. The only other mainline game I played before was Alpha, so I got the wrong impression that the original characters tend to get shafted because of how often the Alpha protagonist and SRX Team seem to disappear during that game, so its nice to see how much screentime the protagonists in A get. I guess it helps that they arent one of three generic personality types like the Alpha protagonist.
I don't like bad guy Lamia.
What should I play after 30? It's my first one.
Not that anon, but how come the PSP port is worse? From what I read it only adds a few extras.
Megaton Musashi Wired.
Bloated HP for bad guys.
Gentle, kind girl + powerful Super Robot is the best combination. This sounds like a problem with your taste to me.
You could play one that has some of your favorite series
Or you could emulate OGs to see who all the dlc og are since 30 doesn't really gives them a lot of screen time
>OE has 0080, Patlabor, and Goshogun
isn't that one weird and/or bad though
The Alpha series has both 0080 and GoShogun but not in the same game
No. T's Switch and PS4 versions released at the same time, so T does not have the DLC on-cart. Instead, T on Switch got the intended pre-order bonuses as a day-one patch due to there not being the proper regional eshop at launch.
>All the DLC for Switch's version of V comes bundled with the game due to the late release
I see no code in my case for it, and I can't access the E-Shop for it's DLC either. How do I access the E-Shop for the DLC?
Every time I go to the E-Shop with SRW V, it says Software Currently Unavailable.
Gundam IBO
Sand Land
Big O
Megaton Musashi
King Gainer
Snowball Earth
Power Rangers RPM
Choose one OG couple to get married for real and have a kid but the catch is they get benched forever like Garnet and Giado
>check over my imaginary fan game trilogy roster
>60~ individual series across 20 franchises
I may have gone a bit too far in some places. And this is without "DLC" and a gaiden segment.
Aya and myself
Bullet and Kusuha
Obari being the animation director of the new Kinnikuman's opening.
This shit looks like an amateur garage kit
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Oh hey, I remembered how to modify the SRW30 maps. It's a bit tough at first, since you have to work with numbers and internal names for mechs/pilots (pid_INOOBA_S for "Pilot" Inova, and rid_INOVA_# for Inova 1-3), but it can be fun once you get the hang of it.
It's already in the game
You don't need to access the eshop at all. It's literally just under DLC > Bonus Scenario.
It's already on the cartridge by default.
And dialogue edits for SRW30 are down now, though this was solved back in the early days of the "Pronoun" debacle. I did manage to change the map, and add in a call for Inova's portrait (so it doesn't default to Mitsuba's portrait due to missing info).
that's going to be another show where I am like "I'm going to watch this" but never end up
You could read it instead
And to be clear, Hibiki never has eyes for anyone but Miku, and never accepts harems.
None of them.
any chance of the plots of Seed and Seed Destiny ever happening back to back in the same game?
A SRW with multiple main plots as "arcs" or what have you sounds fun, even if it'd be pretty long

What series could hypothetically work?
0079 > Zeta/ZZ > CCA
Seed > Destiny > Freedom
Wing > EW
00 > Season 2 > Trailbralzer
Nadesico > PoD
Geass > Re;surrection > Roze
FMP > Family
However they want to handle Getters and Mazingers
DD has done it.
It varies a lot. Sometimes the OG protag talks a lot and is always around but the villains never show up, sometimes a full third of the game is OG plot and enemies.
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anon, alpha 1 had significantly more protagonist screentime and plot importance than most of these games
and then there's Z3-2
holy fuck how fucking big is that AT?
As big as Ideon
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Are gay vampires part of the OG Grendizer lore?
The numbered .bin files in the same .cpk that has the dialogue ones seem to also include mission scripts (enemy placement, enemy reinforcements, when reinforcments spawn, what activates pre battle dialogue). I think there is a possibility of creating custom missions by figuring how they work
Honestly, I think there's lots of potential for fun stuff if they wanted to do OG Seed and Destiny concurrently.

Could lead to some fun character interactions between Shinn and CE 71-era Kira. That's not even mentioning how bizzare you could get with the upgrade paths.
Phow are you going to explain away the gang suddenly siding with ZAFT and hating Kira on the sequel despite fighting together before?
Not only mission scripts (pre-battle, post-battle, battle dialogue triggered by script or unit [if I recall]), but there's also AI scripts for each mission. Each mission has 5 scripts: Unit (Enemy/Ally) designations, map script (calling events and such), pre/post-battle dialogue, map dialogue, and AI. If I don't get too distracted this week, I'll show more pics of edits here and there.
>Sunrise World
>No Gundam
What was meant by this?
>Cassado, Embryo and Orphee power trio
Sounds like there is lots of potential there anon. Can't wait to see more of it
We've had games where the cast sides with Kira before such as Scramble Commander 2, K, and DD. In the latter's case they did SEED plot, so they already fought alongside him in the past.
I feel like SEED Kira would've felt a lot more guilt over Shinn's sister compared to Destiny Kira. At the very least, it would've been a recent event for him as compared to it being a couple of years ago. I don't know how they'd spin Shinn going from an ORB civilian into becoming a top-graduate ZAFT soldier though.
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>What was meant by this?
ZAFT never recovered from the Combattler onslaught.
Boring, Leona and Rio are better
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God, I wish there was an actual translation to the Alpha because MNeidengard cringy commentaries and jokes on his summaries are insufferable
Route split, have characters/series introduced later in the game, and just characters mislead like Athrun
You can kind of ghetto it with the game script and Google Translate
It's still imperfect because you have to know at least enough Japanese and the source material to know when it's way off the mark but it's better at least
Too bad neither of them returned in later Alpha games.
Nah, I'm sticking to it because I'm already at Alpha 3's stage 49. I'm learning japanese too, so I will be able to read it fine in a few years
Playing SRW:OGs.
Is there a convenient list of everything this game is stealing from that I can use as reference?
There sure is!
Ow the edge.
No seriously is there an image macro that says which characters are plagiarized from which anime
Because otherwise I'll have to use >TVTropes as my info source.
>le plagiarism xd
I fucking hate retards so much
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Yeah, I see the OG characters more as an "inspired by" thing.

Plagiarism is something like this
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Happy 78th birthday, Furukawa.
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Canonically she doesn't. Non-canonically, even in official fan-service material though ...
Don't bother hiding your daughters. She'll just punch straight through the dry wall.
Has the Gundam and Huckebein comparison ever been mentioned in-universe?
It's a zoomer craving for attention.
All inspiration is theft. And plagiarism is just such a sexy term to say.
V, not sure if any other games.
*casts かく乱*
Does Disturbance work on enemies that spawn on the same turn but after you've cast it? I just realized I've never been in that situation
Aside from Huckebein and the Hagane and to a lesser extent Kurogane, I don't think any of them are direct counterparts.

Like the Hagane, in addition to the big cannon in the center, even has an obvious Okita-like captain who dies and is then succeeded by the Susumu stand-in.

On the other hand, when you pick something like the Grungust, although it has obvious homages (3 forms and face based on Daitarn-3, weapons for robot form mainly based on Mazinger, then crash attack for the two vehicle modes which is more a Raideen or Combattler thing, storywise it also doesn't really resemble any of them) I think it'd be odd to call it a stand-in for any of those even if it's clearly a derivative design.
Nah it doesn't effect enemy turn spawns or anything that comes in after you use it.
I'd say there's a bit of Nadesico influence in the Hiryu Custom, too. Designed primarily for space though can function in-atmosphere, young, brilliant (yet occasionally ditzy) female captain who even has a white uniform, gravity-based main gun and somewhat... informal at times crew. Still a lot of differences, of course, but there's enough similarities to call it an influence.
SRX is pretty much Dancouga but with Voltes's finishing move
Valzacard is just Raftclans but bigger, unironically
I remember years ago some anon claimed Az's design was a ripoff of one of the girls from Zombieland Saga.
They also made weissritter rip off twice
I can't remember the theme songs of any of the protagonists from VTX
I like the Falken more than Rein at least
Aside from the blue hair, they don't have that much resemblance.
Plus Az is cuter anyway
How accurate is this? This seems pretty mixed up.
This post is extremely low quality.
True, but they're closer to chimeras. The R series has a mix of some of those units, but also design conventions from Victory Gundam, 0083 and G Gundam.

One correction, I would say that I don't really consider R-1 based on the Zeta, the resemblance is almost entirely in the fact it turns into a jet, but the eay certain parts end up make it feel closer to Victory types mixed with some Zeta plus(mostly the plus legs).
The handful of times that the OG robot actually looks like something from another series, it's literally the same mech designer doing their thing

R-Series has always looked closer to Virtual-On designs than anything from Gundam
Why would you respond to that creature
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Haven't done much tonight, but I did choose the mission to overwrite: Endless Summer Heroes. Got some flags to work through, but I'll pick it apart and should be able to show something later.
Don't you have eyes

if tv tropes declares that something is obviously a reference there's a pretty decent chance they have no idea what they're talking about
Why the fuck are you using tvcopes.
You're expecting way too much out of someone who doesn't even have a brain.
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I completely forgot about those other Mazinger Army pilots aside from the twins. Then again, their only appearance is dying in the opening of the movie.
Did SRW ever bring back a series that was added once or something? Like say Goddanar or Rahxephon?
Only forgettable ones for me are Chitose and Sagiri's.
Gun x Sword suddenly came back out of nowhere. There's no new show or merchandise or anything.
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For me it's Soji's and Iori's. Though yeah, Sagiri's is also forgettable.
>New story chapter on 26th July
Place your bets, are we finally getting Infinite Justice, or is someone else getting an upgrade? Granzort, maybe?
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Mazinger Z bros.....
Didn't the show got new figures sometime ago a while after T and 30 announcements?
Yeah but those were Good Smile, Bamco decided to bring GxS back into the limelight and not capitalize
I still remember Black Bullet
What am I supposed to use
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They gave Gai a sword?
isn't it called Will Knife or something like that?
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Yup, that's the name.
Did it? Im only in the early chapters of A but compared to how much dialogue Lamia is getting I feel the the Alpha protagonist took a backseat more often. The Alpha protagonist gets some nice focus chapters and cool moments, but thats after rotating between all the other anime characters playing out their shows plot points.

Yeah, he'd definitely have another breakdown scene like in SEED when the civilian spacecraft got shot down, unlike in Destiny where he seemingly stopped giving a shit about casualties after Flay died.
With Shinn they should go all the way with copying Zeta and have him hijack a prototype Impulse that was being transported somewhere.
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Will Knife. Literally grows bigger, the stronger Gai's courage.
Meaning if it manages to grow to actual arming sword size, someone's probably about to have their balls clipped straight off.
0079 all the way to NT or F91
Wing manga?
Eureka 7 -> AO (toss in hi-evo for alternate world shit, easy with scub coral)
Nadesico's game
Aquarion -> EVOL -> Delta?
Gundam Age's 3 eras
Zoids, TTGL, & Planet With have timeskips
Getter Robo Saga (manga)
Fafner -> H&E -> EXODUS -> Beyond
Shin Eva movies
Pacific Rim
>Literally grows bigger, the stronger Gai's courage.
Does this apply to the other weapons like Goldion Crusher?
The Will Knife's unique condition has something to do with the blade being literally G-stone crystal, so I assume that: no, it won't affect something like the Goldion Crusher similarly. ... Actually, I really fucking hope it doesn't because the GC can already wipe out entire stars in one fucking blow. There are simply some things that SHOULD NOT BE, lest at one point it will suffer cataclysmic backfiring.

As in universe-ending.

> Oops, Gai! Looks like you had a little bit too much elan there and you wiped out the Milky Way galaxy.
> Whelp- that's going to be a minor setback. At least there's no longer any Earth government we have to answer to...
Guy's courage mixed with the Goldion Crusher and Triple Zero would be quite universe-ending.
I believe we might get Infinite Justice, but there's a small chance that they may be also added another playable unit or upgrade for someone from the other series as well.

As for Lancelot Albion, they probably saved it for CG R2/Gundam 00 S2 finale in the 4th World and maybe after Oldrin's Lancelot HighGrail (Valkyrie) was added.
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Haven't made much progress today, but that's because I was working on getting the backgrounds exported and cleaned up from bgdata.cpk for SRW30. If my hunch is correct, they're ordered such that the map script knows what to call for when Inst_BG_Load, Inst_BG_Draw, and Inst_BG_PlaceWindowDraw ask for a background graphic, which will help greatly. Example posted is number 52 in the .cpk, which appears to be unused in the main game, or is a duplicate of another background in the files.
are we any closer to a new game? im dying out here....
>Strike Noir
>Getter Noir
Archangel Noir when?
Closer than how it was a year ago
shit, good and bad at the same time, bamco has been getting some weird ideas about how much a product should sell...

>Terada will never steal our ideas
Good, y'all have shit taste here
I'm about to finish OGs and was planning on playing the rest of OG but I've been wondering are Elemental Lord games tied to those games in any way other than Masaki? Should I just go for it, do the EL first or maybe mix them up?
If you aren't playing on the real hardware, don't bother. Finishers are bugged in every game.
2nd OG shilled it really hard though, and MD expected you to have played COTE.
If you're planning on playing OGG and 2ndOG, I think you can simply play the SNES Masoukishin (which is the only one translated) and you will have all the knowledge you need
SNES MK is divided in 2 parts. Play the 2nd part after 2ndOG (and Dark Prison) and you will not be spoiled. You can play the first part when you want since it mostly gives you Masaki's background, but my suggestion is to play it after OGG but before starting 2ndOG

Unfortunately the MK1 remake and its 3 sequels are still JP only and it's unlikely they will be translated anytime soon, but you really don't need them for MD, at least for most of its story
>Unfortunately the MK1 remake and its 3 sequels are still JP only and it's unlikely they will be translated anytime soon
I don't mind Japanese. I was thinking of playing the PSP remake.
Oh, don't worry then. The PSP remake includes both the first game and it's sequel. What I wrote about "Part 1 and Part 2" refers to the first game alone. The rest of the MK series happens between 2ndOG and MD so if you want to play the full MK series go all out after finishing 2nd
Honorary Finnish
I... have no words.
We got black Gundams, black Getters, Mazingers have naturally black Chogokin, and Akito's Aesti got additional black armor when having a bad day. Are we out of ideas on what needs more black mecha?
99% of the script is identical between Gaiden and OG Saga remake. The only new stuff is Memorial Day which is where all the OG references come into play.

If you're referring to Revelation of an Evil God, Lord of Elemental and Revelation of an Evil God are two different games.

They came on two different UMDs if you got the latter's Special Edition when it first came out. The Lord of Elemental PSP port was released separately on PSN once Pride of Justice came out too, rather than being restricted to the physical cart.
Has Sayaka in Mazinger ever been at all good.
She has good support spirits so in the games where Kouji upgrades to Mazinkaiser she's a very viable candidate for Z
Only Boss should be in Mazinger.
Or Mazinkaiser.
Is the FDS worth using instead of Shin Getter and Mazinkaiser in Alpha 2?
You can toss somebody else in Mazinkaiser so you only really lose Shin Getter
That being said FDS is basically a single-use nuke unless you buff the hell out of Z, Great and Getter G's EN, it's there if you really wanna keep using Z and Getter G but it's not -the meta choice- for however much that matters in SRW

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