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Flexible edition

>Symphogear XV+AXZ music

>AXZ HiBiKi Radio Archive

>GX Pastebin and Mega folder

>XV website

>Shirabe's cooking adventure

>XDU Events

>Symphogear XDU English Translation Sheet

>Compilation of pictures from the Symphogear Expo 2022 in Nagoya. Thanks anon!

>New Project has started: PROJECT SYMPHOGEAR -next-
>Furthermore, it has been decided that #SenkiZesshouSymphogear will be made into a movie

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I desperately crave seeing her get repeatedly hugged by numerous equally cute girls
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Yes, your highness
Thank you!
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I desperately crave seeing her get repeatedly fugged by numerous equally cute girls
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I can't post those here!
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It was worth a shot!
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Imagine Team A and B running a train on Carol (Adult) one by one, then each team at the same time. Then all 6 at once. While in symphogeah
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DNAGER: Spicy!
Both flavors of Kyaroru!
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They've got great chemistry! Or should I say Alchemy?
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Is Shirabe the most flexible of the Geahs?
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that's barely a stretch
Haha what a dork.
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The proper term is "eccentric"
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my personal favorite
Kinda sad that it took until like episode 7 for a proper GOOO TO HELL Chris action scene
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>Camera Man
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Speaking of that episode, did you guys see Chris’ nipslip? I’ll post it, but since this isn’t /a/ I can’t guarantee that it won’t get nuked for having nipples.
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where's that Code Geass pic when you need it
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>And that, Tsukuyomi, is how you assert dominance over a woman with a bigger chest than yours
>Okay but, why are we fixing the roof?
>Because everything comes at a price
Cute toes!
...the roof?
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A gentleman never rushes into foundation repair.
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I don't think I understand Senpai
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Zenbus are not quick to recognize lewdness.
Why is Yukine wearing lingerie with heels?
Miku chose her outfit.
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Anon, we really shouldn't have to explain such rudimentary and beginner level comedy, but any time anyone asks why you or someone is doing something absurd the correct response is to ask why YOU (That is to say the asker) is NOT doing the absurd thing in question. What are they even teaching you in school?
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I think anon's mind is currently distracted with... something else
Any news about whatever the new project is?
Any news about the movie?
You can leave out the latter if you want, I don't actually care about that.
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no to both
Nope, might as well watch Princession Orchestra first, at least it has proper date. But, speaking of new geah project, which seiyuu do you think is a good candidate for geah seiyuu?
>Shuichi Ikeda
>Daisuke Ono
>Takaya Kuroda
>Hidenari Ugaki
>Char and a bunch of Yakuza cast
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And they should all play the bustiest, genkiest geahs possible
It's pretty nice, but I never liked those weird gemstones appearing during the transformation since this season. Cute ribbons though.
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Nobuyuki Hiyama.
Yeah, this artist had some issues with anatomy, but other than that, the art seems passable. Also, bonus point for a TsubaMari shipper
after making so many ai images over the last 2 years i've become very sensitive to it
Wonderfully appreciated and saved for future, thank you again!
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Thoughts about Nurse Yukine? Probably the greatest design ever to happen for this franchise
there is a foot in OP image so i opened the thread
that is all
not a big nurse costume fan but i can make an exception
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Serena's butt is the best.
ok pedo
Delicious Serena and Miku.
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Sir I implore you to understand better.
>those weird gemstones
Those are literally the relic crystal, the same stuff that Hibiki had spreading all throughout her body, except here they're properly controlled by Finé's Symphogear system. Note that those gemstones are iirc always hexagonal, which matches with Finé's signature barrier spell.

(There's actually some logic behind using hexagonal tesselation for that as well. In case of physical material it's the strongest possible shape you can create with the least material, capable of absorbing the most force before it would snap. So it probably also translates to best defense for lowest use of magical power. Finé is a min-maxer.)
Still don't like it, in 1 and G it was more "mechanical" even if it's obviously all made up.
condoms are banned
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That's a big crepe.
Wait, wait, wait, those are giant strawberry slices. Did Hibiki shrinked?

An alchemist did it.
GMO has come along way.
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There are worst things in that picture than a giant strawberry.
l o n g bikki
If I take the crepe away will she die
It's actually Miku helping, she's obscured by the crepe.
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Saving flat girls is Ogawa's specialty.
>Chris: Aiyeeeee!
Come on, run away, you don't have to stay
We're nearly out of time, but you're doin' fine
So stay on track, and don't look back
Just feel the pace, come on, now race!

Everybody's Super Sympho Racing
Try to keep your feet right on the ground
When you're Super Sympho Racing
There's no time to look around
We're just Super Sympho Racing
Running to the point of no return
Everybody's Super Sympho Racing
Come on, let the fires burn!
it would be extremely painful
It would be extremely slimming.
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She's a fit girl.
For me.
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This isn't funny. This isn't even a joke. You idiots are just saying words.
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Was getting a headache part of your plan?
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Based for placing it first but have you asked for her mother's permission yet?
Mother's permission.
Mother's marriage.
Mother's breeding.
Mother's prenancy.
Mother's lactation.
>marriage first
/sgg/ is wholesome
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Chris can't get married anymore...
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I shall marry Chris despite this incident.
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you'll have to take her from her girlfriend(s) first
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>Kirika War Journal July 14
>Attempted to hunt down spider that was crawling on wall. Was certain I crush it's 8 legged walking factory of filth but when I opened the tissue there was no sign of it. It's still out there. Waiting. Plotting. It knows my face. Dess.
>this incident.
What about the other 100 incidents in Val Verde?
They're so insignificant compared to What Bikki did that it's pointless to even mention them
>Kirika War Journal July 14 Addendum
>I have locked the door and window and sealed every crack and hole. She's trapped in this room. With me.
>Kirika War Journal July 14 Addendum 2
Surprised there's no spider'themed character. Closes wouñd be Carol's strings (and big ass) but that's not much
Weren't there some multi-legged Noise?
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Rough TL
Are you winning Tanaka-san
I don't know
nigga what the fuck
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>7 yen hair
It's 角(Antlers).
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Of the dozen that I have, this piece of tapestry is my favorite.
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You tried
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That's sick.
I'm a sucker for crossovers though.
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>try to post pic related
>File too large.
Why is she so smug?
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>warning: too much tits, ass, and Zenbu
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The plan that broke a fanbase.
No sheath can take two gungnirs at once.
>AI is the future of translations
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You fool! You failed! We were having a thread without dess this far but you had to come and ruin it. Have you any idea of what have you unleashed?
She has the most sex appeal and she knows it.
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Now behold the resolve of a sakimori!
>nanjo got corona on her fucking birthday
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The body that killed a dozen animators.
I'm legit concerned. Common cold kills nips.
I usually dislike peach colors but Maria's gungnir with the peach and black looks baller as hell
Back when Symphogear first aired in 2012, was the last episode emotional at all? For all people knew back then, that was the only Symphogear season.
It was, I felt kinda cheated that Hibiki survived at the end when EP 1 set up her death but it was still emotional.
not a lot of people actually gave a shit about S1 when it aired, it kinda just was "that madoka ripoff" or "that weird show with the meme animation"
It's a good thing the producer was a fucking weirdo who started pushing for S2 straight away
She already had it once. Before she even got Covid this time she’d said she has some vocal cord issues and was going to undergo treatment after her birthday. I’m more worried about the state of her voice will be in.
>I am become dess, the devourer of cheap ramen
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Oh no
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>Hibiki needs to overwhelm Chris with hugs and harassment to force a reaction out of her
>All Tsubasa needs to do is show a facial expression or saying a short sentence
Senpai is the strongest.
Still clothed, it's not too late
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Not enough, spider characters are always mommy-coded and we need more of those in SG
>Photo of her clueless face on her grave
Holy shit imagine having a photo that makes you look dumb on your effing tombstone.
This was actually the only photo we had were she wasn't asleep or eating. Or eating while asleep.
Or molesting other girls.
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>you come home and she looks at you like this
What did you do?
Or... and there's nor real nice way to put it, not looking kind of ugly. She's not the most photogenic gear.
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Weird hamster creature.
Why is she wearing a swimsuit at home?
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Why are you NOT wearing a swimsuit at home?
I love this dork hamster creature
It's almost as if she was looking at walking garbage.
It's still so weird to me that the Princess anime is a real thing and seemingly just actually a simple precure clone for little girls.
Some JP peeps already noticed it has Wild Arms dialogue on the latest trailer. They're wary.
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I mean I'm pretty sure I read they had deals with toy manufacturers so I'm gonna go ahead and say they're actually not trolling this time
What a hero girl!
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Shirabe, who is that blonde bimbo I always see you hanging out with? I told you not to let strays into the big house
Basa made me want to watch more anime with Nana Mizuki in them. Cross Ange is a gorefest so far holy shit. Three characters were brutally murdered within the span of 5 minutes.
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Tsubasa becoming an overly doting and affectionate helicopter father who makes sure Shirabe knows she is loved and adored constantly because she wants to assure her of this as she herself was estranged from her own family where eventually Shirabe begins to feel smothered and snaps at her briefly causing hurt feelings before they reconcile with Shirabe admitting she likes the attention but needs room ro grow and breath and make mistakes but Tsubasa doesn't need to worry about her knowing she has a family who cherishes her and in tern reminding Tsubasa that she too is cherished by them.
or instead, forbidden love
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I this not enough love and adoration?
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Lazy movie nights with Chris, cuddling on the couch eating snacks
So comfy.
Who is this?
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Oh, yeah, the glasses. See that's a disguise to cover for her superhero persona.
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No seriously, who are you? Is your mommy and daddy around?
This girl looks looks a hero of justice!
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>mommy and daddy
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I still have my super sad headcanon that Kirika's biological father was a drunk deadbeat that probably ended up that way after her mom's dess. One day in a fit of rage he threw a beer bottle away that hit her on the head turning her into the dimwitted girl we know.
My headcanon is that Kiri is actually descended from the Custodians (But a lot more than Maria's "1/48th Enki") and the reason she's so desstarded is that her brain is mean to link up to the Custodian network, which isn't around anymore
My theory is that Kiri's family was quite large and all as dimwitted as she was and one day they just sort of lost track of her in the parking lot of a K-mart where she somehow wandered into the FIS research lab. She was never even really meant to be there but just sort of started talking to Shirabe and stayed when they were passing around juice boxes.
Cross ange is based as fuck
This general survived longer than /prg/ lol
Power Rangers?
just wait for the drop
Cross Ange is like a 90’s stereotype of anime. Batshit insane, gory and sexually deviant
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me and my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great granddaughter out on a date
needs a few more greats in there.
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Don't let the concerned look on Hibiki's face distract you from the fact that she's the one doing all the grabbing here
That's lewd miku that's not okay ahhhhhhhhhhhh
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Fun fact: Sharks have two dicks
>I have read that humans eat 'ice-cream' during a date so here is one for you.
>Thanks but I'm not really hung-
>It does not matter. Wait, do not eat it yet!
>But you sai..
>We must take one of those 'selfie' pictures first. Come closer. Hold the cone in front of us. Higher! Yes, that is adequate. Now stop shivering, smile and say 'Peace'
>What a horrible english pronunciation! We will work on that at our quarters later. You can eat it now, when you are finished we will look for one of those 'merry-go-around' things and have 'fun' for the next hour.
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But do they ejaculate simultaneously, this is very important.
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Ask Chris
We have to assume the flow is redirected to whichever penis is in use in that moment.
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You can do it, /sgg/!
Those hips are great!
Chris, why do your your tits look bigger than yesterday...
oppai dimension
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Geahs cheah for (You)!
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Let's go Growlbacks you're not dead!
At least try to beat the spread!
Jobber cheerleader cheering for a jobber team jobbing?
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Cheeria has a looong tummy
Kirika should be arrested for appearing in public dressed like that.
Kiri you're supposed to wear the cheer leading shorts
Sex with Kiri
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Bikki taught her wrong, as a joke
Tight Bikki tummy
Smooth Kiri tummy
Chunky Zenbu tummy
>Implying Tachibana has the guile and cunning to teach anyone anything as a joke
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Rumor has it that Kiri runs around the SONG sub with just her undergeah on.
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Doesn't take much to fool Kiri.
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She still wakes up screaming about that time someone pulled that severed thumb trick.
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i am going to commit a crime
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You're under arrest.
i know everyone watched minority report last night but the moral of the story was NOT to go create your own pre-crime unit
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Do you think Tsubasa could get drunk with power?
No. Though I would worry that in her attempt to fix things she'd break it worse due to a lack of foresight.
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>gets drunk with power
>immediately passes out
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No, she would "accidentally" cuff herself up
Tsubasa's "wtf if this night" face, kek.
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Kiri's shapely melons
we need some actual canon scenes like this
Kiri's flip flops.
Why does Tsubasa look like she's getting ready to check prostates?
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Apparently her ninja-like dexterity extends to her fingers
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Wait a second………!
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Kiri could never understand charge inputs
Kiri doesn’t even know the difference between between the buttons
On the other hand she's great with pretzels.
...Why does her controller have bite marks?
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Is Kirika a console gamer or a PC gamer?
She gets very angry when she looses. I did the same to the joystick when I was 8.
they're Japanese, the concept of PC gaming is foreign to them
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Kirika is a funny foreigner.
she also thinks electricity comes from gnomes that live in the walls, and had to be calmed down the first time she was handed a radio because she thought Shirabe was trapped inside it
>had to be calmed down the first time she was handed a radio because she thought Shirabe was trapped inside it
I hope there's found footage of that from FIS.

A Symphogear video with Guile's Theme would've been sick.
Kiri was digging through Tsubasa's old outfits!
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I've sketched a kurisu today.
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Neuron activation
Nice work.
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thank you,
I fixed it
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Hibiki is the reason she's lactating in the first place
Hibiki is shooting her full of hormones?
yes, but not with a syringe
I'm so fucking high right now, dess.
Kiri, you're smoking a rolled up napkin with no filling
Holy moses
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(It's just sugar cane, but nobody tell her)
Moses could part the Red Sea but nobody alive could part those Zenbu tiddies.
Why does Hibiki only have one fucking duet in the entire show?
Very nice, what brushes do you use? Got a twitter?
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I've sketched some Bikkiabs, too.
Default sai2 brushes, nothing custom.
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Doing Shemmy's work anon
me on the left
Dess Dealer.
Miku's face is my face
dem abs
>hey kid, you wanna buy some dess sticks?
Would the Jedi mind tricks work on Kirika? Or is she so dumb it would go full circle into being immune?
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For the Jedi mind trick to work, there must be a mind to trick first!
Four is Dess
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Tachibana. You are the worst student I have ever seen come into Lydian Academy. I have never met a student so inept, scatterbrained, LAZY and unwilling to even make so much the basic attempt to turn in their assignments as you are. You are a blight on this schools long history and if there have not been major figures pulling strings behind the scenes I would have seen you kicked out within the first sir. You are the type of student who makes teachers question why they even got into this professional at all. You are simply too dumb to learn. One day in the far future you will run out of connections and powerful friends. When that day comes I pray you have fond some sense of purpose in your miserable existence.
Can you/have you drawn Hibiki's ass, too, anon?
Let's see what she says after raking 12 inches of Gungnir
I think she'd say 5000 word essay on the cultural significance of Norse mythology and how it relates to the modern world. Due Friday. And don't try to pad it by not using any contractions.
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>Sensei is really uptight today. I should dikki the bitch out of her.
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Oh, she's going to have plenty of contractions in the future
10 thousand words and you can't use the letter g.
Chris would be jealous
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/r/equesting Miku abs, and she has Shemmy eyes!
(no pressure)
Imagine being smothered by Hibiki and Miku's abs...
I wanna go in bro I just wanna go fucking smash that shit.
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Track star Bikki...
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Yaaaaaaaaaaaaai haaaaaaaaaiya setuna hibiku
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaai haaaaaaaaaaaai mujo e
>Lydian Academy
Honestly, I have doubts as to how this "school" fubctions.
>I should dikki the bitch out of her.
why does sensei have no porn
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Take it up with the principal.
T-this feels wrong
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Hail Neo FIS!
I am so thirsty now.
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What would each of the geahs pilot?
They're my eggs.
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I sketched a wet Bikki ass today.
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I like this new drawfriend.They are a good drawfriend.
this ass seems too tall
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On a different note, here's a sketch of a Milfbasa I did a while ago.
So the fan is her daughter, or the POV is the fan and the daughter is just there? Cute Mini-Maria
Milfbasa and her daughter, fan's POV. Text's a bit unclear, yeah.
Mea culpa...
Guess that milk was useful, after all
>What would each of the geahs pilot?
Hibiki - God
Tsubasa - Red Frame
Chris - Heavyarms
Kirika - Deathscythe
Shirabe - that weird tire mech from V
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>Shirabe - that weird tire mech from V
Do you know how little that narrows it down
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Not to mention G-reco has the actual weaponized yo-yo MS (and it's surprisingly effective)
>survived three concerts
Is that even possible?
Well, the Einerad was technically a separate thing that could be utilized by basically anything, but most commonly the Gedlav
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>Tsubasa - Red Frame
I'd give her one of Graham's suits.
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I can see Kirika piloting MagiKing/Titan Megazord
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>Shirabe - that weird tire mech from V
Nah, Shirabe would pilot a Huckebein.
Because chakram shooter.
I know red frame has katana shit but I think sword impulse fits Tsubasa's overall frame better.

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