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File: F-PldKOXIAAEFaY.jpg (142 KB, 1920x1080)
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Do you like absolute bastards in /m/edias?
File: BEND DAT ASS OVER.jpg (16 KB, 636x480)
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Did he raped her? I feel like this scene is pretty fucking weird. He just stabbed her and left her in an alley. I'm pretty sure he fucked her as well.
Ali is a giant bastard but is he this kind of bastard ?
File: happy days.jpg (335 KB, 1196x800)
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The greatest tragic love story ever told.
Is Zoltan, the failure of Char an absolute bastard too?
He's just gay and crazy.
Is Sacheez Mudslime merc too?
Ali al Saachez is a gentleman, he'd never do that.
She was an infidel. She had it coming.
Stop spreading fake stuff about Islam, Satan.
Absolutely yes.
I love irredee/m/able bastards

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