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The first ever episode of a classic G1 Transformers show is now in 4K. I hope we eventually see Victory, Headmasters, Zone, Scramble City and episodes of the original series eventually.
Pretty sure /co/ would tell OP to come back here for posting this particular TF series.
There's nothing American about Japanese Transformers.
Crazy how Ginrai doesn't even appear in the first episode.
lmao this is Toei robot anime through and through
He doesn't appear until like episode 10 or something? And nobody seems to care that he looks like Optimus?
>He doesn't appear until like episode 10
What the fuck were Toei and Takara smoking with this decision?
Alright I'll post it and see what happens
I don’t know, anticipation?
The show flirts with the idea of being a soft reboot but gets awkwardly reworked as a Headmaster sequel over time. Kinda like Ultraseven to Ultraman.
>Captured in 4K from an original 16mm film print
How the fuck did they get that
>AI "remaster"
Fuck off.
rescan the film. that how most 4k ver get a new release
TFRaw gets all kinds of crazy shit that would've been lost to time, he must have his connections. Because of him we have behind the scenes footage at Toei Animation making Transformers The Movie which had never been acknowledged on any official special features for it.

Skip to 11:12 https://youtu.be/NR9o8kFtooA?si=PzWmv-UjRsGxbfkO
Good pre/m/iere.
Are the Transformers anime worth it? I don't know what the consensus is since they're obscure to most of the fanbase
Consensus seems to be that The Headmasters sucks/is boring as hell. People seem to like Victory. Masterforce is “the weird one.” Most US Transformers fans seem to just ignore them. I remember there was one of those multi-hour yourube videos about “the complete history of the Transformers, going into exhaustive (over)detail about every series, but the Japanese-only series from the late-80s to early-90s were glossed over in a couple of sentences. Over here they’re considered basically a footnote. Most fans haven’t actually watched them.

Geewun oldfags especially seem to write them off. “What is this anime bullshit doing in my Transformers?” “Japan doesn’t understand Transformers.” etc.
Did they ever that Secrets of Cybertron script or is that lost to time?
*ever found
G1 series: haven't watched, can't rate
BW series: fun as hell, but literally filler
>I watched the dubs
R.I.D.: fun as fuck
Armada: top tier plot that's absolutely destroyed by bad production values and the most annoying kids
Energon: bottom tier series of the whole franchise in nearly every aspect
Cybertron: OUR WORLDS ARE IN DANGER. TO SAVE THEM AND THE GALAXY WE MUST HAVE THE MOST AWESOME CLANKY TRANSFORMATIONS AND WORLD BUILDING and also the human characters are actually good and positively contribute to the plot and robot interactions for once
Many of the Japan transformers shows would have character appearances line up with toy releases. Ginrai's toy would be sold later, so there was no reason to have him appear early on.
I think that's for a multitude of reasons that all compound each other. First, you have the early-days-of-the-fandom perception of the Japanese shows: mysterious and COOL Japanimation where Soundwave and Blaster fight to the DEATH, and Cybertron BLOWS UP, and all sorts of things that sound so amazing that you'll never watch... while at the time the Marvel comics were far easier to come across and share. This is important, because of the way the two countries (and their fanbases) view Transformers.

The West, Transformers is thought of (or imagined as) this action packed show/comic, full of sci-fi and dramatic moments and some witty dry humor. Where in their nostalgia every episode had the high stakes of the movie, or the gripping melodrama of the Underbase Saga. Where Beast Wars was this grand sweeping epic action story. The undisputed king of robot franchises because what even else is there? And it grows and feeds on this perception, leading to Nostalgia Boom marketing like comics and Bay movies adding to this sort of undercurrent that Transformers is for Mature Big Boys Like Me.

While in Japan, Transformers is treated as something for a younger audience than it is in America. Where it's just Babby's First Mecha anime, a robot show in a sea of other robot shows. Where the shows lean in harder on tropes the West doesn't: goofy slapstick for comedy, a clear "Main Character" Biggest Most Expensive Toy being the star of the show, heroic justice being a tangible source of energy. And so on and so on, the views of West vs East permeate the whole franchise. I've even seen comments from Japan that view Headmasters as more "Toei trying to mimic the Western show" before Masterforce and Victory go full on "THIS is what a Transformers show BY JAPAN FOR JAPAN is". Hard to have western fans want to give them their fake shake when that's knit into the very cloth of them.
To capstone this, look at the IDW Beast Wars profiles: It profiled every toy, from American and Japan, but made to fit the American side of things, and the author even though he was one of the earliest superfans, still looked at the Japanese characters more as a problem to fix than something to enjoy for their own sake. And the result? All humor was sucked out of every character except for Waspinator because Beast Wars was Nonstop 3D Action. Where "ugh, this character was SO DUMB and GOOFY" had to be reworked into a more "nuanced" idea. Where "I didn't think I could make this character work because whenever I close my eye I just see them getting hit by Wacky Cartoon Mallets", but in the same breath going "here's cool profiles I made up for some fucking Happy Meal toys".
Ultraseven never does that though. You’re thinking of Return. Seven even implies every other M78 alien looks just like him. Just for his superior to never be mentioned again.
>All humor was sucked out of every character except for Waspinator because Beast Wars was Nonstop 3D Action.
Which was also bullshit because nearly every Beast Wars character has wacky silly bullshit happen to them at some point. While some of the BW Sourcebook's problems were simply that complete dubs were not availiable at the time, most of it is simply "this dude had a bad idea based on faulty opinions and went through with it"
I meant more how Ultraseven takes the same basic premise but is not a sequel so maybe more like Sentai or what Brave would become. Early on Masterforce is written as if there were no other Transformers on Earth besides the Pretenders until Devil Z came along with his Transtectors. It isn't until they call up Chromedome on the space phone does Masterforce start to connect more with the past series. Even then it sometimes forgets that people are supposed to know who the Transformers are or that this is the future. Victory pushes things slightly more in line with the American shows.
Fans don't care here because old subbed anime is really niche and they were never intended for Americans. They're actually really significant since they were the only animated series between the first G1 series and BW, and were the face of tue Japanese half of the franchise in the 80s.
It's really sad people don't view the Japanese series as part of a larger brand, all because they weren't intended for the US. In Japan they aren't distinguished by anything, it's just "that years season/wave of TF" much like Kamen Rider or Sentai or eventually Yuusha.
>That video
God, I miss Beast Wars. There was just something about that particular brand of banal comedy that felt right. Couldn't help but laugh at it, no matter how cringe or ridiculous it was. Starring first and foremost Megatron, spending half of all his days in an energon-jacuzzi, monologuing evil plans against a yellow rubber ducky. Yeeeee---s.
Brushing the teeth of his dinosaur head laser arm was a good moment.
And the corny quips, oh god ...

> :: Predacons blowing a hole into Maximal headquarters and preparing to raid it ::
> Megatron (taking cover next to the entrance): "Quickstrike, you may lead"
> :: Quickstrike enthusiastically barrels himself forward. ::
> Inferno (disgruntled): "Royalty, why was *I* not chosen?!"
> Megatron: "Because, Inferno, when expecting a booby-trap --"
> :: Quick cut to Quickstrike getting slammed into a steel defense wall by a solid steel fist-shaped battering ram. ::
> Megatron: "-- always send the boob in first."
David Kaye's best role.
A big part of why the fanbase is very split is because the fans are cartoon/toy fans. They generally don't watch that much anime. They're more likely to get into other american toyetic stuff like he-man or whatever. It's also not something like robotech where what they're watching is just the shitty bootleg version, so they don't move on as a community to "the real thing", because it's not really any more real. That's probably why they aren't here all that much, this is a much more weeaboo anime centric board.

At worst it turns them into being just another 80's boomerstolgia americana community that sits around going "anime, isn't that stuff weird pornos? I don't want any tentacles in my cartoons!".
who said the fanbase is "split"? what "split" are you refering to?
People who like Japanese Transformers and those who don't, it's become a common point of discussion because of the noticeable lack of anime in the franchise that was once a staple since the 80s, the fact that lots of zoomers are old enough to be nostalgic for their first encounter with Transformers anime like RID2001 or the Unicron Trilogy, and that sites like TFWiki got major flack by fans of Japanese Transformers for spamming "WTF JAPAN" jokes for like two decades. Like >>22734641
said, some fans just move on to other American toy centric shit like GI Joe, He Man, TMNT etc, and others use it to get into other robot shows like Yuusha, Macross, Gundam etc. Some Transformers fans don't like it being part of a super robot genre, while many love Japanese Transformers because they love said genre. So rather than except that it's something that just doesn't appeal to them, the fans of western Transformers just insist everything that didn't air in their country is bad.
Wonder if the rest of Masterforce will get remastered.
Considering it was done by a single person, unlikely. Unless somehow 16mm prints of every episode show up on Yahoo Japan auctions
> Turning Bumblebee into the most annoying version of Wheelie yet.
:: PUKE ::
Genuinely tired of hollywood takes on Transformers with terrible MCU characterizations. Just want another half decent anime production like Galaxy Force or Car Robots.
Maybe the MCU style will finally end in this decade.
Technically western transformers was always written by marvel
Beast Wars megatron is good, but you cant write off his next best megatron role


>I saw how Optimus treated his men he was a leader of integrity
>unlike you
>You were too weak to gain my respect
Micheal Dobson was a great Starscream.
Transformers animated is the last good western Transformers that featured japanese Autobots/Decepticons and the headmaster juniors would have became main characters with Sari as shes technically a pretender too
It's not as terrible as the first trailer but it's still kind of slop. Not bayverse slop at least.
No? Marvel only wrote the marvel comics.

Masterforce is pure kino. Best G1 series.
I take everything bad I said about G1 Wheelie.
Damn, Thrust had a cold death.
Question. Why does Japanese animation from a particular year in the 80s look a lot grainier and older than American animation from the same year? I alwas remember that GI Joe and American TF were less detailed than this, but smoother and newer looking.

Japanese 90s shit looks like it's from the 80s for some reason to me. 80s looks almost but not quite 70s. Not that it's bad quality or anything, but why?
>the beam doesn't even reach Unicron
That's the saddest part to me.
Money. Stuff like GI Joe, American TF, Mighty Orbots, Dinosaucers, Captain N, that all had the big American funding behind it to get better quality, and the extends to the materials. It's the same reason you could watch Power Rangers and notice when the footage changed from the American stuff back to the Japanese footage.
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amazing, the dvd transfers are atrocious with blended fields which makes it impossible to ivtc.
didnt know they were filmed in 16mm i assumed it would be 32mm
16mm is standard for TV I thought
>with Sari as shes technically a pretender too
Sari is in no way a Pretender.
Really like the art quality of this scene.
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yeah, me too, theyre sprinkled throughout the series
Some shows switched to 35mm during the 90s. Macross 7 was one of those I believe.
Oh shit, Super Ginrai looks more beaten up than Optimus did in the G1 movie.
Marvel and Sunbow produced the original show while Toei did the animation
Marvel Productions was not Marvel Comics.
That was by Mitsuo Iso of Evangelion fame, that particular scene was a lot like the Asuka vs mass produced Eva fight. I'd love to see more episodes like this in HD, ever since Transformers The Movie came to blu ray it opened my eyes to how much Toei's animators gave a shit back then. The details are amazing.
iirc Sunbow was just a marketing firm and did nothing creative, all the creative decisions were Marvel and Toei.
It also had about twice the budget of DYRL if I recall. Hasbro was paying well.
Toei had money left over to boot, which they used to make Saint Seiya. It's sad how Toei has become mainly a battle shonen studio; they were just as good as Sunrise in the 70s and 80s. When One Piece ends, I want Toei to make a brand new episodic mecha anime, preferably with Obari designs and stock footage.
And being the Precure studio.
4 billion yen, less than half of it was used but still was on par with Ghibli movies at the time.
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What was the last /m/ related project Toei did? Mazinge Infinity? Even then, most of the mecha scenes were 3D in that project.
Wait, if Kouji and Tetsuya are in the building then...who's piloting Z and Great?
Z and Great gained their own free will.
Tekkaman in the window giving me a smirk with that body language.
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He's doing this.
>Act natural, Convoy. They don't know you're the only import here. You got this.
Zeta looking not just different but in Gundam colors.
>an import
in name only, but the robot was always japanese, so its reverse importing?
>Japanese toy
>sold by American company
>animation uses designs made by a Japanese man
>but edited and tweaked further by a Filipino
>written and storyboarded by Americans
>and then sent back to Japan for animation
Convoy has a lot of daddies
Making matters worse
>storyboards done in Japan too
>directly funded Saint Seiya's adaptation
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>Directly funded Saint Seiya's anime

Holy shit
Toei Animation were troopers.
Part of why it gave me a smirk.
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Like this?
Suzuoki's Starscream was absolutely killing it in every scene.

To think it's been almost two decades since his passing.
Yes, like this.
Japanese transformers is on topic.
ignore him, he lives solely to post that on every transformers thread because he doesn't like it discussed alongside other mecha franchises.
Sounds very unethical of him to do that.
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>Still seething after getting BTFO'd last night
You lost.
Trying to figure out what was going on with that Zeta, I think it's possible this poster came out before the design was finalized.
It's like a hybrid between Mark II and the Zeta, it has vulcan earmuffs and the shoulders look more like the Mark II than the shoulders on the other Mark II
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Studio Trigger finally get a chance to work on a TF project. Not much beyond this teaser.
Looks like it's a reanimation of several 86 movie scenes that could lead into a full-length show in a few years, sort of like with Gridman. I have to say, I'm kind of worried about that -- they're probably going to use the G1 style again and try to introduce a more dark and mature story like those Netflix/Machinima shows. Just make a Transformers anime for kids already!
I don't know if this was a previously drawn poster or something, but I found it odd that Sparkplug is there with Armada Matrix with the usual movie pose of Rodimus Prime. Crossover?
Ooh, perhaps. Maybe the full anime is going to connect the Unicron Trilogy to G1, since Takara is so insistent on everything being one big continuity. That could be interesting.
>Gary Chalk's and Peter Cullen's Primes on screen together
That's just Prime.
Animated Optimus is there too, fighting Masterforce Overlord. Its a big crossover short. If they do an anime I wouldn't be surprised if they did some multiverse stuff though
Imagine the finale being every Optimus and Convoy teaming up
I noticed Animated Prime and I think Animated Megatron at the 13 second mark along with Vector Prime.
Ooh, that would be so cool!
Looking forward to it.
Dai Atlas is standing behind Rodimus, those are his legs.
Tidal Wave.
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>Looks like it's a reanimation of several 86 movie scenes that could lead into a full-length show in a few years
I'll be curious on the Unicorn scenes if they reanimate them.
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You're possibly just watching American cartoons from the 80s that got heavier DNR treatment when they were digitized. Given that a huge proportion of 80s western cartoons were animated in Japan by studios like Toei and TMS in the first place - it probably has more to do with post processing far after the fact - since it's not like the animation studio would be doing the work on producing a home video version - they just shot the actual animation on film and then sent it off to the rights holders, if that was a Japanese company then they would contract someone to make the home video version in Japan, if it was an American company it would be done in America. It's also possible that the American cartoons were being shot on the 32mm cameras used for OVAs and films over the 16mm ones that became standard for TV anime after the industry crash in the early 70s, but I've never seen any evidence of this personally.

Also, I think American studios adopted digipaint earlier in the 90s where Japan didn't go hard with it until Toei switches over in 98. So that could be some of why why 90s anime looks 80s esq to you.
I cant wait for the Macross 7 and Monhun reveals
Me too.
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Closest link to a non-region locked one.
At least for the moment, a re-upload of the 40th Anniversary video can be watched here:
I got you.

This shit is insane, I can't believe that one Beast Wars segment at the end, holy shit.
Wow it was literally nothing. the animation sucked.
you mean of techno Megation and Techo-organic Optimus Primal faces from Beast Machines?
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>Used the toy's head and the show's coloring.
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>2D Miko
3D was a limiter.
0/10 no Rescue Bots
RB has not been introduced to Japan.
Were they given a limit on what they could use?
-10/10 no Kiss Players
so, any possible stitches in this PV?
huh, it seems they made the Beast Hunters version of OP less bulky wit the one holding the sword.
>Ginrai with a sword.
What kinda deep pull is that from? The Gokin?
I figured she'd show up but seeing Sari still made me happy
Oh man... Dinobot is in that death montage.
If that was the limit (shows and films only but also only if they're introduced to Japan), I understand
This is for the Japanese fandom in mind even with the western deep cuts
Admittedly part of me was hoping "How do you feel about going on the offensive?" would have made it in just to see it animated but even if the limits were lowered to include manga and comics (Trigger's full of westaboos), I get it probably would have been too late and would just bloat the PV with stuff the Japanese side wasn't familiar with anyways
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You know what I'm just gonna say it. I don't like Trigger's animation style. It's like the extreme proportions of Obari but without the fluidity that goes with them.
He uses a sword in his last battle during the events of Victory. It's a pretty iconic.
Kinda surprised they didn't include Movie Galvatron in the lineup.
>He wasn't in the Decepticon/Predacon leader collage
Huh, you think it's because he's a reborn Megatron?
Well, that explains that.
Seen all of Masterforce and Only a handful of Victory.
That was so stupid and pointless I don't even want to tell transformer guy to fuck off. He'll need a friend.
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TAKARA ignored Beast Hunters.
BHOP in Japan has only Star saber.
They seemed to avoid adding upgrades in that sequence, the only execptions were the Armada and Cybertron leaders (Trigger seems to treat them like Takara did initially, as seperate characters).
>Transformers cyberverse is the last good western
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That cut isn't Obari, that's Yoh Yoshinari. It is Obari's boards and designs, but Obari's 90s mecha animation was very heavy on omitting inbetweens and shooting directly from pose to pose.
They care more about a timeline which Optimus and Megatron became friends rather than that little drama. Plus, everything TF was involved in that short.
Is it bad I only recognize OG, Beast Wars and the Armada kids?
I thought Transformers weren't supposed to have gender.
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It determines who pegs into who when combining
Sounds like you were Triggered
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Rate the 40th anniversary celebration.
unless you turn into a vehicle
Japan dub changed the scene into the owl calling himself a guy. So none of that here.
Actually amazing. Having all the humans was a nice touch and the Transmetal Optimus and Megatron scene was pure fucking kino.
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What's wrong with being a pooner DOOD?
Yeah, what a bummer. Don’t forget Return of Convoy, Operation Combination, Aternity, and even Cloud. Such disrespect for the Japan side of things.
You can't even recognize the bayformers?
Guys Im just so happy Transmetals got in. I heard Japan hates them for some reason. Turning them into some sort of fusion gattai with their G1 counterparts was aqesome. I kind of fucking hate Beast Machines but I can't even be mad it got a mention. Somehow they made Primals face not look hideous.
Only hideous Primal face is his Transmetal one
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He looks like a goddamn rainbow.
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>as Prime is in a visual representation of passing to the afterlife, streaks red/yellow/green/blue light zoom by
>it's his vitals from his death scene in the movie
I tip my hat to you, Trigger.
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Transformers Expo.
What Prime is the one with the buster swords?
TFP Optimus' final form in JP
Damn, transforming into a train or a dragon. A nice diversion from the traditional trick.
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He's also a combiner.

Transformers Go had two Getter-style combiner teams. In the finale Optimus Exprime shows up and combines with the leaders of both teams instead, using his shield/dragon kibble to form their upgraded helmets.
Lion one is my favorite.
On this note, where should I look to to dig up as high a quality versions of Victory and Zone as possible? I want to do something really autistic relating to a specific character from it that includes gathering as many images of them as I can, including from the series themselves. Thus the higher-quality the better, but I'll make do with what there is if my best shot is the 480p stuff
Why did Hasbro make Headmasters and Power Masters into aliens instead of giving Transformers Human partners?
Because aliens are cool.
Exclusive first look.
Does anyone know or have a link where I can download just the English subtitles for Masterforce and Victory?
I always wanted to watch Masterforce and Victory. But the current rips are so ugly. Especially Victory. What are the chances of these getting a remaster?
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What happened?
>the dvd transfers are atrocious with blended fields which makes it impossible to ivtc
Bad digital transfer of a subpar video master.

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