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I totally loved Shin Godzilla, why is Ultraman such a huge downgrade? The first 20 minutes was amazing but after Zarab fight it felt like they tried to cram 2 more movies into the latter half. Why did Anno turn Zetton into Evangelion angel?
I don't know what you are talking about, it's a great movie, specially if you are familiar with the early entries of the franchise.
>why is Ultraman such a huge downgrade?
It's not.
Get better taste.
I thought it was awesome, I watched it just after I finished the original show and it really felt like a love letter to the original.
its more of a fanservice than a self contained movie. It's basically just anno having fun
I loved the interaction between Ultraman and Mefilas
>>22725139 is basically correct, and I think the movies suffers as a result.

It tries to be a greatest hits of the OG series, but the plot is kinda weak and rushed as a result. They should have used Zarab or Mefilas, not both, or given them some differing goal than enslaving all humans. Since they have practically the same goal/motivation it just feels like a repeat of the same plot beats when we get to Mefilias. Plus Anno does his usual "I can't do anything except continually remake Evangelion" shtick. Personally I find it fairly unsatisfying and a poor entry point to the franchise. I wish someone else had been given a chance to direct it.
will shin ultraseven ever happen or is the whole shin japan heroes universe thing done now?
I expect Goranger, Gamera or Kikaider getting the Shin treatment before Ultraseven
not toku but I think Devilman deserves a live action adaptation by Anno as historical reparation for him being cockblocked from doing the 2004 movie
Shin Ultraman is my favourite anno film but it's probably because I fucking love the OG series. I don't think I'd ever show the film to anybody who hasn't seen it though.
Because the movie wastes time on ass shots instead of making it feel like the attack team are people who actually care for each other, thus making the entire third act fall flat.
It looks like shin ultra and rider kind of dissapointed the companies in charge, there is something off with the negative indulgence in teasing sequels*except from Anno personallly( in a vaguely similar way as with the shin godzilla sequel.

Tsubaraya put in some financial plans two more movies at the shin level, which fits with anno's proposal of doing as a sequel the film he wanted to make in the first place in 2013 and that shin ultra was made specifically as a retroactive prequel, and then seven, but in the disclosed proposal he wants them to be exponentially more expensive to make than shin ultra so i guess he wants fancy vehicles and bases on the scale of nerv HQ just to be speculative.

Anno has an idea for a rider sequel but it seems its not going to happen and he is making a fake teaser with a long haired Ichimonji among other things as fanservice for the series version of the film thats gonna come out in december.
Because Ultraman hasn't needed to be "good" for decades, just "hey remember THIS monster?" and the nerds eat it up.

Shin Godzilla had something to say about the failures of the Japanese Government in the wake of the Fukushima disaster. The only thing Shin Ultraman has to say is "wasn't his flying model cool?"
Damn, that 2004 movie was a special kind of bad.
is serviceable
Now shin kamen rider ? thats a snoozefest, only hayato was interesting and he is barely there
its directed by shinji higuchi, an effects man who doesn't know how to direct actors
Lorelei was pretty good.
Don't kill my hope anon, I expected at least a sequel to Kamen Rider
I loved Shin Ultraman, but I will admit that as a "sequel" to Shin Godzilla I was expecting Anno to get all weird and Eldritch-y with Ultraman like he did Godzilla. Something like we think Ultraman is saving us from the monsters, but then it's revealed that he's an even greater threat simply getting rid of the competition, and then his face splits open like Pennywise or some shit, and the Color Timer gets reimagined as a device/weapon humanity places on Ultraman to limit his power or something.
>weird and Eldritch-y like he did Godzilla
Fuck off retard.
>I wanted my expectations suuuubverted
Reddit take
boring movies rend to filter people
You can't even write properly, retard, fuck off
>I was expecting Anno to get all weird and Eldritch-y with Ultraman like he did Godzilla
The point of the Shin movies isn't to go "all eldritch-y" with the properties, but to create modern versions that are as true to the original idea as possible.
dowsn't change the fact that shin rider is a boring movie

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