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I'm going to waste all day watching Wing.
Do a flip
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have fun OP!
Cool, have fun.
Why the fuck am I looking at the EW Heavyarms
Why would you ever not be?
Because that never happened in Wing or EW.

Also what were the names for the space versions of the Heavyarms and Sandrock? I don't think they ever said them in the show or EW.
Depends on what bandai is doing at the time.
As a kid they were always "custom" slapped on the back of the name. For a while last decade i was seeing Kai slapped on the back.

By the same token, back when I was a kid they called the EW versions in general Custom. Image very related
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>Because that never happened in Wing or EW.
It's literally the first thing that the Heavyarms does in EW besides sitting still in a capsule waiting to get sent into the sun.
>Because that never happened in Wing or EW.
TV version, perhaps not (though it does some acrobatics-adjacent stuff at times, like the knife spin). Don't know why you're saying it never happened in Endless Waltz. The gif's freshly ripped from the movie version.
Wing was great until the space arc
Yeah that makes it more difficult. Since I'm looking for the versions that appeared in the last 9 episodes of Wing rather than the redesigns in Endless Waltz.

Except the Heavyarms that Trowa fights with is the space version, and that's black. At least I think so...
>Except the Heavyarms that Trowa fights with is the space version, and that's black. At least I think so...
Ah, well.. Got any pictures or videos or a youtube link or anything, or are we just going off your memory?
>what were the names for the space versions of the Heavyarms and Sandrock
Lightlegs and Moonrock
Sounds like a genuinely good time
I remember there was a macro that compared the Okawara and Katoki designs.
Okay checked the wikis. The space variants are dubbed "Custom". And Katoki's Heavyarms was red just like Okawara's while Custom was teal.

Somebody check the scene where Trowa kills Actual Trowa, that has the Katoki Heavyarms in it.
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It isn't black.
>And Katoki's Heavyarms was red just like Okawara's while Custom was teal.
>Somebody check the scene where Trowa kills Actual Trowa, that has the Katoki Heavyarms in it.
It's gotten a little fucky over the years. My understanding is this:

Katoki and Okawara were working together on Gundam Wing's mechanical designs. How much each one contributed to and collaborated on is unclear since designs often change in production, are often team efforts, and artists bounce ideas off each other and execs demand modifications and whatnot, but the main Gundams as they appeared in the TV show all seem to be attributed to Okawara, and the final lineart is in his style.

For Endless Waltz OVA/movie, Sunrise changed gears a bit and had Katoki take the reins as the main mechanical artist. I'm not sure the reason why, but the Gundams get redesigns and because EW has the flashback scene, it basically tells us "the Gundams look like THIS now and they have ALWAYS looked like that". To go along with the redesigned upgraded space-capable Gundams, Katoki also introduces redesigned art for the un-upgraded versions meant for just fighting on Earth. They basically have the Okawara TV version colors and are slightly mechanically simpler versions of the EW redesigns. These are probably made later though, because >>22731236 is clearly in EW colors instead of the Katoki art's colors.
>do an elaborate flip to get up close just to shoot them
This is retarded for multiple reasons
>This is retarded for multiple reasons
Yes, this is Gundam Wing
>all this nonsense about on-the-fly redesigns and color schemes
Man, "retarded for multiple reasons" is a fitting description of Gundam Wing.
You hit it on the head, lots of weird shit just happens for no particular reason
What happened is the upgraded versions were called heavyarms/sandrock kai which can be translated a number of ways including custom, which has always been the official English translation as far as I can tell. The EW versions originally had the English word custom added to their name to differentiate them from the TV versions although this changed over the course of the early 2000's to adding some variation of EW or Endless Waltz version in order to avoid the upgraded EW versions being heavyarms custom custom.
Wing is so hilarious in how over-the-top and deadpan insane it can be all the time. Makes it a more enjoyable watch than several of the most technically functional shows like G and Seed.
How do the SRWs handle the four different versions of Heavyarms and Sandrock?
I don't know about SRW specifically, but when I looked into what used what name, games were generally slower to switch from custom to EW version. My guess would be older ones in Japanese say Heavyarms for TV Heavyarms kai for TV upgraded Heavyarms custom for EW and Heavyarms kai custom for EW upgraded. Newer ones probably use Heavyarms for TV Heavyarms kai for TV upgraded Heavyarms EW for EW and Heavyarms kai EW for EW upgraded. The main issue is just when kai is translated into English as custom, so you'd have to specifically find SEA English translations of SRW that include all versions from the late 90's early 2000's to see how they handled it in English.
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Here you go anon. It's not too complicated when you see it all in one image.

There's a "base" form for the 5 Gundams, and then a Custom version for 4 of them plus the Wing Zero being the original. Then the Katoki versions for Endless Waltz are just redesigns that they "canonically" are supposed to be what they always were, and are the ones featured in Glory of the Losers manga. But just to make it slightly more confusing, in Glory of the Losers the TV show version of Wing Zero still makes an appearance for a brief bit before being refit as the Angel Wing Katoki version.

And for those of you looking for Gunpla:
>Every one is available as their old NG/"HG" kits but obviously don't expect modern engineering on most of them
>Except Wing/Wing Zero, there's a bajillion kits of the thing in whatever form you want
>TV base forms all have modern HGs
>TV custom forms are all p-bandai, which makes some sense with Sandrock and Heavyarms since they're almost identical to the base form but it kinda sucks for people who want Deathscythe Custom or Altron
>The Wing Zero HG is fairly old at this point, it's a solid kit but given that the Wing EW, Wing Zero EW, and Wing TV have all gotten RG, a Wing Zero EW is very likely
Wouldn't be surprised if the Endless Waltz versions get some HGs over the next few years, but you'll need to wait a bit of course.
>How do the SRWs handle the four different versions of Heavyarms and Sandrock?
Typically an individual SRW game will design to go with either TV wing or Endless Waltz. So far over a series of SRWs they'll start with the TV ones and "upgrade" to the Endless Waltz ones in subsequent entries.

For example, SRW@1 had the TV versions so you started with the base Gundams, then they would upgrade to the TV customs over the game. SRW@G-3 they basically all just used their Endless Waltz suits the whole time aside from the some easter eggs like being able to get EW Wing in @2.

Same shit happened in the Z series. TV show versions of the suits appeared in Z2. Z3 had the Endless Waltz ones.

For standalone games they just pick one and stick with it as mentioned, with the EW ones typically being more popular. SRWA, R, and W all just used EW for example, while SRWD used the TV show versions.
I forgot to mention that older media that only has the upgraded EW versions or predate katoki releasing designs for unupgraded versions would often drop the kai and just refer to them as custom.
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Normally I wouldn't be anal about this, but since it's a gunpla breakdown and in case someone wants to buy it. The "deathscythe Custom" is just Deathscythe hell. I don't want people looking up the wrong thing.
I guess the showrunners really didn't care about Quatre and Trowa given that their "customs" are almost the same thing except with some extra verniers and guns. Heero got main character status, they knew Deathscythe was the coolest design they came up with, and Wufei I guess was the "rival" of the team even though the show already had like 2 other candidates.
Alpha 1 goes from base TV > upgraded TV > EW designs, F Final also had the WZC as a secret despite not doing EW.
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And for those of you who don't want to shell out to scalpers for the HG Deathscythe Hell, you have an alternative mirror universe version of it from Gundam Breaker Battlelogue which is fairly available if you want that. Not the same thing of course, but probably one of my favorite designs from the whole Build type of shows.
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I have built a shitload of Gundam Wing kits. I use them all the time in SRW because I think they look cool. I've never watched the show.
Yeah that's the image I was thinking of. Thanks anon.

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