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>Bun African American
It was nice to see the guy that Mira turned down in episode 1 come back for petty revenge but have his mind opened by just how much Mira is enjoying herself while saving the people. Still probably wishes he could take her to New York with him but such is life.
Not sure if you guys want anything as a webm specifically. Outside of maybe the transformation nothing is popping out to me.
webms of mira eating in slowmo
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Architect-sama, I am not making fetish webms.
The Hashilien trio clapping at around 2:22, and also Mira's ex showing off his sick Nintendo Labo skills at the beginning of the episode.
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>The Hashilien trio clapping at around 2:22
I think this was the best Boonboomger episode in a while, and it addressed some of the issues I've been having with the show.

Like, I think the biggest issue I've been having with it was that the "character" part of the show was often unrelated to the Sentai action. Most Sentai would have an episode with a character having a problem, and that problem would often be solved in the course of or through the fighting with the MOTW. The monster would be defeated when characters who were butting heads understood each other and teamed up against the monster, or when the character of the week would let go of their insecurities and expose the monster's weakness, or something like that.

Boonboomger would often deal with character stuff in a way that is mostly unrelated to the Sentai action. The biggest offender for me in this was the acquarium episode, where Mira and Chasshiro have a heart to heart way before the monster even shows up and Mira basically completely gets Chasshiro's motivations towards the acquarium from very early on. So the monster's attack has no real dramatic weight here - Mira already understands what matters to Chasshiro here. There is a contrived moment of Chasshiro saying she "earned his respect" so they can get the second wind they need to defeat the monster, but that's all it is, contrived.

This episode is different in that the character of the week's story is directly tied to the monster attack and his history with Mira, and seeing the fight makes him realize that he has to let go of her. A few points still need some ironing out, but nevertheless a marked improvement after a bunch of episodes where the stakes of the monster attack are just a faceless crowd.

The entire thing with a civilian "driving" the monster was great too, and I hope it happens more often from now on. It's a neat way of having the one-shot characters participate, though from Cannonborg's comments I think that won't be happening any time soon.
>"No killstealing!"
>Mira's ex showing off his sick Nintendo Labo skills at the beginning of the episode.
Thank you!
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i appreciate her always wearing shorts, but so far in reiwa nothing will beat kiramager track girl constant ass shots and bending over and track outfit

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