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Why was this so comfy? God dang I wish we still got stuff like this in current year
I feel you op. I agree. Rah is so good.
Very nice muscles.
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>Why was this so comfy?
Mileage may vary.

The plot make little sense and is held together by metaphor, its setting is magitech and distract the spectator with typical Slice of Life hijink and obvious references, hiding how little it created on its own.
Without stakes (or stakes as elusive metaphors) it doesn't feel particularly exciting, yet possess pretty imagery, the spectator just goes with the flow.
Therefore it would feel "comfy" for some people.

Less comfy for someone who saw some of these reference before Rahxephon and could tell that reusing scenes came first before the story.
Before you call me name this applies to NGE as well, the level wasn't that much higher, but it feels less insulting because it does more on its own..
So the Rahxephon experience was more like "insulting" to me.

But we all know that originality is a myth, right?
Strings of coincidences happen all the time and as long as each coincidence can be divided as a common trope, there is no need to wonder how improbable it is to have them simultaneously and no reasoning to expect tropes to serve the story.

I'm annoyed so much effort and legit talent went into what is basically a hack.
Making Ayato hooking up with Haruka essentially being Shinji and Misato as a couple is based.

And also wish that Ayato would have sex with Maya.
Shameless Evangelion clone but nowhere near as enjoyable to watch. It doesn't have the same level of production values in terms of art, animation, shot composition/framing, or directing. It is also digipaint and looks oversaturated compared to the cel animation of earlier anime. The moment to moment show isn't as captivating and the cast overall not as interesting or as likeable (I did like the two old commander guys. I guess the newspaper reporter who was snooping around was also interesting). No standout scenes. And so on. A very large percentage of the show's screentime is spent on navel gazing. Evangelion is often criticized for this but IIRC the navel gazing and deep thoughts about nothing were only a fraction of that show's runtime. I ended up feeling like I watched shoddy rehash of Evangelion.

Fuck wimpy protagonists. Even Last Exile was held down by one.
Finish Yandere Simulator, you lazy fuck.
it has the best soundtrack of all time
It's a good show, but it's also a complete hack

>inb4 ackshually it was a Raideen homage all the scene for scene Eva ripoffs are a coincidence
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how is the movie version?

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