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File: NST.jpg (109 KB, 299x333)
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Holy shit why is this show so goated
next time you want to talk about something obscure don't start with zoomer speak
Would you like my post more if I said
"Golly gee, fellas, this television program really knocks my socks off!"
Talk like a human.
Everyone I know says goated unironically
Anyone that spergs out over anons using certain vernacular need to be banned, you faggots spam this shit more than the actual spammers
I'm sure sonny
What do you expect from someone that thinks Tobikage of all things is good?
Honestly it's probably just a bunch of samefagging to bait this particular reaction
would certainly explain why the sperg post is nearly always the first post in these worthless inane threads
and also why the complaint is over the language used and not the fact that it is a worthless inane thread
Yeah, lot of dumb people out there.
How about we ban you instead, zoomer?
Go back.
Just let the fuck off spammer stalk threads in peace
This thread fell off hard frfr :skull:
Can we just discuss the show instead of throwing a tantrum?
maybe in a year when a proper thread for it pops up
I lost interest in discussing with you redditors anyway

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