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What are your favorite almost Gundams?
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So the FAZZ that shows up in ZZ Gundam is a gundam, but the FAZZs that appear in Gundam Sentinel are not Gundams....right?
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The FAZZ falls into a weird category where it was built to test the ZZ's full armor form and capacity as a heavy weapons platform, but it was also completed before the ZZ itself since they cut a bunch of corners. I'd say it falls into the pseudo gundam range.
Correct. It's just called FAZZ on the model box, not FAZZ Gundam. Its name on its model box is its official military designation in-universe. If it's not a Gundam in name then it's not a Gundam at all.
Does this count?
That's a really cool head design.
The Full Armor ZZ and FAZZ are not the same MS, the FAZZ was a test unit for the ZZ's Full Armor parts and is missing a lot of the ZZ's features.
I like it. It’s like a Zeta had a baby with a Double Zeta. The torso is a bit much though.
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Does this apply to the Zeta Plus as well?
>"I'm the dude playin the dude disguised as another dude!"
OMS-90R Gundam F90
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Please don't compliment the ZII, he'll start to think he looks cool
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I'm in love with the Grimgerde, Mcgillis should have jettisoned his damaged Gundam and jumped back into his Grimgerde during the final battle instead of giving it to his underling
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The Helmwige was.... ok, but Grimgerde has such an awesome motorbike look to it. If we get more IBO content we deserve to see more Valkyria frame suits.
The Mudrock Gundam deserved better than to job not once, but twice in its story.

It's supposed to be the most powerful ground-type Feddie MS in the OYW, barring the Alex and the Pale Rider suits.

I wish they would make a new manga for Zeonic Front where Agar actually gets to take out several of the veteran members of the Midnight Fenrir Corps during the Battle of Jaburo. Schmitzer and the remaining team members - especially the younger pilots like Nikki and Charlotte - would then adopt better tactics to defeat the Mudrock during the Federation's retaking of California base.
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This is Gundam, somehow...?
so many good choices in this thread
the ultimate almost sorta kinda Gundam. everything else is honestly secondary
ZII is cool, I really like the concept of trying to cram Zeta performance on a Methuss frame
Grimgerde is such a good design holy crap. You could honestly just watch IBO S1 only and be left very satisfied partially due to the performance of the Grimgerde at the very end. Watching it take down the Kimaris was so cool
That IS a Gundam, no almost about it.
derivatives like the Doven Wolf and Silver Bullet count though.
We should be thankful the GP03 gave this a mercy kill. Poor GP04 was Frankenstein'd into a red terrorist monstrosity (kind of like the Sinanju Stein was a decade later).

Shut up. She is beautiful.
Kou was a team killing retard.
This fucker and Gun EZ/Gunblastor
For some reason, Bandai refuses to make HG for Waltraute
I want to have sex with her.
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Zeta Plus Series
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Is Hexa a gundam or grunt?
It has Gundam in its name.
It's a Victory-type.
Isn't that an almost GM though?
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It's so stupid I love it.
Isn't this just a Gundam?
Almost perfect design ruined by a cone.
It's just the Victory Gundam but with a different head.
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Isn't the vernier detachable?
Love the ZII and the REZEL.
>how do you do, fellow Gundams
>is a Methuss
What's exactly do it considered a Gundam?
Gundams can construct coherent sentences, botanon.
Should have bought the kit when it was available now im stuck waiting for one.
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Always gonna be the 'goose. Especially the one with the angel wings.
In Kou's defense, he didn't know Cima was on his side.
The Albion shouldn't have been there either.
In Kou's defense, she killed Burning and is a Zeon woman. She deserved it.
GN Archer originally a Gundam called Artemie. Later on, its development was discontinued and sloppily repaired into the current GN Archer. It is the most " Almost Gundam " thing since its initial development intended it to be one.
Well, Tallgeese is more like " Where the Gundam came from" rather than Almost Gundam.
>is a Zeon woman. She deserved it.
Rude. The Albion wasn't even supposed to be there. Besides he was killed by AE's incompetent engineering, one Vulcan round is all it takes?
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special mention to the guntank for being the worst thing known to man and also extremely funny but i always did like victory's gun-ez
What do you mean "almost Gundam" when it literally was a Gundam? They just renamed it after Artemie got wrecked and had to be recycled into a new machine
GM Custom is not made by AE
It’s the same story as the Hyaku Shiki and that’s not a Gundam either
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Gerbera Tetra, too. Originally a Gundam prototype.
No Gundam in name => Not a Gundam.
Come on, there's a difference between never having reached being a Gundam and having the title of Gundam stripped away
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Hyaku Shiki was once known as " Delta Gundam". It along with GN Archer, Gerbera Tetra, etc are actual Almost Gundam. Stuff that resemble Gundam but never intended to be Gundam are just Not-GM. You don't look at Silver Bullet and say " Damn, that's one sexy Almost Gundam". It was planned to be one.
"Almost" implies they failed to reach that level. If they were already Gundams and then had the name taken away, shouldn't they be "former Gundams" rather than "almost Gundams"?
"Gundam" name is not a mark of power. Some Gundam straight up sucks in-universe. It is more like a propaganda device and a trick to inflate the MS's price. Gerbera, Delta and Artemie lost their title mostly because they were mediocre and not worthy to keep the Gundam name.
Pride of the FEDERATION! Must have used parts from the VOTOMS universe for that GM Custom.
Does Sisquiede count?
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Todestritter, my beloved.
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Surprised no one's mentioned him.
Love the G-Bouncer
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technically not a gundam.
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I know, It had that lightweight sports car look to it. I absolutely love it when characters have a custom mobile suit stashed away, ot may not have been the most powerful but I love it and yeah, watching it absolutely tear apart the Kimaris was pretty cool to see and the battle in the earth's gravity well too.
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I always hear about the Hazel and how it was used to test various equipment for the rest of the Titan's mobile suit development while itself went from a standard GM Quel to a Gundam-tier machine.

The thing is, I never hear about what the Hazel actually DID during its service beyond testing equipment. I don't know if it fought against the AEUG during the Gryps war or what even ultimately became of the two Hazel Gundams after the war ended. The only thing I do know is that the Titan pilots involved with it went back to being normal Federation soldiers after the Titans collapsed.
ask the AoZ thread
Basically it was a huge nothingburger. From a technical point of view it's an amazing development of engineering that makes the Federation not look incompetent and lazy in the face of so many high-powered Neo Zeon weapons, but it contributes jackshit to history beyond providing a backstory for why the Titans' designs were so varied, the technology failed to do very much despite the potential, and the Feds return to general incompetence shortly thereafter.
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That's weird because most incarnations of the Hazel LOOK as if it was an overpowered hulk that would easily wipe the floor with most early-Z mobile suits, but it's actually inferior to the Gundam mk.II
You're overthinking things. AoZ exists only to sell model kits, trying to make it lore-friendly is just a fluff deal that falls apart the moment you start thinking about it seriously.
Sorry, worded it kinda poorly. When I say "the technology failed to do very much despite the potential" I don't mean the technology was broken or flawed or unworkable because as far as I know it all mostly worked, just that despite the performance and the capabilities, it just kinda fizzles out after a few years. Newer MS in later years (e.g., CCA, Unicorn, and beyond) don't seem to follow any of the technological or design lineage introduced with AoZ.

E.g., Anaheim's Zeta Gundam family was a massive success. The technology worked, but it also was a huge marketing success because the Zeta Gundam became famous and led to more than one line of limited production machines modeled after the Zeta or its pioneering waverider design.

Compare that to the TTT and overall Titans achievements, where most of the tech got shelved in favor of other MS for political reasons, it didn't see a continuation in history, etc. It got a dead end forced on it, basically. Other than that story about the Mars-based empire of Puru clones who operate a bunch of captured/reproduced TTT models along with a bunch of other typical Zeon-style machines.
Puru clones deserve to have a promised land. No Glemmys allowed.
Hazel itself was the functional precursor of the Mk II and its design DNA can be found in most late and post-Gryps MS. Pretty sure a bunch of TTT engineers got folded into SNRI as well
jesus these people are nuts
Where do you think you are, anon?
You LOVE Seed.
The ZZ and EX-S also don't go anywhere, so that's not surprising. The Zeta is a more conventional middle that fits the Federation's cheap ways. The Hazel and Woundwort lines culminate in the Hazenthley II Rah, which the T3 abandon and allow to be destroyed at the end during the final battle of Zeta because they believe its existence alone could cause the war to continue
>that story about the Mars-based empire of Puru clones who operate a bunch of captured/reproduced TTT models along with a bunch of other typical Zeon-style machines.

I know this story is a thing, but I don't understand why it's so poorly documented. Even the Gundam Wiki barely has anything on it.
It's in the Rose of Hermes isn't it?
based and Phantom-Pilled.
>The Zeta is a more conventional middle that fits the Federation's cheap ways.
It was the opposite. They tried to invest in mass production Zeta project and the only prototype from that was Re GZ. Re GZ was so weak because the base Zeta itself was so expensive, resulting a subpar and heavily cutcornered immitation. Zeta's successor ms are mostly expensive stuff, including ZZ.
Also, for ZZ, it has Fafnir, FAZZ and Theta Plus.
>They tried to invest in mass production Zeta project and the only prototype from that was Re GZ
Eh, there's a bunch of other prototypes. There's several testing models of the Zeta Plus and the Re-GZ itself is derived from the Zeta Plus R model. Re-GZ isn't even the first non-transforming attempt at an economical Zeta, that goes to the MSZ-007 MP Type Ζ Gundam.
Is the Hazel the gundam's equivalent of the most modded out Honda Civic
That's why they also gave him the sekrit Z-3
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>nobody remembers nise gundam
>nobody remembers nise gundam only wants to make friends
Nise Gundam is a Gundam, not a not-Gundam.
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For me it's Nise Mk-II because Hizack with a v-fin is double extra super cute
FAZZ is basically a generic mobile suit made to look like a ZZ Gundam and then put on additional armor just to test the armor for the ZZ Gundam
So wtf is inside the FAZZ? Is it just a big GM iii?
a simplified ZZ model without the transformation capacity or ability to purge the outer armor
So it’s basically a ZZ equivalent of the Shiki
Kind of, yeah. Just instead of still being a pretty high performance suit for its time it made up for its flaws with the beeeeeg cannon.
One benefit of massively simplifying it like that was that it could be rolled out much earlier and was around in time for New Desides in the aftermath of Gryps, IIRC only around the time when ZZ itself was deployed at the Argama.
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AoZ will probably canonicize Nise Gundam in the UC eventually. Fujioka is crazy enough to do it.
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It was retconned to have a Gundam head underneath the Gelgoog-like "helmet" so I think it counts as an almost-Gundam
Does GM count? They technically loc spec Gundam
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They’re not almost Gundam. The Varguil counts though
>Still no Huckbeins posted.
Is it count?
That's an almost-Sazabi
Thats an almost zaku
>based M1 Astray enjoyer

I’m gonna say the Murasames were an awful replacement until SEED Freedom actually made them look good for once.

I hear the MG kit if this is a grenade.
All that development cost and just so that it can fire the big dick Beam Magnum.
Not gonna lie. I tend to see the Grimgerde as the ARX-7 Arbalest if it was given to Char.
It’s a Xenogears boss enemy!
That’s because people are too busy shitting on AGE
Apart from the enemy grunts, all of the AGE suits are damn good looking
That doesn’t surprise me. Have a Titans officer favor the Quel but want to develop an improvement program in house and go down a crazy rabbit hole. At the end of the day, it’s just a way to siphon a ton of taxpayer money on stuff that can’t reliably be produced on a scale that warrants the program.
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Did Char get a DUI?
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Proof? Any images?
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The Custom makes my pee-pee rise up.
>wooden handguard on the beam AK
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The RE/100 Dijeh released a couple of years back, while assembling the head, you can see next to the monoeye there are Gundam-type twin eyes. To further drive the point home that they are eyes and not random sockets or greebles, supposedly the RE/100 came with stickers for those twin eyes. There's also some newer art here and there from random places that have the Gundam-type eyes glowing separately from the monoeye.


Personally I don't think it's a Gundam face at all, just more like two unnecessary extra eyes.
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what if it's bakelite?
The HGUC kit also includes the detail, though it's less 'a hidden Gundam head' and more the idea that it was designed to be either equipped with a monoeye or Gundam-style twin sensors.
I believe this was first featured in Kai Shiden's Report manga, where it's mentioned that it was initially intended to have a dual eye system before switching to monoeye based on Rick Dias at the last moment, leaving the slots for dual sensors still there. The reason is consideration for the Zeon members of Karaba forces, last thing you want to do is raise tensions between people that could have been fighting each other just last year. Evidently they got over that later tho because Zeta Plus happened.
Another explanation is leaving the option to repair the head with dual sensor parts because they might be easier to procure on Earth compared to something from a cutting edge AEUG suit optimized for space use.
It looks tacky since it look too similar to a standard AK. It would have been better if they took a bunch of design ques from the other socialist republics aks to give it a more unique look.

The worst part of that addition isn't that it has hidden eyes. It's the idea that Karaba shoved RX-78-2 eyes into it.
>It's the idea that Karaba shoved RX-78-2 eyes into it.
they didn't though? these are just unspecified dual eye sensors, they're a dime a dozen among GM variants behind the visors
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Maybe not that gundam-like, but still best boy.
Is their any art with the dual sensors that isn't based on the RX-78-2? That one seems to be the only one i've seen floating around.
The thing about GM eyes is that they tend to be ovals or elongated circles, while Gundam eyes have a more angular look though
no? Blue Destiny's are one of a kind
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>The worst part of that addition isn't that it has hidden eyes. It's the idea that Karaba shoved RX-78-2 eyes into it.
ngl, if Zeta had Amuro in desperation press a button to shed all of the Dijeh "armor" and reveal the RX-78 was inside it the whole time so we get one last battle for it, I know it's fucking stupid and contrived but I'd love it anyway.
M1 Astray is best Astray.

I built the RE/100 Dijeh, and I am positive it did not come with stickers for the dual eyes.

I don’t mind the Vagan suits. They have a very interesting look to them.
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I find Vagan MS to be the better designs than Gundam in AGE. Shame their HG didn't do them justice.
>I built the RE/100 Dijeh, and I am positive it did not come with stickers for the dual eyes.
It's something people seem to say in online forums, but I've never actually seen pictures of anyone applying them. Dalong's low quality photos of the sticker sheet show what look like small green stickers labeled #5 but I have no idea where they go on the model kit itself since the instructions only mention sticker #1 for the monoeye part that goes in the head. Could just be a generic sticker sheet instead of a special sticker sheet for only what the Dijeh needs.


That said, apparently the RE/100 Dijeh box mentions on the side in Japanese that it has the "twin camera" eyes as a separate thing from the main camera monoeye.
>The socket for the twin camera is reproduced with a mold.

lol >>22761070
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That green sticker is for the rifle sensor, the dual eye camera is just a molded detail onto the piece. There is no sticker for them. Same goes for the HGUC, molded detail but no sticker (the HG also has a mono-eye option).
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I'm disappointed seed didn't make a stronger version of the murasame
Rising Freedom and Infinite Justice were supposed to be upgraded Murasames with Gundam technology applied to them. Sort of like Re-GZ or Hyaku Shiki. They were going to be mass produced for the Millennium and given to new pilots.

But due to miscommunication, Kunio Okawara accidently designed some new Gundams instead. He made mass produced versions of Freedom and Justice. Director Fukuda thought they looked cool and used them anyway. And scrapped the idea of upgraded Murasames with Gundam technology.
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Technically not a gundam since it's just G-Savior
Because it is not, literally. G Savior belongs to the Savior production line, with bunch of other GM-like mobile suits. It is a very late UC mech, inspired by Gundam.
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Came here to post my boys
You're telling me there's a Gundam movie that doesn't even have Gundam in the title or feature a Gundam?

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It's as close as almost as you can get since it was made to be Gundam but changed to not be one due to creative differences. Had Mead been unopposed I wouldn't be able to post this here.
>Had Mead been unopposed I wouldn't be able to post this here.
Tomino literally said he gave Mead as much freedom as he wanted, even approving designs Tomino personally feel off.
Well obviosuly not completely unopposed because the SUMO would have been Turn A had they not felt it was too radical of a design to be a mainstay Gundam. Turn As design did have to go through a number of drafts after all.
It is basically a UC movie, not a Gundam movie.
But every movie and show in the series has had Gundam in the title or mentions Gundam. There's no such thing as a UC movie because everything up to it and since has been marketed as a Gundam movie. I wish that wasn't the case though I wish they didn't have to insert one or namedrop it in every title just to garner interest but alas.
The liscence to use the word Gundam was probably too expensive for them so they just decided to use what they could. Even the UC year it took place was very far away from Victory.
it's for the better since zeta transformation is retarded and needlessly overcomplicated. Thats what baffles me with the murasame since it's a mp that has the most complicated transformation.
I personally think everything ended up as they are in Seed movie is better than the initial idea. Originally, Inf Justice 2's aquatic MS supposed to be either Acguy. And when Fukuda changed it to Zgok, Okawara suggested a design that looks more like a Gundam in disguse, but Fukuda asked Okawara to design Zgok to look similar to its UC counterpart instead.
>not-a-gundam thread
>posts a mobile suit literally called "gundam"
Not to mention it is some gay fanart drawn by a Philipino.
Yeah I wonder what the point of making it UC was. Granted I liked the idea of the Federation finally collapsing and being as starved and desperate as the colonies who are being too busy squabbling over whatever resources they can muster to do anymore dumb ideological hijinks but really if you aren't gonna even use the name Gundam nor feature one, or afford to really make any offical tie in with the previous works what is the point of including it as UC? It's already as unfamiliar as a brand new AU and the people watching it both entry level nor veteran wouldn't know it was UC till they mentioned it.

What an odd anomaly. Everything about Gsavior is an anomaly from the film, to how it came to fruition, it's mecha designs, to an unexpected great game. It really is something that will never be replicated. A true black sheep.
It is funny watching all this misinformation permutate in real-time. Never trusted all the bullshit unsourced BTS rumors from SEED/Destiny 4chan parrots off. Now we see anons play a game of telephone with random tidbits of info and machine translated Fukuda tweets. None of this has any basis in reality. Please, provide me with the sources for the Acguy thing and the miscommunication about Murasames. You're making claims, but you're not providing a shred of proof.
And despite all of that, Sunrise still proudly regconized it as a part of UC.

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>It is funny watching all this misinformation permutate in real-time.
The Acguy idea is real. Fukuda had an interview with Hobby Japan Magazine after the theatrical release of Seed Freedom. I'm not Murasame Kai anon so, idk about the other is true or not.

The thing in Build Fighters Try was a Dom wasn't it? Not an Acguy
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For me, it's the 3
It really REALLY needs to be brought out of obscurdom. Nearly perfect and it can be perfected if they made the red rooster top less prominent.
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Gonna disagree with you on that. The mohawk is essential to the silhouette
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Oh the Acguy thingy in Build Fighters was " an Acguy with a surprise inside ". The custom Acguy kit, Beargguy, was modeled to be a teddy bear-mecha hybrid. It was full of cotton and be able to resist damage much better than other gunpla. Using Acguy for Infinite Justice would be the same thing, which i'm glad he didn't.
The idea of an Acguy capable of fighting both Gyan Strom and Shive A in high speed is terrifying.
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There's a Dom that is hiding a Gundam inside in Try. That's is closer to the Z'gok/Justice concept than a bearguy
>This is all fake information!!

Thanks for letting us all know yoU don't follow Director Fukuda on social media. That's where he talks about it.

You probably get your information from Gundam wikia or Wikipedia. Literally the WORST places to get the latest information about Gundam. Lmao
Yeah the other anon is correct about Okawara messing up the design and Fukuda just accepting it. Also I think Acguy is too cute looking for Athrun. He needs mobile suits that are a little threatening looking. Z'gok is a better choice. Claws make the difference.
>yoU don't follow Director Fukuda on social media
Yes, I dont waste my time on fucking twitter fangirling over every insipid thought an anime director has, I have a day job, kiddo.
Do you speak Japanese? Or are you relying on dodgy machine translations of the said tweets? I highly doubt you have accurate information if you're using the built in twitter translator.
> Gundam Wikia or Wikipedia
I dont use them because faggots like you write shit based on tenuous sources and parrot it out ad nausem as gospel. If anything, all of the stuff said in this thread sounds like something youll read in the TRIVIA section of the Infinite Justice Type 2 article in 3 months. Because faggots spread misinformation like wildfire
>No I don'T folLoW his sOciaL media! OnlY loserS do thAt!
>I don't know anything but I claim it's still fake!

Bruh...pick one.
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What the actual fuck is this?”
Some dumb edit of Shokew from Gundam Victory.
I'm a huge fan of the fact that the Amakusa's gigantic, but not for any huge size from its part, but the fact that late UC era suits like the Crossbone are tiny. The Amakusa, on the other hand, is about as tall as Grandpa itself.
I thought it would have been cool if the LM had been able to salvage the Shokew.
Im asking you to prove your claims, bud. Nothing more
I am not that anon you replied to but you should go on social media and follow Fukuda and other staff. All your answers are there instead of wasting time here in this thread. He's very candid about his thoughts and Production issues the staff faced. Like how they don't have have a name yet for the Millennium's class, and Super Minerva is just a placeholder name. They made sure no characters in the movie talked about the new ships or new mobile suits in the movie because they don't have a backstory ready for any of that yet. Fukuda has a few ideas that he clarifies like the Rising Freedom originally meant to be mass produced, but it's not finalized. Fukuda went forward with production regardless though as he felt he had most of the answers in his head even if it's not written down in the lore. He made it a point to say that not everything is codified in the supplementary material and only him and Morosawa-Sama know the full extent of the story and plans. That the staff can address any issues later on and make adjustments as needed depending on audience feedback. Anyway yeah anon. Go follow Fukuda. He's pretty insightful when he wants to be.
I don't understand how Fukuda could still not have a complete story after 20 years of waiting.
Why would waiting ANY length of time mean he would have a complete story? You make it sound like he had a magnum opus he was working on in his spare time and it's been sitting finished and just needed to be animated with zero changes
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Huckbein obviously
>magnum opus he was working on in his spare time
That's exactly what the Seed movie is to Fukuda
What part do you want to be completed? Acguy on steroid or mass produced Rising Freedom are not plotlines or a story, they were just random ideas that never went through. The movie was self contained and wrapped up with no cliffhanger.
Well....Fans asked Fukuda about for an official explanation about Rising Freedom and Immortal Justice backstory. That was his answer about their backstory on social media. That they were being tested and going to be mass produced. It would be nice to know about it in the movie itself instead asking Fukuda online.
You forgot to say Director Fukuda also said that Kira was not happy with Rising Freedom's performance.
>It would be nice to know about it in the movie itself instead asking Fukuda online.
Majority of people couldn't care less about the backstory of these jobbers. Or any other mobile suits for that matter.
Half the arguments about seed are about the mobile suits. What u talking about
>Half the arguments about seed are about the mobile suits.
And you should remember that this is a story with some action thrown in, not a MSV artbook. In Gundam, most of MS were made by random mega corporations. There is nothing mysterious or intriguing about them. You see them once, you see them all.
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wait, what is this supposed to be? a fanmade Delta before we got a design?
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>The MSA-097, also known as the Variable Gundam, was AE’s first prototype of a transformable Gundam-type mobile suit (MS). Developed during AE’s “Zeta Project,” it served as a precursor to later models. Although not intended for combat, the data from the Variable Gundam influenced subsequent designs. Its transformation process differed significantly from later Z and ZZ series,with the Gundam's legs opening and folding on both sides while it lay on its back, and the crotch becoming the nose of the machine,taking 30 seconds in zero-gravity space. Practical variable suits must transform within 0.5 to 1 second; the Variable Gundam fell short of this requirement.
>For the time being, AE wanted to change from a humanoid form to a variable/navigational form of any kind, or to reduce the projected area, another advantage of TMS. The Variable Gundam was prototyped for just this reason. The head unit was also stored in the fuselage when in variable configuration, so there were no antennas to interfere with storage, and the simplified design was similar to that of the Jim series, making it a far cry from a so-called "Gundam. However, there is no doubt that the Variable Gundam was the first AE-made Gundam-type MS with a variable frame.
>During testing, a key issue arose: the variable form of the Variable Gundam, which used a variable-extend system, had inadequate defensive capabilities. The exposed connection part of the thigh frame in its variable form posed a problem. Despite these limitations, the MSA-097 laid the groundwork for future transformable MS, including the influential Delta Gundam. The initial Delta Gundam faced technical challenges due to its intricate transformation system, rendering mass production and prototyping impossible. Flaws were addressed in the evolution to the MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki.
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MSA-097 Variable Gundam appears in the Hobby Japan Game Book Series MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM ZZ Vol. 2 Hermes Mugen.
The Variable Gundam was a new weapon that emerged as a variable mobile suit. This unit was designed to compensate for the shortcomings of conventional range and limited operational time, significantly enhancing long-range striking power for fleets. The Federation obtained information that Anaheim was developing variable suits. Later, this same unit became known as the Zeta Gundam. Initially, In reference to Operation V, the Federation's mobile suit development plan during the One Year War, it was simply referred to as the “Variable Gundam” or “V Gundam.” However, its development faced delays, leading the AEUG to send a formal protest to Anaheim. Interestingly, the protest letter hinted at the possibility of sabotage by a faction within Anaheim opposing the AEUG’s expansion efforts. As tensions escalated, the Federation devised a plan to attack the research facility developing the new Gundam, using a disguised AEUG team. Unfortunately, the Zeta Gundam had already rolled out, thwarting their plan
ReGZ IS a Gundam. It has the same basic head as the Zeta but with a bigger beard and slightly different antennae placement. If the Zeta is a Gundam then so is the ReGZ.
Being a fraud is the whole damn point of it retard
ReGZ was basically Zeta's GM. They took Zeta's blueprint then tried to chop it down to reduce production cost. In a way, it is similar to Hyaku Shiki, a less perfect design of Zeta Gundam and makes its status as a Gundam debatable.
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>having the same basic head means something
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Rule The World with Distance
Rounded Gundam head is cute
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Astrays are descended from Project G data, and Murasames eventually got mixed with SF and IJ data to make Rising Freedom and Immortal Justice. They're very linked with the Gundam lineage. They're alright enough to BTFO Chaos too.
All lines lead back to Methuss eventually
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I want to G-Bounce on Woolf’s Enneacle if you know what I mean
Anything can be a gundam if you slap the label on it.
>ReGZ IS a Gundam. It has the same basic head as the Zeta but with a bigger beard and slightly different antennae placement. If the Zeta is a Gundam then so is the ReGZ.

Depends on how you define Gundam.

There are two schools of thought among fans. First is...

1. Gundam is a "title", like a championship belt or gold medal, given to the highest performing mobile suits of each generation.


2. Gundam is simply a "name" given to mobile suit by its creator. If it doesn't have the name Gundam then it's not a Gundam. Simple.

What are your thoughts?
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For me, it's the appropriately named Slaughter Dagger.
Go ask Banshee on this one
>Banshee: Are you a Gundam too?
>Ground Gundam GM head: I'm not a Gundam
>Banshee: Okay you can pass
>Banshee: Are you a Gundam too?
>Blue Destiny: I'm not a Gundam * There are various options*
>Banshee: Okay you can pass
>Banshee: Are you a Gundam too?
>Delta Plus: I'm not a Gundam
>Delta Plus: Why?
Agar was pretty dumb when it came to tactics and even with a Gundam, he was way too bullheaded
Based G-Bull aka TB Physallis
>1. Gundam is a "title", like a championship belt or gold medal, given to the highest performing mobile suits of each generation.
They don't name the suit AFTER the performance tests, and they sure as fuck don't pass around the name every time a better MS comes out
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More TB Guncannon. It is a slightly modified Guncannon 2. This is also an inside joke because Guncannon's design was supposed to be Gundam.
visually it's absolutely inspired by GP02
I think you are confused what anon meant. There isn't a single gold medal or single Gundam title. You give the name Gundam to best suits of each generation. And once they have it, they keep the Gundam name. It doesn't disappear.

Gundam Mark II gets the Gundam title for early 0086

Then 6 months later Zeta Gundam gets the Gundam title.
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Kondo's Not Nu
I recently had a dream where the Huckebein could transform into a plane, similar to the Raider Gundam.
He's supposedly a Zaku/grunt (from whatever faction outside the Solar System built him) which makes his feud with the Turn A that much more poetic.
nah, that's just bullshit made up by mark
>visually it's absolutely inspired by GP02
According to the designer, the main reference for Bull G is actually Gustav Karl. Someone said Bull G looks like a prototype leading to Gustav Karl and Kizumi agreed.

really doesn't look like it though
goes to show the guy has no idea what he's doing
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In Crossbone Dust none of the suits have "Gundam" in their name, and it's assumed this is because Anaheim Electronics began actively cracking down on usage of their trademarks and patents in late UC, even going as far as claiming sole ownership of the "Gundam" name
I love joking that other Super Robot designs are actually rejected Gundam designs that Bandai thought were too generic
You are upset because it has nothing to do with Physalis? Grow up.
You are the type of guy who buys a Graze kit because you mistaken it as a God Gundam.
it literally is just thundershitted GP02, author denial or not
Zeta plus
Explain the GT-Four
Which is odd because there's an unused Zanscare Gundam design in Victory's concept art
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More Zaku than Gundam.
>They don't name the suit AFTER the performance tests, and they sure as fuck don't pass around the name every time a better MS comes out
We have no idea when they name the suit. It could be after all the performance tests are complete do they give it a Gundam name. If it fails performance tests, then it doesn't get the Gundam name.
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No, performance tests against the enemies. Can't name it until it's proven better than the enemy.
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God it's my all time favorite MS between this and Asaka, Reed was a lucky man
>just bee yourself :D
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Todesritter? Kino

Anything xboner is kino.


Just built the HG, amazing.

I love all Vigna Vaginas

That looks neat.
Is the Pale Rider Project officially dead? I got all model kits except for the Cavalry.
These were their own class of mobile suit, I guess they're sorta Gundam-adjacent? In the same way that Gyan was adjacent to the Gelgoog, but wasn't intended to be the same thing.
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More like Gundam offshoots. Bouncer was developed from the AGE-1 normal frame and Pale Riders from RX-78-4 and 5 iirc
Fuckin' Space Marine
Rising Freedom and Immortal Justice being upgraded Murasames would have been way better. At least then they would have wave rider forms that looked cool.
Weren't they all originally based off gm sniper 2?
Pale Riders are reusing RX-80 airframes which are primarily based Sniper II
>neo zeon stole pale rider and turned into todesritter
>doesn't change the head into monoeye unit
That's surprising
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IIRC Pale Rider space equipment version carries same beam rifle and shield as G04/G05 and also optionally has a gatling gun that is similar compared to the gatling that the G05 had, so the Pale Rider inherits from the G04\G05's weapons if nothing else. The body has the quad vents that come from Augusta-type GMs which includes the Sniper II, but everything else is a little different like the backpack and leg thruster layout which kinda resembles the layout on the Alex NT-1.
Despite being a Limited Production MS, the Theta Plus is pretty much just a Biosensor and High Mega Cannon short of being a genuine upgrade over the original.

>Top and Base components can be remote controlled like the Bawoo's parts to keep the combining gimmick intact without needing additional pilots
>Uses a Hyper Mega Cannon for the nosecone instead of a Double Beam Rifle, and fixes the accuracy issue of the former by slapping a Zeta Plus C1's smartgun radome onto it.
>redesigned backpack gives it raw thrust and firepower on par with the original ZZ's G-Fortress mode when transformed, while gaining mobility that rivals the Zeta's Waverider mode, giving it the best of both worlds.
>even though it loses the Hyper Beam Sabers, it possesses powerful integrated beam cannons in the new wing binders, and sports standard beam sabers as a melee option.
>slick-looking visor to protect sensors and to presumably reduce glare when firing its fuck-off huge beam cannon.
>Psycho GUNDAM
>almost gundam
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Is the custom version of Re-GZ considered a Gundam?
Looks like one, but iirc it's still not classified as one.
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>gets disabled by a fucking spear
Anon, we both know that you can never account for plot armor bullshit.
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Unironically 00 Raiser is not a Gundam because it "surpassed" being a Gundam. That is actual lore.
Same goes for Quant and Full Saber.
it kinda depends on the source, 00 Qan[T] is sometimes called a Gundam so it seems they gave up on that idea. Which is a shame, because it's cool and fits in with the show.
The fact that there's a yuri doujin VN that covers the development of the GP series of suits is still incredibly funny to me.
Even outside of the the overly complex / easy to damage transformation, I'm personally not a big fan of the theta plus, like as you said, the specs are all there, but the cannon is such overkill and unlike the FAZZs it doesn't blend nicely with the body shape. Its like the bastard child of the Zeta Plus C1 and the FAZZ but somehow with none of the charm of either one.
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Isnt that just a regular gundam ?
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>Core fighter
>Attaches to crotch like Turn-A's
Did they copy Exia's technology?
It is and isn't at the same time, if you haven't read thunderbolt that's the psycho zaku using the gundarium armor from the full armor gundam
Oops, meant for >>22809506
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Is Sinanju Stein actually a Gundam but in name?
It already has attachment points prepared for a v-fin, just sayin'
It has Gundam Level technology but was never officially given the name.
GM custom
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the entire Vigna line really
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