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File: Sayonara, Jupiter!.jpg (220 KB, 1920x1080)
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Funky designs and handcrafted spaceship models galore! What's yer favorite SF production from this blessed time period?
I made this same thread and no one cared, here's hoping you have better luck. Sayonara Jupiter is great.
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All the movies I've watched from the Showa era fucking sucked, Star Wars included. I had fun with The War in Space though.
What do you like?
You having a meltdown again?
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>What's yer favorite SF production from this blessed time period?
As for live action, probably Ultraman and Ultraseven. Also Showa-era Tsuburaya productions has some of my favorite designs in my opinion (save for Taro).

For anime, it's probably got to be Macross DYRL. That shit is my Empire Strikes Back.
Zardoz doesn't have any spaceships (giant floating head never goes to space) but I love it. I am constantly commiting psychic violence against everyone.

Starcrash is probably my favorite of the cheap Star Wars knock-offs. Texas robot!
Odin is one of my favorite anime movies
mate that movie fucking blows
Your mom blows while Japanese Heavy Metal blats.
For me, it's Zanon.
It's kind of sad reading old sci-fi, they were so positive about our future
No one could have predicted the poo people.
I love Blake's 7 more than most people love their families.
Splendor is the best theme for a sci fi show.
>this blessed time period?
Fuck you OP, the oil crisis fucked us over..
Flock of Seagulls weren't very terrific either.
The duality of /m/an.
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Space Battleship Yamato accomplishes it's humble goal with such efficiency that it makes many sci-fi anime produced since come off as gimmicky and overburdened in comparison.
New Voyage, III and Final and are my favorite of it's sequels, because they keep the original's balance between fantasy quest and war story: though the other Leiji Matsumoto anime of the time still win out in terms of originality and polish.
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I wonder how expensive would it be today to do a blockbuster science-fiction production with pre-1990s special effect techniques? Star Wars costed only 40 million dollars in today's money.
I think the issue is more getting anyone to go for it. Cost wise? Well Godzilla Minus One cost 15 million. Shin Godzilla was about the same. You could probably make something for 20.
Another issue is that a lot of the people that know how to do that stuff are dead or retired, and rebuilding the skillset would take time and money. It's like animating robots in anime, without practicing those skills from youth, the new generation just can't do it.
Yeah, you'd need someone to really WANT to sit down and learn it. I doubt they teach it in film school so there would be a lot of trial and error, which would honestly be kind of interesting.
Not true at all. Within Hollywood? Sure, scratch building spaceships isn't as popular as it once was.
But go to any model building con, and you'll find guys who dedicate their free time to replicating EXACTLY the ships from Star Wars, Trek, etc.
ILM still has guys working there who worked on Star Wars, not to mention so much of the production is documented.
Making a film with pre-1990's special effects is completely possible, but getting the production company to agree to it is another story entirely.
It actually has a title?
Getting the models made is the easy part, you need someone who knows how to make a movie too.

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