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>going down the Gundam Manga rabbit hole
Why the fuck are they so unhinged and unique but every fucking time a gundam anime comes out its uninspired as fuck? Why do they keep retreading the same plot points over and over and over again
spoiler one of the two types has a much larger budget
Manga can be made by one or two people. They don't need to appease shareholders or advertisers to guarantee worthwhile investment. Making anime is also a mess of a process so they're encouraged to reuse ideas
fuck much larger budget how many times can gundam rehash zeta???
The past almost 2 decades (or more, this is just what I've seen) have been full of people complaining about shows not being Gundam enough, so Bandai often tries to be safer with its big budget works. On the other hand, Gundam manga is constantly coming out so there is room for a few of them to fail and thus Bandai is more ok with them taking risks. It doesn't help that a lot of the more recent attempts for Gundam anime to do something different haven't been the best quality for reasons other than not being Gundam enough.
as many times as it makes money
They lose way more money if an anime flops compared to a manga. And in order to be successful you need to appeal to the masses, and the masses prefer safe conventional stories over crude wacky schizoid ones.
Manga is almost always more frequently crazy and experimental than anime is. Even if it's not super weird, there's stuff like horror that gets pretty consistent manga releases but rarely seems to attract the budget for a full anime.
This manga isn't even about mechs or Gundam. It's basically X-Men for coomers

Far more enjoyable than Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury. Especially since the Neos with Gundams (that we've been shown so far) are women.
>Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury.
Not a high bar but true.
Everything is more fun than G-Bitch
Sign me in
>G-Witch out of nowhere
Cause the money is in injection molding OP. Not riveting story telling.
You know what I just want them to go all in on the over the top gothic aesthetic. Kind of like Warhammer 40k ridiculous designed for Gundams, with ridiculous etchings and etc. It would be nice.

Not really. Both Despair Memory and WfM came out in the same year and both have female protagonists tied to Gundams. I've always brought up WfM in Despair Memory threads because the latter uses its female protagonists and its worldbuilding than the former.
>Make UC themed manga
>Make the tech levels, atmosphere, and design direction absolutely nothing like UC

Why do they always do this?
If this shit came out as a anime it would actually be garbage
How is Gundam Thunderbolt?

Meant to say "I've always brought up WfM in Despair Memory threads because the latter uses its female protagonists and its worldbuilding better than the former".

Now, to me, even Despair Memory as an anime would be better. However, I doubt it would air easily at the 1700/5:00PM timeslot meant for young audiences WfM was gunning for because we have Kaoris going at it butt naked in most chapters (no vagina hidden well and her nipples covered by her hair).
In my case I'd like to see a Gundam story that takes place on a galactic scale and where the battlegrounds are alien worlds with unique fauna and flora...including one that is totally not!Planet 4546B from Subnautica, but with the fauna being so damn powerful and hostile that the factions have to use small nukes to scare them away and build equally large aquatic mobile armors to fight those.
Really want this manga to get an anime and then be part of an SRW roster. Only to watch how unhinged and crazy she is at times (not to mention everyone in shock as she pulls out a shotgun out of her guts)...and Char being very interested in her.
Because then it would be UC and people will think it's part of it.
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Manga thread so I'm asking here, are there any scans for gundriver? I've seen it was translated and released in spanish at least.
Welcome to Toshiki Inoue's writing for the Sequel manga.
It’s great
I just want a more fresh gundam anime. They all follow the exact same structure.

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