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File: sAAQVyl.jpg (1.29 MB, 2097x2829)
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A giant Gundam yamakasa float created by puppeteer Isamu Tanaka was activated at the start of Hakata Gion Yamakasa, a Japanese festival in Hakata. The festival is famous for the large floats that are carried around the city.

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SEED Freedom bros...
>all those old men in thongs
Gundam? More like Gaydumb
That's rad
>gigantic gaggle of man-ass
Yep, it's /m/echa alright.
>old man ass
But, but my doujinshi told me only cute tomboys wear those ass-exposing clothes!
You'll get your turn eventually.
Lol, I was literally right there. To everyone unawares, this is done from 4am in Fukuoka City. Yes, 4am. It was pouring most of the weekend but it did not dampen anyone's spirit. Awesome time.

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