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Patlabor is awesome, what other shows have this political/military/tactical thriller vibe with focus on robots and their pilots?
GiTS is one even if it doesn't have many pilots, I guess Kyoukai Senki too in a way but the execution is very poor.
>Patlabor is awesome
Wrong on every level, outside of movie 3 and Reboot it was a slog. Fuck MiniPato the most.
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Gasaraki involves a lot of complex political machinations (and global economic ones as well), though with a fair bit of Japanese mysticism added in.
Full metal panic is pretty similar, the main difference is changing the blue collar style characters for a dose of contrived drama and magic powers.
Which isn’t that overstated, just something to be aware of
My doctor prescribed me gasaraki for my insomnia
Oh yeah definitely, I hadn't considered Gasaraki but it does fit the topic very well.
I love watching rice dry.
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Manga is the best, but the OVA and movies are fine enough.
Obsolete is also worth a look.
That said, I still think it's a kind of stretch to put such an emphasis on Patlabor political thriller's side.
Good show, but stopped watching about 10 episodes in because it didn't have enough adrenaline for my tastes.
You could probably edit it to only feature the ground-level perspective without demolishing the story.
Bullbuster is slightly similar to Patlabor in that it’s a show about the mecha being mostly a stand-in for construction equipment and occasionally weapons as the situation calls for. It’s definitely more of a blue collar sitcom about local small businesses and their relationships with the government and each other.
Dominion Tank Police
>it's a kind of stretch to put such an emphasis on Patlabor political thriller's side
That's like saying you shouldn't put an emphasis on Gundam's transhumanist side.
Patlabor is really a lot of different things. Sometimes it’s a silly slice of life comedy with mecha. Other times it decides to get serious and political. Next day, we’re back to Scooby Doo ghost shenanigans and kaiju. It’s a unique franchise, anon.
I don't see why putting emphasis on one aspect of it is a bad thing.
Like any media, it should be whatever you personally get out of it. If you don’t engage with one aspect of it, then I guess you don’t vibe with it. Countless normies seem to love Evangelion just for the characters but can’t seem to get the action or the story.
>political/military/tactical thriller
Angel Cop (sub not dub).
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We're gonna make it bros
>we have really big batteries now we need everything else lol
Don't toy with me like that.
Ouch on Gasaraki.
are you going to do this for every thread

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