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Oh, a Gotchard episode thread at long last.
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It's looking very likely now that Atropos' model was Rinne or the girl that Rinne was modeled after but who was Clotho's model? Will it be a quick thing that pops up like with the human that Chase was emulating at the end of Drive?
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>Atropos' model was Rinne
No, we've already seen what Rinne looked like as a child.

>the girl that Rinne was modeled after
Still peddling this retarded ass theory?
My current interpretation of this scene is that the human model is merely a starting point for the process of creating an alchemical doll. But, this being toku, yeah if we do see the originals it'll just be Lachesis/Clotho/Atropos/Geryon in different clothes and make up.
On the other hand, it's interesting that it implies even the Three Kings need a human to work with before they can spawn a doll, suggesting they're not nearly as powerful as they claim to be.
>retarded ass theory
Rinne needs something going for her, man. There's a reason my initial post was more about the dolls, and more specifically, Clotho.
Sex with Rinne.
Rinne's the daughter of the previous great alchemic hero and the creator of Hotarou's Gotchardriver.

i think she's special enough already.
>No, we've already seen what Rinne looked like as a child.
The homunculi are based on real people, doesn't mean they need to be literally equal to their templates.
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So apparently China leaked the first 3 episodes of Gavv already. Did any of you manage to catch it?
The guy didn't make the videos public, so all we have are a few stills. Check /krg/

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