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GundamINFO's uploading the '79 compilation movies to Youtube. Most likely not the first time they've done this.
They're showing Soldiers Of Sorrow tomorrow at 7AM, Encounters In Space on Sunday at 7AM.

Beware of Koreans.
who fucking cares
i don't get why they remove stuff and then reupload.
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You since needed to make this post.
So new people check them out.
Surely all Gundam fans must have seen 0079 by now yes?
I've never seen the movies.
>Most likely not the first time they've done this.
they did it about a year ago. it's usually the case with bandai youtube, they keep cycling shows from time to time for livestream.
>Beware of Koreans.
Were they the ones who reported the movies the last time they were uploaded to get them taken down?
No they're just everywhere on the livechat. It's 8PM for them when it's 7AM for us.
How many versions of these compilation movies are there? There's a bunch of audio differences between a couple of them.
You'd be surprised.

Why would you remove stuff? That's just costing you views
If it's always there, people get complacent and put off getting around to watch it which can lead to lower viewership that drops off over time. Some people literally never get around to it, it's common for people to have massive backlogs of media/games/things they want to try. If it's only available for a limited time then people who want to see it are forced to make the time to go see it while it's available, and are more likely to think about it and keep it in mind so they don't forget due to fear of missing out.

If given the choice between two things you want to watch, and option A is available forever while option B will become unavailable in a few days, guess which one you're going to prioritize?
>stuff should just get cycled off streaming services

That's retarded, bruh.
fuck out of here, I don't advocate for that shit, I download 4K encodes for archiving on my home server so I don't deal with that shit, I'm just explaining how it works

all about tickling that spot in your brain that makes you feel happy about getting something in time, and if you did miss it then it tickles the other spot that makes you want to not to miss it again

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