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How did Cosmic Era end up in the state it's in?

It's the biggest AU after UC. It continued to get games for years after its two TV series ended, manga series after manga series, an ONA, a feature film that broke franchise records. It's no exaggeration to say it's fucking huge - but it only seems to be liked within Japan.

Japan adores Cosmic Era. They rank SEED among their top 3 Gundam works, SEED Destiny seems to consistently place near Turn A in rankings, SEED Freedom outperformed most contemporaneous anime flicks. Yet in the west, the only generally liked CE work seems to be Stargazer, which Japan doesn't regard anywhere near as well.

It goes beyond that. We deride Jesus Yamato, they put him right after Amuro and Char. SEED Destiny production horror stories and drama take up a lot of the western discourse, but are virtually unknown to the typical Japanese fan. The west hates SEED Destiny, Japan genuinely loves it. I'm just wondering, why?
because most of the "production horror stories" were a result of Morosawa being a capital B "bitch". Fukuda is a chill guy and it's been really curious seeing him without Morosawa's writing. If he succeeds in making Grendizer U a hit, then he'd be redeemed in the eyes of many.
The problem here is why you dont like it?
Don't care. Still liked Seed Freedom. All pretenders who masked off after seeing it can fuck off.
>but it only seems to be liked within Japan.
I wouldn't use our corner of the internet ass a barometer of the wider westernfag take on things.
It's not only liked in Japan, SEED is mega popular across all of Asia. I don't really know about Europe but it was also decently popular in Canada. SEED hate seems to be a primarily American trend.
SEED is basically just a retelling of the UC but with worse writing and adding in the genetics modifications ideas. Thing is wing, 00 etc even if these au have somewhat better writing than SEED all these other au settings are not compelling at all like not even a little bit. So of course SEED will reach a wider audience. Also on this point

>The west hates SEED Destiny, Japan genuinely loves it.

This isn't entirely true. Yeah a lot of people liked it but it was controversial still compared to seed. Even on freedom movie there are Japanese fans commentating that finally they get to see Shinn shoot down his enemies in destiny gundam after waiting for 20 years.
I've heard SEED is pretty popular in France.
>Yeah a lot of people liked it but it was controversial still compared to seed.
Yes. But it isn’t as reviled as it seems to be among western fans.
Hell, just last night I was going through some Impulse vs Freedom videos and looking at comments. The Japanese ones and English ones are worlds apart.
What's the trend in the comments?
I think that Seed did a lot of the right things at the time to get as big as it did. The music was great, the character drama resonated with a lot of the younger people it was trying to captivate. The show was basically lightning in the bottle and It came out at the right time. I don't know if it would have been as big as it is now if it came out in this current day and age.
Even by Japanese standards, SEED is very... saccharine in its naivete. If it came out today, I think it would fail. The world and media have become very dark and jaded, and the message that Lacus presents would fall flat.

The first half of SEED and the first half of Destiny would probably do pretty well overall, but it's the back half that's weak and, unfortunately, that's the half with the message that the show ultimately tries to run with rather than the premises that it starts on. Fears about genetic manipulation and the lingering scars of war are way more interesting concepts than Lacus Clyne's empty platitudes and Kira's slavish devotion to them.
English comments tend to be, “after this the show went to hell”, “it’s so satisfying to see Kira taken down a notch”, “how the hell did Kira survive getting impaled and blown up?”
Japanese comments I’ve seen are more like, “after this, Des (what they call GSD) starts getting more interesting”, “Kira did amazing but Shinn had every advantage and the will to win”, and so on. They seem to generally be way more fond of it. Even when there’s a Japanese comment asking how Kira survived, when they get the explanation, they’re more likely to roll with it.
Yeah I don't get it. Wish we got more 00 and WfM stuff instead.

Hell, a new FC entry would be sick too.
Interesting. Thanks anon.

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