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Rozé episodes 1-4 available on nyaa, Hulu and Disney Plus.

Movie 3 released in Japan, beware spoilers for eps 7-9.


7/19: Ep5, loads of mecha action
7/26: Ep6, minimal mecha action
8/2: Ep7, minimal mecha action
8/2: Movie 4 release in Japan, beware spoilers for eps 10-12.
8/9: Ep8, loads of mecha action
8/16: Ep9, minimal mecha action
8/23: Ep10
8/30: Ep11
9/6: Ep12

Previous thread: >>22715226
>new Catherine screenshot
>looks like it could be within thirty seconds of other shots that we've seen of her
She's going to wind up with less than ten minutes total screentime, isn't she?
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Looking that way unfortunately.
Ash character PV
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>Neo Britannia is literally just on a small island of Japan
Unless you live on an atol in the pacific I don't think anybody would say Ireland sized means big.
I hope the Wyvern Squad rides Alexander in movie 4
Let's show those neo brits the might of EU
The problem is that this island cannot provide Neo-Britannia with all the necessary resources, because sakuradite alone is not enough to provide the population with everything they need. Well, yes, Hokkaido has over 25% of the reserves of hard and brown coal, gold, silver, ferrous sand, iron, manganese and mercury ores of all Japan, but this is not enough.

Neo-Britannia needs to trade with someone and get everything it needs from somewhere, but they offer to believe that thanks to the Seine, Hokkaido is in safe isolation... Which is completely wrong, given that BK transport submarines easily reach its shores.

This is all crazy.
Given how futuristic energy and technology is in geass, I doubt there is an energy crisis. They only really need iron, which they have in hokkaido and could probably get through smuggling since I doubt whatever's in siberia will pass up the opportunity to sell at a premium. Seems fine to me
Does anyone know where i can read the resurrection manga fully translated?
It's incomplete in mangadex.
At the usual place where you also can find fully translated OZ, Oldrin and Orpheus sides.
Please spoonfeed.
I mostly use nyaa and mangadex and none of these nor other sites i looked in have it past chapter 9.
Hes fucking with you. There aren't full translations
Okay, thanks.
It's a shame it wasn't fully translated, considering that it's set in the original tv series' timeline.
>it's set in the original tv series' timeline.
The manga is a sequel to the original anime (the one where Shirley is dead) instead of the recap movies.
>The manga is a sequel to the original anime
No its not
How is it not
>whatever's in siberia
Kek, you're not wrong though.
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it's just a written version of the movie with some additional pieces like the wedding. The original timeline doesn't get content anymore.

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