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File: IMG_0697.jpg (77 KB, 700x585)
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Because I need these and I have never owned a single pair of Crocs.
I'd wear those to job interviews.
You’re too fat to wear shoes

Anyone that thinks these are cool are too fat to wear them.
Exactly. They go with anything. I feel like they will sell out too since Gundams are starting to be popular in the mainstream again.
They are kid sized so unless you are children, twinks or midge you are fucked.
>You’re too fat to wear shoes
Is that a thing? How could you be "too fat for shoes"? What would you wear then?
Just remove the safety strap babes, where we are going we don't need no brakes.
There are men and women sized pairs too
I’m calling you so comically obese that your feet have become so fat you can no longer wear footwear intended for humans.
>Is that a thing?
Seems like anon is speaking from experience.
They only sold the adult sized ones at AnimeExpo. Totally fucked.
>since Gundams are starting to be popular in the mainstream again.
I haven't seen this
Gundam peaked with children and teenagers in 2001-2 and even then it wasn’t “mainstream”. Saying it is today is madness.

Newfags will never know walking into department stores and seeing rows of Gundam action figures (like an insane amount from every series even ones that weren’t currently airing, you could never collect them all) and getting fully professionally dubbed video games (You will never know playing Journey to Jaburo as 0079 was airing on TV).
What a time to be alive. Gundam was always niche but that small window was it’s flash in the pan in the USA.
are you kidding people mistake any japanese mecha and call it a Gundam now. that's how you know it's mainstream.

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