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I-Is Nanoha mecha, /m/…?
One of the earliest on this board in fact
You tell me.
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>Is _____ /m/
Are retards like you just incapable of starting an actual thread like a normal person?
No. It's kinda sci-fi, but overall no. And I never got why people thought it should go in SRW or whatever just because the main girl's outfit looks kinda like Gundam
Yeah, but "kinda sci-fi" has become the trigger point for jackasses and retards to start screaming about how it belongs on /m/. Years, if not decades, of lax moderation has led to these assholes becoming entrenched.
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She is definitely /m/ahou shoujo
I downloaded the 1st Nanoha movie’s soundtrack and am listening to it at work. It’s fucking great, I could find myself listening to this regularly.
Nanoha's soundtrack is great.

I want a StrikerS movie(s) if only for the movie rendition of Ace of Aces
This franchise is very boring. It took me years to get through the first series and I could never finish the second movie. The only good thing is there's lots of naked 9 year old girls in it. Also Bardiche is fucking based.
>It took me years to get through the first series
It’s 12 episodes
Considering how this thread isn't deleted yet, then yes.
I love my wives very much!
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No, fuck you. Fate’s mine. You can have the other one.

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