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So I read an article recently while I was in a hospital waiting room about Tomimo talking about humanity living in space. He's always wanted to protect tje envious and nature but he also seems to be of the mind humanity can't live in space, seems G-Reco's showing of humans growi.g weK and weary I'm space was him trying to before true to his feelings. Here's the article but Iote 3ant to see what the rest of you tjo.l in how these feelings asked Tomimo's work and how you all feel about the prospect of humans livi.h in space.

Were you in the hospital for a stroke? I think you should ask for a refund.
I lost an eye and it effects my typing, genuinely sorry. But I am hopi.g we can discuss the idea of humanity in space
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Okay sorry man that was uncool, now on the topic of your thread, living in space is something I think about weekly after having watched and read so many scifi works, they all have a different "solution" to the problems that living in space represent. Honestly I don't think living in space is all that conceivable as of now, it costs a lot of resources and manpower to take a couple of astronauts once in a while let alone an entire population, so when I see a show like Gundam Wing where they go in and out of space like they are just taking a flight across the state it seems a bit silly to think that could ever be the case in reality.
I think a far more likely scenario would be to colonize other planets in a couple centuries, colonies seem too good to be true, but maybe if we could come up with a proper defense system to stop any small space debris particle from rupturing a hole the size of a truck in the walls of the colony.
I guess I can't stop thinking about the issues and problems that living in space represents.
pic related is you anon
A lot of the lunar base proposals are either buried or bricks made out of regolith for basically that reason rather than bringing your own thin shelled structures. I always liked the idea of lining old lava tubes (Pohl's The Voices of Heaven has that, for instance, and it tries to be reasonably hard SF) but I'm not sure if that works with our current understanding of the moon's geology.
I hope humans never live in space. Fuck 'em. Live and die on our mother planet, you ungrateful parasites.

ok can I be a mecha villain now.
Can you even dig in the moon? Isn't all of it just really compact dust? I'm starting to picture a lunar Geofront and it's giving me a chub.

You need a tragic past.
My tragic past is a combination of mommy issues, objectifying women, and obsession over making money while also hating money.
There's a lot of dust on most of the surface, but that's not too different from most of Earth's surface being soil. It's only ~2m thick in some places if you want solid rock as a foundation - substantial, but entirely reachable.
Thanks fellas for taking my thread seriously I honestly appreciate it!
As for my own take, I agree that colonization is probably our best bet and likely would require volunteers who are okay with never setti.g foot on earth again starting out,I thin Mars is possibly our overall best pick for early colonies over the moon because it's slightly more earthish atmosphere tjat might make it possible to maybe set up shop with abit if extra radiation protection, O'Neil cylinders would be cool but need serious serious hulls to not puncture. All In all I think it's in tje cards but not for a lo g time especially cause moder humanity has its head jammed up its ass.

Sidenote Harlock is fucking awesome and seeing that Pic makes me want to rewatch Arcadia of my youth with my mom again we haven't had a space pirate movie night in a while
Humans populations moving to space is inevitable, but it won't happen any time soon. At least not for around two hundred years. The technology currently just isn't there to support anything other than a small population in space. Not only that, but we don't have the necessary launch infrastructure or the political goodwill needed to maintain the supply chains for life in space. Side note, but I don't think that we'll have colony platforms/cylinders like in Gundam until we've already managed to terraform and colonize other planets.

I imagine the order of things is going to be something along the lines of:
space stations > larger space stations > enclosed lunar settlements > asteroid/meteor settlements > enclosed martian settlements > enclosed settlements on other planets moons > martian terraformation > extrasolar colonization > colony platforms/cylinders
Astroid colonies is actually a genius idea that I don't see often enough because we can mine resources and the outer shell could probably withstand debris better!
L-Gaim has a cool mining colony like that.
Tomino was right.
My tragic past is five years of 18 to 12 hour workdays trying to support my parents and siblings who all got hit by bullshit circumstances at once leading tp permanent damage. I like tp think I'll be the silly but cool mentor
Based. You’re Harlock Bro now.
They are, especially since by the time an asteroid is mined out the infrastructure will already exist for full on colonization efforts and will require far less resources than fully constructing a dedicated space station. I imagine the reason that we don't see it as often in sci-fi media is because the idea of hollowing out a rock and living inside of it isn't as cool as living on some super advanced space station or living on another planet with alien life.

The reason that it sticks in my mind is because I'm a Halofag, and asteroid colonization, while not used extensively, has been a part of the series since the beginning. They're most prominently used by rebel groups in the setting to hide from the larger human government, and then from the Covenant when they show up, to varying degrees of success.

I do think that there are some concerns with asteroid colonization though. Without a doubt living inside of an asteroid would alleviate the problem of debris and meteorite strikes, but if some major disaster were to occur and people became trapped inside we'd be stuck with similar if not worse problems than we already do with mine collapses.
True though im.sure safety protocols could be placed for quick emergency rescue and the like, chances are unlike mines being actual living spaces means moreight go into being better prepared
So guessing you don't think space colonization is feasible then?
I'm so sick of this pretentious faggot. The fact that Gundam moved on and grew bigger without him is the icing on the cake.
We're not here to talk Tomino himself the article and he are springboard the real topic is colonization I'm space
>I'm so sick of this pretentious faggot
Said anon, 20 years old, after spending 3 months learning about the Gundam franchise.
If space colonies ever become a thing, they should be modeled after Terra Venture from Power Rangers Lost Galaxy.
The only issue I see with this is anti debris protection, like even if it's an enclosed metal settlement. Modern metal still can take serious damage fr rogue space rocks
Best you'll get is space elevators. Space is a novelty. The real innovation is in materials science and fission energy. And underwater research. Imagine using more of the earth's surface.
Thattoo could be pretty cool,we do have materials and some degree of underwater facilities,but do you think expanding casual civilisation is possible to the sea?
Kind of. It would make more sense to build cities off of oil rigs. Imagine a place like Hong Kong or Singapore expanding beyond its borders. But having underwater bases isn't the best idea. Expansion into the sea would take the form of urban oil rigs. The only problem would be, these cities would be in a strange legal place.
Once you establish enough of a supply chain in space where you can manufacture stuff without imports from Earth, it's pretty straight forward to grow exponentially from there.
since this is a Tomino thread, do we know his opinion on other mecha series (beside EVA)
It's not a Ti o thread it's a space exploration/colonization thread using Tomino's thoughts as a springboard
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Your faith is important.
Trust Tomino. Trust the T like the cross.
Bring it into space and you will find your answer there.
All I know is that Tomino is always right and he is never wrong. Tomino's word is the word of God. I will never question nor challenge his word.
If they're connected to a nation state physically I don't think it would be too weird to imagine them being considered sovreign territory. But it does open up an angle for pissy little sea disputes where one country builds a city in contested waters to fuck with another country either way. Not to mention they may not even be recognized as legitimate, especially if someone tries founding a state ala the Principality of Sealand.
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>Create space fiction
>Realize "humans in space" will never be a thing
>Can't let go of space
>Create space fantasy instead
>Kill'em all because to send "humans in space" message

Before reading my take on the subject, I would ask you the watch this:


1- from 01:06:09 to 01:06:36
2- from 01:08:12 to 01:09:05

Here is my take. We cannot live without pressure.
>We cannot live without pressure.
no shit nigger, that called decompression.
>no shit nigger, that called decompression.

Kamiyuki Godmino.
>Neither do we!
Yeah, it's impossible to understand that atmosphere becomes progressively lighter and vacuum heavier until the former disappears and there's only vacuum.
Before that there is depression to deal with
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>space elevators
lol, no. ever short out a dynamo? Elon is right, worst possible idea.
Hey, that's my backstory!
At what point does a large space station become a colony? Seeing the inflatable sierra space modules reminded me of a baby O'Neil
Large space stations become colonies once they start to become self-sufficient. Ex: setting up gardens/farms that produce enough surplus to allow for growth in population, building facilities that produce equipment or parts needed to maintain/expand the colony as needed.
At least you have something in common.
What would be the best crop for an early space colony? Tomatoes? Corn? Carrot?
Idk what's the easiest crop to grow, also wouldn't you need a variety of crops for nutrition and crop rotation or something. How the hell does farming work.
Iean obviously you wantore than one crop I'm just wondering what one would be easiest to try in space ya know?

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