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File: GM_Dirt.png (263 KB, 532x500)
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Does the RGM-79[G] have better performance than just using a stock RGM-79 on Earth?
It depends on what the plot needs.
I literally forgot that the base GM was capable of Earth-use until I remembered they were first seen in Jaburo. You never really see the base GM used planetside outside of the Jaburo arc and Rise from the Ashes.
File: GM twin beam spray guns.jpg (1.35 MB, 1479x2120)
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1.35 MB JPG
The main differences between the two come down to the Ground GM having better armor and weapons like the option of a full-size beam rifle or 180mm cannon. The regular GM's advantages over the Ground GM would be a lower weight (~7 tons light) and more thrust (~6.5 tons additional thrust) so it's a bit more agile, and extra 100 kW reactor output. That said, those are the kind of specs that aren't really noticeable unless the pilot can make use of that mobility.

Then there's also >>22731057, because fights aren't just armchair autist math and pilot skill power levels, but also writer fiat. You can go from GM with beam spray guns doing impossible shots..
>the Ground GM having better armor and weapons like the option of a full-size beam rifle or 180mm cannon

I'm pretty sure the RGM-79 can use those too.
In theory you can have any machine pick up any weapon, but the ground-type beam rifle seemed to be kind of a rare weapon that was mainly only given to some of the Ground type Gundams and GMs.

You also see a GM at Jaburo holding an RX-78 beam rifle but the vast majority of GMs would rarely ever have one since most media give them beam spray guns, bazookas, or machine guns.
This is very nice art
I think it's from Rebellion

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