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How come /m/ never talks about The Terminator? It's amazing
We've been talking about it for 40 years, it's a 2 hour movie how much more is there to say?
Lurk moar faggot.
Yes but now that *I* have seen it, the REAL discussion can begin
1 is better than 2. Not even slightly better, it's way better. 2's still a good movie but it's in spite of its choices and more about it's technical executions. Holy shit, a child protagonist and the terminator is a good guy now? Imagine 2 but with a better script and the same quality.
>muh child actors
>muh bad guy turns good
Are T-800s actually cyborgs, or are they closer to androids?
wash day nothing clean right
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I still have this somewhere with all my other SOF mags. I should go through them later.
>muh muh
metal skeletons with a neuro learning cpu chip
the skin is just camouflage
Wish I couldve experienced California before the fent epidemic and 300 million dollar crack shacks
The biological skin over mechanical skeleton still makes it a cybornetic organism, just not a human cyborg.
But it's not really integrated together. A T-800 can lose are organic components and still continue to operate just fine.
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I think it depends on the official definition of a cyborg. If the definition of a cyborg is that it has to have an organic brain with mechanic/artificial body parts, like Robocop, then T-800 is not. But if the definition is organic/mechanic of any arrangement, then the T-800 is a cyborg. As explained in the movie, the only way the time machine could transport something was with an organic exterior. The T-600s, like pic related from Terminator Salvation, had rubber skin that only fooled the resistance from far away.
It'd be far less effective as an infiltrator, which is its primary function. What counts as "really integrated" is a pretty hard thing to nail down. Obviously, if you can't function at all without it, that counts, but if it's just various levels of impairment? There's a lot of body parts humans can lose that would result in similar (or lesser) impairment and we'd almost certainly call those integrated.
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Probably because in a way there's paradoxically not a lot of cool robot stuff to discuss. Even though they're the central focus of the movies all of the interesting longer, wider depictions of the machine army is in the side material. The movies themselves are basically just duels between the humans and the machine assassins which are meant to look human to begin with. The actual heavy duty stuff is things like the HKs, which we only ever see for a few moments at a time, and the actual story of the films usually doesn't leave us with a lot to speculate about since it's relatively straightforward. Paradoxically again there's a ton that can be speculated about if you think about it and the story is full of holes because it's time dickery but the movies at this point are a clusterfuck that nobody actually wants to care about beause they went to fucking shit right after the second film.

I think it's kind of like Transformers, you absolutely can talk about it on /m/ and it's super embedded in mainstream culture, but somehow on a fundamental story it's not something that really tickles the autism that drives all /m/en.
Unrelated but also excellent choice of screenshot OP, one of my single favorite shots from the first film.

I got to experience that when I was a wee babby. It was pretty nice. I think you probably could still find nice California, it's just that Los Angeles is hell on Earth in particular.
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Because after the second one the series turned to absolute shit without any redeeming traces at all. Just like Alien.
T1: You can't fight fate
T2: Screw fate
T3: Nope, I guess you can't fight fate after all
Genisys: I don't even fucking know anymore
Salvation: What?
Dark Fate: Who's even watching these things?!
Salvation Arcade: Holy fuck I'm drunk. The fuck? Ah fuck this I'm going to play House of the Dead and then Golgo 13 instead.
Robocop vs Terminator: You know, maybe we should have just done this instead?
You know I never saw the Robocop remake. The last one I remember is the one where the new attempts kept dying horribly or murdering people.
You shouldn't feel a strong need to change that. It's not quite as valueless as I feared and it does remember some of the corporate satire the original had, but it's lackluster.
Wow just looked it up. A decade ago. And Chappie (I saw that at the theater) was 2015.
>You know I never saw the Robocop remake.

It's.....Not good. But it's also not awful. It's that weird kind of middle ground milquetoast made by committee kind of dull. I actually wish it were worse just so it might be interesting. Like Robocop 2 and 3 sucked but they were bad in a really stupid kind of way. I won't say so bad it's good but they were less boring.
Jose Padilha directed a film called Tropa De Elite, which is absolutely amazing
Not sure why he fucked up so hard on the Robocop remake
Robocop was almost all entirely suits.
Robocop 3 has a surprisingly good cast in places, which makes it watchable if not actually good. And it's got an ED-209, which is always a plus. The ones in the remake don't show up enough for me to really remember anything about them.
I do want to give the old ones at least some cred for the practical effects involved. Even if you're making shit even a little bit of stop motion is a huge amount of effort. And not to dismiss the people who put in the hours to render stuff on computers but also... c'mon.
I feel conflicted that Schwarzeneggar didn't reprise the role for MK11. Stallone came back to play Rambo. On the other hand, the game was awful.
>muh child actors
>muh bad guy turns good
Pretend I posted a gigachad I'm not even opening the folder for this one.
so how the fuck do the liquid ones get transported
Either they're able to mimic whatever property of organic tissue is required or Skynet refined the process and found a way around that. Remember that that statement was from a soldier working from very limited information; Reese certainly wasn't an idiot, but he was no expert on time travel.
This was explained, kinda, during Kyles interrogation scene with the doctor.
It seems the time travel device won't allow exposed metal, but if you can disguise it with skin like the 101, then you can fool it
The novelization of 3 gives a full breakdown on how the Time Displacement machine works.
He doesn't star in slop.
T1: A classic of the genre. A dark action film with horror elements.
T2: Toned down horror but amped up action, widely regarded as being the best movie in the franchise.

Power Gap x500000000000
Every other film in the franchise.
how you gonna say that when he was in that recent predator game
Studio meddling, they decided things like the rating and the not great twists like his family still being around
I'll argue that 2 just needed a few more passes on the script for it to be a great movie
It's been a long time since I saw 2. All I remember is the proto robo cops and that one screaming faced one that tore its own head off. Which is more than I can say about a lot of sequels.
I've always had issues with that scene. One of the themes of Robocop is the lose of humanity and the protos exemplify it very well with them killing themselves once they see what they've been turned into. It feels like a dramatic scene but then it's played for laughs and you're supposed to facepalm like the OCP guys. It's weird.
In retrospect, I'm more forgiving of 3 in light of the recent video game filling certain plot holes that were present in 3. Also that game is fucking amazing. The devs also did a great Terminator game
New Terminator Zero preview

I am not quite pleased at the sheer volume of tired companies and properties trying to openly co-opt anime.
That's sort of the point. Robocop was always less tragic introspection and more cynical commercial desensitization. The scientists would laugh and face palm at the horror they created.
Yeah they were having fun with that sequence. ROBOT 2!!! ah...ROBOCOP 2 2 ......NINETY MILLION DOLLARS.
It got milked to death.
Terminator is that franchise that legit seems to be a zombie, it should be long dead but its corpse keeps moving

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