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This week's GBO2 for console and steam once again has an MS that's featured in UC.Gundam Engage that feature Psycommu weapons.

The new MS for this week is an Engage Zero implemented with Psycommu technology from Zeon's Bishop Plan; Engage Zero [INCOM-equipped Type] is here on the console version.

The MS for steam is a Fin Funnel equipped Jegan-type that can deploy I-Field Barrier; Roswell Jegan is here with a special double banner of Zaku Machinery and Zaku Machinery (EB).

6th Anniversary Pre-event has Supply Drop MS Request of the top 10 most voted MS and a soon to be announcement of the 6th Anniversary of GBO2.

Previous thread:

Follow Tenda on twitter

GBO2 Clear Banner Art Page

/m/ Discord for Console/PC players, GBO and other games (RFA):

/m/ Steam group
/m/ Steam group chat

Console Clans:
Clan Name: /m/egafagot
Clan Tag: [MFG]
Leader: Mangojoyride
>Status: Full

Clan Name: /m/irage
Clan Tag: [M_R]
Leader: RFAokigahara
>Status: 2 slots

Clan Name: PureAndBlue
Clan Tag: [1PB]
Leader: Junhai_UC
>Status: 11 slots

PC Clans:

Current Clan Match Schedule:

>[PDT] 07/20/2024 (SAT) 05:00 – 06:59
>[CEST] 07/20/2024 (SAT) 14:00 – 15:59
>[EST] 07/20/2024 (SAT) 08:00 – 09:59
>Shuffle Target, 400, 6 vs 6, Supply Depot

>[PDT] 07/29/2024 (MON) 05:00 – 06:59
>[CEST] 07/29/2024 (MON) 14:00 – 15:59
>[EST] 07/20/2024 (MON) 08:00 – 09:59
>Ace Match, 700, 5 vs 5, Artic Base
>Official Game Resources + Color Picker:

>Nipponese GBO players for reference

List of Premium Login Bonuses for July 2024 on Console:

>[PDT] 07/10/2024 (WED) 13:00 – 07/20/2024 (SAT) 12:59
>[CEST] 07/10/2024 (WED) 22:00 –07/20/2024 (SAT) 21:59
>[EST] 07/10/2024 (WED) 4:00 – 07/20/2024 (SAT) 3:59
>MS: Hazel Owsla LV1
>Other: Modification Kit, +1 Hangar Capacity, Token

>[PDT] 07/20/2024 (SAT)) 13:00 – 07/31/2024 (WED) 12:59
>[CEST] 07/20/2024 (SAT) 22:00 –07/31/2024 (WED) 12:59
>[EST] 07/20/2024 (SAT) 4:00–07/31/2024 (WED) 12:59
>MS: Dolmel LV1
>Other: Modification Kit, +1 Hangar Capacity, Token

List of Premium Login Bonuses for July 2024 on Steam:

>[PDT] 07/10/2024 (WED) 13:00 – 07/20/2024 (SAT) 12:59
>[CEST] 07/10/2024 (WED) 22:00 –07/20/2024 (SAT) 21:59
>[EST] 07/10/2024 (WED) 4:00 – 07/20/2024 (SAT) 3:59
>MS: ReZEL Type-C [Defenser b-Unit] LV1
>Other: Modification Kit, +1 Hangar Capacity, Token

>[PDT] 07/20/2024 (SAT)) 13:00 – 07/31/2024 (WED) 12:59
>[CEST] 07/20/2024 (SAT) 22:00 –07/31/2024 (WED) 12:59
>[EST] 07/20/2024 (SAT) 4:00–07/31/2024 (WED) 12:59
>MS: Gaza E LV1
>Other: Modification Kit, +1 Hangar Capacity, Token
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Video overview of Engage Zero [INCOM-equipped Type]

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Steam video overview of Roswell Jegan

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The 700 Cost Xeku 1 absolutely obliterates everything, including blues, when melee overturned.
Okay so let’s settle this

GM Cannon II
Okay or bad?
What does it need to be good
>faggot gens hiding behind me the entire game
God I'm so sick of the cowardly fucks who play this game. It's a 2v2 why the fuck are you hiding behind me from the fucking RAID and another general? Go fight the raid you fucking pussy.
could use a buff to cannon cooldown but it's fine
grenade subweapon could be nice too but it's not part of the loadout so eh
It's bad. 400 has too many better options. Even dom barrage is a better choice. The GM rifle and vulcans aren't good enough to make up for the downtime on the cannons. It needs it's own unique rifle with alternate stats or something.
Not much reason to take it over other options at native cost, it's not terrible I guess but it's also not great. Upleveled is a funny meme suit with how tanky you can make it but it's still not good.
How tanky we talking?
its got HANDS on its HANDS
I am also curious, I have been experimenting with how much you can abuse upleveled suits. turns out its not much and theres only really a few outliers that actually get goofy and only one or two that are, well, situational at best.

Playing upleveled suits is taking a handicap.
Zaku II and GM used to be crazy cool 300 picks.

Before the Acguys came…
I hate that I'm seriously considering dropping thirty tokens for that.
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got the roswell jegan first roll lmao, time to paint it titans colors and see how to make this shit work
>got the roswell jegan first roll lmao, time to paint it titans colors and see how to make this shit work
Grenades are strong, Funnels are fun. Godspeed, Titans bro.
Word of advice prioritize getting used to throwing the nades while you fire the fin funnels to get the most damage in one burst.
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Mars Zeon RF Series when?
imagine victory situation battles
F91, Victory and Crossbone are now showing up in Engage so it won't surprise me that we may get late UC next year since both are active f2p bamco games.
If its allowed to have GM sniper custom's sniper rifle or add more GM cannon II variants like GM Cannon II [Lucien Bendt], GM Cannon II [White Coral] and GM Cannon II (TB Version) .
anyone want to tell me how zudah f farms a lobby on artic base
people not going after it once it blows its heavy stun
idk this guy was just not missing any of his fucking shots.
I hope they make new costs for them, tiny ass gremlins at high cost will be weird to have going against the fattest fucks in the game. I love late UC designs but for balance reasons they really need to be in their own bracket.
They could just make them low defense/HP but they already failed at that task with the Acguys
this guy just called some dudes bug people after they picked perfect in a custom lobby
then he kicked them both LMAO
>kid playing gpo2 mlrs
>plays it like melee
>pilot eject ragequit when we're losing
The cost which consists of suits tinier than any 700 cost suit and regenerable shields.
Watching jp vtuber play this game has given me a view into how enjoyable this game is when latency isn't an issue.
It also explains why BB will never fix/upgrade the netcode, because they don't see any problems on their end.
>First match
>3 support teammates
>They get out shot at range by standard comp enemy team.
>2nd match
>Second Raid that is either dividing at enemy supports or capturing side points. Must have died at least 5 times. Barely lose because of him. He tops damage which to him will justify his stupidity.
>3rd match
>Teammate DCs. Only lose because enemy bombs
I just want to have ONE FUCKING MATCH without stupid teammates or DCs.
To add
>beat rival as Support during the 4v5 match
>1st overall 9/2 and 138k damage
>With dc modifier I only break even
Shouldn't this bullshit reward me AT ALL for this bullshit?
>2 red names in pre lobby and a single A among A+/S.
>Puts all 3 on my team.
Yeah no fuck off.
>Support vs 3 Raid team
>First assist/damage/AND diversion. Only 3 deaths
>Somehow I am the only one on the team to not beat Rival
God I hate this game sometimes. I put up 100k Vs with 3 Raids on me all match and my faggot teammates get bullied in their Perfect Faggot and Psycho Doga TT?!
I have literally never seen an uplevel GMC II then right after this shit hole has an autism festival about it I see a level 4 in rated. Sugoi.
I just want the Gihren's Greed Gyans that's all I ask for. The Gyan Cannon, the Gyan Marine, Krieger and Mass Production.
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I know people keep saying "Use whatever MS you want" but there's gotta be a fucking limit man, especially in ranked. Why do I gotta be stuck with the dude who wants to run a Lv5 Ez8 against the team with PGs? Like come on man the Stark Jegan or Zero Shiki are right there.
What makes that worse is overtune caps at level 4. Zero reason to use level 5.
>Get 6.7% diversion and go 4/0 because enemy Raid never looked my way.
Thanks Japanese A+!
How do I get teammates that manage to do poorly with GDPTT? These retards were sitting at range and not using funnels at all...HOW FUCKING STUPID ARE YOU?
Mostly bad, better than a Dom Barrage though
They probably only just got it in the recent Guaranteed Gacha
Were you in QM or RM? If QM they're just testing the suit out in combat most likely.
I only play rated. They were high A+. There is no reason to see those weapons and think "hmmm I won't play in range to use funnels".
>Even with a dogshit English teammate vulturing two kills from me I still get first overall.
Fuck you Thomas you stupid bitch.
It really just needs a better rifle.
>700 cost, spess rated match
>winning for a while
>halfway through, network fuckery happens
>ally disconnects fixing the network issue
>2 allies are completely desync from my end, but are "still" playing
>still win the match
Think it's a good time to just finish the of the dailies in a/b and call it quits
wait like 20 minutes and it will be fine
I'm sorry anon if I'm playing support at that cost it's gotta be zaku
I am tempted to take the level 4 Heavy Gundam and paint it in I0 colors just to see what happens
The glowing eyes might give you away
People don't look that closely. I mean for fucks sake, they fall for PTT painted like a geara doga kai all the time.
I've had raids focus on my Guncannon Heavy even before I recolored it to be same as the classic red Guncannon.
If you do that, shack up with your actual support to throw off any approaching raids.
Then why do people use Lv5 GM and Zaku II?
Zaku is because you can get a massive health pool, GM is because a beam gun can put out decent damage at 300. 250 barely exists so you want to play either lv5 300 cost is basically the only option.
How massive we talking? Doesn’t the damage on dumb shit like the Tro burn through that anyway?
More than 20k, I forget the exact number. Depends on what parts you have though.
>die after killing a basebomber
>watch sole Ally fight off Nero who killed me
>upon arriving at the spawn lobby there are 2 WHOLE PEOPLE READY TO GO, WATCHING THE 1V1
I don't even care that I got kicked for friendly fire, you two cunts are not my bros and are traitors to the team.
Honoroburu samurai onry spawnaru afteru erryone elsaru.

Seriously what is wrong with players that either never spawn in/take an extra 10 seconds, or spawn at a point that makes absolutely no sense? It happens almost every match too.
>Everyone ready to spawn in?
>2 people don't immediately drop when.everyone hits zero, now it's 3v5 and we lose.
Thanks idiots
>Same scenario and we are down 1/2 deaths with a minute left?
Better not spawn at the point near the enemy team, but AT OUR FUCKING BASE! The sheer stupidity of people in this game actually makes me sick.
some fucking jackass marasai kept doing this in a match I had today. Cocksucker would wait for everyone to spawn, then spawn in at distant point so he could be le epin sniper
You don't understand anon, my rifle has 550m range that means I need to be that far away. Who cares if I miss nearly every shot? I'm helping!
>what gens who try to snipe actually believe
I think I'm done trying to figure out the Ex-S.
Just gonna take any other 650 gen and do leagues better without the cool reflector incom.
Sit at range and shoot and run away from melee is all there really is. It might as well be a support with its melee resist. The thing can die from one charge attack with base resist.
that's just plain stupid, not only is it a mid range general but barring a handful of supports EVERY unit in the game benefits from going into melee sometimes. And by handful of supports I mean shit like Xamel and the like.
Ex-S in particular has great firepower but also a melee moveset that's designed to take bitches by surprise, if you play it properly the melee defense is never an issue.
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I thought of a new skill for supports that would break up the meta.

>Using the Tackle button will perform a special-type enhanced tackle which puts the opponent into counter-hit animation if it connects.
>Useable once per life so its not abused for just face tanking
When no say at range I mean your max range so you can use all weapons. Yeah the Ex-s has a nice lunging downswing but a single stun+melee combo from something like rebawoo is going to wreck you as bad as Support Vs Raid. I stopped using EXS it because I like to brawl.
>Jap using Hazel Custom sits behind cover entire match using mg.
Baffling behavior. Is playing like a coward fun? I don't get it.
Supports being vulnerable to melee isn't a bad thing. What they need is more protection from being stunlocked at range so easily.
Just give them all damage control and higher turn speed. Make them like the mobile turrets that they should be.
>Get red name on my team
>They lock in ranged general shit like Stark Jegan.
Loss coming right up!
Stark jegan is a great suit what are you on about
Maybe read the entire post. I red name cowards. One of those + ranged general = never on the line. But nevermind we won in a landslide and I went 109k 4/0 as support. But the red name was useless and all he managed to do was walk in front of my shots.
I think they should just give the canonically more agile supports like GM Sniper II and Gelgoog Jaeger resist move. My idea for (most of) the rest of them would be like a nerfed version of active guard that only works against ranged attacks and has less damage reduction so its main purpose is defense against ranged stuns.
Resist move is such a shitty fucking cope band aid.
I want a part that gives your main weapon shield piercing but can only be equipped by supports and takes like 7+ low slots.
>Supports being vulnerable to melee isn't a bad thing.
raidtype hands typed this
there's no reason for supports being free kills unless you run or hide from raids
it promotes this type of coward gameplay that ruins games currently
What I think he's saying is that supports having low melee resistance is fine but they need more tools to stop themselves from being juggled at mid range. Most supports don't have any way to resist stuns so they can lose even to gens who can chain stun in to melee range.
id rather have a guaranteed "fuck off raid" button
you're literally insane if you're against this
stark jegan isn't even a ranged general, at most it's mid-range but it's no efreet jeager or such where you can stay at support range.
Tell that to my teammates that use it.
>Oh I have 1 weapon with 500 range? Better stay that far away!
By ranged general I mean suits that people commonly refuse to advance/frontline with.
This too but I don't think SJ has a 500m weapon.
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>loss streak
>go hygogg
suit never fails me, anyone got a recommended build? i just go health and thrusters

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