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been watching over the past year the first series and am on ep 23, its good. never watched any gundam shit before but when i was tryna get into it everyone fucking says
this may just be my literal autism but i like all the music tracks and dont mind them repeating, i watch the action scenes on 1.5 speed sometimes so the lack of movement doesnt come off (i go back to normal speed for non action).
its good, im having a good time, and people need to get off this shows ass
for context, only other mecha i watched was eva up to eoe (it and the manga are the best things of the series) and code geass uptil the brother died then i got busy and couldnt contine
Everyone here loves this show
>i watch the action scenes on 1.5 speed
what the fuck do zoomers really do this shit?
good to see youre not all stupid then. unless it becomes unwatchable dog shit right at the end then idk why all the mfs ive seen on yt and people ive talk to dont recommened this as "starter gunduam"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nos55zIbzlg this vid as example of ytber, and a friend to told me just to watch the recap movies and not the show
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the action is slow as shit and the budget isnt there to get it looking that great, it makes the violence seem more viseral by it being faster, plus its the action, people getting fucking merced, soon as its done is back on regular speed
It was nice of you to rightfully acknowledge the original 0079 for being good like it deserves to be until you said that you watched any part of the show sped up. Thats fucking disgusting, anon. Do you even like watching anime? You wont lose a lifetime watching the show at normal speed.
stop being a tiktok brain eceleb worshipping wigger
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>op made his post to attempt to relieve the front lines of combat in the war for the reputation for the first mobile suit gundam series, but in doing so did not recognise he gave too much information that could be interpreted mistakenly
It actually is about to get worse because the Black Tri-stars show up at episode 24. It’s the only part in series that drags, but its only a few episodes and everything after is gold
thanks for the info mate, but id've powered through it regardless of it dragging, im in this shit too far to stop.
ITS JUST THE ACTION MAN! im not losing any artistic message by just seeing the fucking lazer sword destory a zatsu cockpit slightly faster than usual. nothing else is fastword, no dialgoue, no awkward pauses, nothing just action
Where do these 12 year olds learn about 4chan and why don't they just stay in reddit?
That certainly puts you above zommers that watch entire anime or movies sped up but its still no good. You would be able to appreciate the tension the action scenes create if you watched it on normal speed, which contributes to Gundams darker tone and more grounded setting where battles arent framed as flashy exchanges of blows but life and death situations.
The action is slow because they're slow lumbering metal machines marching around a battlefield. You're not getting fast-paced Naruto fight scenes on purpose. Just watch them as intended.

At least you are UC master race and not an AU mook
>everyone fucking says
they are retarded, 0079 is better than most gundam shows.
>i watch the action scenes on 1.5 speed sometimes
don't do this, gundam regularly integrates fights with important character interactions and plot points, you will miss out on important shit.
I also feel like a lot of the newtype stuff towards the end would feel very different sped up.
Gundam is a franchise for children.

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