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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>22726278
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Build a mecha or vehicle that is meant for an indirect role in combat. This can concepts such as:
>Electronic Warfare And Communications & Airborne Early Warning And Control
>Minelayers and long-range weaponry spotters
>Scouting and Surveillance
>Commanding roles
>Sub-flight units to aid MS (Base Jabbers)
>Field Repairs & Supply
Basically any kind of combat role that isn't just "Robot made to shoot/punch another robot"

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 4/24/24
END: 7/31/24
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Post what you're working on!
Do you guys treat this like a job? I started a kit 1 year ago and still havent finished it. I think il start allotting time in my day specifically just to model kits so i can chip at my backlog
Nigga's weathering looks like something straight out of sewer.
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I like it.
No, I do treat it as a hobby.
Looks like they dropped it in a sceptic tank
Don't be shy. Show us YOUR attempts at weathering.
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Building this hand grenade so that I can customise it. Currently debating whether to paint it like a Calamity Gundam or whether it should be powder blue like Day Gregg's Liger Zero.
That's not how that works you mouthbreathing fucktards. I don't make music but I can hear when a mix sounds like shit. I'm not a chef but I know when something's burnt.
I don't throw tantrums but I know when someone shat himself online
Sounds like you know that you're shit at doing anything creative, so you just like to shit on other people to make yourself feel better.

It's okay to be bad at stuff. We accept you even if you have no fucking clue how to weather something yourself.

We love you even if you are a giant sack of shit.
You don't paint, also reddit spacing. Get out of here tranny.
troll detected, IP blocked
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The other anon is being a pissbaby but I can see why they might hesitate about the weathering here.
I would say it's just a matter of considering under what circumstances a gundam would be covered almost entirely from the neck down in muddy brown water streaking and also have large patches of bare, exposed as if freshly made surface damage on the chest.
Maybe it somehow found its way into the deepest, muddiest river possible and waited there for several hours before jumping out and getting into hand to hand combat with some Zeon forces?
I could see it happening in the context of 08th MS Team but even then I think it'd make more sense for it to be waist high since your average mobile suit is pretty fuckin' tall and I doubt they'd want to spend too long with the vents and gun barrels on the chest submerged in the kind of mud people use to try and intentionally jam weapons in tests.
I also think the silvery fresh damages could be applied with a little more intention, smaller flecks and streaks for machinegun fire but a couple of big damages in areas where an enemy MS might intentionally bring their weapons to bare. I'm not saying it's not been done because you can see where on the shield it's been damaged where it's been braced into the ground or punched into an enemy suit but I still think it's a bit too sloppy.
Now of course I'm just some anonymous faggot on the internet so you don't need to listen to me but there's plenty of reference images of both soldiers and tanks that you could look at for a better idea of believable weathering.
by this logic, no one from /gpg/ has any authority to comment on any painting/weathering shit because they only know how to snapshit.
Can I cope and pretending the numb marks are battle damage?
you're pretty fucking stupid aren't you?
No, but you can just accept that you're not the kind of person who wants to either shell out for the kind of equipment required to have practically invisible nub marks or who will just paint over everything anyway.
You don't have to be perfect.
that's how weatherfags "cheat" on their builds. same reason why gunpla competitions score them lower than the clean "showroom" builds.
>shell out for the kind of equipment required to have practically invisible nub marks
What equipment is that?
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I've seen some pretty good results with nanoglass files. You just leave a little bit of elevated nub and then file it down and eventually you're left with a bit of discolouration but that's about it.
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Hopefully this filling job is done now, and the second round of primer tomorrow should be the last one before I can start colour coating. Also hopefully I don't have to be the dickhead asking for a group build extension at the end of the month.
Yeah, just add a bit of metallic paint on it
How are current gen zoids kits? I haven't built one since the basic as fuck kits in the late 1990s.
This is a HMM. One of the older ones. I'd say the quality varies depending on the kit. This Liger Zero is fragile as hell and falls apart if you look at it wrong, but the Command Wolf is solid as a rock.
fishtank dot live
very comfy. helps fill the boring parts when contestants arnt doing anything interesting
You need to go back.
>Find and buy a resin kit I've been looking for on Buyee/Yahoo auction Jp
>Been stuck between shipped and arrived at warehouse for over a week when everything else I've ordered arrived within the week

At what point should I be worried about this kit being lost in the mail?
other plamo brands don't really innovate on engineering, so i'm not expecting revolutionary on their Konig Wolf kit. if you're looking for good articulation, buy the Metal Build one, which ironically is done by Bandai.
I've found that there's less discoloration if I stop before filing and wet the peice as well as the file
Good to know, though I fully admit I might be too lazy to do it myself.
you can just paint it
maybe if you conveniently ignore all the painted builds that get posted here
up yours faggot
I'm watching Zeta while I build. I shout "Go angry trauma boy, go!"
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Buildin the RG God Gundam.
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Finishing building the AGE 1, now I can start with the Glansa stuff.
ummm clearly that zaku was splashing around in a muddy battle field
ok pedro
Thanks Juanito.
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>Postin from the previous thread.

So what're you watchin while buildin? Currently watching the original Gundam series.
i am too stupid to divide my attention between watching and building
i don't watch dubs and can't read subtitles and build at the same time so i stick to stuff like podcasts and video essays that i can mostly just listen to and not have to look at much. or music. or often just silence, i don't need every waking moment filled with noise
as for the question, nothing. today i am listening to the rain with the window open while building and posting
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Would this work as a replacement for actual gunpla nippers?
No. Even a nail clipper is better than that..
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After I finish a kit I save the box art in a binder, I was wondering if there was an art book collection of them but I couldn't find anything, do you guys know of anything like that?
I'm watching Onii-sama e, it's so melodramatic.

You can always learn moonrunes.
i actually have been learning for about a year, i can read simple manga now but i struggle immensely with listening and need jp subs. and i have to pause very frequently to look up words. maybe in another couple of years…
I see... what precautions should i take when using a nailclipper?
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seems to work for this guy
Back when I was learning, I remember watching anime and toku raw on the livestream and then watching it with subs later on.
Unless you are skillful, no. You are more likely to leave a gash on the plastic. Just get those cheap ass Dspiae nippers.
Anyone know if the ballute system fits on the Hyaku Shiki Crash? Or does it need to be modded?
I'd assume no because the proportions are completely different
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Well that sucks. No decent pictures for a while I guess.
I think I see your problem. You need to put it back together.
fashion a new cog out of stock styrene and putty
Where were you fifteen minutes ago? I already flushed it. Now my toilet is plugged for some reason. I can't catch a break today.
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I was doing your mom! Just kidding
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>Dare you enter my realm?
Any tips on placing stickers? Im building my first HG and im really scared of messing that part up.
use tweezers and steady your hand by resting your tweezer hand palm on the palm of the hand holding the piece
in the future look towards painting instead of using the stickers
Use tweezers/knife blade to place em, then gently adjust if needed. Then press it in with cotton swab or something
no, you would be stupid if you didn't have the capacity to focus on one thing at a time. music/podcast is fine, video essays are for vermin, and a show as background noise isn't actually watching the show
kek why tf is this zaku covered in dogshit? this place has really gone downhill that these are the customs that are being posted.
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rg zeta is coming along pretty well
idk why ppl say it's troublesome, at this point im convinced anyone who says "early real grade syndrome" is just a fat person who lacks manual dexterity
>Another RG Zeta it's not so bad post.

It's not bad, the problem comes when you transform it.
idk i've seen people complain about the build and ppl breaking pieces just putting it together and saying it's a hand grenade just sitting there etc
can't wait to transform it though, that should be fun
There's a part on the hip section of the kit that is thin and brittle, that when you transform it you are more likely to break it if you don't know what you're doing. Which is why most people recommend sticking to one mode.
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Just an example.
Makes me glad I stopped fairly early into the transformation and went "This is too much of a hassle just to see what it looks like" and undid what I started.
oof, did that peg snap while still in the hole? just brutal man.
I listen to Rouge, Internet Man while I build. I have an obsession with keeping tabs on lolcows and he condenses it down into some enjoyable content
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>jump on /m/ after the gym
>see my build made the general, cool
>still see people seething about my first attempt at weathering
>still not a single example of weathering on their builds being posted
I don’t get it.
the weathering technique isn't bad, but you made it look like a little dirty toy instead of a large weathered machine
>the technique isn’t bad
>here’s why it’s bad
You know I asked multiple times in previous threads for tips and I didn’t get a single reply with advice on how to refine what I was doing. So I just watched a few YouTube videos and tried it out. I wanted to make it look like it flew through explosions in space. Regardless I’ll keep trying to refine the technique in future builds but I don’t expect I’ll get any good advice from this general.
imo it got the look of old soviet equipment left in the hangar for decades
>waaah mommy spoonfeed me
lmao watching youtube videos is what you should be doing. if that information is available online don't expect us to do all the work for you faggot. it's a hobby ffs, you're supposed to do it yourself.
nta but being a cunt is not a personality
where do you think you are? we aren't your friends. this isn't reddit.
terminally online much? basic fucking manners apply regardless of where you are, unless you've forgotten
you have to go back anon.
>this isn't reddit.
Doubt it, considering 80% of builds here are usually ragebait reposts from reddit
you have to go back anon.
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>Asking people with more experience on a specialized technique in a niche hobby for a few tips is spoonfeeding
Why the fuck do you even post in this general?
now that's the real question innit
Right back at you dudes. If you care so much about the heckin anonerino then why don't you help him with his shitty weathering? You're missing the woods for the trees here.
Why arent you showing off your beautiful body anymore
shitposting troll
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>badly weathered marchosias dabs on u
What now, shitposters
My god, when will this general learn to have some restraint
i think it's fine and is on the better end of first weathering attempts
It's kind of a right of passage getting your work absolutely torn to shreds here.
ignore the shitposters anon. It's a over weathered, sure, but it's a really solid first attempt. I would advise that you dial it back on the amount of chipping, and keep the majority of it on the edges or corners of surfaces as you're less likely to get big chips in the middle of a surface so be VERY sparing with chipping outside of the edges of parts.

My personal favorite trick when I was learning weathering was to do only half or less of the total amount of weathering I initially planned, and then step away and not look at it again overnight or for 24 hours. Coming back and looking at it with fresh eyes helps you get perspective on it.
no, it's a few shitposters who think being assholes makes them cool and funny trying to gaslight you into thinking such
>Cool and funny
Interesting however the weathering is way better here. The damage is more subtle and more sensibly distributed instead of just plastered all over like someone took a sponge dipped in ink to the whole model.
Thanks anon, you’re alright. I’ll keep that in mind on the next attempt. Do you have any recommended tools besides brushes and sponges that help with the process and lead to a realistic weather job? I used some of the Tamiya weathering kits as well. Could their brown panel liner be used to simulate rust stains for example?
You should put some brown dry brushing to really complete the "just crawled out of a sewer" look you went for
Well thanks, I just wanted to partake in the shitposting. I didn't try to do anything fancy and stuck to chipping, I scratched off a lot of the excess with pointy q tips. Struggled with the big sword mace
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working on the nt-1. Really good kit. I like the chunkiness. War in the pocket definitely my favorite series that I've seen so far.

Weapons, cleanup, then choban armor afterwards
>War in the pocket definitely my favorite series that I've seen so far.
Agreed man. I’ve seen every Gundam show up through Gundam X and War in the Pocket is by far the best. I don’t know why more people don’t talk about it, I think it’s a masterpiece.
there's really nothing to talk about at this point, everybody relentlessly fellates it
What is there to talk about in a 30 y.o. short story
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the elbow is all funky-fucky
NtaYou can't criticize your favorite NBA team unless you also play basketball at a professional level. This post your work cope is the most pathetic shit. What happens when they do and make you look retarded?
Holy shit we got a real fag over here!
false equivalency + that literally never happened
ppl were getting annoyed and some ppl were a little creepy so idk, it's better to respect the space and keep it solely to showing gunpla
i normally work on them lying down but apparently a pic with a milimetre of visible skin is too salacious for 4channel

war in the pocket is perfect gundam, idk if anything could surpass it
certainly nothing these days, it seems
i really like turn A, but that's bc im a faggot
Retarded argument. You’re in a hobby general. Everyone posting here should have built at least one kit and should be familiarized with the process of building and customizing no matter how basic. Ergo, you should post your work if you’re willing to dish out criticism. I want people to post better builds even if it’s for argumentative purposes because it gives something to compare to and to aim for.
You fucked it up ok? Normally I notice something looks like shit before I do the ENTIRE kit that way and do something different. You knew you were getting out hand so you made up that dumbass scenario of "flying through explosions" to cope. Now all the anons are saying water is wet and your ass wants them to dunk on you even harder by showing you our successful weathering.
I like to use toothpicks, especially if the stickers are supposed to be in a recessed area. You can gently rub them in to correct the position if they're slightly off.
>You knew you were getting out hand so you made up that dumbass scenario
See my post >>22728499
I always intended it to look like that. I posted about it when I finished the kit in the previous thread. Then intent was to replicate carbon scoring from flying through a blast in space. I even admit that the weathering is unrefined but it’s a first attempt and I’m eager to improve it. Which now begs the question, why can’t you let it go already? I’m happy with how it turned out and it’s on my desk as we speak. You can post your builds if you want but so far all I’ve seen is just uncontrollable seething from a sperg that wants attention.
So I can't criticize a shit build unless I post my own superior build? But it could be superior and you still wouldn't acknowledge it.
You ladies are always begging me to show my work but when i do you don't say shit.
It can if you want. Do you want it to? All I have to do is post anything clean.
Yes actually. It’s like letting a fatass critique your physique. If the build is so shit, if the paint job is so horrible, if the weathering is such garbage, surely you’d be able to easily surpass it and post a superior build right?
I just post other people's work when asked even though I have my own, because you retards will never know and I get satisfaction from tricking people.
>Complains about work
>Doesn't post own work mog

I bet your foreskin was taken by the jews too you dumb gorilla nigger.
Some people can't let go because your work is the fucking thumbnail, retard. It will get more shit until this thread's lifespan ended.
I agree with you on principle anon. We have a culture that's too eager to dismiss criticism no matter how logical unless the critic is the correct person. It's the criticism that matters, not the critic.
Treat us once in awhile, don't feel ashamed. You're one of my favorite posters, the #1 being Barzamfag
>War in the pocket definitely my favorite series that I've seen so far.
War in the pocket is easily my favorite OVA series of all Gundam, it's just that good for me.
Quick "fix" to help you visualize "proper" weathering done in 10 gorillion hours in Photoshop on the front skirts. A fine brush and some fine sponge are really all you need as tools, but you can also a toothpick or similar for getting clean lines on edges or applying a few individual chips.
Do your chipping in layers, 1st layer is just a lighter shade of the color of the part, second layer is some dark color like gray/black/brown, third layer is silver. Each layer should be used more sparingly than the last, and only found inside the other layer (ex: dark layer should only appear inside chips from the first layer). Keep silver almost exclusively to corners, unless you are doing something like a bullet hole (which again, should be sparing).
You can use Tamiya weathering powder for some things, but I pretty much use it exclusively for sandy/dirty feet, but that's preference. I've never used their brown panel liner for rust, but you could I suppose, there's just better options. Something like mr. Weathering color is easier to work with because it's just a really diluted oil paint. (Or you could save money and buy a tube of artist's oil paint + mineral spirits to make your own that will last a lifetime). Oil based paint is much easier to work with for weathering because you can really fine tune how intense the effect is by removing excess with a paper towel or qtip dipped in mineral spirits (or Mr weathering solvent if you're a brand slut). Oils also let you do things like dot filtering or gunk washes. If you wanna try oils get a good flat brush to use with them when removing excess.
Just pull back on how much you're doing and practice those basics and you can improve pretty quickly.
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Sometimes i wonder why colorswaps like these are even PBandai. The production budget is 90% reduced due to reused mold.
Thanks a lot for this info! That’s fucking fantastic anon. Much appreciated, truly.
They don't want to fill up store shelves with the same kit but different color
And also me, the second best poster in /gpg/, right?
Tell that to Unicorn.line.
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except when they do
make it make sense, /gpg/
that's right, you can't
Colorswaps being Pbandai is such a scam. They were never something super expensive to be afraid of weak sales.
Thank you for actually trying to fit in even if you don't agree. That's what makes you different from the absolute worst posters in /gpg/ like Luxembourg anon.
I'm considering getting a kampfer to make a diorama for it. Not sure if that kit is halfway decent. One friend built it and it looks like a very inanimate statue.
Just delete this board then. Nothing to talk about except wfm slop and sneed freedom
Nah it's not ready and I don't want it in the op till it's 100%. You will just have to wait.
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You G-witchfags are sad.
the kampfer hasn't had a great kit yet
the high grade is better than the master grade iirc but it's still not perfect, particularly the lack of colour accuracy
>shitting on G-Line
We know you made the thread, anon.
No one cares.
Damn I can’t stop catching strays even when /gpg/ is simping for an actual faggot attention whore.
Take it as a sign to be more like me anon, maybe one day you can work your way up to 11th best poster.
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The rifles are done too but I added some light chrome details with a marker. Only the backpack left. I'm looking forward to the final result. But I am not looking forward 6 hours painting sessions under the scorching 40c heat in my cuck shed
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I like this angle too. Fooled around with the settings on my phone but ultimately it remains a phone, nothing I do with it will make the picture quality magically better
Nicely done, anon
Sadly only the HG Kampfer is a good one.
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Thanks. I copied anon's homework who did highlights on his destiny wings of light but for the beam sabers. The handle was a pain to remove from the only hand type that can hold them
wait this is painted? chat is this real?
no that's a photograph
Everytime I do it make me raff
What are you on about ? This is clearly a mosaic.
Looking to get my first airbush setup. What needle size should I be looking for in my first brush?
0.3, 0.35 are good
What about 0.28mm? Too small or close enough?
Never used below 0.3 yet, but that's probably close enough. The lower you go the more annoying it'll be to paint large surfaces
>Nothing I do with it will make the picture quality magically better

sure you can. Remove all the background clutter and literally put a blank background so your phone camera isn't trying to also capture that information like the glare from the monitor screen plus the bits on your desk. Even if you get an actual camera leaving unnecessary stuff in your photos will still make it look horrible.
Can try that. My other issue is lighting, I'd have to get one of those portable lamps thing
Are glass files a meme or actually good?
Do NOT paint an entire Nightingale with a .2 I repeat do NOT paint an entire nightingale with a .2
Everyone with a glass file has models with fucked up edges and flat spots on round surfaces

P-Bandai is for higher than normal profit not for increasing revenue because it's always less qty than a normal item. It actually doesn't matter if something that is P-Bandai sells less than qty it would at retail as long as the profit is gangbusters since Bandai cuts out the store and sells it themselves.

>then why isn't everything p-bandai

Because other stuff has to be retail in order to generate the sales volume that P-bandai can't and for P-bandai to actually be able to generate the FOMO required. Literally every P-Bandai item when re-listed multiple times takes forever to sell out because the FOMO is gone.
no they're legit. its way less work sanding and drastically reduced the amount of time it takes.
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I really like the Re GZ but I can’t decide on some of the other MGs up right now.
only if they don't also have sanding sponges for curves
Sounds nice.

>sanding sponges
Any recommendations on that one? I'm looking to get better tools, I'm tired of my starter kit stuff.
In what order should I do decals, panel lining and topcoating?
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Moving onto the shield now, spent forever removing the weird rod going up the length of the shield so I can panel line and pla plate it :3
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looking forward to the 2.0 govs/para
Bandai still has to pay for their employees and stuff. It is not like they have 100% cash just because they cut out retailers. The only advantage PBandai has is how it is 100% sale, once you pre ordered, you can't pull back.

>Literally every P-Bandai item when re-listed multiple times takes forever to sell out because the FOMO is gone.
Now this is a funny thing, they list a product to pre order and print them later. It is such a slimy monetization tactic.
With sanding sponges, you get what you pay for. I had some tamiya sponges and they were ass, so I got some sanding sponge stick block hybrid from infini and they were great. I heard changhands makes good sanding sponges too.
Grow up, retard. Use your fucking brain.
Clear gloss can be helpful for decals and is basically necessary for tamiya panel liner if you didn’t paint using gloss lacquers already. Then panel line, then decal, and top coat in that order.
Decals and Paneline at the same time. Then topcoat. Topcoat always the final step, after you painted, after you customize, etc.
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I really like the Stedi sanding sponges. They are perfect in terms of firmness for me, and they're washable.
Do you guys have any advice on how I can find or build a hot gunpla-building gf, like Umi, or Yucaend?
Go outside and talk to every hot girl you see. Eventually you'll get one
I still remember during the pandemic when every new kit would sell out in minutes
None of those actually build or customize gunpla. Banrise paid them then staged everything.
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Really awkard when you realized that these dudes are tiny when standing next to Megalomaria's CLANG robots.
Somebody on one of the incel forums did this. He got rejected every time and eventually became well known in his community for being a creep. Women started avoiding him before he even approached and men started ridiculing and bullying him. Just brutal.
fucking kek
If you go up to random women asking them out on a date right away like a fucking retard then yeah everyone is gonna make fun of you
It is not as simple as it sounds. Even when you know a woman for a long time, if she doesn't "greenlight" you, as guys usually joking about, your chances at romance is zero. And i personally think every guys who try to "touch grass" and shit as desperate and pathetic. Life is not all about having sex then get married.
>Life is not all about having sex then get married.
Exactly. It's about gunpla and gunpla accessories.
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who else buying a Minion-pla to customize into a robot
You know, everytime i see these conversations about the impulsive urge to get laid and how having a bitch on your cock is the ultimate beauty of life, i remember that "The Lobster" movie. Basically a movie that mocks on the idea of "touching grass" and how you are not allowed to reject marriage.
The recent "Pewdiepie le whole family" fetish that these 4chan weirdoes are having also makes me sick.
having a family is a fetish? maybe you should write the next eva plot.
I'm gonna buy one and do a painstakingly good job painting it to put next to my mom's urn. She wanted me to paint her something, and she died before I could do that. One of my best memories was taking her to see the minions movie when it came out, because like a typical boomer woman, she loved them lol.
You just proved my point. Overly obsessive over the concept of "family" can be counted as a fetish.
>the one human Gov with good weapons is a Koto Store exclusive
I'm mad
Why is it bad to act on the impulsive urge to get laid or think having a bitch on your cock is the ultimate beauty of life? Isn’t this just our nature?
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but is it enough to learn how to use a proxy service?
probably not, but monoceros 2.0 with an odachi closer to a small version from vthor would break me
buy the whole minions gang for her
no, I'm calling you a weirdo who probably never had a family to call your own.
Whatever, i'm not gonna fall into the desperate horny trap.
You can buy these things, but through 2 layers of scalpers : Japanese scalpers who can buy them and the non-Japanese scalpers who bought the stock from Japanese scalpers.
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https://www.kotobukiya.co.jp/blog1/hexa-gear-gg/article/detail/310/ pretty neat blog about the details
It’s the same kind of joint as the Hobby Hizack, a double bend with a swivel in the middle
That'll be $30 + tip.
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hell yeah I looooove hexagear
30 dollars for a 1/160 scaled kit. Seems reasonable.
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Honestly, the worst part about these releases is that the kits still won't be able to look up and will likely inherit the weak torso joint from the Cradle and Prime series too.
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Why do the Tamashii figures generally tend to have better proportionality over gunpla kits? I’ve seen a few and they all generally look a bit nicer than their HG or MG counter parts.
>1/160 scaled kit
Are you going to keep asking this every thread?
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I’ve never asked this before nor have I ever seen this asked before.
which version is this? I want one
Dang these actually look sick. I wish we got model kits like this.
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Tamashii Hizack
dang these all look impeccable. why cant the model kits look this good?
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That’s exactly what I want to know. It’s all mold injected plastic I’m pretty sure. They go for a more anime accurate look. Does the design of a kit hamper the ability to make these? Maybe gimmicks and inner frames could make it more difficult to match the Tamashii figures?
Jeweller/goldsmith here, this is a problem that people who don't know how to use files well run into (me included)
If you spastically attack the nub, the file will roll and you'll fuck up the edges.
Push the file only, and lift and examine after every pass. Adjust your angle if you're hitting the wrong parts. Get a wide file and a narrow one, and only use the narrow one if you really can't avoid hitting something with the wider one. A wider file is much easier to control and its edges will often ideally go past the edges you don't want to hit.
And yeah, use sanding sponges for curved surfaces once you've got the nub down a fair way.
Also, glass files are cool, but very fine metal files work too. You just need to sanding sponge/stick afterwards to get the finish back.
I don't get why people waste time getting the finish back during surface treatment when you can just do that during the painting process.
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I'm just joking about the scale, however, Governor's scale is 1/24 since they are supposed to be human, which is quite tiny.
Here is Governor's size compares to Megalomaria kit. Charging 30+ dollars for these guys is abit steep.
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This is literally Revive Duel Gundam.
Too bad the lighting buster doesn't have the original weapons with it to make a revive buster.
Lightning Buster is entirely different design, unlike Blizt Duel where it is just original Duel with a new set of armor.
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Did Bandai reprint Geara Doga HG?
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The Buster main body is pretty much identical with the old one. They just moved the shoulder pods to the backpack and having different weapons.
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They're including Buster's original weapons alongside the GB4 Strike kit. Maybe they'll make a retail option set for it later.
I just don't care for these new proportions. I've already got a 3-man squad of 1.5s; are they supposed to be, like, wearing corvus armor equivalents and the new guys are all intercessors? Just fucks up general squad aesthetics. At least the X1 and Knight looked like specially outfitted pawns.
That's entirely different shoulders and body proportion, anon.
rent free
because these are made to look good in select few poses and will look not nearly as well in any other
Too bad G-Witch isn't, in Bandai's head.
like revive Blitz wouldn't have these proportions anyway
Yeah but Blitz still has non armor mode you can choose. Unlike Lightning Buster, the proportion is icing on the cake, especially with new backpack and shoulders along with several different mechanical details.
did gwitch fans even want to assemble them?
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Release date: August 10th in Japan.
Bold of you to assume they even buy the kits in the first place. It is all dudebros in their late 20s and 30s. They see big cool robots then press purchase button, just like every other year.
Hopefully this one won't be as much of a hand grenade.
Majority of RG are hand grenades or atleast very clunky to work with. This is why i support the improvement of HG over new RG. Less useless extra articulation, more sturdy kit structure.
More C-clips, gotcha
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>He doesn't know
Your precious RG is the culprit of C Clip spamming.
I will be salty if they release they dont release a Proud Defender MGEX pack.
Either that or MG/MG EX Mighty Strike Freedom.
Thats just really dumb for them. Releasing a separate kit instead of boosting the sales of the current MGEX, what else is even there for the Mighty Strike Freedom?
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Mighty Strike Freedom's body is Strike Freedom spec 2, with disruptor on the forehead, not the vanilla Strike Freedom. Putting Proud Defender on normal Strike Freedom won't make much sense.
When will they stop remaking the RX-78?
why would they?
It deserves respect because it kickstarted the franchise.
I have built RGs from #30 up to the latest one and non of them are handgrenades unless you have gorilla hands or throw them against the wall and expect them to stay in one piece.
RG Sinanju killed my entire family in a horrific accident please, don't let it into your home.
No, the argument of hand grenade is not how they are floppy or easily falling off. RG usually containing too many articulations, up to the point of feeling disconnected and messy. When everything can move, nothing move.
what the fuck
RG Sinanju is such a meme, i'm starting to get curious and wanting to build it.
Which would be solved if they just made a separate head piece and other bits and pieces. The MGEX is already gorgeous.
If you own bunch of RG then you will know what i'm talking about. That feeling when you twist the shoulder armor, the hands don't get twisted along with it. Shit is annoying.
Because that's all my collection right now. Do I need another one? Fuck yes.
It just has far too many moveable parts on the poor prebuilt frame they reused from the much simpler Gundam Mk.2, also it's way too top- and back-heavy because of the backpack. It's not really worth it unless you don't have the space or money for the MG since it's basically the same thing but smaller and ready to fall apart at any moment, but it can still be fine with a good display stand and some patience.
I have it in one pose and anytime I try to move it, bits and pieces fall off, the backpack doesn't stay put, the arms can't hold the weight of the accessories, the shield attachment just doesn't work unless you tighten it. It needs work for it to be a solid kit. Especially the torso section. What the fuck where they thinking with the inner frame.
Yeah but it wouldn't make much sense to turn a huge selling point into a single expansion set. Bandai didn't sell Proud Defender with Strike Freedom spect 2 head then expect you to buy Revive Strike Freedom, they sell an entire robot. It is more convienient for consummer.
I wish they did the glossy finish on the MG Sinanju as well as the extra articulation for the thrusters.
I think RG Sinanju is a kit that needs to be treated like a Volks kit. Just glue the shit out of it instead of relying on pegs.
Why wouldn't it? It is more convenient for consumers to buy an expansion, if they do an MGEX Mighty Strike Freedom, it would pretty much kill this kit's sales.
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They sold the electropate version as a separate kit. It is MG Sinanju ver Ka - Titanium Finish.
>It is more convenient for consumers to buy an expansion
It is not, especially when you haven't own the base kit yet. The psychology here is, when it is too annoying to buy something, you will get hesitated and might reconsider it. That is why 30MM still has special units instead of just basic bare bodies then expect you to buy option armor sets. It is not fun to buy DLCs.
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the changhands nippers are garbage, i wouldn't put any faith in the quality of their sanding tools

Okay that is fucking gorgeous. I bought another MG Sinanju and was gonna do glossy paintjob to it.
Yeah, glueing it together sounds like good idea for stability, but you'd have to deal with the soft plastic of the inner frame – which doesn't likes modelling cement – and avoid accidentally locking all the tiny articulations where some glue could flow.
I would rather buy the dlc for this special kits than buy another special kit of the same thing with minor touch ups to it. What else can they do for the Mighty Strike besides make it more white and add more gold?
wow that looks like shit. sasuga bandai, they really know how to make things look like shit to squeeze out 0.005% more articulation eh
except they look better than the kit sculpts in any pose
Well i guess you are not an army builder. People are different. There are anons here who bought 5 Scopedogs, 6 Leos, and much more. Why must own exclusively one Mighty Strike Freedom when you can own both Strike Freedom and Mighty Strike Freedom?
>Proudly named the box as Amazing Barbatos Metallic Ver
>Gatekept it behind soundtrack CD for a year
>Turned out it was some shitty metallic injection instead of electroplating
I swear, Gundam frame of IBO HG is cursed.
shit yourself.
Honestly, i agree. Over the top articulation is not that good. After all, everyone just gonna pose the kit in generic action hero pose instead of dumb yoga pose.
There's nothing wrong with that hizack
Update on >>22729251
The good news is that the weather was appropriate to airbrush the new coat of surfacer. Coat went on decently and should hopefully cure over the next 24-48 hours.
The bad news is that if I really want to make this the best I can, it probably needs another round of filling and sanding. If I take the time to fill, wait for the filler to set, sand back, prime again and wait for that to cure I will almost certainly miss deadline (as it is I will be racing to the finish and probably skip one or two steps for after group build photos are in) so now I have a conundrum. Should I do a "go through the motions" finish of the build knowing I can strip/redo it later if annoyed, or take my time and finish it sometime in September?
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Revival version when?
The 80s were an amazing time. Chinkshit toys but made in America/the respective country of origin (I think).
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That's just the GTO version
the elbow joint looks retarded with that pivot in the middle
Bandai isn't going to pass up the chance to sell more and bigger boxes of plastic. The Type II has just enough ever-so-slightly-different parts in so many places (shoulders, arm shields, beam saber holders, skirt, etc.) that they could market an entirely new kit instead of an expansion backpack. The only question is whether they're going to use the 2006 MG as a base, revise the 2006 MG as a version 2.0, or only do it for the MG EX. I suspect that they'll take the 2.0 option (using as many parts from the 2006 MG as they can) while also selling a backpack expansion with different parts for the MG EX.

The other time that they did this with a main hero MG were (1) the MG Barbatos, which contains only the base form while all the season 1 upgrades are all in a P-Bandai package and (2) the AGE-1 and P-Bandai (Full) Glansa. Those shows weren't nearly as popular though, and Bandai sure as hell is going to try to capitalize on Seed's popularity as much as they can.
Yeah type 2 has alot more greebles than normal Strike Freedom. It wouldn't make sense if Bandai pretend Type 2 to be the same thing as the predecessor.
I wish Great Teacher Onizuka piloted a Gundam
I don't know if it's just me, does the lower parts seem smaller and somehow doesn't fit well with the body?
Nah, Strike Freedom always have such ridiculously fat lower body, especially the giant feet. You can see the feet is much bigger than its head.
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>MG never ever.
Thank god. Looks gross.
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This might be up your alley then.
This thing astounds me. It looks like a gundam but then there is shading and I guess physically molded parts here and there that almost look like flesh or unnatural in its design. I get weird uncanny valley feelings from this thing. Most pronounced in the face.
It's too soft and round. There's almost no sharp edges. This thing looks like it was designed by a white person.
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God it's fucking wretched

It's like they schizophrenically wanted both a realistic gritty grounded Gundam like the Ground Type, but also all the capability of a more high powered experimental type Gundam ala GP01, as well as something new from the series, but also pretending to be UC because it sells well

The series has always fallen into this crevice in many ways, but this is just the worst, ugliest way of doing it
You still can't convince me that this thing wasn't at least partially designed with AI.
Unironically looks great.
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Eh I like it. My only complaint with the new Hizack mold is that the arms are straight pegs and can fall out with too much weight
I want to get this solely to see if I can possibly save the design
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Ironically, it was designed in traditional medium. Yamane made the lineart with paper and pencil, then passed it to that German Warhammerfag. However, one thing everyone should notice is how the robot supposed to have a traditional Gundam face. It has obvious panel line that separates the middle section and the cheeks, not a singular face piece with a budge like the final 3D rendition. I have seen Gundam designs and fanarts that depict Gundam's face better than that turd.
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>warhammer fag
That's even more egregious. Warhammer has lots of smooth solid pieces everywhere that aren't marred by weird bumps. What even was this guy's inspiration?
Maybe having it be more than 10 meters tall?
Westoids should never be allowed near Gundam. Everything they come up with is vomit inducing
It was designed by a nip
You will never be japanese
Bro you just posted cringe. It’s the same jap who did the 08th ms team that designed these.
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And redesigned by some tranny mutt for the CG. The lineart version is very different with completely different proportions, a different face, and no markings on top of the already cluttered surface design
Looks the same as the final face to me anon.
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>more than 10 meters tall
Yeah wtf is he trying to say here
>t. Westoid Defense Brigade.

Compare this design to other stuff by Yamane, It's obvious they asked him to design it with a certain visual language that makes Westoids cream. No one spends decades of their lives designing in one style then absolutely discard it for one project. Hell, Okawara's G Savior is still consistent with his other designs. That was also another Westoid project. But since it stayed true to its Eastern sensibilities, we still have fans of the G Savior design. No one but WH40kaggots cares about this shit.
>all that greeble
Is there anything like Microsol I can use that won't eat through my acrylic paints?
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>No one spends decades of their lives designing in one style then absolutely discard it for one project.
Well, occasionally you get wacky shit like Obari designing cars for a video game that don't look like anything he's ever done before or afterwards.
You're trying too hard
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Based Myd.
never had a problem with microsol over vallejo's acrylic-polyurethane varnishes. don't remember if i ever tried it over their regular acrylic varnish though.
are you letting your varnish cure fully? you need to make sure it's fully cured before you go putting solvents on it. the other options vs microsol either suck ass and not worth using (BECAUSE they aren't as harsh) or are even more harsh than microsol. people use this shit over acrylics all the time without issue
Yeah, but it is a different thing entirely. Obari mecha designs are pretty recognizably his. Gyoubu's mechas are recognizably his whether in IBO or UC or Witch from Mercury. Yamane was definitely asked to design a greebly piece of shit to fit in with the edgy HURR DURR GRITTY WAR DRAMA RAAAAWWWRR Titanfall bullshit Westoids like in mecha. I think we dont need to cater to those people by making ugly designs for the sake of ugly designs.
Literal fag tier opinion
god I love smooth armor so much
i will never understand the greeble and panel line obsession
Depends on the design, but a lot of them are helped with something that breaks up large areas. Whether it be a decal, panel line, color separation, or greeble like rivets. Problem is that as retards become the norm they take everything too far or don't understand good flow in design.
Literal kill yourself opinion
both can be good.
for example nagano and myd make designs that have a lot of "greeble" but it's tasteful and looks great.
then you have stuff like >>22730801 and most of the custom scribing jobs people do on gunpla…
nagano designs don't have a lot of greeble
The shield is mad ugly, like the designer wanted to make some sort of dumb statement about how dumb shields are for giant mechs so he made his oc gundam carry around this ugly piece of metal ripped off an aircraft
>I get weird uncanny valley feelings from this thing. Most pronounced in the face.
From the AX panel I went to that's what they're going for, because this Gundam is the antagonist of the Requiem for Vengeance series. It's supposed to be scary and nightmarish for the witless Zeon forces that have never seen such a thing before.
Don't be fooled, the finish isn't perfect, very often you'll find bad nub marks or non sanded nubs. I'm very into metal builds, they're supposed to be premium figures and I had to sand nubs and correct noticeable imperfections even on those. Now if you're into it, I believe there's a thread on /toy/ dedicated to the modification of pre made figures

They'd have to make an entire pack with the sword, the backpack, the shoulders, and other different parts that I'm forgetting. It'd be really dumb from them not to do it. I'd be pissed if they released a new MGEX instead of doing an expension set for the current MGEX
>Never got an email telling me they shipped my July stuff
>Box arrives today
>Zero packing material
>Every box is smashed
Thanks Bandai.
no one ever fixes MY builds in photoshop. . .
NGL, everytime i look at Turn A, i puke abit.
Packing material is P-Bandai and must be ordered separately.
Why the fuck are recommendations for thinner:paint ratios so wildly different all the time?
One person will say they thin 1:1, and others will say up to like 3 or even 4:1.
How come this isn't just a known and agreed upon thing? Is it just that everybody's airbrush setup and technique is going to be different? That seems like a big difference though.
Because it depends on the so many factors that a golden ratio simply doesn’t exist. The brand and type of paint you’re thinning. The brand of thinner, if there’s retarder in it or not, etc. In my experience I’ve found that even some colors thin much easier than others. Blue and greens thin out easier while whites and grays take more thinner to get to the right consistency. I thinned the fuck out of Mr Color GX White and it would still clump up every once in a while, while their super metallic silver thinned like nothing.
smaller needle/nozzle sizes need more thinning, different brands thin at different ratios, different colours from the same brand might be thinner than others out of the bottle, and i'd also imagine a lot of people are just eyeballing it and then guestimating when they post about it. i've never bothered to measure, i just eyeball it. but i also don't talk about ratios
look on the maufacturers website for recommended thinning ratios, and use the upper bound ratio. you want to thin the shit out of it and blast it on at 20 psi with smaller nozzle sizes.
but seriously why did Bandai do that?
>why did Bandai
your first mistake was thinking there is an answer to that
oh yeah, g-line is out. almost forgot about it.
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You should honestly be fucking grateful they even bothered to make a HG
coming soon after 2.0s of every released Crossbone MG
It's kind of annoying that most of the late UC stuff is 1/100 but all the recent Crossbone kits are 1/144
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How long this revival line lasted before Bandai discontinued it like others
I figure either it's a one off or they do the Zaku too, there's not much market for more than that and it's insane to expect it to be a long-running mainstay
This looks like the only good rx 78 2 kit. All the other ones have much more liberal interpretations of the proportions
I’m about to move into a small apartment with no yard or balcony, is it safe to use topcoat spray cans indoor? I’m not going to stay at that place for long so i dont plan on getting a paint booth white there
Just go to an empty parking lot and do it.
I’m scared I’d run into drug dealers or colored folks loitering
uwa~ so cool~ which one is he?
if your apt hallway has a window, just open that and spray indoors. I wear a mask with paint filters. you just gotta get over the potential embarrassment of your neighbors walking past you.
Challenge them to gunpla battle and find out how good a builder you are
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>Want to spraypaint groupbuild entry
>Heat advisory in effect until wednesday and it's like 80% humidity outside
Bro your spray booth?
My hguc kampfer is probably not gonna be able to stop a 9mm
Makes me wonder if anyone has ever gone out and shot their gunpla with a small caliber bullet in a really shitty and retarded attempt to add battle damage
not witht hat attitude anon, you stay in the builders club then.
It is not. If you're going to use spray cans, you're going to want some ventilation afterward. The best you can probably do is bring a box with you, spray in the closest outdoors hallway, quickly set your pieces in the box and head back indoors after closing up the box. You could potentially use your bathroom for spraying and turn on the shit-clearing fan (obviously use newspapers so that the overspray doesn't get all over your toilet), but that would render your bathroom unusable for the duration of the ventilation (which could last up to 20 minutes depending on how strong the fan is).

Ask for an extension. Everybody always asks for extensions in the last couple weeks.
Womp womp
Just kill them
I just bought a GSI Creos Procon PS-289. What am I in for?
they'll stop after making Char's Zaku II
I've been spraying my entry almost every day on a balcony for the past few weeks, even a gloss coat.
Then again I don't give a shit about paint jobs too much...
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Why come Mercurius and Vayeate never got 1/100 model kits even though they were protagonist main character mobile suits? Even the old NGs from the 90s they only got 1/144.
1. They're not Gundams.
2. They only showed up in a handful of episodes apiece

As far as Wing goes, a bunch of prominent MS still don't have kits. To this day we still don't have Aries, Taurus, Virgo (I and II) or Cancer.
>As far as Wing goes, a bunch of prominent MS still don't have kits. To this day we still don't have Aries, Taurus, Virgo (I and II) or Cancer.
But why though? Wing was pretty popular right?
In America
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In Japan it was one of the most popular Gundam shows of the 90s wasn't it? It's the only animation from that era that got a sequel.
I'd like to blame it on the plague and second factory woes, but really we don't know. Unlike the other 90's Gundam shows though at least it's been getting HG love in recent years, from 2018 onward the TV's been getting HG kits done (MG has been leaning more towards Endless Waltz and Glory of the Losers). I'm no betting man, but the prospects of all the aforementioned suits getting HG kits in the coming years is pretty good, though we'll probably have to wait for Seed Freedom to finish its design and production run first.

Its huge popularity in Japan was a major factor in it being the debut Gundam show on Toonami in 2000. There's a reason that it aired instead of G or X or Turn A, after all.
Pretty sure Heero used the Mercurius for longer than he did the Wing.
>Its huge popularity in Japan was a major factor in it being the debut Gundam show on Toonami in 2000. There's a reason that it aired instead of G or X or Turn A, after all.
Tales from my ass unless you post source
>most popular Gundam shows of the 90s
it was the only popular gundam show of the 90s anon, literally the only one
Select your character.

Indeed, the OG boy band mecha show.
"huge" is overstating it a bit. It was definitely the most successful Gundam TV since ZZ though, which is more to say that V, G, and X did not do very well. We got G literally right after Wing in the US so it's a weird thing to single out, and X would have been the best choice possible for us to get to continue the Gundam boom of the 2000s, CN even knew it at the time but Bandai shyed away from X and Turn A and pushed MSG extremely hard.
Would set the wrong impression of what Gundam was supposed to be if it was the first to broadcast. Thats why it took 4 other Gundam shows to air first in the west before we got it.
Less toys to sell and less episodes to air.
>Turn A
The last episode of Turn A aired a month after Wing premiered on Toonami, and back then Anime dubbing was a much longer process compared to the simulcasts of today.
I have done so a few times in a spare room, and then aired the room out a lot afterwards. Not recommendable if im honest. The room has 2 windows on oposite sides so there was a draft but even then the smell does linger. Also the floor got a fine layer of matte topcoat particles after having sprayed like 2-3 kits.
You can wipe em up or use a vacuum but even so that shit was not cash.
Wing’s average rating was 4.3%. G was 4.1%, and V was 3.9%. X before the timeslot was moved was 3.5 which was still pretty shit. Turn A got a measly 3.0% but thankfully it didn’t get cancelled because the based TV execs knew Tomino.

Anyway the point is it’s inaccurate to say G “did not do very well” compared to Wing and that Wing was the only popular gundam show of the 90s when G’s ratings were almost the same as Wing’s.
I want a Qubeley, Which version should I get?
>ratings are everything
now you'll tell me why Wing got a high budget OVA and theatrical movie, far more spinoffs with model kit lines that were themselves successful both in the 90s and ever onwards since? Why do you think for the past 30 years Wing has gotten the lion's share of attention from literally anything else in that time period? It isn't purely because it did well in NA, because it was already getting more attention even back then. It has always been so. Ratings tell you how many people watched it. You could go find really great viewership ratings for something like Game of Thrones Season 8. Unfortunately, the actual critical and audience reviews are largely terrible. A significant amount of people watching is good, but it doesn't mean much if those ratings don't amount to actual sales of products. ZZ had really high ratings too, yet it too is treated much differently than the viewership ratings would indicate.
the newer HGUC version unless you really want 1/100 scale
Is it okay to top coat and panel line at fully built kit before applying the final coat? ,I'm assuming the one who use the peg and top coat every segments want to paint everything. Before confirming my final purchase the first coat is gloss and not semigloss right?
The revive?
Yeah, there's not a more modern official kit of it. The MG is very dated at this point and the old HGUC isn't worth bothering with over the new one.
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MG Ver. Ka when?
At this rate Katoki will eat a bullet before this happens
in4 anon predicts an angry jap upset that he didn't rightfully get the gunpla he wanted.
>wing is by far the most popular
>errrm popularity doesn't mean how many people watched it
God I fucking hate wingbabies
Whats the biggest MG? Sazabi?
I’m predicting GP03 ver Ka soon because Katoki designed it and it’s UC which Katoki always makes kits of, and there’s not a whole lot of UC Gundams left that need kits. GP01 is also a good candidate, and once they make that it’d be easy to do FB. We already got a MG GP02 2.0 so we don’t need it. GP04 has a RE100. I don’t think we’d ever get MG GP00, too obscure
Deep Strike and it's not even close.
He is right though, if TV ratings mattered that much ZZ would be treated better than Wing but that's not the case.
But the whole basis of the conversation was him complaining that Wing doesn't have enough kits
I'm not the original person who was saying that, so no I'm not.
Damn is that thing worth $250?
Well I give up then, it's too confusing to argue when you don't know who said what. Have a nice evening!
welcome to 4chan friendo, take care
Hey I'm not new, I've been here all summer.
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SMP King J-Der & Silverion Hammer.
18700 yen. P-Bandai.
Speaking of which, How is the MG Tallgeese Flugel?
All MG Tallgeese (except maybe III) have a problem holding their guns but are fine otherwise
I see, I'm asking because I got the regular RG Tallgeese and it looks cool enough so I was looking to get a MG one.
You just have a really limited and finnicky range of movement with the dobergun mounted to the shoulder, but otherwise the kit's great. I just pose mine with the sabre out and the gun hanging instead.
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Perfect Zeong is pretty big too
>I just pose mine with the sabre out and the gun hanging instead.
Yeah, that was my idea too, Are the wings good too?
The MG WZC ver Ka wings are absolutely the best recreations of the wings in plastic yet I'd say, so yeah, definitely good. The new parts specific to the Flugel also look great, love the eagle emblem elements and all.
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First batch of 30 Minutes Fantasy will be released in 31st August. Are you excited for Ebikawa/Gyobu Knights, anon?
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However, it will be ver Ka.
As long as it isn't the clown shoes EW version I'm okay with that
I didn't know it used those wings, very cool.
MG is Endless Waltz territory, you'll never get an MG of a TV kit unless it's Wing 01. Or if you do, it'll be in at least 5-10 years.

You will take your HG and you will enjoy it.
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>Yeah wtf is he trying to say here
The face in lineart has 2 panelines. The 3D model doesn't seem to have it.
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>Has been designing Traditional-looking Gundam since forever
>Famous for Gundam EZ8
>Suddenly having a shitstain in your career, known as Gundam EX
What paints are you using anon?
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Calibarn clear ver.
EX reminds me of riot guards armor suits
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30 Minutes Fantasy sample from Ebikawa.
Michaelis isekai
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Distinctly Gundam based on color, shape, and silhouette, but so unique as to be alien in design. Classic 1930s futurism but the year 99. Love this thing.
New thread

There is an old 1/100 ng deathscythe tv

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