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If Kira is supposedly the "ultimate coordinator" then why is Arthrun the best pilot of the CE? Is this supposed to be some commentary on the Destiny Plan, like how genes don't control everything about a person's life?
maybe, maybe not. idk if Fukuda ever said anything on this, nor do i care. bumping bc best boy Athrun
Kira is just a pussy bitch without the temperament of a soldier not necessarily less technically skilled. So his ceiling is higher than Asaram's but also his floor is lower. E.g. beating Rau at the end of seed on the rare instance where he is blood lusted vs getting dogwalked by Shinn in the impulse because he is emotional and undisciplined unlike Assram who is a trained and competent soldier.
Kira is the better pilot though.
Athrun is just that good and lucky with his genes
He is for all intents and purposes an Ultimate Coordinator born from natural means
How did people get Athrun being the best pilot from Freedom?

No, he's not, that's just your headcanon. He's just an insanely talented guy.
en arudin nicol
Is Alexei Konoe Earthian or Zaftish? We know that Albert is from Zaft's factory.
Ultimate Coordinator has nothing to do with piloting skills or whatever. It just means that nothing interfered with the modifications put on him during his time as an embryo.
Ultimate Coordinator just means he came out with every single desired feature correct, and the mixing of parents genes didn’t foul any. But since you didn’t actually watch the show and you’re an ESL retard I get how you’d be confused
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The more you feel the need to talk about a character and make threads on them, the more insecure you are shown to be, with respect to your own position.
That’s how it was in SEED but Destiny retconned it into being the best.
I dont think OP is that flip faggot who advertises his blog every week, which the jannies are just too clueless to delete
I do think OP is a regular faggot though
Yes - all of Kira's attributes were pushed to the limit and not dragged down by a womb
Ultimate Coordinators are inherently physically better than other Coordinators, this stupid western meme that it doesn't mean that needs to end

>Rau rants and raves at Kira, "IF THEY LEARN ABOUT YOU, THEY'LL WANT TO BE LIKE YOU"
>anon, "uhhhh he means that Kira's hair color came out right"
One of Gundam SEED's main points was that people aren't defined by their genetics alone. Athrun is a regular coordinator but he beats Kira and probably has one of the best pilot records in CE.
This flies in the face of Kira being the ultimate coordinator.
If only it didn't fumble that point consistently every entry. Pretty much everyone powerful is a coordinator and the only exceptions are the La Flaga family that who were created from a eugenics plan anyway. I doubt Athrun is a regular coordinator either since he's the child of the head Chairman of ZAFT so probably had more resources poured into him
His character will be retconned as well in future entries of SEED and he will be another successful experiment by some random scientist in Mendel.
There’s only so much you can do with the rules laid down to begin with.
>Coordinators are inherently better in almost every way
>Naturals can’t even pilot MS without Natural-tailored OSes
>the only way for Naturals to surpass Coordinators is through enhancement programs and drugs that wreck them as people
There’s probably a more poignant message you could get out of it.
They sort-of had an angle with the non-existent coordinator birthrates as an allegory for Japan's impending population collapse, but other than the Destiny Plan matching people with who they'd be best with - I don't think they really expanded on it.

The argument would probably have been some sort of allegory about playing god and expanding beyond natural limits and that living out of sync with nature is ruining our lives.
You could make a point about how, even with their superiority, Coordinators need support from Naturals to succeed. But that falls flat when every conflict comes down to Kira and Athrun (and later Shinn) taking down whole armies solo, using tech designed and built by Coordinators. I guess Murrue and the AA crew are... there, doing things.
PLANT already had state sanctioned match-making in an attempt to combat the supposed low fertility rate of third gen Coordinators (remember that third gen Coordinators are born relatively recent due to the timeline of Cosmic Era), which was the main reason why Gilbert and Talia who are both second gen Coordinators couldn't marry
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You don't know how much of that is based on his genetic mods and how much is a result of him being forced to become a good pilot considering the pressures he was under during the events of SEED's first half.
Yeah. Spite Rau le Cruset is Earthian outcast who commands Zaft troop.
Kira's good but by his peak he lacks killer instinct and has a distinct technological edge that's only disputed by Rau and Orphee so we rarely see him have to give a serious effort. Athrun has the killer edge and arguably usually fights stro ger individual pilots one on one giving him a better showing it helps that his specs edge isn't as apparent as Kira's usually is so while they're likely close to equal as seen.is Strike vs Aegis it's likely Athrun is slightly better when his head is in the game because he's willing to go for the win instead if pussyfoot around trying to disable pilots who can actually fight back
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Yeah. Why is Kira emasculated in Seed freedom? He looks emasculated while Agnes and Lacus appears as strong womyn. Is Lacus girlboss in seed freedom?
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Is Shinn Asuka like Yasuke of Zaft? shinn is inferior Earthling but alien leader named Dullindal accepted him as MS pilot and he pilots best MS in Zaft, spite Zaft hawks like Agnes mocks him as ugly Earthling Monke. En arudin Dullindal!!! Shalai arai Zaft!!(In memory of Dullindal!! We become one as Zaft!!)
Because ULTIMATE COORDINATOR doesn't actually mean anything.
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Yeah. Mighty Strike freedom's disrupter required Lacus' immense psychic power to use. Spite Lacus isn't combatant, she is psychic. While Assrun used psychic power by himself to break Shura's telepath ability, cuz Zaftish have powerful psychic ability.
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The "failed" version of Kira who got the full Phantom Pain style abusive upbringing to make him a living weapon is considered a terrifying beast on the battlefield, and he doesn't even have SEED factor. Kira has the ability, he just really fucking hates fighting. I don't think Athrun would have matched some of his feats, like the initial SF launch where he just tears a small fleet apart, without trying to self destruct at least a backpack, more likely an entire suit. Also I think Yzak and Shinn have the best kill rate for high value targets.
I'm sure they raise the point relatively early that you can't just pre-program someone to be the best at anything, it still takes work, training and effort.

Athrun was a highly trained elite pilot, Kira basically got pushed into the job untrained and figured it out himself

It's like how Mu and Rau basically have exactly the same abilities in theory, but Rau spent years training to become a mobile suit pilot so was a high level pilot by hand, while Rau came to it late and relies on systems made for naturals to be able to keep up.
Athrun's always been treated as a wunderkind that never had to work hard, this is the same guy who was the only person to defeat FRED OF THE KNIFE in one try, a guy who only exists to jerk off how Athrun can beat anyone without effort.
That literally means he's the perfect human being, because that's the entire point of the coordinator project, to create a human with the best genes expressed perfectly through an artificial womb. The other coordinators are literally lesser because their degree of perfection was ruined by their biological mothers. That's always been the point of the Ultimate Coordinator and why Rau's entire rant is relevant to Kira specifically. It's not like they designed him to be a retard and he came out a perfect retard, they designed him to be the apex of humanity.
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So fav Justice Gundam?
I think I'd say Infinite is my favorite even of I love II's made of Sabers Gimmick after that I'd rate the type-II then classic with Immortal being last since it didn't touch and had next tp no solid armaments, meaning Athrun (it's intended pilot) and Shinn (It's actual pilot) got kinda shafted
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IJII, though I wish Volantes kept the FATUM-01 ramming gimmick and all the weapons it dropped like the 2 beam sabers on the noses of the beam cannons or the anti-armor knife that can become another beam saber. No reason to drop them really
Funny that IJ succeeds Aegis' melee ability with Multiple beam sabers. (2 on hand, 2 on leg)
Can't beat Kira's Strike with four beam sabers despite Strike only has one beam saber and had to resort to self-destruct
So IJ type 2 has 10 swords. More than Seven sword exia.
OG Justice for me.
>melee specialist gets rocked by a MS sporting one saber in a duel
It's over

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