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Are you happy that we might see them again just over a month?
Fuck, Marry, Kill, Friend zone
Who’s it gonna be?
I'd rather a Misa.
any info on character customization? I'd fucking shoot myself if I looked like that generic manwhore
Your avatar is your Gunpla
Can my gunpla wear bikini? Spite Kishida banned bikini from Japanese console game, we can customize gunpla to put them on bikini armor.
>using any form of -slop
Down the hall and to the left kiddo. Don’t forget your flair
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Fuck and Marry Sana.

Friendzone everyone else.
Not them but kinda sad. There was something inherently fun about cosplaying pilot suits while your unit is standing by in the lobby.

That said, I'm prepared to do some very goofy shit as a Gunpla.
I prefer the mothers
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I am still thinking Ryusei would be a celebrity in Breaker 4 because you play as someone else. Maybe a voice actor?
Why the fuck are they using those Gunpla
Do we know if the MC of GB4 is a boy ot a girl yet?
It's always a guy.
God fucking dammit. That's why I never picked up Battle Alliance
is the romance in new gundam breaker cute at least? i like the girl in GB3 but I hate that it doesn't really resolve into anything.
I'm gonna remake my mobile main and marry my GBM wife
Who is?
my gunpla
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>I am still thinking Ryusei would be a celebrity in Breaker 4 because you play as someone else
Ryusei already is famous during GBM itself after he earns his first championship win and numerous ones afterwards. The only other person would be more famous than he is would probably be Takuma, the MC of GB3, who himself is the current world champion and saved the international space station once from terrorists.

I would love the idea of being able to fight against both in gameplay as hopefully a very hard boss fight.

By default assume it's a guy. Previous did allow players to cosplay in Female Pilot suits, but narrative wise the MC is considered male.
>Previous did allow players to cosplay in Female Pilot suits
the player avatar in 3 could be male or female; the player was only represented by a helmeted normal suit, and had no actual character until a spin-off manga (which I would love to get my mitts on)
fuck fuck fuck fuck
Must be pilot type A/B and pronoun!! To make trans enhanced person.
I don't care as long as I can play as a girl.
Why does Sana come off with the girl next door friend you never realized was pretty and has been crushing on you this whole time but you're too damn dense to get it until she picks up your hobby?
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Yes, but at the same time I'm kind of miffed that the whole thing with the Tag Team Tournament that the Protag and the edgy chick got roped into together at the end of the mobile game in a "to be continued" as fuck kind of ending was completely glossed over with GB4 taking place SIX YEARS after GB3 and thus approximately 5 years after GBM.

Beyond that, my main wonders are what the character dynamics are gonna be like, and what relationships have gotten stronger, or broken down over the years.

>With Misa in some kind of office job instead of having taken over her father's hobby shop, have she and Takuma gotten together in the intervening years, or did they break up because he kept leaving her behind to do his "Ryu from Streets" worldwide Gunpla tournament-hopping shtick that got him into trouble with her during the Breaker Battlogue?
>what the flying fuck has Will been up to between the end of GB3 and the events of GB4 after being entirely absent from the narrative in Breaker Battlogue and GBM?
>Will we ever know what the fuck happened with the Tag Team Tournament from the end of GBM, and did anything come of it?
>Did edgy chick Tatsuki Hijiri win the Ryusei-bowl offscreen according to her sister Towa's keikaku just to fuck with GBM fans, or did the GBM MC end up with Sana as foretold?

Y'know... bullshit of that nature and such.
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That's basically what her archetype is. She's the best friend/love interest character for the MC as she's the one character who's been at their side the longest out of the main cast and got them into Gunpla Battle in the first place. Heck, canonically Ryusei is the best fighter out of the main cast whereas Sana is the best builder. They're basically Sei and Reiji in another life.

On a side note I hope that the Areus and Valkyrie can get into GB4 as DLC. I know that the Helios and PS Freedom are in but the Areus and Valkyrie just look beautiful.
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>spin-off manga (which I would love to get my mitts on)
Images for those curious. This is what Takuma originally looked like until Breaker Battlogue came around and gave him a redesign.
maybe its just the sweater.
Why did "slop" become such a frequent term?
Blame Zoomer Redditors making up yet more retarded word-vomit that will be discarded in favor of yet more incomprehensible Cocomelon-esque jargon within months.
Pilot type A and B, Pronoun. To make trans enhanced person.
Last GB game was 5 years ago. Wouldn't surprise me if they went woke with ambiguous protagonist, where everyone just address you as "they/them" and it also features gay/lesbian/bisexual/ trans-am NPCs.
I could get if pilot suits are considered too minor that they aren't worth bringing back but at least put in the effort to make two separate scripts if you're going to refer to the player ffs

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