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File: Jupiter empire.jpg (21 KB, 386x259)
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Is there anymore colony planets in Universal Century? I only know Mars Zeon and Jupiter Empire
Zeon colonized earth
There's some kind of research station/base on Pluto, but I wouldn't consider it a colony.
Not a planet and we don't see it but according to V Gundam side story Judau colonizes Proxima Centauri.
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So, where is the story that goes into Turn A and hints that the X was basically a grunt level Zaku that drifted into Sol system and proved that there was...something out there that humanity was not ready, and never would be ready, to face?
Source? Sounds really interesting
That's just his pet name for Roux's cunt
Mentioned in one of the MG manuals iirc. It could have been in one of the Hard Graphs, but it was definitely a model kit mention, not in an anime, manga or sourcebook. If there are colonies orbiting Jupiter there are probably space stations or facilities at every planet in the solar system in UC, Pluto is just the one I remember aside from Mars having terrestrial facilities.

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