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What's the best speech in all of /m/dom?
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I am opposed to almost every point he makes, but listening to him speak it starts to make sense. That's the kind of oration that should terrify you.
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This speech. My life for Munzo. En taro Deikun, Shalai arai Zeon. Templari por Munzo!!(Translation: For Deikun! We stand as one as Zeon! We shall retrieve side 3!!)
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Let me see... this is very...
In short... "For the Fatherland?" "Risking life?" No... Why...?
Because we can only drink good tea while we're living.
Everybody, let's fight so we don't die!
I'm quite fond of the Dakar speech. It really explains what the Anti-anti-Zeon Anti-Earth Union Group is all about.

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Meanwhile a titan switches sides and is killed for his newfound ideals
I'm not sure I want to listen to that scoundrel.
That man looks like he has an eight pack.
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Everything Rau says in Mendel or while in the Providence.
Quiet, let the man talk!
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I like Zeonic Front's version of Gihren's speech at A Baoa Qu. It's the most firey redition of it and it does the cool Hitlery rhetorical thing where he starts out low and the intensity gets ramped up as it goes on.

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